Aging Well in the Gorge September 25th 2019

Several years ago, to celebrate their 30th Anniversary, One Community Health created Gorge Happiness Month. Since then Gorge Happiness Month has grown – forming its own non-profit with the support of over a hundred businesses, organizations and local governments.
Gorge Happiness Month is based on the idea that even though fifty percent of our happiness is genetic, and ten percent is environmental, we can affect the remaining forty percent by including these three habits into our daily routine.
Gratitude: Find time each day to list three things for which you are thankful: your morning walk with friends, a beautiful sunrise or a surprise visit by your grandchildren. It doesn’t matter whether it is simple or grand. It’s the act of gratitude that counts.
Acts of kindness: This can be as easy as smiling at a cashier, saying thank you to a co-worker, or picking up trash during your walk. And if you don’t already, find a way to volunteer. Meals-on-Wheels is always looking for new drivers.
Moments of Silence: Sit silently for just five minutes each day – which means no distractions: TV, computer, radio, and cell phone. Keep your eyes closed if you want or just look at one thing about three feet in front of you. Observe the thoughts in your head, the sounds you hear around you or other sensations that come and go. If your mind wanders – just notice it and come back to observing and listening.  
During the month of October there are activities scheduled and a calendar of suggested daily actions designed to help you be happier and make our community healthier. For example, on the first day of October why not thank the first person you see; and then on the 2nd compliment a stranger.
No matter your situation, try incorporating into your daily routine the three habits for happiness: Gratitude, Act of Kindness and Moment of Silence and see if you don’t feel happier. You can find the latest at their website by searching gorge happiness month.
In October the Center will be starting a series of creative arts classes thanks to the partnership with the Columbia Center for the Arts. The classes will be led by several regional artists including Kristyn Fix who does Poetry, Creative Writing, and Haikus; Abigail Agersea who is an artist working with pen and ink and drawing florals;
Danielle Forsyth who is a glass artist; and Ruth Barnes a fiber artist working with yarn to knit or crochet. Once I finalize the dates and times, I will share them next week and on the Center’s website.
Now that it is beginning to cool off, it is a great time to start the Zumba Gold class at the Center taught by Marsha Morrison. Zumba Gold introduces easy-to-follow Zumba choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. The benefits are many: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance! And since the Center is a Silver and Fit member, PacificSource and Moda Medicare Advantage plans will pay for the Zumba Gold classes you attend. There is no membership fee. Just sign in when you come. And if you aren’t enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, the cost is only $3 per class.
The “Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz” jingle first introduced in the early 60’s advertised Alka Seltzer. And “Oh, what a relief it is” that Julie Carter, Barbara Cadwell, Jim and Betsy Ayres, Cheri Brent, and Laura Comini answered the question correctly as well as Becky Roberts the winner of a quilt raffle ticket.
When I was in grade school, I didn’t enjoy reading except for this mystery series created by American publisher Edward Stratemeyer and ghostwritten by many under the name of Frank W. Dixon. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this mystery series first published in 1927 that revolved around two teenage boys acting as amateur detectives? And for bonus points what was the name of the series for girls also published by Stratemeyer and ghostwritten under the name of Carolyn Keene?  Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with the first edition of The Great Airport Mystery published in 1930.  
Well, it’s been another week, trying to connect the dots that are always moving. Until we meet again, when life gets difficult, relax and take a deep breath – or maybe two.
“I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life, and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do.” Georgia O’Keeffe