We loving hosting day trips!
These are awesome trips that usually cost a minimal fee (to pay for gas and any applicable admission fees) and allow seniors from around the Columbia River Gorge to see new sights, enjoy a day of fun, and get to meet new people.
Are you interested in joining us? Please call (541-296-4788) or come into the Center to sign up for our next trip!
We are excited to announce we have a new volunteer coordinator, Darlien France! Thank you, Darlien!
Current Trips
If you haven’t heard, we now have a 12-passenger van we can use for senior trips. We received a transportation grant from the State of Oregon. I am excited as we can now offer the senior trips at an affordable rate. I hope to run at least 6 or 7 trips a year, maybe more. Before we had this van, the major cost of a trip was renting a bus. Last year we wanted to take a bus to Bend to visit the High Desert Museum; the cost was over $80 per person. With our new van we can go to Bend for $35 per person.
Current Planned Senior Trips:
- Sept. 5th – Portland Art Museum (full)
- Sept. 7th – WAAAM Fly In
- Sept. 18th – Dufur Living History Museum and Potlatch
- Oct. 10th – Gilliam County Museum
- Oct. 18th – Goldendale Observatory
We have sign-up sheets for the trips at the front desk, so be sure to stop often to check it out. Payment is requested when you sign up, so we can purchase tickets ahead of time.
I am open to any suggestions for trips. Drop your suggestion at the front desk. Anyone who is interested in becoming our official trip coordinator, please contact Rob Garrett (541-993-3170).
Day Trip Policy
Previous Trips
April 2024 Trip to Hooligan’s Family Fun Center