Aging Well in the Gorge ~ May 10th, 2023

May is Older Americans Month – a time for all of us to acknowledge the many contributions and achievements of older Americans. This year’s theme is Aging Unbound which reminds us to take the opportunity to explore a wide range of new experiences without defining what we can or should do by our age.

But doesn’t that seem contradictory to what I wrote last week – that according to Laura Carstensen, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, when we consider our mortality our perspective on life changes to focusing on the here and now, the everyday pleasures, and the people closest to us instead of focusing on new experiences and taking chances?

It can be. But I don’t think it has to be if you consider the idea of living intentionally – meaning to make deliberate choices to reflect what is most important in your life. Living intentionally means not sleepwalking through the rest of your years and instead doing what you really care about.

It can be finding a new passion; not to accomplish the big end but for the pleasure of doing – in the moment. So what if your painting looks like something a child would paint or some piece of modern art? It’s okay.

Or it could mean that after forty years working 9 – 5 and raising a family, you want to spend your time relaxing on your recliner enjoying your favorite classic movies from your younger days.

Or you may decide after considering your abilities and limitations, you are going to let the wind take you wherever you are meant to go.

Whether you decide to find a new passion – or not, push boundaries – or not, try new activities – or not, embrace the opportunity to change – or not, be intentional in how you want to live and observe the world with your eyes wide open. Being intentional for the rest of your life can help you maintain a positive attitude, experience more clarity, and be more present – and be amazed. It is your decision.

Brain Tease: I’ve heard this teaser several times over the years, but I still couldn’t remember the answer! Maybe you can do better.

“Six drinking glasses stand in a row, with the first three full of juice and the next three empty. By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so empty and full glasses alternate?”

The name of the 1955 – 1956 television show featuring the characters Ralph Kramden, Ed Norton, and their wives Alice and Trixie was The Honeymooners. I received correct answers from Nancy Higgins, Bruce Johnson, Lana Tepfer, Donna Mollett, Jay Waterbury, Rebecca Abrams, Rhonda Spies, Jim Tindall, and Maria Kollas this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

Last week the question was much more difficult. An unpleasant person was a fink or ratfink. I received the correct answer from Marny Wetting, Linda Frizzell, Mary Pierce, Keith and Marlene Clymer, and Bruce Johnson – who also remembered taking his first date to the submarine races along NE Marine Drive near PDX which he thought was pretty “rad”! (Remember your first date or kiss)? And the slang word for extremely gross or dirty that I remember was grody, but Marny remembered funky, and Keith and Marlene remembered scum or scum bag. It brings back memories thinking about the words we once used to confuse our “dorky” parents who were so “square”. But since there were so many possible answers to last week’s question, everyone who answered is a winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

And as usual, several weeks ago I missed Jim Burrone from Hood River.

Richard Trentledge wrote this classic jingle in an hour, and it became one of the most lauded jingles ever written for the advertising industry. For this week’s “Remember When” question, in the 1960s what did every boy wish they were? You can email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with a picture of a traveling Weinermobile which will be at the Safeway in Oregon City on May 14th.

Well, it has been another week watching the temperature zig and zag. Until we meet again, it will soon be time to get out the SPF 40.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River

Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center

(541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office

(509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior

Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: Pour the second glass into the fifth glass.