Aging Well in the Gorge October 7th 2020

Understanding Medicare is not a walk in the park. It’s more like crawling through a dark cave: disorienting and challenging. And every year during Medicare Open Enrollment from October 15ththrough December 7th you get to explore that cave again. 

Why? Medicare health and drug plans make changes each year – such as cost, coverage, and what providers and pharmacies are in their networks. They can also make changes to the plan’s “formulary” (list of covered drugs). You will receive information from your current Medicare plans such as the “Evidence of Coverage” (EOC) and “Annual Notice of Change” (ANOC) describing those changes.

Review these statements carefully. Particularly look at the plan’s “formulary” to make sure your prescriptions are still covered. If you’re satisfied, you don’t need to do anything. But if you aren’t happy with the changes to your current plan and would like to know what other options are available, there are several trusted resources to help you. 

Online you can visit compare and shop for health and drug plans and the Oregon’s Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) website that includes Oregon’s Medicare 2020 Guide and a list of available plans in your county.  

But if you are like me, you may want to talk to someone who can help you navigate through all the choices and answer your questions. For Gilliam, Sherman, Wasco and Hood River counties you can call the local SHIBA program at 541-288-8341 to make an appointment with a trained unbiased SHIBA volunteer.

While the SHIBA program offers Medicare counseling services, help is also available through licensed health insurance agents. If you want to work with a local agent who has gone through a state certification process, the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace has a Medicare agent locator tool available on its website, Be sure to select “Medicare Agent” when you search.

This is also the week for “Through the Eyes of an Elder” where you can read about the dedicated volunteers who make the SHIBA program possible.

“The Election is coming! The Election is coming! But you already know that and are probably looking forward to shouting “The Election is over! The election is over!” But it is our responsibility to take elections seriously because our future, in ways large and small, will be affected by the decisions we make at the ballot box.

This year you have until Tuesday, October 13th to register to vote with the ballots going out on the 14th. You can update or change your registration online at using the MyVote button or visit your county’s website where you can download a paper registration form. And you can always call your county’s election department and they will mail a registration form to you. Regardless, the registration must be received in the election’s office by October 13th if it’s a NEW registration.

Lisa Gambee, Wasco County Clerk, told me there is plenty of “noise” at the national level that doesn’t apply to Oregon. Oregon’s Vote By Mail will work the same as it has for over twenty years! In Wasco County if you have any concerns or just want to confirm your registration, you can call the Wasco County Clerk’s office at 541-506-2530 and they can check it on the spot.

The singer dubbed the “King of Calypso” and known for his recording of “The Banana Boat Song” with its signature lyric “Day-O” was Harry Belafonte. I received correct answers from Cheri Brent, Gwen Yanda, John McEueun, Lana Tepfer, Cathy Orfall, Sandra Fritz, Dave Lutgens, Barbara Cadwell, Steven Woolpert, Kim Birge, Joan Silver, Rhonda Spies and this week’s winners of a quilt raffle ticket each are Betsy Ayers and Deloris Schrader who both saw Harry Belafonte in concert. And last week I missed Nicole Hughes.

Maureen McCormick, who played the oldest Brady daughter Marcia Brady, appeared in a TV commercial with “Poppin’ Fresh” when she was six years old where they sang, “Nothin’ says lovin’ like something from the oven”. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what company, acquired by General Mills in 2001, “says it best”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a recording of one of the company’s televised baking contests from the 1950s.

Well, it’s been another week, wondering what this new ache means? Until we meet again, always take the high road. It has a better view.

“In times like these, it’s helpful to remember that there have always been times like these.” Paul Harvey

Aging Well in the Gorge September 30th 2020


Have you ever fallen or known someone who has fallen? According to the National Council on Aging, every 11 seconds an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury. I was one of those statistics when I missed the bottom step while taking out the recycling and broke my hip. I didn’t want to admit it because broken hips only happen to “old people” and at that time I was only 64. (And without Medicare, it wasn’t cheap!)

Since 1 in 4 older adults fall every year in the U.S., you may feel falling is just a normal part of aging. But it isn’t. Think about when you or someone you knew fell. There probably was a way the fall could have been prevented: I should have understood the side effects of my new medication, I should have had a grab bar in the shower – or I should have had my wife take out the recycling!

Since most falls are preventable, here are a few tips to reduce your risk of falling.

1.) Find a good exercise program that builds balance, strength, and flexibility. While we do lose muscle as we age, exercise can partially restore strength and flexibility. During the pandemic when most group activities have been cancelled, you can find exercise programs on YouTube that you can do at home and you can still go walking. But start slowly and gradually build up. It is often asked what is the best exercise? The one you enjoy doing!

2.) Talk to your health care provider. Your annual hour-long free Medicare “Wellness” visit is the perfect time to share your history of recent falls.

3.) Your “Wellness” visit is also a good time to review your medications with your health care provider to make sure any side effects aren’t increasing your risk of falling. And it goes without saying, take your medications only as prescribed.

4.) Get your vision and hearing checked annually and update your eyeglasses. Your eyes and ears are key to keeping you on your feet.

5.) Keep your home safe. Over half of all falls take place at home. Fix simple but serious hazards such as clutter, throw rugs, and poor lighting. Make simple home modifications such as adding grab bars in the bathroom, a second handrail on stairs, and non-slip paint on outdoor steps.

And I would pay attention to how you get to the bathroom particularly during the night – which many of us do at least once every night. Rushing to the bathroom increases your chance of falling.

6.) Talk to your family members. They want to help you maintain your mobility and reduce your risk of falling. If you can’t yourself, they can install the grab bars or railings to make your home safe.

By remembering to take your time, pick-up your feet and to follow these six tips, you can prevent unnecessary falls that could change your life forever.

Two weeks ago I wrote that if you feel sick to call your medical provider before going to the hospital – or simply “Call, Don’t Go”, But I was reminded by Stephanie Bowen, MCMC’s Public Information Officer and Community Outreach Coordinator, that “Call, Don’t Go” is correct UNLESS you are experiencing life-threatening symptoms. Then you should go directly to the Emergency Room.

The television show that revolved around a large, blended family with six children and considered one of the last of the old-style family sitcoms was the Brady Bunch. I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Barbara Cadwell, Lana Tepfer, Sandy Haechrel, Dave Lutgens, Rose Schulz, Rhonda Spies, Jess Birge, Cheri Brent, Betsy Ayers, Alan Winans and Elaine Lee this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

This songwriter, activist, actor and singer was dubbed the “King of Calypso” for popularizing the Trinidadian Caribbean musical style including his breakthrough album Calypso (1956) – the first million-selling LP by a single artist. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who is the Jamaican-American known for his recording of “The Banana Boat Song” with its signature lyric “Day-O”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with the 1965 Grammy Award-winning album he recorded with Miriam Makeba.

Well, it’s been another week, when every night I think it’s later than it really is.

Until we meet again, the question is always easy once you know the answer.

“I don’t exercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor.” Joan Rivers

Aging Well in the Gorge – September 23rd 2020

I guess I was too optimistic last week thinking the smoke would fade away by then. But this Saturday morning, I can see the Klickitats out my office window dressed in its velvety shades of brown instead of straining to see their faint gray outline. And now I can put away my KN95 mask (You know it’s unhealthy when you feel you need to wear a mask inside your house!), return to my cloth mask and start walking again. 

But during those hazardous air quality days (the second time in three years!), I was glad I signed up for the Emergency Notification System in Wasco County to receive the air quality alerts and notice of the free distribution of KN95 masks in Wasco County by the North Central Public Health District. If you haven’t already, you should consider going online and signing up for your county’s Emergency Notification System: Citizens Alert in Wasco and Hood River Counties, Frontier Regional Alert in Sherman County and Code Red in Klickitat County. 
By signing up, it enables the Emergency Response Agencies to quickly provide you with critical information for a variety of situations such as severe weather, wildfires, floods, evacuations and other important community messages. 
When a message is issued about a potential safety hazard or concern, messages will be sent to all standard voice and text communication devices that you have registered including landline phones, cell phones and more. If you don’t confirm receipt of the message, the system will try to reach your second contact number or email. The system will continue trying to contact you until it receives a confirmation from you. 
If you have a traditional landline you have automatically been included in the system, but there are several reasons why you should still register. By registering you can list other devices such as your cell phone; update your personal information; how you want to be notified such as by text or email; and identify any special needs you may have including whether you are hearing or visually impaired, diabetic, use a wheelchair or oxygen tank or are power-dependent. All information you provide will not be shared with any vendor or other organizations and will be used for emergency purposes only. 
Finally, if you can’t go online or need assistance, you can call one of the following agencies depending on where you live: Wasco County Communications Manager at 541-506-2760, Klickitat County Emergency Management (509) 773-0582, or the Hood River County Sheriff’s Office (541) 386-2098 – and I don’t know for sure who to call in Sherman County, but if you live there you probably do. 
Since I have space for only a few more words, I thought I would add one short joke as we enter the flu and cold season. 
“It’s just a cold,” the doctor said. “And as you know there’s no cure for that. You’ll just have to wait it out for a few days.” 
“But it’s making me miserable. There must be something I can do.” 
“Well, you could go home and take a hot bath. Then open all the windows and stand for a while in the cold air.” 
“But wouldn’t I get pneumonia? 
“You might. But for that we have a cure.” 
In Welcome Back, Kotter (1975-1979) Vinnie Barbarino’s favorite insult was “Up your nose with a rubber hose!” I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Barbara Cadwell, Tina Castanares and Lana Tepfer this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. 
On a ZOOM video conference call (which are popular these days) when someone joins the call you see their face pop up with the other participants arranged in a grid which reminds me of the opening credits for this television show that aired from September 26, 1969, to March 8, 1974 on ABC. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of the sitcom that revolves around a large, blended family with six children and considered one of the last of the old-style family sitcoms? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a recording of the theme song sung by the Peppermint Trolley Company. 
Well, it’s been another week, trying to be real about what I can and can’t do. Until we meet again, take a moment to wonder “What can I learn today?” 
“Optimist: someone who isn’t sure whether life is a tragedy or a comedy but is tickled silly just to be in the play.” ~ Robert Brault 
The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels daily menus. If you would like to pick up a meal at noon, call 541-298-8333 before 10:30. 
Thursday (9/24) Sloppy Joes 
Friday (9/25) Meatloaf with Macaroni and Cheese 
Monday (9/28) Stroganoff over Rice 
Tuesday (9/29) Hungarian Goulash 
Wednesday (9/30) Roast Beef with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Aging Well in the Gorge September 16th 2020

Hopefully, the smoke is now just a bad memory and we can start preparing for the 2020 flu season – and as with everything else this year it will be different. Because of COVID-19 it will be even more important to get your seasonal flu shot this year. It could help avoid a nightmare scenario: hospitals full treating both those suffering from severe effects of the flu and a second wave of COVID-19 patients.

In past years we only needed to know the differences between the common cold and the more serious seasonal flu which kills tens of thousands of people each year in the U.S. But this year there is COVID-19 which has many similarities with the seasonal flu. Both are contagious respiratory illnesses, (but caused by different viruses); and both are spread between people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) and mainly by droplets made when people cough, sneeze, or talk.

What is going to make this season difficult is they also share common symptoms: fever or feeling feverish/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue (tiredness), sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle pain or body aches, headaches – while COVID-19 might also include change in or loss of taste or smell. So, if you exhibit any of these symptoms how do you know if you have a bad cold, the flu or COVID-19? And what should you do?

This year if you experience any of the symptoms even if you think it is just a cold or the flu, STAY HOME and call your health care provider so they can decide the necessary next steps and treatment. It is particularly important because COVID-19 is more contagious among certain age groups; may be contagious for a longer period, and can quickly and easily spread to a lot of people more than the flu can.

We don’t know if this year’s flu vaccine will match the strains that will circulate in the U.S., but early indications from the Southern Hemisphere, which goes through its flu season during our summer, are encouraging. And because people are practicing social distancing, wearing masks and getting vaccinated for the flu in greater numbers, this year’s global flu levels are lower than expected.

As we wait for more effective treatments and a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19, we can do our part by getting a flu shot to protect ourselves and others, as well as continuing to scrub our hands, keep six feet apart and wear a mask. By following these practices, we can reduce the spread of both COVID-19 and the flu. And if we do, we could have an unexpectedly low level of flu cases and deaths in the United States which may help lessen the burden on hospitals and medical staffs during this COVID-19 pandemic.

To prepare for this flu season, Thursday September 23rd from 10:00 – 1:00 under the tent at the Center, Rite-Aid will be offering their annual flu shot clinic. You can call the Center to make a reservation or if you’re the spontaneous type or maybe a procrastinator, you can just drop by.

In Welcome Back, Kotter(1975-1979) Vinnie Barbarino played by John Travolta in his first starring role, was one of the Sweathogs in Mr. Kotter’s remedial class. For this week’s “Remember When” question, when he was annoyed and couldn’t think of a good come back, what was his favorite insult? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a thirty foot rubber hose.

C.W. McCall, was best remembered for his 1976 #1 hit “Convoy” which told the story of rebellious truckers including “Rubber Duck”, “Pig Pen”, “Sodbuster” and “Chicken Coop” driving their rigs cross country. I received correct answers from Kathie Alley, Barbara Cadwell, Dave Lutgens, Rhonda Spies, Kim Birge, Rusti Starr (who I missed last week), Sandra Fritz and Jim Ayres who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket and as an old trucker still has a Cobra 25LDT CB radio.

Well, it’s been another week, seeing if I can keep from losing my hearing aid when taking off my face mask. Until we meet again, everyone has a story to tell if you just take the time to listen.

“I don’t have many regrets. What’s done is done — you just move on, keep busy, be kind to people, and try not to hold a grudge.” Eulah Schardt, one of the stars of the 2018 documentary Lives Well Lived

Aging Well in the Gorge September 9th 2020

Have you written something and later you could not find it on your computer? Did I forget to save it or accidentally delete it, filed it under the wrong name or in the wrong folder? I don’t know how, but that’s what happened when writing this week’s column. And what is so frustrating is that it was absolutely brilliant: witty, perceptive and concise

– at least that’s what I remember!

Oh, well. I guess I’ll just have to get straight to the problem many of us older adults who have hearing loss are facing (no pun intended) these days: how face masks make it difficult to hear.  

We know we should wear face masks for the safety of others and ourselves, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s found face masks make it even more difficult to understand what someone is saying. I can’t see their lips move or their facial expressions; and the masks muffles what is being said.

That’s not a good thing. Finding it difficult to understand what someone is saying can make you feel more isolated even when you are with others. And if you can’t understand your health care provider, it can compromise the quality of your health care. (Another advantage of virtual visits is you don’t need to wear a face mask!)  

So when wearing a face mask, it is even more important to remember how to talk with someone who has hearing loss. Here’s the short list.

1.) Face the hearing-impaired person directly and avoid speaking from another room. 2.) Try to reduce background noises. 3.) Start the conversation by getting the person’s attention to give that person a chance to focus. 4.) Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth movements. 5.) If what you’re saying is not understood, rephrase the information and add supporting details. 6.) Remember which ear hears the best so you know where to position yourself.

There are also different types of technology that can help, each with their own pros and cons: handheld amplification devices called pocket talkers, speech-detection apps such as Google Live Transcribe, or a sound-amplifying app to turn up the volume of the speech around you.

Since the need to wear face masks will probably be here for some time, you can learn more about communicating while wearing a mask at “When Face Masks Interfere with Your Hearing” by Stacey Colino on the AARP website.

It’s human nature that when a situation seems to be improving, we drop our guard. But like all good boxers, tired and in the last rounds, we need to keep our guard up: wearing face masks, maintaining social distancing, and scrubbing our hands for twenty seconds. Catching COVID-19 is not my greatest fear, but unknowingly infecting someone else is.

The Center has scheduled its third and probably last “Parking Lot Concert” on Thursday, September 17th from 6:30 to 8:00 – when the evenings are still nice and comfortable – hopefully. Hardshell Harmony will be performing: an entertaining bluegrass band you may remember if you attended past Senior Picnics at the Wasco County Fair.

The country western singer/songwriter known as “Gentleman Jim” was Jim Reeves. I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Jess Birge, Dave Lutgens, Diana Weston, Barbara Cadwell, and Dick LaFever this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I again missed someone and this time it was Jim Donnelly.

Growing up I seldom listened to country music unless the country song made it on the pop charts as this song did. William Dale Fries Jr., known as C.W. McCall, is best remembered for his 1976 #1 hit which came at the peak of the CB fad. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the song that used CB chatter between “Rubber Duck”, “Pig Pen”, and “Sodbuster” to tell the story of rebellious truckers driving their rigs cross-country? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with vintage Cobra 29LTD chrome CB radio.

Well, it’s been another week, seeing if my own skin still fits. Until we meet again, as the Old Farmer from Fossil once said, “Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway”.

“And keep a sense of humor. It doesn’t mean you have to tell jokes. If you can’t think of anything else, when you’re my age, take off your clothes and walk in front of a mirror. I guarantee you’ll get a laugh.”  Art Linkletter

Aging Well in the Gorge September 2nd 2020

How are you coping? A study from the think tank AgeWave and investment company Edward Jones, surveyed 9,000 people in the U.S. and Canada across five generations and guess who is doing the best? Older adults!  

When asked how well they were coping with the impacts of COVID-19, 39% of the Silent Generation (ages 75+) and 33% of boomers (56-74) surveyed said “very well,” which decreased to 29% for Generation X (40-55), 26% for millennials (24-39) and 31% for Gen Z (18-23). And on the other side of the coin, 24% of the millennials and Gen Zers answered “not well,” compared to 15% of Gen X, 12% of the boomers and just 5% of the Silent Generation surveyed.

Why is that? Not because we are living the life of Riley – although some of us may be, but because most of us no longer have kids at home, worry about losing our job or how to care for our family while working from home. And we have Social Security and Medicare to lean on during these difficult times.

But not all older adults are doing well. If you know someone who is struggling with the isolation caused by COVID-19, there are resources that can help.

If someone feels lonely and wants to talk to someone, they can call Circles of Care at 541-397-0724; or the Oregon Warmline at 1-800-698-2392 to speak with a trained peer. And if someone is concerned their health and well-being might be declining because of loneliness/isolation, they can call Oregon Senior Peer Outreach at 1-833-736-4676 or visit their website at

Throughout our lives we have learned how to deal with adversity and to focus on the silver lining. But if you do find life overwhelming, there are available resources. We know this too shall pass – and although at times it may be hard to imagine, there are good times ahead.

As we continue to navigate through this pandemic, I  want to acknowledge the incredible work the public health departments are doing to reduce the spread of the virus – particularly the two I’m familiar with: the North Central Public Health District and the Hood River County Health Department. They are skilled professionals, living in our communities, working seven days a week doing what needs to be done: contact tracing, supporting those who are quarantined and keeping the public informed. Thank-you!

AgePlus in partnership with organizations working with older adults in the Gorge, has received a grant from the Oregon Health Authority to reach out and support older adults during this pandemic. To help with this important work, we are looking for volunteers willing to call older adults – a perfect opportunity for anyone who doesn’t want to leave their house. If you would like to help, call the Center at 541-296-4788 or email me at

If you passed over the column “Through the Eyes of an Elder” in today’s paper go back and check it out. Once a month you will learn about important matters from the perspective of older adults in our communities. This month Britta Willson writes about Age-Friendly Communities – and it is worth reading.

On a beautiful Wednesday night, Nehemiah Brown performed at the Center, singing standards from the 50’s and 60’s including several songs from this popular singer. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was the country western singer/songwriter known as “Gentleman Jim” that recorded hits including “He’ll Have to Go”, “Four Walls” and the “Blue Side of Lonesome”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a recording of the Louisiana Hayride – a radio and television country music show broadcast from Shreveport, Louisiana.

The comic strip first published in 1950, created by Mort Walker and featuring an army private and his superior officer, Sergeant Snorkel was “Beatle Bailey”. I received correct answers from Bob Sallee, Diane Weston, Ken Olsson, Lana Tepfer, Carol Earl, Dave Lutgens, Tiiu Vahtel, Jess Birge, Sandy Haechrel, Laura Starrett and this week’s winner of quilt raffle ticket Florence Harty who has the book “The Best of Beetle Bailey” signed by Mort Walker.

Well, it’s been another week, looking forward to more brisk morning walks. Until we meet again, don’t let pride keep you from asking for help.

“I’m sixty-five and I guess that puts me in with the geriatrics. But if there were fifteen months in every year, I’d only be forty-eight. That’s the trouble with us: We number everything.” James Thurber

Aging Well in the Gorge August 26th 2020

Once in a while Friday arrives and I wonder, “What am I going to write about for next week?” This last Friday was one of those times – until I received a call from Kimberly Herman, the public affairs officer for Social Security in Oregon. She asked me to share with you the best way to reach a Social Security representative by phone now that the local office is closed because of COVID-19.

While most business with the Social Security Administration (SSA) can be done online, if you did want to call your local Social Security office that’s closed, you were told to call the 800 number for SSA – and hope your cell phone battery is charged because it can take several hours to finally talk to someone.

SSA understands that is not acceptable and have made some changes. Now if you want to speak to a representative you can call the local office number on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. You can find the number online using the Social Security Office Locator. But to save you time, the number for The Dalles office is 1-877-405-3526. And again, don’t call the 800 number if you want a quick response.

There is one exception. Although the Social Security offices are closed to walk-in visitors, you may be able to schedule an appointment for limited, critical issues if they cannot help you by phone or conduct your business online.

If you are comfortable going online, SSA has information about all their services at There you can find your latest statement, request a replacement Social Security Card or Medicare Card, change your address, set up or change direct deposit, print proof of benefits or your 1099, and review your earnings history. (I’ve forgotten how little I earned forty years ago!).

And while I’m writing about Social Security, this is a good time to remind you about the Medicare “NEVERS” that help protect you from Medicare fraud

Medicare will NEVER contact you for your Medicare Number or other personal information unless you’ve given them permission in advance; NEVER call you to sell you anything; NEVER promise you things if you give them a Medicare Number; NEVER visit you at your home; and Medicare will NEVER enroll you over the phone unless you called first.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Social Security Administration remains committed to providing uninterrupted benefits and vital services you rely on. Whether you go online or call your local Social Security Office, they want to make it easy for you to get the help you need.

Thanks to everyone who bought one of the almost five hundred masks sold at the Center’s Facemask Sale last Friday and Saturday. But if you missed it, you can still purchase a new and improved mask with behind the ear adjustable elastic straps for adults and children for $5. You can find them at The Dalles Farmer’s Market on Saturdays from 9:00 – 1:00 or call the Center to schedule a time to pick one up.

It was Michael who rowed the boat ashore in the African-American spiritual recorded by the Highwayman which reached number one in 1960. I received correct answers from Barbara Cadwell, Sandy Haechrel, Diana Weston, Tina Castanares, Rhonda Spies, Betsy Ayers, Beverly McKinney, Susan Donnelly, Rose Schulz and Keith Clymer this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone, because last week I missed Susan Ronning and Sandy Haechrel.

When you were a child, your father may have read you the Sunday comics which probably included this comic strip that took place on the fictional army post Camp Swampy. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the comic strip first published in 1950, created by Mort Walker and featured an army private who was often the subject of verbal and physical chastising from his superior officer, Sergeant Snorkel? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with the directions to Camp Crowder, the inspiration for Camp Swampy, where Mort Walker had once been stationed while in the Army.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to just get on with it. Until we meet again, there is always time to make new memories.

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not a mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.” Washington Irving

Aging Well in the Gorge August 19th 2020

As we know, this too shall pass. And when we finally get pass the COVID-19 pandemic with widespread access to vaccines and home administered tests, what will the new normal look like – particularly for us adults over 60 who are the most vulnerable? How do you imagine you will receive health care, travel, shop – and how will the new normal affect your relationships with others?

Bruce Horovitz interviewed geriatric medical doctors, aging experts, futurists and industry specialists for his August 3rd article “What Seniors Can Expect as Their New Normal in a Post-Vaccine World” for Kaiser Health News (, the nation’s leading nonprofit newsroom focused on health and health policy.

According to those experts, here are some predictions of how the new normal might look – particularly for older adults.

To decrease the number of visits to the doctor’s office, one in three visits will be virtual using telemedicine; pharmacies will do more vaccinations; and most intriguing is the possibility that in a few years there will be special devices at home to analyze urine and fecal samples. Oh boy!

More people will avoid flying. Trips less than 800 miles will likely become road trips, and there will be less foreign travel. And when flying, older adults who can afford it will be looking for more room by flying business class, or for a couple paying for three seats so no one is between them. Hotels will market medical care such as advertising a doctor on-site or nearby. And disinfecting will be a marketing tool by having employees visibly wiping everything numerous times. And if you decide to take a cruise, they will require proof of vaccination for both passengers and cruise employees.

Because you know and trust the owners, local eateries will be more popular. Safety and cleanliness will be a selling point – even hiring employees just to wipe down tables, chairs and all high-touch points. And public restrooms will increasingly convert to no-touch toilets, urinals, sinks and entrances/exits.

More older adults will move in with their families instead of assisted living; home delivery of almost everything will become the norm for older Americans; and in-person shopping will become much less common, 

And most distressing, because of the fear of covid-19 and other contagious diseases, more older folks will disengage, becoming more isolated with higher incidences of depression.

How many of these predictions do you think will come true for us older adults in the Gorge? Do you think you will be doing things differently? Less flying, less eating out? Or will you go back to the pre-pandemic normal? I know I will be doing things differently, but for how long, I’m not sure. I guess, time will tell – or whatever my kids tell me I should do!

On Wednesday, August 26th from 7:00 – 8:30, Nehemiah Brown will be performing for the Center’s second Parking Lot Concert. There is no charge, but donations will be appreciated to support the Center during these difficult times. Come early and find a parking spot or bring your lawn chair while keeping six feet from non-family members. And I can’t forget a big thank-you to Cherry Heights Living which is sponsoring the concert.

Quick reminder: Mask Sale & Benefit at the Center this Friday, August 21st and Saturday the 22nd from 10am – 4pm. Adult and children’s masks in multiple prints and in various sizes for $5.

A “doobie” is a euphemism for a marijuana cigarette also called a reefer or joint. I received correct answers from Barbara Cadwell, Jess Birge, Jerry Phillips, Dave Lutgens, Julie Carter and University of Oregon grad Carol Earl who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And I don’t know how I could, but I did miss Lana Tepfer from last week.

This African-American spiritual from the civil war was recorded by many artists from Pete Seeger to Harry Belafonte. But in 1960 the recording by the folk band The Highwaymen reached number-one for three weeks. For this week’s “Remember Question”, who rowed the boat ashore? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a picture of the Jordan River.

Well, it’s been another week, watching all the trains, boats and planes moving through the Gorge. Until we meet again, as Jorge Barragan said on Facebook, one of life’s joys is being surrounded by your grandchildren.

“You’ve got to have something to eat and a little love in your life. Everything goes smack back to that.” Billie Holiday

Aging well in the Gorge August 12th 2020


Your kids have left home and you’re thinking your 2500 sq. ft. house is better suited for a young family with kids instead of a couple of seventy-year oldies. Or you now want to live someplace where getting under the sink is no longer your responsibility but the landlord’s. Or you are tired of eating the same breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day and would like to move to a retirement community where they provide a variety of meals – and they taste good!

So, it’s time to think about moving. But to move you’ll have to get rid of much of your accumulated stuff – which for most of us is hard to do. But why?

You may find it difficult because of the reasons we keep things. They are useful. But will they still be useful after you move? If you don’t see yourself having a garden, you won’t need all the garden equipment. Or they can symbolize something important to you: your old vinyl records; your daughter’s fifth-grade hand-drawn pictures; or your dad’s fold up rocking chair which you still keep even though the seat is ripped. It takes courage to surrender these things and decide to move forward in your life.

Now that you’ve made the difficult decision of what to get rid of, you then must decide how – which isn’t easy either. Does anyone you know want anything – your kids usually don’t. Should you have a yard sale which is hard work? Can some things be donated? Or should it just be trashed – which seems wasteful because you’re sure someone will want those VHS movies, right?”

It is always easier to do nothing than something especially when there are difficult personal decisions to make. But there is a reward. By getting rid of many of your possessions, you often find a sense of relief and freedom. But don’t wait. Do it while you still can. We won’t always be spring chickens!

If you have driven by the Center you may have asked yourself, “What is that tent for? Several weeks ago, Mitzi Stansbury suggested the Center set up a tent for small groups of twelve or less to meet safely in the shade – except during those 100+ days. She, like many of us, is missing meeting with friends in person, and by meeting outside with six-foot social distancing it can be done safely. If you want to schedule a time for your small group to meet, call the Center and you’ll be put on the schedule. The only conflict now is Debra Lutje’s strength yoga class at 9:15 on Friday mornings. And it wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for Matt Larsen and Discover Rentals who donated the tent.   

Also, under the tent, the Center is having a Mask Sale & Benefit on August 21st and 22nd from 10am – 4pm. There will be adult masks, and also children’s masks in multiple prints and in various sizes for $5. This will be an easy way to purchase another mask for yourself or one for your grandchild before school starts.

The name of the reality series broadcast live on NBC television from 1952 to 1961 and was created by Ralph Edwards who fooled Laurel and Hardy to make their only television appearance was This is Your Life. I received correct answers from Barbara Cadwell, Jerry Phillips, Kim Birge, Dave Lutgens, Rhonda Spies, Patty Burnett, Shirley (who I lost her last name), and Keith Bassham from Hood River – this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Jerry Phillips and Clare Zumwalt.

You may not want to answer this question but if you do, I’m not going to make any assumptions about your social behavior during your younger days. In 1970 a rock band from San Jose named themselves the Doobie Brothers which they intended to be temporary because they thought it was dumb, but instead has lasted for their five decade career. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what is a “doobie”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a bottle of patchouli oil.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to keep my socks on. Until we meet again, nothing takes you back to feeling like a fifteen-year-old than finding a pimple on your nose. Those darn masks!


“Honestly, sometimes I get really fed up of my subconscious – it’s like it’s got a mind of it’s own.” Alexei Sayle

Aging Well in the Gorge August 5th 2020

Is there anything certain these days? I mean besides death and taxes. It feels like the pandemic has turned the world upside down and inside out – elevating the uncertainty and unpredictability in a world that has always been uncertain, whether it is our own safety or the national partisan posturing. (Okay, maybe we can be certain about the latter.)

But can’t there be a little certainty in our lives? Just a steady rock we can climb on so we can feel safe, secure and can experience a sense of calm when we become overwhelmed with all the current confusion?

Uncertainty is a natural and unavoidable part of life that can change quickly and unpredictably. And because of this uncertainty, you may find yourself always assuming the worse of all the endless what-ifs. What if that mole on my arm is cancerous? What if that slight pain in my chest is more than indigestion? What if my forgetfulness isn’t normal?

Spending time worrying about the what-ifs robs us of the enjoyment in the present, saps our energy, and keeps us up way too many nights leaving us feeling stressed, anxious, and powerless over the direction of our lives.

But uncertainty isn’t always a bad thing. Surprises can be something to enjoy: surprise birthday parties, an invitation to dinner with friends, or an unexpected bouquet of roses from your spouse. (If I surprised my wife with flowers, she would be wondering what I did wrong!)

Okay, now you may be thinking, “I’ve been around the block plenty of times, so you don’t need you to tell me that life is uncertain. But you haven’t explained how I can find some certainty – because trust me, these days I don’t always see uncertainty as a pleasant surprise but something to fear.”

Well, there are two ways you can start to find some certainty. First, focus on what you can control. Chronic worrying about what you can’t control doesn’t give you any more control over those events.

What can you control? How about creating a daily routine and sticking to it? Do you make time to walk, to relax, to get plenty of sleep and to eat healthy? And when you go outside, do you wear your facemask and wash your hands when you return? Those actions you can control. And by creating dependable routines, you can move from ineffective worrying about what may or may not happen to feel a sense of control over your life and well-being.

Second, focus on the present. One of the surest ways to avoid worrying about the future and all the possible bad things that could happen is to focus on the here and now. Instead of trying to predict what might happen, (we’re actually very poor fortune-tellers!), switch your attention to what’s happening right now. Enjoy the pleasures of the present.

You may be like many others where these uncertain times can leave you feeling uncomfortable about the future, can magnify your problems, and even paralyze you from addressing a problem. But even though certainty is elusive, by focusing on what you can control and living in the present, you may be able to find that safe haven of certainty that can help you cope with the unpredictable changes – because, as we know, life will always find a way of surprising you.

“Well here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into!” was the catchphrase used by the comedy duo Stan Laurel playing the childlike friend of the pompous bully Oliver Hardy. I received answers from Jeanne Pesicka, Barbara Cadwell, Jess Birge, Rhonda Spies, Dave Lutgens, Tim Annala, Jim Donnelly, Steve Chance, Gary VanOrman, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket, Cindy Winfield.

Speaking of Laurel and Hardy, they made their only American television appearance on December 1st, 1954 when they were surprised and interviewed by Ralph Edwards. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this reality series broadcast live on NBC television from 1952 to 1961? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a recorded episode of Truth or Consequences, also created by Ralph Edwards.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to be cool. Until we meet again, I have reached that time during the summer when I’m really looking forward to autumn.

“I learned to give not because I have a lot, but I know how it feels to have nothing.” Anonymous