Author Archives: mcseniorcenter

Aging Well in the Gorge April 14th 2021

“There are only four kinds of people in the world — those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” Those words were spoken by Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter and I’m sure many of you or even most of you have been in one of those situations.

During the pandemic, one segment of the labor force, dedicated, skilled, and yet largely undervalued and unappreciated, is frontline care professionals such as certified nursing assistants (CNAs), home health aides, personal care attendants, and dietary aides. Working where people live, they are essential to the health and well-being of millions of older adults who are most at risk from COVID-19. In addition to the care, over the last year they provided the only companionship for many isolated older adults despite their concerns for their personal health.

They are the unsung heroes who have shown up every day, rising to the great challenges of these difficult times. And increasingly, those of us who will need care, which will be many of us, will be relying upon these essential care professionals in the future.

There will be a special tribute to the dedicated frontline care professionals during this year’s Ageless Awards celebration hosted by Age+. The Ageless Awards celebrates older adults 75+ and their lifelong commitment to their communities across Oregon. It will be held virtually on April 22nd, 12:00 – 1:00 (pre-show at 11:30). You can register online at

AGE+ is a non-profit organization creating innovative solutions to improve the lives of older adults with a particular emphasis on rural communities. Two years ago Age+ introduced Circles of Care in Wasco County (541-397-0724) similar to Providence’s Volunteers in Action in Hood River and Klickitat County (541-387-6404) that pairs older adults with local volunteers that provide social and emotional connections, as well as help with everyday tasks – although their services have been limited because of COVID-19 restrictions.

Also during the pandemic, Age+ has been supporting community-based organizations in the Gorge that are providing education and outreach to older adults about COVID-19 and the importance of being vaccinated to stop the pandemic.

I found last year’s celebration inspiring. I hope you will attend this year’s event honoring both older adults who continue to contribute in so many ways and the dedicated frontline care professionals in our communities.

A short interlude with comedian Steven Wright before the grand finale.

“Someone asked me if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring… ‘How to Build a Boat.’”

“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.”

“I intend to live forever. So far, so good.”

The  American fitness, exercise, and nutritional expert, who had his own television show from 1953 – 1985 was Jack LaLanne. I received correct answers from Susan Ellis, Beverly Harmon, Jay Waterbury, Rhonda Spies, Barbara Cadwell, Kim Birge, Gene Uczen, Rose Schulz, Margo Dameier, Dave Lutgens, Jim Tindall, Carol Earl, Jennifer Stager, Linda Frizzell, Carl Trabant, and Barb Blair who worked as an Instructor at Jack La Lanne’s European Health Spa in California and is this week’s winner of a free quilt raffle ticket. And I’ve missed Joan Chantler and Rose Schulz whose name was written on that missing scrap of paper.

Many of you probably remember playing this “kissing” game (although whenever it was mentioned I would immediately disappear) popular among young teenagers, although apparently, its popularity has declined since the 1980s. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of this game described as “the party game of choice for glandularly excited high schoolers” where you sat in a circle and – well, that’s all I’m going to say. Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with the story behind your first kiss!

Well, it has been another week, making it up as I go. Until we meet again, everyone has a piece of the truth – although for some you have to listen really hard!

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.” From the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Aging Well in the Gorge April 7th 2021

 All of us want to stop this tragic pandemic and get back to some form of normalcy. But how? 

At the beginning of the pandemic, we knew little about this new virus as it was spreading worldwide. Since those early days, there is much we have learned and much we are still learning about the novel COVID-19 and how best to keep people safe. Here is what I understand.

1.) More than 142 million doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been administered in the U.S. as of March 30. 

2.) With continuing research and monitoring, understanding of the virus and vaccines will change and consequently CDC recommendations. (Check the CDC website for the latest recommendations for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.)

3.) People who have been fully vaccinated can start to do some things they had stopped doing because of the pandemic. (Yeah!) But in public places should continue to take precautions. 

4.) All three vaccines are safe and effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths and the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines effectively prevented coronavirus infections.

5.) To achieve herd immunity, which will end the pandemic, a large portion of the population needs to be vaccinated although no one is sure what the percentage is.

6.) And most concerning, new mutant variants are appearing. But the COVID-19 virus can only mutate when they multiply and only multiply when they spread from person to person. 

The best way to stop the pandemic is by getting as many people of all ages vaccinated and following the precautions we all know. By taking these actions it will make us safer, help avoid new resilient mutations, protect those who cannot be vaccinated, and reach herd immunity. The end is in sight. I want to make sure it isn’t a mirage. 

April 5th through the 11th is National Public Health week recognizing how hard our public health departments are working with community partners to meet the COVID-19 challenge of vaccinating as many people as quickly as possible. 


But that is not the only work they do. They continue to offer a variety of services that include protecting our drinking water and ensuring the safety of local dining establishments, providing nutrition programs for women, infants and children, and offering immunizations. A big THANK-YOU to the health departments that are working to protect the health of our communities and save lives. 

“The Show Must Go On!” an online auction and fundraiser for the Columbia Gorge Orchestra Association will be held from 9am on April 8 until 9pm on April 11th

The event features almost 100 items: from the fine art of local artists to delicious and creative dining experiences. Also, the fundraiser will feature a performance by legendary Portland jazz pianist Tom Grant and a brand new virtual performance by the CGOA Jazz Collective. You can register for the auction at the CGOA website where you can also learn about their classes and an online performance of Fantastiks!

The name of the excessively optimistic young girl was Pollyanna. I received correct answers from Rusti Starr, Steven Woolpert, Tina Castanares, Rhonda Spies, Barbara Cadwell, Julie Carter, Gene Uczen, Linda Frizzell, Margo Dameier, Lana Tepfer, Pat Evenson-Brady, and Susan Ellis this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. Last week I missed Irene Kurzweil, Cindy Winfield, Emmett Sampson, and I’m sure there is someone else’s name written on a scrap of paper hidden among papers on my cluttered desk. 

This week’s “Remember When” question is about a bodybuilder who some consider the “first fitness superhero”. Who was an American fitness, exercise, and nutritional expert, who opened one of the nation’s first fitness gyms in 1936, and had his own television show from 1953 – 1985? (Hint: It wasn’t Charles Atlas) Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with the 1959 record “Glamour Stretcher Time” with the original instruction sheet.

Well, it has been another week, enjoying the cool mornings and sunny days. Until we meet again, these are the times when I feel safer being part of the herd. 

“Losing weight doesn’t seem to be working for me, so from now on I’m going to concentrate on getting taller.” Anonymous  

Aging Well in the Gorge March 31st 2021

 Have you traveled less during the pandemicMy wife and I have until we were vaccinated, and felt safe enough to drive to Seaside to spend a night at the coast and walk along the too cold and windy beach. It was the first time we had driven past Hood River in fourteen months! 


Since you have probably been on the road lessyou may be a little rusty: not as quick in the driver’s seat. When we get olderwe naturally slow down which is a good thing. We aren’t rushing around to get from here to there knowing we will get there eventually. So why rush? (Although our more deliberate driving may drive those younger drivers nuts!)  


Drivers of all ages need to keep up their defensive driving skills because driving is difficultThink about itYou must see, think, react and move your body and often all at the same time! It’s not like you can take a nap – although often I feel like it. 


So how do you keep yourself mentally and physically fit to drive safely? Nancy Dunham in her online AARP article “How to Preserve Your Driving Skills When You’re Driving Less” suggests three tips to make sure you’re ready to drive defensively. 


Move. Keep moving whether around the house or taking walks outside. In next week’s Through the Eyes of an Elder Claire Culbertson describes from her experience one option: the Strong Women/Strong Peopleclass available online until the class can be taught inpersonThe Strong Women/Strong Peopleclass keeps you connected while building strength and improving flexibility (which you might want to think about if you are having a latelife crisis with an insatiable desire to buy that cool little sports car – until you realize you have neither the flexibility nor the strength to get in and out of your low riding dream machine.) 


React. Many online games allow you to practice reacting — including the driving simulator Drive With Focus which you can purchase for most tablets and enables you to practice your skills without getting behind the wheel. You can also play online games that require quick thinking. I’m not into the “shoot um up, bang, bang” video games I see advertised, but many video games can give you a chance to improve your reaction skills. 


Focus, analyze, and remember. This is more up my alley. I subscribe to Brain HQ but there are other programs out there such as CogniFit and Luminosity that will improve your ability to concentrate, analyze and think quicklyThere is also the free online game Spot the Differenceand AARP’s Staying Sharp is an excellent resource with brain games and articles on brain health.  


As we age, particularly during the pandemic, we need to continue working on keeping our skills sharp both cognitively and physically. Try some of the online resources until when Dick Frost once again teaches the Smart Driver class in person. 


The name of thcraze that was one of the biggest and strangest trends of the 1970s and brought back memories many are still trying to forget was streaking. I received correct answers from Joanie Gilbert, Susan Ellis, Rusti Starr, Gene Uczen, Mike McFarlane, Margo Dameier, Julie Carter, Rhonda Spies, Katherine Schlick NoeDave Lutgens, Lana Tepfer, Rose Shultz, Barbara Cadwell, Sandy Haechrel, Kim Birge, and Doug Nelson who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. Last week I missed Deloris Schrader and Doug Nelson. 

Last week I wrote about how to be more optimistic which reminded me of the 1960 Disney movie based on the 1913 novel written by Eleanor H. Porter, and starring Hayley Mills in her first of six Disney movies. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this excessively optimistic young girlEmail your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send a link to the silent film adaptation starring Mary Pickford. 

Well, it has been another week, asking myself – again, “Why did I say that!” Until we meet again, there will always be human error reminding us that we are not infallible machines. 

Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem.” Virginia Satir 

Aging Well in the Gorge March 24th 2021

Living under a cloud of COVID uncertainty and doubt; worrying about our friends, family, businesses and communities, it’s easy to slide into life’s doldrums. Jackson Rainer addresses this state of mind in his post “How to be More Optimistic” found on the Next Avenue website.

When we experience stress such as the pandemic, the hardwiring of the brain directs our attention toward the perception of threat and danger. But with the encouraging news that millions of people are being vaccinated, we may need to make intentional cognitive shifts toward a positive future rather than focusing on the difficulties.

Optimism is defined as “the cognitive ability to understand the current situation as it is and work for changing things in favor of ourselves”. Not easy when we have experienced so much negativity over this last year.

Some of us may already have an optimistic disposition: seeing the glass half full. Some of us may be more pessimistic seeing the glass how empty? And there are always a few who ask, “Who drank my water?”

However, you are inclined to see a situation, the more you look to the future and focus on ways of increasing positive emotions, the healthier and happier you’ll be. But it us up to you.

According to Hamid Mirsalimi, a clinical psychologist practicing in Atlanta, there are three steps you can take to counter the pessimism of always expecting the worse and instead increase your optimism.

1. “Analyze your thoughts and give yourself credit.”  Instead of being your worst critic,  think of your best possible self. When you encounter a challenging event, consider how much influence you have, where you’re in control and how in the past you’ve used your strengths to get through difficult times.

2. “Minimize the negative when it is realistic to do so.”

As they say “dirty diapers” do happen. When you acknowledge there are some things you can’t influence and you did all you could, it allows you to accept and then adapt for a better future.

3. “Put away the to-do list. Focus on effort, rather than results.”

Positive thinkers focus more on the process than the results: drawing for your own joy and not for other’s approval – although that is nice. And don’t ignore your emotions and feelings which have a negative effect if unaddressed. Once we acknowledge how we are looking forward, rather than what has caused emotional distress, worry lessens.

By imagining a positive future where we know what we can change and what we cannot; and viewing ourselves capable of creating more positive outcomes, we can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

It’s exciting to hear about so many people being vaccinated. People are talking about visiting their loved ones and traveling again without the COVID worry. With momentum building and the supply of doses increasing, I’m looking forward to reaching that elusive goal of herd immunity and stopping the spread of COVID-19.

The name of the popular student study guides with the yellow and black covers was CliffsNotes. I received correct answers from Joanie Gilbert, Susan Ellis, Steven Wollfest, Tina Castanares, Barbara Cadwell, Lana Tepfer, Jean Harmon, Katherine Schlick Noe, Margo Dameier, Jess Birge, Dave Lutgens, Linda Frizzell, Rhonda Spies, Gene Uczen, Carol Earl, and Marilyn Wall this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. (For clarification not everyone actually used CliffsNotes – at least that’s what they said!) Last week I missed Jennifer Stager.

There were many ways to “bare” yourself during your youth: skinny dipping and mooning (which I am sure none of you ever did!). But this craze was one of the biggest and strangest trends of the 1970s and was the inspiration for the novelty/country song written and sung by Ray Stevens. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this fad? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a video of the 1974 Academy Awards.

Well, it has been another week, racing the leaves down the sidewalk on a windy day. Until we meet again, one thing I’ve found during the pandemic is I look much better wearing a mask!

“There’s a lot of optimism in changing scenery, in seeing what’s down the road.” Conor Oberst – musician

Aging Well in the Gorge March 17th 2021

I’ve been around the block enough that each time it seems to get longer and I think back to when I would ask my mother “Do I have to?” But now there is no one to tell me, “You better before your father gets home!”

So how do you stay motivated instead of sitting on the couch in front of the 40’ flat-screen TV enjoying an episode of Midsomer Murders for the third time? (Ah, the benefit of a poor memory!)

In her web post, “The 5 Things I Want to Learn in My 60s”, Melissa T. Shultz describes the way she stays motivated, challenging herself to discover new experiences. 

How? By creating her own What’s Next? list: a positive, purposeful, ongoing set of goals that keeps her pointed in the right direction and always looking forward. 

So this week how about finding some time to create your own What’s Next? list. And to spur your imagination, below are Melissa’s five goals on her What’s Next? list – and I’ve added a few suggestions of my own.

1.) “How to Find My Voice Without Words” – learning to express herself through painting. Or you could add understanding modern art to your list, so the next time you go to an art museum, you’re not asking yourself “What was he thinking of?” 

2.) “How to Make and Drink a Martini”. Or maybe something more appealing: researching and tasting local wines starting by taking the OSU course “The Sensory Evaluation of Wine” in Portland.

3.) “How to Mentor Better”- by speaking “with” instead of “to” someone. You could volunteer mentoring students at your neighborhood school where you’ll find yourself invigorated by their youthful energy or really, really tired!

4.) “How to Plank for More Than 3 Minutes” – by understanding what is required to build muscle. Or you could study and take up Tai Chi: a low-impact, slow-motion exercise that can improve muscle strength, flexibility, and balance. And can help prevent falls!

5.) “How to Make My Grandmother’s Chicken Soup.” Or how about learning to bake, such as a delicate loaf of baklava you saw on The Great British Baking Show?

These are some ideas to start you thinking about what would be on your What’s Next? list. By setting goals, it can help you find your motivation, rekindle memories, tap your creativity, and seek and fulfill your Big little dreams. 

I often must be reminded about what I need to do otherwise it will slip off my radar – and let’s face it, my radar is getting smaller every day. So, as a reminder, you have until March 19th to complete the Community Survey for Older Adults online at or you can call 541-705-5434.

A random view on aging: “We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public.”

The singer who first performed “Me and Bobby McGee” written by Kristofferson was Janis Joplin. I received correct answers from Susan Ellis, Steven Wollfest, Barbara Cadwell, Patty Burnet, Rhonda Spies, Julie Carter, Ricki Duckwall, Sandy Haechrel, Kim Birge, Margo Dameier, Gene Uczen, Pat Evenson-Brady, and Dave Hanson this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

Remember in high school or college when you were stressing out trying to finish reading the novel in a week – and then in the bookstore, you found your salvation? For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the popular student study guides with the yellow and black covers first published in 1958? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with the Classic Illustrated comic book Robinson Crusoe.

Well, it has been another week, enjoying my memories while not always trusting them. Until we meet again, it’s the wonderful time of the year when flower buds once again poke their sleepy heads out to see if it’s time to get out of bed.

“Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves and then we have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.” Snoopy

Nutritious Home delivered meals and pick-ups for anyone over 60. 

Hood River Valley Adult Center – Call 541-386-2060. 

The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels – Call 541-298-8333. 

The Sherman County Senior and Community Center – Call 541-565-3191 by 10:30 AM and leave a message with the number of meals needed and names of each person.

Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office call the 509-773-3757 or the White Salmon office call 509-493-306.

Skamania County Senior Services – Call 509-427-3990.

Seniors of Mosier Valley – Call 541-503-5660 or 541-980-1157 at least one day in advance to order a Grab-N-Go meal. Monday and Wednesdays from 11-11:30.

Aging Well in the Gorge March 10th 2021

It is 2:15 on a Saturday afternoon. As I am writing, my eye lids are slowly, unwillingly closing; my fingers are typing a row of ZZZZZZZZZZZZ’s; and I know, from these telltale signs, it must be time for a short nap. 

But don’t think I am just another old codger who needs his afternoon nap. Napping has taken on added significance in this fast pace world – a new way to increase employee productiveness where companies including Apple and Google are allowing employees to take naps. Research has shown a nap can boast the brain’s learning capacity, improve memory, increase creativity, and is more effective than caffeine. And even a short nap can have a marked effect on your health – and I need all the help I can get! 


The article “The Science of the Perfect Nap” that I discovered on the website Lifehacker, offers several suggestions on how to take the perfect nap. I’ll try to share it – before I fall asleep. 


1. Watch the time. Twentyminute naps work well. 

2. Find a quiet and dark space. (Unfortunately, during my college days, the library was quiet and dark, and I often slept there more than I studied.) 

3. Lie down. It takes significantly more time to fall asleep while sitting. 

4. Get in your napping zone. Concentrate on your breathing, relax your muscles, and use visualization techniques. 

5. Plan naps into your day. Take a nap before you get to the dangerous point of drowsiness. 6. Set an alarm. You don’t want to sleep longer than you desire, and make sure your nap doesn’t extend past 3:00. 


Naps are natural and beneficial. And even the younger generations are now learning about the advantages of naps – reaping the benefits of improved productivity, energy, and mental capacity. So no longer think of napping as an essential guilty pleasure. Napping is a good thing – at any age! 


You should be receiving in the mail a postcard from the CAPECO Area Agency on Aging (AAA) asking you to complete a Community Survey for Older Adults. CAPECO AAA serves seven Oregon counties from Umatilla to Hood River providing referral services, caregiver supports, money management, meal site funding and more. 


I know you may be thinking “I don’t need another survey to complete!” but this one is important. The AAA is asking for your feedback so they can better assist older people to be independent, healthy and safe. I encourage you to complete the survey online at or you can call 541-705-5434. Your voice is important!  


Stephen Shwiff, the local AARP Tax Aide District Coordinatoris working to have the local plan to assist taxpayers approved. To learn more, email Stephen at But if you have Internet and only a few documents, Stephen recommends you first go to the IRS Free File Webpage. Each free tax program has different eligibility criteria. For example, if your income is less than $37,000 you can file using the popular tax program TurboTax for free.  


The title of the political fiction novel published in 1949 that popularized commonly used terms such as “Big Brother”, “doublethink”, “Thought Police” is George Orwell’s 1984. I received correct answers from Barbara Cadwell, Candy Armstrong, Linda FrizzellRhonda Spies, Tina Castanares, Valerie BellusJess Birge, Dave LutgensMargo DameierGene Uczenand this week’s winner of a raffle ticket for the drawing of a beautiful Center quilt is Joanie GilbertAnd last week I missed Patty Burnet and Susan Ellis. 


Whenever I mention 1984 my wife starts singing Freedom’s just another word for nothin‘ left to loseFor this week’s “Remember When” question, who sang the song that included those lyrics written by Kris Kristofferson (who surprisingly was a Rhodes Scholar)Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with the album Cheap Thrills performed by Big Brother and the Holding Company.   


Well, it has been another week, when I would rather be disappointed than surprised – or should that be the other way aroundUntil we meet again, don’t let all that’s wrong mask all that’s rights. 


I’m not a genius. I’m just a tremendous bundle of experience.” R. Buckminster Fuller 

Living Well in the Gorge March 3rd 2021

Whether it is painting a sunset illuminating the Columbia Gorge, writing a poem expressing the indescribable joys of grandchildren, or creating a walking stick out of a hand carved handle attached to a discarded pole, these are all creative acts: fashioning something unique and personal out of the ordinary.

As part of the human race, we are meant to create – evident by young children building forts out of discarded boxes or our prehistoric ancestors drawing on cave walls. It is who we are. But many of us have been told verbally and silently – we aren’t good enough. And we got the message. We lost interest in the creative arts and the creative process and spent our time pursuing careers, raising families and rooting for our favorite basketball teams – Go Blazers!

But as older adults, we are finally able to free ourselves from those internalized constraints learned over so many years and start exploring new forms of self-expression. We can start enjoying what we once lost, stumbling toward new personal discoveries by trying, testing, and trying again. It can start today or next week in art classes, at home or in the workshop – whether you are 65 or 95.

And just maybe, as an added benefit, while absorbed in these creative pursuits, the aches and pains and daily challenges we all face might just be forgotten – at least for a while.

In this month’s “Through the Eyes of an Elder” Antonia Rojas shares her story of how she found her creative spark as a young child and nurtured it, turning that small spark into an enduring flame. She writes about how she now sees that “life is art”, how “dreams are the stuff real life is made of” and that you can express yourself “where no one sees”. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read Antonia’s beautiful story of how she found her passion and still pursues it to this day.

I know Amy Mollett at the Center in Hood River and myself in The Dalles have been receiving a tremendous number of calls regarding AARP Tax Aide Program. They have been working hard but are very limited in the number of volunteers and resources, so please be patient. (Patience seems to be a theme during this pandemic!) Next week I will share the latest information, or you can skip the middleman and email Tax Aide at

Some advice from the “all-knowing” Internet.

1. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. 2. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target. And my favorite, 3. You’re never too old to learn something stupid. 

The female singer who recorded “I Fall to Pieces”, “She’s Got You,” and “Crazy.” before her untimely death in a 1963 plane crash was Patsy Cline. And there are plenty of Patsy Cline fans out there because I received correct answers from John McEwen, Anna O’Donnell, Steven Wolpert, Barbara Cadwell, Candy Armstrong, Tina Castanares, Jim Ayers, Lana Tepfer, Anne Saxby, Sandra Fritz, Diana Weston, Sandy Haechrel, Dave Lutgens, Vern Johnson, Margo Dameier, Kim Birge, Keith Clymer, Verna Browne, Pat Evenson-Brady, Lou Gehrig, Gene Uczen, Nona Moore and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket, Sandra Fritz who believes Patsy may still be “Out Walk‘n After Midnight”. And last week I missed Jim Ayers.

This book is often referenced in political discussions because of its themes of nationalism, surveillance, and censorship. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what is the title of this classic literary example of political fiction published in 1949 that popularized commonly use terms such as “Big Brother”, “doublethink”, “Thought Police”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a poster of the Party’s three slogans.

Well, it has been another week, wondering “Why?” Until we meet again, there are many older adults who could learn the new technologies but just refuse to – and there are days when I think they made the right decision. 

“In retrospect, it becomes clear that hindsight is definitely overrated!” Quote from Alfred E Neuman, the “What, me worry?” kid.

Nutritious Home delivered meals and pick-ups for anyone over 60.

Hood River Valley Adult Center – Call 541-386-2060.

The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels – Call 541-298-8333.

The Sherman County Senior and Community Center – Call 541-565-3191 by 10:30 AM and leave a message with the number of meals needed and names of each person.

Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office call the 509-773-3757 or the White Salmon office call 509-493-306.

Skamania County Senior Services – Call 509-427-3990.

Seniors of Mosier Valley – Call 541-503-5660 or 541-980-1157 at least one day in advance to order a Grab-N-Go meal. Monday and Wednesdays from 11-11:30.

Living Well in the Gorge February 24th 2021

Do ever feel you’re not as sharp in conversations, or you can’t complete a hike with friends, or you don’t want to take a trip because of how many times you’ll have to stop (and we know the reasons why!) You feel you’ve lost the confidence to meet any challenge and you avoid doing the things that have made life worth living.

You are not alone. According to an article in the June 2019 issue of Harvard Men’s Health Watch, it’s not uncommon to lose confidence as we age because of the life changes we face: retirement, health issues and loss of a loved one. Self-esteem generally peaks at the age of 60 and then starts to decline.

The reason is during midlife we typically are working, involved in relationships, and more adventurous. In contrast, as older adults we often lose these roles as we enter the later stages of life.

The best way to regain confidence is to remind yourself of your capabilities, focus on what you can do and build from there while addressing what keeps you from feeling confident.

Here are five strategies that can help you gain greater confidence and realize that your best days lie ahead.

1. Look good. When you look good, you feel good – which my wife often reminds me when she buys that nice outfit.  

2. Challenge yourself physically. Set a goal you can realistically meet and create a plan to achieve it. Besides improving your physical and mental health, it can build confidence in your ability to be active. But I’ve always found the first month is the hardest.

3. Learn something. Activities like learning to paint or playing an instrument; or studying a foreign language can show that you can accomplish new things – although for me it takes a little longer to learn something new – okay, a lot longer! And if you make mistakes, it doesn’t really matter.

4. Stay connected. Lack of confidence can make socializing a challenge. Try volunteering where you can meet new people, use your skills, and you find rewarding.

5. Seek help. If you feel down or anxious or you’ve found other obstacles to feeling more confidant, help is always a good thing.  

Finally, don’t believe the age stereotypes. Age does not determine whether you have the ability to be successful at a given task. Often we fall into the trap believing we can’t do something when there are many reasons we can.

It’s true you can’t do everything you once did but with confidence you can still live an active and satisfying life – just stay off that ladder!

“This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog.  It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I came into my house and told my cat. We laughed a lot.”

The name of the parking valet in the television series 77 Sunset Strip who was constantly combing his “piled-high, greasy-styled teen hair” was Edd “Kookie” Byrnes.

I received correct answers from Diana Weston, Sandy Haechrel, Lana Tepfer, Julie Carter, Sandra Fritz, Kim Birge, Tina Castanares, Carol Earl, Gene Uczen, Rose Shultz, and Ed Stager this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

I was more into soul music, but I know there are a lot of country and western music fans out there. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was the female singer who recorded “I Fall to Pieces”, “She’s Got You,” and “Crazy.” before her untimely death in a 1963 plane crash? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a DVD of the 1985 motion picture Sweet Dreams.

Well, it has been another week, wondering “Have I said that before?”. Until we meet again, I can now look forward to spring guilt-free having had our winter snowstorm.  

“Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” Elbert Hubbard

Nutritious Home delivered meals and pick-ups for anyone over 60.

Hood River Valley Adult Center – For Meals-on-Wheels call 541-386-2060. Pick up a drive-thru meal from 11:30 AM until 12:45 PM.

The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels – Call 541-298-8333 to sign up for home-delivered meals. Call before 10:30 AM to pick up a meal at noon at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center.

The Sherman County Senior and Community Center – Call 541-565-3191 by 10:30 AM and leave a message with the number of meals needed and names of each person.

Klickitat County Senior Services – Call the Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-306).

Skamania County Senior Services – Call 509-427-3990.

Seniors of Mosier Valley – Call 541-503-5660 or 541-980-1157 at least one day in advance to order a Grab-N-Go meal. Monday and Wednesdays from 11-11:30. Pick-up at the Mosier Senior Center. Delivery is also available. 


Aging Well in the Gorge February 17th 2021

As vaccinations for older adults begin, patience is the word. Manufacturing of the vaccines is becoming more efficient, producing a continuously increasing number of doses every day. But for now, the vaccines remain scarce. And although every older adult who wants the COVID vaccine will receive one. most older adults will not get their vaccine shots as soon as they are eligible.

As we wait, many have read about the side effects particularly after the second dose and are asking, “Should I take a pain-reliever before the shot?” 

The short answer is no. The preliminary studies, although limited, have found taking over-the-counter pain-relieving medication like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) before getting your shot decreased the immune response. The pain-relievers might interfere with the very thing the vaccine is trying to do: generate a strong immune system response.

“How about taking a pain-reliever after the shot?”

Opinions are mixed, but to play it safe probably not unless you feel you can’t tolerate the side effects. But it is always good to talk to your doctor.

“What can I do to reduce the side effects other than a pain-reliever?

For arm soreness, if the pain is uncomfortable, apply a clean, cool, wet washcloth over the area where you received the shot – and it can help to use or exercise your arm. For a fever you can reduce the discomfort by drinking plenty of fluids and dressing lightly. And if you’re tired you can use my favorite answer to any problem: take a nap – and a brisk walk could help.

In most cases, discomfort from fever or pain is normal. But call your primary care provider if the redness or tenderness where you got the shot increases after 24 hours; or if your side effects do not seem to be going away after a few days.

If you don’t need to take a pain-reliever, don’t. But for those of you who regularly take one talk to your doctor. Since adults fifty-five and older typically have fewer side effects than younger people. most likely you won’t experience any significant side effects. And all you’ll remember is the peace-of-mind knowing you are better protected.

A short diversion. There are two customers complaining at a restaurant. One woman says, “This food is terrible”. The other replies, “I know, and such small portions!”

The award-winning AARP Smart Driver course helps refresh your driving skills, learn new skills, latest traffic laws and proven safe-driving strategies – and by completing the class you could receive a multiyear discount on your auto insurance!

Even though you can’t take the class in person, you can still enroll in the class online. If you register online by April 1st, 2021, you will have a full 60 days to complete the course at home at your own pace. Register at and use the promo code: DRIVINGSKILLS to receive a 25% discount.

The American artist famously known for his screen-prints of Campbell’s Soup Cans was Andy Warhol. I received correct answers from Sandy Haechrel, Jeannie Pesicka, Barbara Cadwell, Julie Carter, Lana Tepfer, Rhonda Spies, Sandy Lutgens, Liz Nichols, Margo Dameier, Tiiu Vahtel, and Steven Woolpert this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Keith Clymer.

In the late 50’s youth culture was beginning to be depicted on national television: Dobie Gillis, Maynard G. Krebs, and this teen sensation. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the parking valet in the television series 77 Sunset Strip who was constantly combing his “piled-high, greasy-styled teen hair”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of Dino’s Lodge.

Well, it has been another week, forgetting that I can’t eat a banana with my mask on! Until we meet again, enjoy the winter – spring is just over a month away.

“Art is what you can get away with.” Andy Warhol

Nutritious Home delivered meals and pick-ups for anyone over 60.

Hood River Valley Adult Center – For Meals-on-Wheels call 541-386-2060. Pick up a drive-thru meal from 11:30 AM until 12:45 PM.

The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels – Call 541-298-8333 to sign up for home-delivered meals. Call before 10:30 AM to pick up a meal at noon at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center.

The Sherman County Senior and Community Center – Call 541-565-3191 by 10:30 AM and leave a message with the number of meals needed and names of each person.

Klickitat County Senior Services – Call the Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-306).

Skamania County Senior Services – Call 509-427-3990.

Seniors of Mosier Valley – Call 541-503-5660 or 541-980-1157 at least one day in advance to order a Grab-N-Go meal. Monday and Wednesdays from 11-11:30. Pick-up at the Mosier Senior Center. Delivery is also available. 


Aging Well in the Gorge February 10th 2021

Over the past eleven months the pandemic has turned our lives upside down: were staying home more and seeing friends less. But many folks are coping by engaging in this hundred-year-old, low-tech activity: jigsaw puzzles. You can work on a puzzle for days or even weeks; they’re fun; and what may not be surprising, particularly if you are a puzzler, is that they are good for your brain.

Our brain health can take a beating during the pandemic; affecting many of the key habits that keep our brain healthy: physical activity, healthy diet, quality sleep, meaningful social interactions, stress reduction, and mentally stimulating activities.

But studies have shown jigsaw puzzles benefit your brain in several ways: reduces stress by totally immersing yourself in a puzzle (But dear, just one more piece and then I’ll come to bed!); improves your attention span, mental speed and problem-solving skills – as any puzzler will tell you when struggling to find that last edge piece.

So, if during the pandemic you have friends wondering why you are wasting your time working on jigsaw puzzles, just tell them it’s good for your brain – and then hand them a puzzle so they can also enjoy the benefits of a healthier brain.

Now if you want a high tech challenge for your brain, I suggest the two online programs I am currently using: AARP’s Staying Sharp and Brain HQ. Both have free activities, but if you want the full benefit you will have to pay. I just started subscribing to Brain HQ and in a month, I’ll tell you if I’m smarter, quicker and better looking. (I’m not sure about that third benefit.)

Since we’re talking about puzzles and mental challenges, how about four quick riddles that made me think.

1) If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?

2) There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?

3) What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

4) If there are three apples and you take away two, how many apples do you have?

Providence Volunteers in Action is excited to team up with OATS (Older Adults Technology Services) and Senior Planet to bring to the Gorge the FREE online 5-week course, “Virtual Essentials”. These ten 75 minute lectures cover a variety of topics to help you use technology including “All Things Zoom”, “Protecting Your Personal Information Online”, “Telemedicine” and more. If you’re interested, you can register for the upcoming classes by calling 541-387-6404 or emailing

The teenager in the 1959 sitcom who “aspired to have popularity, money, and the attention of beautiful and unattainable girls” was Dobie Gillis. I received correct answers from Bob Sampson, Julie Carter, Dave Lutgens, Kim Birge, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Tina Castanares, Margo Dameier, Patty Burnet, Susan Ronning, Jim Ayers, and Mike Nichols this week’s winner of a free quilt raffle ticket.

Kerry Cobb, former director of the Columbia Center for the Arts, has offered classes at the Center and senior living facilities in the area. Since that opportunity is no longer possible, she has created a highly recommended monthly newsletter “Art News and Activities”.  You can find it online at under the Art Appreciation Tab.

And that leads me to this week’s art inspired “Remember When” question. Who was the American artist, an icon of the “Pop Art” visual arts movement and famously known for his screen-prints of Campbell’s Soup Cans? Email your answer to mcseniorcenter@gmail.comleave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with the album The Velvet Underground & Nico.

Well, it has been another week, trying to solve the puzzle of life with so many missing pieces. Until we meet again, when it’s sunny – pull back the curtains.

Answers: 1) Nine, 2) There aren’t any – it’s a one-story house. 3) Short, 4) Two

Nutritious Home delivered meals and pick-ups for anyone over 60.

Hood River Valley Adult Center – For Meals-on-Wheels call 541-386-2060. Pick up a drive-thru meal from 11:30 AM until 12:45 PM.

The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels – Call 541-298-8333 to sign up for home-delivered meals. Call before 10:30 AM to pick up a meal at noon at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center.

The Sherman County Senior and Community Center – Call 541-565-3191 by 10:30 AM and leave a message with the number of meals needed and names of each person.

Klickitat County Senior Services – Call the Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-306).

Skamania County Senior Services – Call 509-427-3990.

Seniors of Mosier Valley – Call 541-503-5660 or 541-980-1157 at least one day in advance to order a Grab-N-Go meal. Monday and Wednesdays from 11-11:30. Pick-up at the Mosier Senior Center. Delivery is also available.