Author Archives: mcseniorcenter

Aging Well December 2nd 2014

I’ve been thinking (and I know, don’t believe everything your mind tells you) but I have being reading Being Mortalwritten by Atul Gawande, practicing surgeon and professor at the Harvard School of Public Health. In this thought provoking book, he reminds us that contrary to popular culture and marketing hype, we will not live forever. And unfortunately most of us are not prepared to deal with this eventuality. As we age and gradually decline, we may be able to slow the process by being mentally engaged, staying physically active and eating right. But like the rubber on a car’s tires, we eventually wear out. As Jim Holston reminds me “This is as good as it gets!”
But there is good news. Atul Gawande also highlights the research of Laura Carnesten a professor of psychology at Stanford University. Her work has shown as we acknowledge our own mortality, it changes our perspective on life.
She has found when people feel they will live forever, or too busy to consider their eventual fate, they seek new friends and relationships, try new experiences, and take chances. Because if it doesn’t work out, well, there is always tomorrow.
But when people realize that death is an eventuality they can’t escape, it is in our genes, their perspective changes. People start to see their priorities more clearly, take less notice of trivial matters, are more appreciative, and live more in the “now”. Life gets better and they are happier.
And isn’t that ironic? As we ride this downward trajectory of aging, we generally are happier. What was thought to be so important during the “productive” years is no longer, while friendships and living in the present are. It is like seeing the world with sharper glasses and thinking, wow, even with all the challenges of personal losses and physical ailments, life is pretty good.
If you want to discuss more about how our outlook on life changes as we age, join me for the 11:00 Tuesday Lecture at the Center on December 9th when we will watch a video presentations by both Laura Carstensen and Atul Gawande.
Since the Center’s Saturday Breakfasts took a hiatus for several months, I wanted to give you an early notice that Saturday Breakfast will be back on December 22ndfor the traditional Christmas Breakfast sponsored once again by The Springs at Mill Creek. You can enjoy a traditional breakfast of pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs, and we’ll see whether Santa makes an appearance this year.
The Center quilters have been creating beautiful quilts in support of the Center since the mid-80’s raising thousands of dollars. But you may not know that the Center quilters can also be hired to repair worn or unfinished quilts if you have that special quilt you want mended. You can find the quilters downstairs at the Center every Monday from 10:00 to 3:00 where they still patiently hand stitch their quilts. And this month you can purchase raffle tickets for two of their quilts which are on display at the Center.
It’s been a while since I have tried to scramble your grey cells by mixing up the Center’s music announcement. See what you can decipher this week.
Fro teh Centre’s Tsuedya Ngiht msiuc no Demcereb 9th, Mriatn and Frindes will eb prefmriong. Adn unlses teh swno flals or teh rain zfreees, the msicu strsat ta 7:00 nad is oerv by 9:00. Eveyreno is wolecme and dionosatn aer aywlas apatpicred.
The actress, comedienne and musical performer who starred in several movie musicals as well as her own television specials in the 60’s and 70’s was Francesca Marlene de Czanyi von Gerber, I mean, Mitzi Gaynor. And the winner of a free Saturday breakfast on December 20th is Alex Currie.)
This week’s “Remember When question is not a quote or of local significance, but a multiple choice question about the good old days. In 2013 the median family income was $51,939. What was the median family income fifty years ago in 1964? (a) Between $5,000 and $7,000, (b) between $7,000 and $9,000, or (c) between $9,000 and $11,000. E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a roll of u-lick-em 5 cent postage stamps and a gallon of 30 cent gas.
Well, it’s been another week, trying to find my way back in the dark. Until we meet again, as Roger Rosenblatt wrote in his book Rules for Aging, “Just because the person criticized you is an idiot, doesn’t make him wrong”.
Every time I think that I’m getting old, and gradually going to the grave, something else happens. ~ Lillian Carter

Aging Well November 25th 2014

With Thanksgiving becoming another shopping holiday: Black Friday morphing into Black Thursday, I have begun to appreciate the perspective that comes from having lived these many years. I no longer feel I need to participate in the mad rush of finding the best deals of the pre-pre-holiday sales – although I really could use some tube socks! Instead I have found the tide has shifted and instead of wanting more stuff, I’m trying to give away what I don’t need – and there is plenty of it.
I have also learned to appreciate all of life’s little things: those special nights when I don’t have to get up at 3:00 in the morning, or when that I was wearing a long sweater when I forgot to “zip up”. I’m thankful my best friend, who can be real difficult at times, hasn’t divorced me yet. And I am particularly grateful to be alive and kicking providing so many opportunities to laugh at my own imperfections.
When I take the time to appreciate and savor every moment of each day, knowing that in a flash my life could turn upside down, I have found I don’t really need anymore “things”. As long as I have friends and family, a roof over my head and food in the cupboard, I’m doing just fine. I hope you have found all you really need and I wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving.
During the winter months of early sunsets and cold temperatures, the Center is adjusting the winter hours for Saturday Night Bingo. Beginning December 6thSaturday Night Bingo will start two hours earlier at 4:00 PM and the doors will open at 2:00 for the early birds. The Thursday Night Bingo will continue at their regular time of 6:00 PM.
Most of you should have received a mailing asking you to become a member of the Mid-Columbia Senior Center. Now I know many of you may have been “confused” by such a request because, to paraphrase Bernard Baruch, you are at least fifteen years from being “old”. But while you may not be “old”, and even though you haven’t been “new” for some time, we still would like you to become a member. By joining the Center you are contributing to the health of the whole community, because while the center’s focus is supporting older adults, the Center is really a community center – open five and often six days a week. There are no age restrictions for any of the activities including the medical equipment loan closet, AARP Tax Aide, Tuesday Night Music, Bingo or any of the classes. So whether you are old, new or someplace in between, please consider becoming a member today.
After the Thanksgiving holiday, don’t forget the Habitat for Humanity’s Annual Christmas Bazaar on December 6th from 10:00 – 2:00 PM in the basement of the United Church of Christ Congregational Church. There will be local craft vendors, but even better, there will be delicious baked-goods for sale and their world famous homemade soup lunch.
For the Center’s Tuesday Night music on December 2nd, Andre, K.C. and Tom will be performing. Everyone is welcome and donations are appreciate to feed the band and keep the heat on.
Many folks had fond memories of the Dobre Deli – the delicatessen that opened in 1977 and was located on 4th street between the CAP Office and the Williams Building. (And the winner of a free Saturday breakfast on December 20th is Virgil Choate who remembers it was also common meeting place for The Dalles Windbaggers in their bright yellow sports jackets.)
The inspiration for this week’s “Remember When” question, came from a friend of mine who named her new pup after this actress, comedienne and musical performer. Who starred in several movie musicals including Nellie in South Pacific as well as starred in several of her own television specials in the 60’s and 70’s?  E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail with the lyrics to “I’m’ Going to Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair”.
Well, it’s been another week, thankful that the rain was not snow. Until we meet again, as overheard at the Center, “There is no shame in being old, but it can be a real bother”.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

Aging Well November 18th 2014

I certainly expect snow and below freezing temperatures in The Dalles, but this latest wintry blast came so early, I kept thinking Christmas must be only a two weeks away. And I haven’t even stuffed the Turkey for Thanksgiving yet! Oh, well.
But now that we have had this first taste of winter, here are several reminders about how to manage two of winter’s challenges.
Inside – keep warm. You don’t have to be climbing Mt. Hood to get hypothermia particularly if have a health problem that keeps your blood from flowing normally such as diabetes. Set your heat at 68 degrees or higher; and to save on heating bills, close off the rooms you are not using. Dress in loose-fitting, layered, lightweight clothes for warmth. Throw a blanket over your legs. Wear socks and slippers and even a cap or hat. Although it might not be very sexy, but who’s really looking, wear long johns under your pajamas; and use extra covers.
Outside – watch the ice. More than 1.6 million older Americans go to the emergency room each year for fall-related injuries. You can reduce your chances of falling by wearing sensible footwear with low heels, good support and non-skid soles. (I know several friends who have purchased ice-grippers to attach to their shoes.)  Stick to cleared sidewalks and roads. Hold on to handrails on stairs – which is a good idea any time. And use a cane or walker, or your walking stick or even a ski pole, if necessary to help maintain balance.
And stay connected with others. Check up on your friends and neighbors and have them check up on you. Be vigilant during these cold and icy wintry days to avoid any unwanted surprises. And if you need assistance, don’t be too proud to ask.
When to close the Center because of the weather is a difficult decision. But the Center has decided to pass the buck and follow the lead of School District 21. If the school district is closed, the Center will be closed; and if there is a two hour delay, the Center’s morning classes will be cancelled. The Center will notify the radio stations of any closures or cancellations, post the information on the Center’s website (, and update the message on the Center’s answering machine.  
And occasionally the predictions will be wrong, The Portland School District was an example last week when they closed for a snow day and, contrary to the weather forecast, it didn’t snow! It can be a little embarrassing, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
If you don’t seize up at the thought of preparing income taxes, enjoy fiddling with numbers, and decoding things like tax rules…this volunteer opportunity might be for you! The AARP Tax Aide program, a collaboration between AARP, The Mid-Columbia Community Action Program and the Center, is in need of volunteers. For over 35 years in the Gorge, the AARP Tax-Aide program has been operating with volunteers to prepare taxes for older adults and low-to-moderate income persons, free of charge. To be a volunteer, there is some required training and a minimum of four hours per week is requested. But there is tremendous support – no one is expected to know it all. If you’re interested, call Ronell Currie at 541-478-3461.
For the Tuesday Night music at the Center on November 25th, the Highline Express will be performing. Everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
The name of the television variety show that aired on CBS from 1969–1971, co-hosted by Buck Owens and Roy Clark, and featured such colorful characters as Grandpa Jones, Stringbean, the Gossip Girls and Samuel B. Sternwheeler was Hee-Haw. (And the winner of a free Saturday breakfast on December 20th is Alice Mattox.)
But it’s back to The Dalles for this week’s “Remember When” question – this time from 34 years ago. What was the name of the delicatessen which opened in 1977 in the commercial building on the corner of 4th and Washington, and because of its location, was a popular hangout for students and staff from Treat Oak Community College and attorneys plying their trade at the courthouse? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a box of pastries from Zorba the Buddha Bakery.
Well, it’s been another week, trying not to babble more than my fair share. Until we meet again, keep the long johns on and the covers pulled up tight.
“You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.” Woody Allen

Aging Well November 11th 2014

I have come to realize that it isn’t my memory I should be worrying about. I haven’t forgotten my social security number or the combination to my locker. I still know where I live. And give me five minutes and ten deep breathes and I can remember most anyone’s name.

But now I find myself more easily distracted. I can be walking to another room to find a book and along the way I see the cat throwing up (which is pretty disgusting) and I forget what I was looking for. And when I’m distracted and not paying attention, who knows what I‘m doing. I use to be able to put the cheese away in the refrigerator while discussing some important topic with my wife – no problem. But now I find the cheese in the freezer! And I’m wondering how it got there.

But apparently, I am not the only one. Research has shown that as we get older, starting as early as thirty, we are more easily distracted. That’s one reason why for most of us, it becomes more difficult to drive on busy and unfamiliar streets with all the new distracting sights and sounds.

So I am continually learning to slow down and pay attention. That way I can both appreciate the moment – and avoid any more embarrassing situations. Now if I can just find my pen.

The craft fairs and bazaars have begun. And the granddaddy of them all, the St. Peter’s Holiday Bazaar, will be held on November 22ndfrom 9:00 – 4:00 at the St. Mary’s Academy. And on the same day, the Center will be holding its first winter bazaar from 9:00 – 3:00. Call the Center to rent a table and if you are a Center member a table is free. So whether after or before the St. Peter’s Holiday Bazaar, stop by the Center to start you holiday shopping.

After Thanksgiving, on December 6th, Habitat for Humanity will be holding their Annual Christmas Bazaar (with their famous selection of delicious soups), downstairs at the United Congregational Church from 10:00 – 2:00 PM. And if you are interested in displaying your crafts and wares, call Becky Bailey at 541-980-9015.

On Tuesday the 18th, Truman will be playing his Country Gold at the Center from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.

Because of the Zumba Gold Class downstairs and the AARP Smart Driver class upstairs, there will not be a lecture next Tuesday. (And although the November Smart Driver class is full, there is still room in the December class which will be the last class Dennis Davis teaches. After seven years he’s  looking for another itch to scratch.)

Back by popular demand, Mosier Voices from the Past will be performed at the Mosier School on November 15. You will see eight direct descendants become their ancestors telling stories from the early days of Mosier. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $20 for VIP Seats which includes a drink at the Rack & Cloth. The show starts at 7:00, but make sure you arrive early because the doors will be closed at 7:00 for filming. Find more information at

It was Senator Wayne Morse who served as a U.S. Senator from Oregon for 24 years during which time he was a Republican (1944 – 1952), Independent (1952 – 1955) and Democrat (1955 – 1968). (And for pointing out correctly that Senator Morse served only 24 years, Bill Van Nice is the winner of a free Saturday breakfast on December 20th.)

I would ask another “Remember When” question about The Dalles but having moved here in 1979, I’m still just a newcomer. But if you have any memories of The Dalles in the 60’s and 70’s that I could use, send them my way.

But for this week, what was the name of the television variety show aired on CBS-TV from 1969–1971 (before going into syndication) and featured country music and humor from the fictional rural Kornfield Kounty? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a greasy hamburger from Lulu’s Truck Stop.

Well, it’s been another week, waiting to see what surprises the cold weather brings. Until we meet again, it’s been said “Sometimes the wrong train will get you to the right station”.

“A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.”  Nikki Giovanni

Aging Well November 4th 2014

You receive a call from your grandson. He is in trouble in a foreign country and he needs your help, now! He sounds desperate and you want to help, so you send him a Western Union money order. And you never hear from him again or see your money.
You have probably heard of this scam known as the “Grandparent Scam”. It has been around for years and is just one variation of the imposter scams that deceive thousands of folks every year. And as I learned from The Dalles Police Chief Jay Waterbury, who just last Friday received a call from a person who had lost $1500 from such a scam, it can happen in The Dalles.
But there are several things you should do if you ever receive such a call.
Don’t unknowing provided important information by the way you answer the call. For example, if the caller states, “It’s your granddaughter.” Don’t reveal your granddaughter’s name. Reply by asking which one and most likely they will then hang up.
Always be skeptical. Ask questions only the grandchild would know. Get in touch with your grandchild or check with family members to confirm their location. Do whatever you can to confirm the information you were told.
Never send money unless you have verified that your relative is really in trouble. If a caller asks for your bank account number or urges you to send money via Western Union or MoneyGram there is an excellent chance the call is a scam.
And if you use Facebook, keep it private by updating your privacy settings. Scammers often make their stories more believable by searching for personal information on Facebook,
Unfortunately if you are a victim of such a scam, as Jay Waterbury can tell you, there is very little the local law enforcement agencies can do. Even so you should immediately report such incidents to local law enforcement agencies and the state Attorney General’s Office.
Meals-on-Wheels will be closed on Monday instead of the 11th so their dedicated staff can have a day off. And on Veterans Day, in honor of the Veterans who served our country, dinner will be free for everyone sixty and over. Dinner will be served at noon and will include turkey and dressing, green bean casserole, buttered roll, carrot salad and pumpkin pie.
If you agree with the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who wrote “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.” you will want to make sure your next Tuesday is not lost by dancing to the music of Martin and Friends at the Center from 7:00 – 9:00 PM.  Everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
And one last reminder for NW vocalist Nehemiah Brown’s last 2014 performance at the Center on Friday night November 7th. Thanks to the sponsorship by Flagstone Senior Living the cost is still only $3.00 per person. Music starts at 7:00 and ends by 9:00.
At the Tuesday Lecture on the 11th, you will have a chance to take an eighteen minute trip through the history of the universe – all 13.8 billion years! I will be showing a fascinating video presentation by David Christian called “Big History” which “examines our past, explains our present, and imagines our future”.

I found conflicting answers as to the coldest year and month in The Dalles, although every source agreed that 1949-1950 was a very cold winter. But Jerry Phillips remembers January, 1950 when it reached a -25 in The Dalles. He told me the Columbia was so frozen that the ferry couldn’t operate (which made a long trip to Dallesport), a sternwheeler was frozen in a canal; and when the ice did finally break up it was like icebergs flowing down the Columbia. (And for such a good memory, Jerry is the winner of a free Saturday breakfast on December 20th.)
Since today is Election Day, this week’s “Remember When” is about Oregon politics. Who served as a U.S. Senator from Oregon for 30 years during which time he was a Republican, Independent and Democrat and whose motto was “principles above politics”? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a copy of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
Well, it’s been another week trying to keep all my marbles which seems more difficult every day. Until we meet again, and after finishing yet another bitter election season, it might be timely to remember “Everyone has a piece of the truth”.

“Maybe it’s true that life begins at fifty. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out.” Phyllis Diller

Aging Well October 28th 2014

It is said laughter is the best medicine.  And although it is not a cure for major depression, according to the Mayo Clinic website, laughter can improve your mood, relieve stress and pain, and increase personal satisfaction while stimulating your heart, lungs and muscles and improving your immune system. Not bad for a couple of knock-knock jokes!
In addition to your favorite knock-knock joke, there are many other ways you can tickle your funny bone: spend time with folks who laugh, share your best jokes; read the funny pages or watch your favorite comedies. (Classic film comedies such as “Singing in the Rain”, “My Girl Friday” or “Some Like it Hot” are several of my favorites.)
Children laugh an average of 400 times a day while adults laugh just 25 times. Have you found you inner child and laughed today? If you haven’t here is a joke that will hopefully at least make you smile. It plays on a common stereotype but turns it upside down showing how clever an old codger can be.
A police car pulls up in front of grandma Bessie’s house, and Grandpa Morris gets out. The polite policeman explained that this elderly gentleman said that he was lost in the park and couldn’t find his way home.
“Oh Morris”, said grandma, “You’ve been going to that park for over 30 years! How could you get lost?”
Leaning close to grandma, so that the policeman couldn’t hear, Morris whispered, “I wasn’t lost. I was just too tired to walk home.”
For the second in the series of 1 ½ hour Creative Arts classes, Debra Jones recruited “Master Gardener” Lynn Jones, the Lawn & Garden Manager from True Value, to teach the class on November 4th using Spring Bulbs. You will have fun using your imagination to make a one-of-a-kind gift you can take home. All the supplies will be provided for a cost of only $2.00 per person, but the class is limited to only 10 people. Call the Center to sign up.
And following the dripping paint brush, we find ourselves at The Dalles Art Association and Gallery which is gearing up for its 57th Annual Art Auction – 6:00 PM on November 1st at the Civic Auditorium. Over sixty pieces of fine art have been donated to the auction by many well-known, regional artists which you can bid on – I mean, the fine art pieces, not the artists. (Although that would be interesting.)
If you haven’t already, you should stop by the Center to see the new tables purchased for Meals-on-Wheels though the dogged efforts of Donnamae Grannemann and friends. It gives the dining room a more open café feel, although many of us are still having to adjust.
And if you don’t visit the Center for lunch before the 11th, you should drop in on Veterans Day for a free dinner provided by Meals-on-Wheels for everyone over 60 in honor of our Veterans. The dinner will include turkey and dressing, green bean casserole, buttered roll, carrot salad and pumpkin pie.
It’s hard to believe, but by next Tuesday, it will already be November – the month when times doesn’t stand still but retreats by one hour on November 2nd. But it is also Tuesday Night music at the Center and returning to the top of the batting order will be Andre, K.C. and Tom. Music starts at 7:00 PM
And speaking of music. Nehemiah Brown will be making his last appearance at the Center for 2014 on Friday, November 7th. He’ll perform from 7:00 to 9:00 and the cost is $3.00 per person.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t that long ago, which could be the reason why so many still remember the Shamrock Lounge – an Irish named restaurant, serving Chinese food and where country musicians performed. (And from all the entries the winner of a free Saturday breakfast is Larry Thompson. But he’ll have to wait until the next Saturday breakfast on December 20th.)
This week’s “Remember When” question is not about a place in The Dalles, but a time. During what year, and month if you can remember, was the lowest recorded temperature in The Dalles? And for bonus points include any memories from that record cold winter. E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a hooded thermal mountain jacket.
Well, it’s been another week learning to skate on thin ice with a fifty pound backpack. Until we meet again, as the famous sage “”anonymous” once said “Falling short of perfection is a process that just never stops.”
“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble.” – Rudyard Kipling

Aging Well October 21st 2014

October is Depression Awareness month. But writing about depression, is just, well, kind of depressing. It not a subject you mention when you want to liven up a conversation.  But it doesn’t have to be because depression can be treated. And with the right supports, treatment, and self-help strategies, one can feel better and live a happy and fulfilling life.
The challenge is that depression is often misunderstood, overlooked or just ignored. Many older adults feel depression is just an inevitable part of aging. And with a reluctance to talk about it, and the greater social isolation that often occurs with aging, it frequently goes unnoticed.
I always thought depression was easy to identify. It was just a severe case of the “blues”, a sadness we all experience at times in our lives. But many older adults who suffer from depression deny they are sad. Instead their symptoms may be unexplained aches and pains, feelings of hopelessness/helplessness, memory problems, anxiety and worries. They may also exhibit a lack of motivation and energy, no longer interested in socializing and hobbies; and neglecting personal care such as missing meals and forgetting meds – which just makes things worse. And unlike grief, which has its ups and downs, good days and bad, clinical depression has feelings of emptiness and despair that are constant.
The causes of depression are many. But for older adults common triggers are chronic medical conditions, loss of loved ones and friends, loneliness and isolation, the side effects of commonly prescribed prescription drugs, decreased ability to participate in activities, and the fear of death.
Professional help is recommended, but there are also many ways you can help yourself: exercising, connecting with others, managing the daily stress and pressures, getting enough sleep, eating well, participating in activities you enjoy, volunteering your time, taking care of a pet, and learning a new skill. Things we should all be doing anyway – except maybe taking care of a pet!
Depression is serious and affects more than just your mood. It affects your energy, your sleep, appetite and your physical health. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the appropriate help you can feel good at any age.
If you want to learn more, you can attend the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on October 28th when Mary E. Zenorini, a MCMC Behavioral Health Consultant, will discuss Depression in Older Adults. Or visit online, an ad-free health resource guide in collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
For the Fall/Winter Creative Arts classes, Debra Jones has lined up another great series of 1 ½ hour classes, each with a different theme. In the first class at 1:00 on Tuesday, October 28th, you will be decorating a straw wreath with Halloween ribbons, wrapped candy and decorations. All the supplies are provided and the cost is $2.00 – but limited to only 8 people. The classes usually fill up quickly, so call the Center soon to sign up.
If you enjoy the music of Patsy Cline you will want to spend your evening at The Dalles – Wasco County Public Library on Thursday 23rd starting at 6:30 PM to hear southwest Washington’s own Elizabeth Stierle performing a tribute to Patsy Cline. And there is more music at the Center. On Tuesday the 28th, you can listen and dance to the Highline Express starting at 7:00 PM. And earlier in the day, before and after the Meals-on-Wheels lunch at the Center, you can listen to Andre Lemoreaux and K.C. Kortge.
Joseph McCarthy was the U.S. Senator, who during the 1954 Army – McCarthy hearings was asked by attorney Joseph Welch “Have you left no sense of decency?” (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast is Alex Currie.)
For the next several “Remember When” questions, I’ll be asking about places in The Dalles that are long gone, but not forgotten. This one comes from Truman Boler who heard that when Claude Akins was on the Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show he mentioned he had visited The Dalles while filming along the Rowena Loops and never before had he eaten at a restaurant/lounge that had an Irish name, served Chinese food and played country music. What was the name of the restaurant/lounge? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or drop it off at the Center in a fortune cookie.
Well, it’s been another week learning once again when you gotta go, you gotta go. Until we meet again, never burn a bridge – you may find it’s the only way back home.

“Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering – and it’s all over much too soon.” Woody Allen

Aging Well October 14th 2014

It’s that special time of the year. No, I don’t mean college football and falling leaves. I’m talking about the Medicare Open Enrollment period when you have the opportunity to decide if your Medicare plan is still the best plan to meet your medical needs for next year.

You should have received and read the “Annual Notice of Change” from your current Medicare plan describing any changes for next year. Then as part of your annual review, you should ask three important questions. Does your plan allow you to go to the providers you want, such as your doctor or pharmacy? Are your prescription drugs covered? And is the plan cost effective? If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, particularly consider the latter question, because for some 2015 Advantage Plans the monthly premium has increased substantially. But the increases may be worth it – or not, and that is the choice you make.

There are several ways to compare plans. You can visit and use the Medicare Plan Finder, read the “Medicare & You” handbook to see a listing of plans in your county, or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) where help is available 24 hours a day, including weekends.

If you would rather talk to someone in person, you can call the Center and schedule an appointment with a trained SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) volunteer.
Make sure you use this opportunity to compare plans and choose the best one for your needs. You don’t want to be unpleasantly surprised in 2015.

I apologize to everyone who came to the Center for their flu shot last Wednesday. But the good news is that the flu shot clinic has been rescheduled for Wednesday October 15th from 10:00 to 2:00 – just in time for the beginning of the flu season.

There will be plenty of the higher-dose vaccine that is recommended for adults over 65. As we age, our immune system weakens, and the higher-dose vaccine contains a larger dose of antigen which for many older adults provides a better immune response, and therefore, better protection against the flu.

The flu should be taken seriously by older adults and your best protection is a flu shot. If you haven’t already received your flu shot, the Center is an easy and convenient location so you can be protected for the upcoming flu season.

Because the AARP Smart Driver Class is upstairs and Zumba Gold downstairs, there will not be Tuesday Lecture on the 21st.  But on October 28th, Mary E. Zenorini, a Behavioral Health Consultant with MCMC, will speak about Depression in Older Adults.

Besides the Center’s Tuesday Night Music and Dance (Truman will be playing his Country Gold starting at 7:00 on October 21st), the Meals-on-Wheels folks have scheduled music before and after lunch, four times a month. On the first and third Thursdays, the popular Tom Graff performs, and then on the second and fourth Tuesdays, music is provided by Andre Lemoreaux.  

When’s the last time you took a driver’s test? Can you imagine anything has changed since then? If so, you will want to call the Center and sign up for the October AARP Smart Driver class where you will learn the current rules of the road, defensive driving skills and how to adjust to the inevitable physical changes as we age. And for the cost conscious, you can receive a discount on your car insurance. The next class is on October 20thand 21st from 9:00 – 12:00. The cost is $20 and $15 for AARP members.

It was the platinum blonde Marilyn Monroe who said “What do I wear to bed. Why, Chanel No.5, of course”. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast is Lyn Dalton.) 
For the last several “Remember When” questions, I have used quotes from movies and television, songs and celebrities, and the art world. Now this week it is the world of political intrigue. During the 50’s the fear of communism was pervasive – even reaching into the U.S. Army. What U.S. Senator, who in 1952 became chair of the Senate Committee on Government Operations, was asked during the 1954 Army hearings televised live on ABC “Have you left no sense of decency?” E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a 1954 picture of Massachusetts attorney Joseph Welch.
Well, it’s been another week enjoying the ride even with all the random bumps and bruises. Until we meet again, remember the lessons learned from the mistakes forgotten.
 “Everywhere is within walking distance – if you have the time.” Steven Wright

Aging Well October 7th 2014

Lily Tomlin said, “Reality is the leading cause of stress – among those in touch with it.” And for those of us who have stayed in touch, we have experienced the various stresses in all chapters of our lives: in school worrying about exams and first dates, during mid-life while encountering family and work decisions; and now in this, our third chapter, worrying about personal health issues, caring for loved ones and facing the ultimate reality of death.

Doctor Mike Evans, who produced the popular short video on the importance of 30 minutes of daily physical activity called “23 ½ Hours”, has also produced a short ten minute video on stress: “The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Stress”. (You can find both videos on YouTube.)

According to Doctor Mike Evans, the causes of stress are complex, with significant harmful consequences. But the current research suggests the most effective treatment to manage stress is changing your thinking style. He explains that stress doesn’t just happen to us, it passes through our brain. And our brain – that space between the action we experience and our response to what happens – is where we create the stress. In other words, it is our thinking that brings the stress.

This idea is embodied in the 90/10 rule. Ten percent of how we do in life is based on what happens to us, but ninety percent is how we respond. And we have the ability to manage that ninety percent. In the video, Dr. Evans explains in more detail how stress management can be learned through different techniques such as problem solving, avoiding thinking traps and reframing automatic thinking to healthier thinking patterns.

In particular, he points out the effectiveness of mindfulness training which combines an increased self-awareness, breathing techniques, meditation and letting go of distractions – being in the moment. 

We don’t live in a make believe Shangri-La. Consequently, reality will always offer us many challenges. But how we experience and respond to those challenges are the key to managing our stress. As the famous American psychologist William James pointed out, the greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

Thanks to everyone who attended the 4th Annual Baby Back Rib dinner that raised close to $7,000 for The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels and the Senior Center. And to everyone who made it possible: Donna Cooper and her staff at The Springs of Mill Creek – sponsors of the dinner, Meals-on-Wheels director Nise Patton and crew for preparing the delicious ribs, Ashley Lauterbach for organizing the Silent Auction and Raffle, Hardshell Harmony for providing the perfect music for a perfect evening and all the wonderful volunteer ticket-takers, waitresses and table-clearers (busboys just doesn’t sound right!) including two of our Wasco County Commissioners – Steve Kramer and Rod Runyon. And now, let me be the first to invite you to the 5th Annual Baby Back Rib Dinner on the first Friday in October, 2015.

I know many of you have already received your Flu shots, but if you haven’t yet, and you know you should, Flu shots will be conveniently available at the center on Wednesday, October 8th, from 10:00 – 2:00. The shots will be provided by Rite-Aid and they will have the regular strength, as well as the extra strength flu vaccine that is recommended for adults over 65.

For the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on October 14th, I will show the video “The Mechanics of Aging” produced for the PBS television series “Life part 2”, followed by a discussion about how our bodies are not as cooperative as they once were and what we can do about it.

For the Center’s Tuesday Night Music starting at 7:00 on October 14th, Martin and Friends will be performing. All ages are welcome and donations are appreciated.

Andy Warhol was the American artist who said “In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast is Don McAllister.)

For this week’s “Remember When” question, I’m just going to give a quote with no other hints or clues – to make it a little more challenging. When asked what she wore to bed, what movie star (okay, one hint) answered “Why, Chanel No.5, of course”? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a recording of “Happy Birthday, Mr. President”.

Well, it’s been another week jumping from the frying pan to the skillet. Until we meet again, keep singing your song – even if no one listens.

 “When you stumble, make it part of the dance.” – Author unknown

Aging Well September 30th 2014

Can you imagine any services or supports you could use to continue to live in your own home? Home delivered meals? Handyman services? Or maybe you are caring for a spouse or parent. What services could you use to better care for them? Respite care? A resource guide to find existing services?
In 2013 the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 21 which directed the Aging and People with Disabilities Department to develop a plan to improve and strengthen Oregon’s public long term services and supports system. But they need to hear from you: what challenges and issues you or your family face and any ideas you may have to address those challenges.
Aging and People with Disabilities Department have scheduled two meetings in The Dalles on Monday, October 6th. The first is at the Center from 12:30 – 2:00 (you can come at noon and have lunch) followed by an evening meeting at Spooky’s from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
I would encourage anyone interested in the future of services and supports for older adults to attend one of these meetings to share your ideas and what you consider are the unmet needs. Representatives from the Aging and People with Disabilities Department as well as State Representative John Huffman will be in attendance to listen to your comments and suggestions.
Never has there been a time when so much information is available – all by just by searching on the Internet. But that now means the individual faces the difficult task, and the responsibility, of separating the false and misleading from the accurate and reliable. This is particularly true regarding health information – when the knowing the difference can affect your wellbeing.
At the Center’s last Tuesday Lecture, Molly Hamlin, from the Planetree Health Resource Center, provided the following tips on how to protect yourself from the snake oil salesmen on the Internet. You should visit sites that are set up by reputable, established medical institutions or healthcare organizations – usually identified by the .edu, .org, .net or .gov in their web address. Make sure the information is current – medical knowledge is constantly expanding. And share with your healthcare provider any health information you find on the Internet.
What you should avoid are personal web sites on health issues: “Jane’s Alzheimer’s Help Page”; sites selling products:  “Miracle Cure for Arthritis – only $29.95”; and sites that discount conventional medical practices: “What Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You to Know about Lowering Cholesterol”. Finally, as I have often stressed, do not disclose any personal information. If you do, at best you may be bombarded with unwanted solicitations, and at worst your identity and personal information may be compromised.
Two reliable resources for health information are the Planetree Health Resource Center’s web site at And Medlineplus (the National Library of Medicine’s website at where you can find basic information on a comprehensive list of health topics including complimentary medicines, drugs and supplements, as well as tutorials and videos.
The topic for the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on October 7th will be “Aging in Place – the challenges and benefits”. There will be several short video presentations followed by a group discussion. Everyone is welcome to participate.
For the Center’s Tuesday Night Music beginning at 7:00 on October 7th, Andre, K.C. and Tom will be performing for your dancing and listening pleasure. All ages are welcome and donations are appreciated.
And the last reminder. The Baby Back Rib Dinner sponsored by The Springs at Mill Creek is this Friday from 4:30 – 7:30 at the Center. Besides the finger lickin’ ribs, there will be a silent auction, and music by Hardshell Harmony. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the Center, Kllindt’s Booksellers or at the door. All proceeds support Meals-on-Wheels and the Center.
The singing duo that recorded “Wake Up, Little Suzy”, their first #1 hit in 1957, were the Everly Brothers. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast is Nadine McCracken.) 
For this week’s “Remember When” quote let’s move to the art world of the 1960’s. What American artist, a leading figure in the Pop Art Movement made the prediction “In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a case of Campbell’s Soup.
Well, it’s been another week trying to keep this from that. Until we meet again, don’t fret over what you can’t control – it won’t make any difference anyway.

“Did you ever feel like the whole world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?” George Gobel on the Johnny Carson Tonight Show.