Author Archives: mcseniorcenter

Aging Well March 6th

Have you gone to the playground with your grandchild who is wearing a new pair of athletic shoes? And he really wants to impress you with his speed and quickness? It is fun watching him zip around his imaginary track, but as I age, I find speed to be greatly overrated! And slowing down can be a good thing.

When you slow down, you realize what was once important: winning, status and amassing things is now overshadowed by relationships, laughing and an appreciation of the small gifts we receive daily.

And for me, part of that is living in a small town. Last month Ann Marie Woolsey shared with me some of those small things she appreciates about living in The Dalles, and suggested I ask folks what they like about the town they live in. So what do you think? Do I have any takers? Send me what you appreciate about your town and I will share them in this column later next month.

Have you wanted to know more about Medicare, both for your own benefit, but also to help others? Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA), a volunteer supported program, is offering a day and a half training starting on Monday March 12th from 1:00 – 5:00 for anyone who would like to know more about Medicare or become a SHIBA volunteer. You will learn about Part A, Part B and Part D as well as Medicaid, Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans. The training will be held at the Area Agency on Aging which is located in the MCCOG building on the corner of 11th and Kelly. For more information and to register call the Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101.

You may be one of the millions who own an iPhone or iPad. (Or you may be one of the hundreds of millions who can’t figure what all the fuss is about and really don’t care.) But if you have one of the “i” devices and would like to learn more, there is a group meeting every first Wednesday at 1:00 at the Center discussing the latest and greatest in the world of Apple mobile computing. But I caution you, it is not without risks. Before going to sleep at night, you may find yourself playing “Words with Friends” on your iPad instead of gently kissing your wife good night. (Not suggesting that is anything I would do!)

You may have been around when the Wasco Area Educational Service District was first conceived in 1977,went through adolescence as the more familiar Treaty Oak before reaching adulthood as Columbia Gorge Community College. It has been quite a ride from 1977 to now when CGCC serves 5,800 students through its many programs – from professional technical training to basic skills education. It took a lot of hard work and a supportive community to make it happen. For the Center’s Tuesday lecture on the 13th at 11:00, Stephanie Dawkins from CGCC will explain the college’s vital role in our community and how you can help the college “build dreams and transform lives” through the CGCC Foundation.

Tonight at the Center, the Strawberry Mountain Band starts off the regular monthly rotation of musicians, and then followed by Martin and Friends on Tuesday the 13th. Doors open at 6:00, the music starts at 7:00 and you can drive your sweetheart home by 9:00. Everyone is welcome and donations are always appreciated.

Everyone remembered Jiminy Cricket who was Pinocchio’s official conscience. (And selected by a random drawing, the winner of a Saturday Breakfast on March 17th is Sandy Goforth.) But I am going to have to elevate my game a notch, because I’ve taken more flack than Snoopy received from the Red Barron about how easy the “Remember When” questions are. (But they do bring back nice memories.) So Mike Tenney and Ben Neumeyer this is for you! Who was the child actor that played teenager Jeff Stone on the Donna Reed Show and had a minor recording career with the top ten hit “My Dad”? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with an autographed copy of “Walt, Mickey and Me: Confessions of the First Ex-Mouseketeer”.

Well, it has been another week waiting for the ants to start using the kitchen counter top as their personal playground. Until we meet again, don’t let the small stuff get the idea they are all too important.
“It’s surprising how far you can go through life without ever having what you really need.”
Ashleigh Brilliant

Senior Living February 28th

What is happiness? Is it being loved? “The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved” as Victor Hugo wrote.

Or a sense of gratitude as Barry Neil Kaufman believes? “Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there’s always something we could be grateful for”.

Or should we even ponder the question as Henry David Thoreau suggests? “Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder”.

Over the past decade there has been growing interest in understanding what happiness is. And for older adults it is good news! A study by the American National Academy of Sciences shows a measure of happiness peaks in one’s 80’s after hitting rock bottom in the mid-40s. (Could it be grandchildren?)

But as Robin Cope pointed out, our idea of happiness changes over the many chapters of our lives. As we grow wiser we may develop a more realistic idea of the possible: knowing we aren’t going to conquer the world, though we can still make important differences here at home, knowing our children won’t become President, but they can work hard and raise a good, loving family, and knowing our wild and crazy days are far behind us – because we are just too darn tired. (I can’t make it through one and a half hours of dance lessons without taking a break!)

What makes us happy is unique to each of us and will continue to evolve over time. Today it may be learning to paint, spending time with grandchildren or sharing stories with friends. Tomorrow it may be looking through the family album. But in my case, it would be as simple as finding the book “Happiness Project” – recently lent to me by Julie Reynolds. But don’t panic, Julie. I know it is around here somewhere!

You should have received in the mail the Columbia Gorge Community College class schedule, but you may have overlooked several non-credit classes at The Dalles campus. Wayne Von Borstel is teaching both “Financial Strategies: Strategies for Successful Retirement” on three Tuesdays starting April 3rd from 6:15 – 9:45 PM and “Financial Strategies: Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits” on April 24th from 6:15 – 8:45 PM. And there is a free class “Medicare – Understanding the ABC’s” held on April 3rd from 6:30 – 7:30 PM.

If you missed Jerry Tanquist’s presentation at the Original Courthouse – “Railroad Stories along the Deschutes” you have another chance. Next Tuesday March 6th starting at 11:00 Jerry will share stories and photos of the two railroads built along the Deschutes from 1909-1911 including tales of ten tunnels, going fishing by train, the Lady Frances Mine, The Deschutes Club domain, and the current status of abandoned sections of the Oregon Trunk Line. If you missed it once, you don’t want to miss it again!

Performing tonight at the Center are the Jazz Generations starting at 7:00 PM. And next Tuesday we will start the musical circle again with the Strawberry Mountain Band leading the way – playing country and western for your listening and dancing pleasure. Everyone one is welcome from the young whippersnappers to the mighty oaks. And donations are always appreciated.

Many remembered the deadpan humor of Pat Paulson, a Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour regular, who ran a non-campaign for President in 1968. (This week’s winner of five quilt raffle tickets is Fred Schreiber.) And since the Center’s Saturday Breakfast is returning on March 17th, it is again time to offer a free breakfast to the person whose name is randomly chosen from the “thousands” of correct answers to the “Remember When” question.

And once again it is a Disney question. (I apologize, but I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and whether it was the Mickey Mouse Club or the animated movies, Walt Disney was a big part of my youth.) In the movie “Pinocchio”, who was the wise and comical character that was appointed by the Blue Fairy to be Pinocchio’s official conscience? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with a the recording of the 1940 Academy Award winning song “When You Wish Upon a Star”.

Well, it has been another week looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary. Until we meet again,
“always let your conscience be your guide”.

Aging Well February 21st

Mirrors – why do we need them! I don’t want to see my wrinkles or what Clarence Day calls the “etchings of experience”. Or my hairline gradually receding like an Arctic glacier. And mirrors don’t illuminate the deeper self of my many life experiences, personal challenges, or dreams yet fulfilled.

I was thinking about mirrors during Steve Hudson’s East Coast Swing class when I was thankful I couldn’t see my reflection as I would in mirrored dance studios or weight rooms. (I remember watching these young studs in the weight room admiring their 24 inch biceps in the mirrors as they lifted dumbbells one arm at a time with strained determination.)

Because without mirrors, I can keep my comforting illusions. I can imagine myself dancing with the grace and charm of Gene Kelly guiding Cyd Charrise around the dance floor in my firm embrace (at least until my wife breaks my Walter Mitty moment by reminding me my tongue is once again hanging out).

I know denial at my age can be dangerous to my emotional, physical and financial well-being. By ignoring reality I lose options and disregard what needs to be done. It takes courage to acknowledge I am getting older and to prepare for the challenges that come with it.

But for a couple of hours a week can’t I live in my denial – ignoring my tender knees, my genetic awkwardness, and my shrinking stamina as I learn to move to the beat of “one and two, three and four, rock step” And then tomorrow I will try again to face reality with strength and courage – and a large helping of humor and humility.

A Taste of Literacy, a fundraiser for The Dalles SMART program (Start Making A Reader Today) is this coming Sunday February 26th from 2:00 – 5:00 PM at the Sunshine Mill. The ticket prices are $20.00. And if you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the SMART program by reading one-on-one with children who are at risk of low literacy, you can contact Staci Sutton at or call 971-634-1616.

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00- 3:00, the Center offers StrongWomen™ – an evidence-based strength training program proven to increase muscle mass and strength, improve bone density, reduce risk for osteoporosis, and provide many other healthy benefits for mid-life and older women.

And now Lauren Fein, faculty for Wasco County/OSU Extension, is pleased to announce the first ever “Strong Women Leader Training” in the Columbia River Gorge will be held on Wednesday March 21st from 8:30pm-4:30pm at the Columbia Gorge Community College in The Dalles. This workshop is being offered at a greatly reduced price of $35 for a full day’s workshop including breakfast, lunch, snacks, and a StrongWomen™ toolkit valued at $75.

If you are interested in becoming a trained leader and bringing this valuable program to your organization or community, contact Lauren Fein at 541-296-5494 or by March 5th. Information and registration materials are available at the Center.

Rodney McDowell of MCMC’s Behavioral Health Services will be the speaker for the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on February 28th. The topic is “How to Deal with the Winter Blahs”. (And spring is still a month away!) These Tuesday presentations are free and open to anyone.

Tonight the ever popular Truman is playing his Country Gold. And next Tuesday on the 28th, the Jazz Generations are back, after a two month break, playing the big band sounds of yesteryear. The music starts at 7:00 and everyone is invited – particularly those who want to practice a few new dance steps. And donations are always appreciated.

The comedian, who impersonated John F Kennedy and recorded the album “The First Family” in 1962, was Vaughn Meader. (This week’s winners of five quilt raffle tickets, and who both still have the album, are Sandy Geiser and Steve Bungum.) But one more political “Remember When” question. Before Stephen Colbert ran for President in his native state South Carolina, who was the regular on the Smothers Brothers Show that ran for President in 1968 with the campaign slogan “Just a common, ordinary, simple savior of America’s destiny”? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or write it the back of a ballot from the 1992 North Dakota Republican primary or the 1996 New Hampshire Democratic primary. Take your pick.

Well, it has been another week checking for my name in the obituaries. Until we meet again, it is always beneficial to recognize the difference between knowing and doing.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” Ian Maclaren

Living Well February 14th

I just didn’t think it would happen this soon. Why, I’m only 64! But I should have seen the signs: the conversations with my son about realizing your creative vision, minimalistic living, TED videos on happiness and the most recent scientific research on aging. (He is currently working in a university biology lab researching how to reproduce heart cells so one day a new heart or heart values can be grown for patients with heart disease. Who wants a pig’s valve when you can have your own home grown one.) All cool stuff – he is a bright boy – but I just thought those conversations were a product of our close father/son relationship: sharing ideas and learning from each other’s generational experiences.

But last week I found out something rather disturbing. I heard he thought it would be a good idea for my wife and me to move down to the bay area. I imagine many of you have had the same experience – your children telling you what you should do with tone of voice indicating now the children know best. I can imagine something like this when I’m 80, but not now – I’m not even retired. And what else will he be thinking? I shouldn’t drive in the snow. I need to take Vitamin D. I should make more money. (No, sorry. That was my wife’s idea!)

But after 64, 74 or 84 years of life experience – both good and bad, we “old folks” probably have a pretty good idea of what we want to accomplish in the remaining years we have on this earth. And even though I love my kids, there are times when the song lyrics that were so appealing when I was a teenager still ring true when my kids give me advice, “It’s my life and I’ll do what I want!”

For the 11:00 Tuesday Lecture series at the Center, I have been showing taped videos of lectures I found online – from a Google Talk on “Technology and Aging Gracefully” to a Stanford Alumni Weekend presentation on “Successful Aging”. (And saving you the price of admission and the trip to Palo Alto.) But once again I am lining up speakers, live and in person, discussing issues from a local perspective. Next Tuesday on the 21st, Julie Reynolds who works for Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living will explain the STEPS program – Self-empowerment Training for individuals who Employ home-care workers and who are People with disabilities or Seniors. The lectures are always free and afterward you can stay for lunch provided by Meals-on-Wheels.

appreciated always are donations and welcome is everybody, 7:00 at open Doors. “Gold Country” his performing Truman it’s week next And. sweetheart! your bring you sure make So. Day Valentine’s celebrate to activities several planned have they and Friends and Martin feature will music night Tuesday. (Oops, got turned around. I think I’m okay now.)

On Saturday the 18th Old Fashioned Bingo is back at the Center. It is open to all ages from seven to one hundred and seven, so you can bring your kids and grandkids. And it is affordable. The hard bingo cards costs $3.00 a piece or two for $5.00. There will be nine games of traditional bingo with a payout of $5.00 a game and concludes with a final blackout game for a payout of $25.00. The fun starts at 3:00 and will end at 4:00 when we start setting up for Saturday Night Bingo which starts at 6:00.

The travel essential that families used to guide their way across America was an AAA TripTik. (The winner of five quilt raffle tickets is Lyn Dalton. And the previous week’s winner of the Spin and Marty question, which I forgot to include last week, was Joann Scott.). But this week’s question is about politics – specifically political humor. Before Saturday Night Live and Tina Fey, this comedian impersonated John F Kennedy and recorded the album “The First Family” in 1962, which became the fastest-selling record and won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 1963. What was the comedian’s name? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or put it in an envelope postmarked with the zip code 02647.

Well, it has been another week trying to remember what I’m suppose to do next. Until we meet again, as I heard at the Center, “There may be snow on the mountain, but there is still fire in the belly.” And you can take that anyway you want!

Living Well February 7th

We live in different times. But I imagine every generation felt the same – during the Roaring Twenties, after the victory of World War II, or during the social upheaval of the 60’s. But with technological advances moving faster than a speeding bullet, you don’t know whether to get on or jump for your lives.

As one example how times are different during this information age, my daughter and her college roommate were preparing to fix dinner but couldn’t open a jar of spaghetti. As often happens, the lid was stuck. So what is the first response of this educated younger generation – who should know these things? They don’t call grandmother. They Google it! And sure enough as explained on the website, they ran the jar under hot water – and presto – the lid came off.

But if you want to get on the information highway and find information you can’t live without, the Center offers several opportunities. There are two one-on-one instructional sessions explaining computer basics or just answering any questions if you get stuck, on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 and 10:00 AM. And if you want to learn more about your new iPhone or iPad, a small user’s group meets at 1:00 on the first Wednesday of the month. But be aware. You may end up playing “Words with Friends” all day with Bob and Sandy.

Marilyn Erickson is writing a piece about Ernie Kuck and would like to visit with anyone who use to know him. You don’t have to be one of Ernie’s “bosom buddies” to have something of interest. And she is particularly looking for stories of when he was a kid. Marilyn will be at the Center this Wednesday, February 8th, for lunch and then afterwards she’ll stay to talk with anyone who knew Ernie. And if you can’t see her at the Center, you can call her at 541-386-1712.

Thanks to the efforts of several dedicated volunteers, the local United Way survived several difficult years and eventually merged into the United Way of the Columbia Gorge. Under this umbrella, a Wasco County Council was established to raise and allocate funds in Wasco County. Now just recently the Wasco County Council has been reinvigorated with new energy to take the United Way to the next level – supporting the many non-profits that work to meet basic human needs, support youth and families, and improve the quality of life of citizens in the Gorge.

Their first event for United Way is a Valentine’s Concert on Friday February 10th – a chance to treat your sweetheart to an early Valentine’s gift by taking her to hear Aaron Meyer, rock violinist extraordinaire, at the Sunshine Mill. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Klindt’s Booksellers, The Dalles Fitness and Court Club and The Sunshine Mill. Doors open at 5:30 and the performance starts at 7:30.

The playwright Samuel Beckett once wrote “Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.” So before you think of some lame excuse, hop in your ‘56 Chevy and cruise down to the Center tonight and listen to the Strawberry Mountain Band. And next Tuesday on the 14th, you can hoot and holler to Martin and Friends. The music starts at 7:00 and you don’t need any “long green” to enjoy the evening, but donations are always appreciated.

Several folks remembered “Spin and Marty” featured every week on the Mickey Mouse Club and starring Tim Considine as Spin, David Stollery as Marty and Kevin Corcoran as Moochie. But let’s take a break from Disney for at least one week and take a trip down the memory highway before America was crisscrossed by the Interstate Highway System. Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a postcard from the Little America truck stop.

When my family drove cross country in their 1954 Mercury station wagon, my mom would have in her lap a thin bound booklet of mini-maps picked up at the local American Automobile Association office in Indianapolis. These booklets, first produced in 1911, featured each section of the route highlighted with construction sites, rest stops and turn by turn directions – all before Google maps and Mapquest! This week’s “Remember When” question is “What was the copyright name for this travel essential?

Well it has been another week trying not to repeat myself. Until we meet again, look back with gratitude and ahead with anticipation.

“No matter how big or soft or warm you bed is, you still have to get out of it.” Grace Slick

Aging Well January 31st

I know, I know. I should appreciate every season and their special endearing qualities. But during January, the middle of winter, I often feel like hunkering down and hibernating – staying inside and warm, going to sleep early and catching up on some reading. But as February nears and the sun begins to peak through, I can feel the legs starting to twitch, the heart beating faster and the stomach beginning to growl. And with a sense of spring emerging, it is time to leave the cave and transition to a new season.

And what season is that? -why tax season! The AARP Tax Aide starts at the Center this Friday February 3rd and continues on every Friday from 2:00 – 6:00 and Saturday from 9:00 – 1:00 through April 14th. Ronell Currie’s dedicated volunteers will have their pencils sharpened and laptops humming to help you with your individual tax returns (more difficult returns you will need to talk to a professional tax preparer). This free service is open to low and middle income individuals with special attention to folks over 60. But you might want to wait – if you can, because the first few weeks are pretty hectic.

This fascinating request came my way and maybe someone can help. A gentleman is trying to finish a project about past Dufur High School eight-man football teams and he needs the team’s final win/loss records for the years 1964, 71, 72, 74,76,78 81,82 and 86. If you have any knowledge of the records, please call Lorna at The Dalles Wasco County Library at 541-296-2815.

Last week I mentioned Steve Hudson is offering East Coast Swing dance lessons at the Center. But Steve must not be a fan of professional football because he had to be reminded the 5th is Super Bowl Sunday. Consequently, he has bowed to peer pressure and rescheduled the start of his class to Sunday, February 12th from 7:00- 9:00 PM.

The Veteran’s Services Office has moved to Historic Downtown The Dalles at 201 East Federal Street (where the Transportation Center was located) and the new location has been a tremendous success. But the flagpole is inadequate – only one flag can be displayed and it can’t be raised or lowered. Now a subcommittee of the Veteran’s Memorial Group is leading the charge to replace the flagpole and is seeking donations. So far they have raised about half of the $3000. For more information or to donate call the Veteran’s Service Office at 541-506-2502 or Barb Pashek at 541- 298-1973.

Here’s a piece of information I learned from Jennifer Windsor who works in billing at MCMC – and it could save you a few bucks. Whenever or wherever you are requesting lab work or a medical test and are asked to sign Medicare’s Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN), STOP! The ABN is to notify you that Medicare (or your supplement coverage) will not pay for the service and you will be held responsible for the cost. So before signing the ABN ask if your doctor accidentally miscoded the test. And if not, then decide if the test is worth the out of pocket expense. It may be, but know who will pay before you take the test. You don’t want to be surprised by an unexpected medical bill you really can’t afford.

I would be remiss and in deep trouble with the Center’s Tuesday night music regulars if I didn’t mention that tonight “For the Good Times” will be performing and on February 7th the Strawberry Mountain Band will be kicking up a dust storm. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and everyone plus donations are always welcome.

The teen idols in the film “Beach Party” were former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello (my first true love!) and Frankie Avalon. (The winner of five Quilt raffle tickets was Kim Birge.) And if you ever watched the Mickey Mouse Club you probably remember the serial adventures shown every week. So this week’s “Remember When” question is “What was the name of the popular serial that took place on the Triple R Ranch, a boys’ western-style summer camp, and aired on the Mickey Mouse Club in 1955, 56 and 57? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or include it with an autographed picture of “Moochie”.

Well it has been another week trying to decide – should I or should I not. Until we meet again, keep your ear to the ground and your eyes on the sky.

“”Remember there is a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.” Frank Zappa

Aging Well January 24th

Well how about that for a wild Wintry Mix! I hope everyone survived – safe and warm with no broken bones, spoiled food or frayed relationships from too much time too close together.

When there is weather as we have had this past week, the Center cancels its activities because we don’t want to encourage folks to go out and chance the hazardous conditions, when it is safer staying inside at home. And even after seeing pictures of families frolicking in winter’s excitement, which brings back memories of my own past winters – sledding down driveways, throwing snow balls and playing a snowy version of “capture the flag”. I too think I should play it safe and stay inside – warm and out of harm’s way.

But could I have it wrong? Should I take a chance – enjoy the cold winter air stinging my face while following Ryan Rooper zigzagging down the ski slopes or Skip Tschanz gliding along the cross-country ski trails in the back country? Or maybe just walking downtown along the slippery sidewalks?

There is something to be said for taking chances; stepping out on the metaphorical ice. Because taking chances opens up unexpected possibilities and surprises: surprises that could be so powerful they could change your life – meeting a new love, discovering new passion, or just feeling energized and alive.

And maybe that is a part of the wisdom from growing older: knowing ourselves so we can find the right balance between taking unnecessary and unproductive risks and exploring the many life-affirming chances that makes life so rewarding. We may no longer want to live as fast as Indy car driver Mario Andretti who said “If things seem under control, you are just not going fast enough.” But maybe we should still step on the gas once in a while and slide through a few more turns – at least metaphorically.

Like the Lone Ranger saving a desperate town, the Brace Brothers came to the Center’s rescue. For several days I was waiting for Mother Nature to cleanse the parking lot with a breath of warm air. But she was taking her time, and by Friday the parking lot had become a rutted sheet of ice. Then on Saturday morning the parking lot had been cleared by the Brace Brothers. And the Center’s snow shoveling crew would like to give them a big thank-you! (and considering our ages they may have saved a life!)

Tonight at the Center you can lubricate your bones dancing to the “Jazz Generations”. Then on the fifth Tuesday “The Good Times” will be back once again to serenade you with their country standards. The music always starts at 7:00 and although the music sounds like a million bucks, admission is free, but donations are always appreciated.

NIse Patton, director of Meals on Wheels, knows that getting out after dark is not easy for many of you especially during the recent weather. But there is now music before and after lunch on the first and third Wednesdays with Martin and Friends and Annie Lane will be playing on the second and fourth Wednesdays. So come early for lunch and stay late to dance – every Wednesday.

And if you want to broaden your dancing repertoire, another opportunity is starting at the Center on Sunday, February 5th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Steve Hudson will be teaching beginning to intermediate East Coast Swing which is one of America’s most popular and durable social dances. It is open to anyone: singles, couples, and young kids to older adults, and costs for singles $5 per lesson or $25 for the 6 week course; and for couples it is $8 per lesson or $40 per course. You can sign up at the Center or contact Steve at 541-993-3549.

The entertainer known as “Big Mouth” was Martha Raye. (The winner of five Quilt raffle tickets was Donna Smith). But enough of this icy weather! For this week’s “Remember When” question, I’m headed to the warm beaches of Southern California for the 1963 film “Beach Party” about Professor Robert Orwell Sutwell researching the “wild mating habits” of California teenagers. In the movie, who were the two teen idols who teamed together in this first of a series of beach party movies? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or include it with a picture of the 1955 Mickey Mouse Club Mouseketeers.

Well it’s been another week trying to stay vertical. Until we meet again, don’t let a piece of good advice stand in your way.

Aging Well January 17th

What if I told you there is a drug that reduces the pain or disability of knee arthritis by 47%; reduces the progression into dementia or Alzheimer’s by 50%, and with proper use can reduce the risk of hip fractures for post menopausal women by 41%. And this drug also reduces anxiety by 48%, relieves patients suffering from depression by 30%, and is the number one treatment for fatigue. Would you believe me? And how much would you pay for this miracle drug?

You may have already guessed, but this miracle drug is not really a drug and doesn’t have to cost you a dime. The miracle drug is exercise – as simple as walking around the block.

In the nine minute illustrative video called “23 ½ Hours”, (I will post it on the Center’s website or you can go directly to, Dr. Mike Evans asks you to limit your sleeping, eating, TV watching – your sedentary activities – to 23 ½ hours a day and spend the remaining 30 minutes exercising and being active: the best investment you can make to improve and maintain your health and quality of life.

I heard about “23 ½ Hours” from Fern Wilcox who has returned to the Center to lead the Strong Woman’s class on Tuesday and Thursdays from 2:00 – 3:00 pm. Fern is looking for women who would like to improve their muscle strength, flexibility and balance while enjoying good conversation and laughter. (And will I get another pin-up calendar when the class reaches twelve strong?) But if the Strong Women’s class doesn’t fit your schedule, the Center also offers Seniorcise, Yoga and Tap and Clogging.

And there are plenty of other opportunities to start moving: The Dalles Fitness and Court Club, Water’s Edge, and Parks and Recreation. Or you can just start walking. The point is if you aren’t moving – start, even if it is just a little. There is a big difference in health benefits from not doing anything to doing something.

For the Tuesday Lecture at 11:00 on January 24th, Jennifer Windsor from MCMC will discuss Medicare billing – specifically how to complete the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) for folks who are enrolled in Original Medicare. (If you still have your 2012 edition of “Medicare & You”, you will find a description of an ABN on page 113.) Jennifer’s presentation will help you learn how to avoid unnecessary medical expenses and become a better consumer.

You may already know, but since I’m not the sharpest knife in the tool box, I just learned during last Tuesday’s lecture “How to Avoid Scams” that anyone can receive a free credit report once a year by going to the website www.AnnualCreditReport. It is easy – it took me only a few minutes – and the site doesn’t try to pressure you into enrolling in a credit monitoring service for a monthly fee. If you are interested in obtaining a free credit score, this is the place to go.

The Center is always looking to offer new classes and activities. And starting Friday, February 17th from 9:30 – 11:30, you will have the opportunity to learn Sign Language. This ten week class will be lead by Victoria Hollingsworth who has studied signing for four years and has taught it twice. Call the Center or stop in to sign up.

Who wants to walk around the block to get your thirty minutes of exercise, when you can dance all night long? – well at least from 7:00 till 9:00 PM. Tonight, Truman and his Country Gold are the reasons to get moving. And next Tuesday on the 24th, the Jazz Generations will be be-bopping the night away. Everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.

The name of the educational magazine published for elementary grade students was “My Weekly Reader”. (And the lucky name drawn from the correct responses was Marilyn Sarsfield – winner of five quilt raffle tickets.) This week’s “Remember When” question is about a female singer and comedy actress who had her own TV show in the 50’s and was known for entertaining the troops during WW II, Korean and Vietnam Wars. What was the women whose nickname was “Big Mouth”? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or write your answer on the back of a photograph of middleweight boxer Rocky Graziano.

Well, it’s been another week looking for hidden angels in our midst. Until we meet again, you may find this WC Fields quote appropriate during the political season ‘If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull”.

Aging Well January 10th

You don’t need paper or pencil; you can do it in bed or while taking a shower. You don’t have to ask for permission and it can even be done without anyone knowing. And it is not what you are thinking!
It is exercising your working memory: the critical ability to keep track and manipulate a small number of items – like using a scratch pad, before you transfer the information to the filing system of your long term memory. And even as we age we can still strengthen our working memory with practice.

One simple, but not necessarily easy, mental exercise is called “Backward Digit Span”. When you hear or read a four digit number, repeat it – but backwards. Try increasing the number of digits and see how many digits you can repeat. Now try the same idea with letters. Think of a word and then mentally spell the word backwards. Again start with a short familiar word, then try a longer word and that isn’t as familiar. And don’t get discouraged. The intent is to improve and strengthen your working memory, not to worry about where you start.

You can learn more about the brain and how to improve your memory by attending the Center’s Brain Fitness class on Mondays from 1:00 – 2:00. We are currently studying a video lecture series called “”Optimizing Brain Fitness” with Professor Richard Restak from George Washington University. And don’t feel you can’t join us now because you have missed the previous presentations. I can’t remember what we discussed two weeks ago anyway.

I want to thank all the folks who responded so enthusiastically to our “End of the Year” 2012 membership drive. At this early stage we have 201 members including 34s new members, and thirty-eight Super Duper members – which include the Center’s first Super Duper member Patti Blagg. (And I can’t mention Patti without reminding everyone of the next Community Concert at The Dalles Wahtonka High School this Wednesday starting at 7:00 PM featuring the “Men of Worth”.) And if you happen to possess that all-too-common procrastination gene, the Center would once again like to invite you to become a member. It could change your life.

Tonight at the Center, it’s John Martin and Friends cooking up some good ole country fried music. And on the 17th, Truman will occupy the third Tuesday of the month playing his Country Gold. Music starts at 7:00, ends by 9:00 and donations are always appreciated..

Maybe I was waiting until they decided on a good name for themselves, because now I can finally invite everyone to join the “Needle Nutz” in the Center’s lounge. They meet every Wednesday from 10:00 till lunch to stitch, macramé, crochet, knit – anything that has to do with long strands of yarn or thread. The “Needle Nutz’ include Sandy Haechrel and her friends (now you know why the name is so fitting) and they would welcome anyone whether a newbie or expert to join their circle – or just stop in to ask any questions.

No one remembered the past editors of the Senior Highlights – the monthly newspaper for seniors first produced and distributed by the Mid-Columbia Community Action Program in the 1970’s. So I needed to go to the man who has been working at CAP since the days Rod Runyon was a young whipper-snapper Jaycee, and who is now CAP’s Executive Director. And Jim Slusher came through like an Aaron Rodgers touchdown pass. Jim remembers the first editor was Vince Paul Killeen, the “lil old editor” of the August 1975 Senior Highlights followed by Fritz Cramer who was the editor through the 80s.

But cleaning up my office also provided this week’s “Remember When” question. What was the name of the weekly educational newspaper/magazine first published in 1928 and distributed in the elementary grade classes (reaching a total circulation of 4,269,000 in 1949) that described current events in the United States and around the world? If you know, email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or write your answer on the back of a plate block of ten cent 1958 US Saving Stamps and mail it to 1112 W 9th Street.

Well, it’s been another week looking for the silver living in this old winter coat of mine. Until we meet again, don’t forget to breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in …

Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone. ~Jim Fiebig

Aging Well January 3rd

Do you notice how time seems to zoom by like you’re being passed by a teenager driving a new sports car? And the start of 2011 seems like only yesterday, although a little blurry? But it was a not-too-long-ago twenty-five years on January 4th 1987 that two hundred folks turned out for the official opening of the brand spanking new Mid-Columbia Senior Center. Don Bailey, chairman of the Center’s Board of Directors, and City Councilman Merritt Probstfield, representing the City, welcomed the celebrants with their opening remarks. (The City of The Dalles played a major role by donating the land that initially had been considered for a new fire station, and by directing City Planner Jack Leasch to oversee the application for federal funds to build the Center.) 

Others dignitaries who spoke included Lyle Grisham, the interim manager for the Center, Beverly Rooper, the local Area Agency on Aging director, and Bill Hulse representing Wasco County. Marge Anderson, director of the Center while it was at the Civic Auditorium, and LoRita Smith, the Center’s program director, cut the ribbon to officially open the Center to the public. And it was reported that the highlight was when Betty Harlan, the kitchen manager at that time for Meals-on-Wheels, got everyone to stamp their feet and yell “We did it!”
And it was quite an accomplishment. The Center’s dedication – on that “unusually balmy Sunday” twenty five years ago – was a proud moment for the many community organizations and individuals who had spent over seven years discussing and planning and fundraising to make this dream possible. And now as the Center commences another twenty five years offering more opportunities to explore, connect and contribute, the Center is preparing to be a resource and gathering place for a new generation – so all older adults can live healthy and meaningful lives.
For the Center’s 11:00 AM Tuesday Lecture on January 10th, I will be presenting a 60 minute program produced by the National Council on Aging called “Steps to Avoiding Scams”. This program provides a basic understanding of the types of scams targeting older adults, so you can protect yourself from becoming a victim. And as we know from this holiday season, there are always a few people who are willing to take advantage of the unsuspecting.

Tonight at the Center, the entertaining, energizing and encredible (that is incredible with an “e” for excellent!) Strawberry Mountain Band” will be getting you off to a rocking good start on this first Tuesday of the New Year. And next Tuesday on the 10th, John Martin and Friends will be back performing for your listening and dancing pleasure. Music starts at 7:00, ends by 9:00 and everyone is welcome. And to feed the band and keep the lights on, donations are always appreciated.
The 1942 film starring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire about an entertainer who opens up a lodge in Connecticut for only eight nights a year is “Holiday Inn”. (And the winner of the coin toss is Joann Scott who wins her choice of five quilt raffle tickets or a $10 Saturday Night Bingo packet.)
This week “Remember When” goes back in time to a little local history not twenty five years, but thirty six years ago in the Mid-Columbia (before it was called the Gorge). As I was cleaning out my office – which I do occasionally when I can no longer see the floor – I found a faded edition of the August, 1975 Senior Highlights. It was produced and distributed by the Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (commonly referred to as CAP) and included the “Goin-ons, Doins and Happenings” in Hood River, Wasco and Sherman counties, bus schedules, poetry, recipes and discussion of senior issues. So this week’s question is “Who was the editor of the Senior Highlights?  (I think I can remember one of the editors.) If you know, email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or bring it to the Center with a copy of the very first Senior Highlights. (And Slusher, you can’t enter!)

Well, it’s been another week wondering where time flies off to and hides. Until we meet again, keep your light on and the doors locked.
“Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.” Mary Schmich