Author Archives: mcseniorcenter

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ September 13th, 2023

Are you ever frustrated that after reading an article, you try to explain it and you can’t remember what you read?  Or you get halfway through a novel and suddenly you realize you have read it before!

Many of us use our leisure time to read whether it is an article in this newspaper, on the Internet, or that bestseller you just borrowed from the library. And with so much information at our fingertips, it’s even more important to remember what you read even if you aren’t studying for a history class final – thank goodness!

To better comprehend and remember, here is a quick summary of “Eight Tips To Remember What You Read” by Dr. Bill Klemm, professor of Neuroscience at Texas A&M University. (You can read the entire article on the SharpBrains website.)

1) Know Your Purpose

Ask yourself, “Why am I reading this?” Continuously checking how the purpose is being fulfilled helps you stay on task and focus on the more relevant parts of the material.

2) Skim First

Skimming first can help you identify what is important to focus on in your reading. But it shouldn’t be your default mode of reading – as I keep telling myself.

3) Get the Mechanics Right

You may remember from your English classes that you shouldn’t read word by word but focus on several words at a time which can increase your speed and comprehension.

4) Be Judicious in Highlighting and Note Taking

Okay, I’m reading a book; highlighting all the important points, and then realize I’ve highlighted the entire page!

Try to highlight the few key points to act as your reminder cues. And don’t get so focused on highlighting that you don’t pay enough attention to what you’re reading.

5) Think in Pictures

I’ve previously written about how creating a picture can help you remember objects – particularly when your doctor gives you the three-word memory test! So when reading, identify the keywords and think of the associated mental images.

6) Rehearse As You Go Along

Read in short segments – a few paragraphs to a few pages – all the while thinking about and paraphrasing the meaning of what you are reading. Rehearse what you are memorizing by reconstructing the mental pictures.

7) Operate Within Your Attention Span

Paying attention is central to memorization. If you can’t concentrate, reading is a waste of time. Most of us have short attention spans – and mine is getting shorter all the time – so try not to read dense material for more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time. After each session, quiz yourself on what you just read.

8) Rehearse Soon After Reading Is Finished

When you finish reading, rehearse what you learned right away. Avoid distractions and multitasking. Again, ask yourself questions about the content of what you read and how it satisfies your purpose for reading.

Follow these eight steps if you want to better remember what you read. And for me, it’s simply to remember what I read fifteen minutes ago!

Brain Tease: You should be getting good at these lateral thinking patterns. See how you do on this one.

“Four men were fishing. The boat tipped, and every man fell into the water. Not a single man got wet. How is this possible?”

Before he went solo, Smokey Robinson sang with a group of teenage friends who recorded for Motown as the Miracles. I received correct answers from Marny Weting, Rhonda Spies, Dave Lutgens, Rose Schulz, Donna Mollett, Keith Clymer, Kim Birge, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket: Rebecca Abrams. And I’ve missed Diana Weston from way back, Donna Mollett from last week, and probably someone else this week.

In 1944, the message L.S./M.F.T. was introduced on the packages of a brand of cigarettes. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of that brand? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or drop it off with an episode from the 1959 season of the Jack Benny Show.

Well, it’s been another week, moving faster but getting nowhere fast. Until we meet again, you can be an inspiration to others without even knowing it.

“Sharing tales of those we’ve lost is how we keep from really losing them.” Mitch Albom

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: They were married so there was not a single man to get wet.

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ September 6th, 2023

One of my favorite songs from the ’60s was the little-known “No Regrets” written and recorded by Tom Rush. It’s about a broken relationship he had no regrets about even though it was painful.

Many feel a life well lived is one where there are no regrets about the decisions you’ve made or the words you’ve said or left unsaid.

But we all experience regret, don’t we? Some regrets may be minor such as missing a Smokey Robinson concert to something as painful as not having visited a friend I had promised to see before she passed away.

In her New York Times article, “Regret Is Painful. Here’s How to Harness It”, Jancee Dunn shares insights from her conversation with Daniel Pink, author of “The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward.”

Daniel Pink found that regret, a negative emotion you feel when you wish you had done something differently, falls into four main themes: failing to reach out to others; lapses in moral judgment; incremental choices that result in big consequences — like smoking or working too much; and holding back when we should have been bolder.

Those regrets can hurt but as Pink points out they are also a source of insight and growth. By thinking about our regrets, we “can clarify what we value most in life.” How can we make that happen? When dealing with regret Pink suggests we look inward, outward, and forward.

When looking inward, realize when we make mistakes, we often treat ourselves more harshly than we would treat anybody else. Instead of punishing yourself, try to look inward and talk to yourself the way you would a loved one: kind, generous, and forgiving.

When looking outward, Pink suggests confiding in someone you trust or forming a circle of friends where you can share your regrets. This can take away the hurt by realizing that everyone has regrets and you aren’t the only one.

Then look forward by asking yourself what lessons can I draw from this regret? And how can I apply them to my life going forward? Start with determining if you can still do something about it such as by being less judgmental, spending more time with close friends, or speaking up about something you feel strongly about.

In those cases when you can’t go back and you’re burdened with regret about an action you did or did not take, reframe your regret by at “least-ing” it – switching your thinking from “if only” to “at least.” For example, I can tell myself I may have missed seeing Smokey Robinson perform, but at least I can download his songs – and I saved the $150 for concert tickets!

There will always be times when we wish we could start over. But although regret can be painful, we can use it by looking inward, outward, and forward to appreciate what is important in our lives.

BRAIN TEASE: These may be too easy, but I’ll let you find out.

1.)   A man shaves several times a day but still has a beard. Who is he?

2.)   What disappears as soon as you say its name?

3.)   What can you hold in your left hand, but never in your right?

The band known for smashing guitars and writing the first rock opera Tommy was The Who. I received correct answers from Marny Weting, Rebecca Abrams, Dave Lutgens, Rose Schulz, Steven Woolpert, Keith Clymer, Pat Evenson-Brady, and Jess Birge this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. From the weeks before I missed Jean Harmon, Steven Woolpert, and Rose Schulz.

I mentioned Smokey Robinson, an early songwriter and singer for Motown Records who is still recording and performing at the age of 83! But before he went solo, he sang with a group of teenage friends who recorded many top hits including “The Tears of a Clown”. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this group? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or drop it off with a picture of Hitsville U.S.A.

Well, it’s been another week, and glad to be back in the Gorge. Until we meet again, too often I find out I don’t know what I always thought I knew.

“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” Winnie-the-Pooh

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).

Answers: 1.) A barber; 2.) Silence; 3.) Your right hand

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ August 30th, 2023

I hesitate to start with this next topic because who really wants to talk about feet because what do you think of? Ugly toenails, disgusting smells, and corns and bunions? There ain’t nothing sexy about feet. But you live and learn, and I have found that this constantly used and often neglected part of the body is a clue to your overall health and critical to your well-being.

Many things can go wrong with your feet – which probably is not surprising to most of you – so it is important to assess your foot health regularly in order to catch problems early. Here are five easy steps to examine your feet and ankles.

  1. Check the appearance of your feet and ankles.

While sitting, look for things like swelling, discoloration of the skin or nails, blisters, and excessive calluses. Be sure to examine the space between the toes and the soles of your feet. (If I try, I feel as if I’m imitating a soft-knotted pretzel!) And while standing, look for anything that has changed or looks suspicious in the shape of your foot and ankle.

  1. Assess the blood flow.

Press down on the nail of your big toe until the color fades, about 5 seconds. Then let go and allow the blood flow to return to your toe. If you have average circulation, the return of normal color to your toe should take 2-5 seconds.

  1. Test your foot and ankle function and flexibility.

For your foot, try to pick up a marble or small dishtowel with just your toes to assess their flexibility. (Is that really possible?) To test your ankle flexibility, stand facing a wall, move your front foot back four inches, and move your knee towards the wall. If your knee can touch the wall, you have good flexibility in your calf and ankle.

  1. Evaluate sensation.

Take a pencil eraser and run it on the top, bottom, and both sides of your feet. The sensation should feel the same on all sides of the foot. If you lack sensation in one area, repeat the test over the next few days to see if you get the same result.

  1. Examine your level of pain.

There should be no pain in the average, uninjured foot. If you do have pain, make sure to feel the parts of your foot to locate the exact position and source of the pain.

If you find anything suspicious or unusual from swelling and excessive callouses to persistent foot pain, make sure you contact your primary care provider. Good foot care and regular foot checks are an important part of your health care. Often foot problems are the first indication of more serious problems including arthritis, diabetes, and kidney, heart, circulatory, or neurological disease.


What word is missing?

Begin, inch, chapel, elastic, ? , cellar, arisen, end

Johnny Carson’s sidekick and announcer was Ed McMahon. I received correct answers from Dave Lutgens, Donna Mollet, Rebecca Abrams, Kim Birge, Pat Evenson-Brady, Keith Clymer, Ronda Spies, Nancy Higgins, and Lana Tepfer who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

And from the week before when the answer was Abbott and Costello, I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Keith Clymer, Donna Mollet, Rebecca Abrams, Deborah Medina, and Nancy Higgins’s almost 99-year-old mom Anna Bolton who is the winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

Since my mom grew up with the Mills Brothers, Harry James, and Frank Sinatra, she couldn’t understand why the musical groups I listened to had such foolish names: The Beatles, the Animals, Mamas and Papas, and the band called just – The Band. So for this week’s “Remember When” question, what band, whose name is more appropriate for a basic journalism class, was known for smashing guitars on stage. and writing the 1969 classic rock album Tommy?  Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or drop it off at the Center while singing with youthful rebellion “My Generation”.

Well, it’s been another week, wondering, “Where did the time go?” Until we meet again, sometimes stubbornness is just another name for being determined – and sometimes it’s not!

“It’s a strange world of language in which skating on thin ice can get you into hot water.”

Franklin P. Jones

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).


Ice. Each word begins with the last two letters of the previous word.

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ August 23rd, 2023

I’ve shared this parable of a Chinese farmer a few years back. I can’t remember when and you probably can’t either! So, since none of us can remember, I’d like to share it again.

One day a farmer’s horse ran away. His neighbor hears of his bad news and comes over to commiserate. “I hear that you lost your horse. That is bad news.”

“Bad news, good news, who’s to say,” said the farmer.

Well, the next day the farmer’s horse returns to his stable and has brought back nine wild horses. The neighbor across the way can’t believe what he hears and decides to come over and congratulate him. “This is such good news,” he says.

“Good news, bad news, who’s to say,” said the farmer.

The next day the farmer’s son decided to ride one of the wild horses, and as luck would have it, the son was thrown from the horse and broke his leg. Of course, upon hearing this sad news, their neighbor came over to offer condolences. “This is such bad news,” he said.

“Bad news, good news, who’s to say,” said the farmer.

On the following day, soldiers came by commandeering an army. They took sons from most of the surrounding farms, but because the farmer’s son had a broken leg, he could not go and was spared.

The neighbor comes running over and says, “Yes! This is such good news; how lucky you are!”

And the farmer replies, “Good news, bad news, who’s to say?”

Have you experienced “bad news” from which you later found some “good news”? This parable of the Chinese farmer reminds us that our situation is always fluid, and we shouldn’t become too consumed by either our good fortune or bad. There is no magic crystal ball to tell us what our future holds.

When we experience hardships, we can take comfort in looking for hidden benefits and opportunities. Granted it may not compensate for the current hurt and pain, but we’re tough and resilient. And the “good news”? Much of what we have learned about life has come from the “bad news” we have experienced.


Before the Brain Tease, I have to give a plug for the website Staying Sharp by AARP. There you can find games, brain-healthy recipes, articles, and activities to challenge your brain. Try this example.

“On a sheet of paper, write your name normally. Then switch your pen or pencil to your non-dominant hand and write your name again. How closely did your letters match? Try a few more times to see if you can improve.”

Now that you have worked your brain by changing a routine fine motor movement, here is this week’s BRAIN TEASE.

A recent graduate in engineering was applying for his first job. The interview went well but there was one last question. If he answered it correctly, he would have the job.

“If we filled up a bathtub and offered you a teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket and ask you to empty the bathtub, which would you use?”

The engineering graduate thought it must be a trick question, but not seeing how it could be, he decided it must be the obvious answer: the bucket.

Did he get the job?

The comedy duo that made famous the comedy routine “Who’s on First” which was first seen in the 1949 comedy film “Naughty Nineties” was Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. Since I’m traveling to upper Michigan for the annual family gathering with a stopover in Detroit to visit the Motown Museum – the music of my youth! I’ll list all of you who sent in correct answers next week when I get back to the Gorge.

Johnny Carson was the gold standard of late-night talk show hosts. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was Johnny Carson’s sidekick and announcer from 1962 through 1992? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with a 1958 episode of Who Do You Trust?

Well, it has been another week, separating the sense from the nonsense. Until we meet again, try something you have never done before – and you don’t have to let anyone know!

 “I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry.” Unknown

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: No. He should have pulled the plug.

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ August 16th, 2023

Last week I attended the Conference for Older Adults in the Gorge at One Community Health in Hood River. The event was spearheaded by Teresa Obregon who works for One Community Health’s Connected Care Program and Roni Hyde who is an Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist for GOBHI.

The conference featured six older adults who demonstrated how as we grow older, we can live rich vibrant lives, can still be active and engaged in our communities, and how there are many ways to stay healthy and independent.

But while listening to their inspiring stories, I realized they were living examples of being “old at heart”.

I know for many of you that just doesn’t sound right. Who wants to be “old at heart”? I’m sure my wife doesn’t want to be! But our society has this misconception that anything young is good and anything old is all downhill: frail, inactive, and uninterested in life. But what I heard from these individuals was that they were in their own ways active and engaged with their families and community.

We talk about wanting to be “young at heart”: staying active and trying new experiences – and we should. But if young at heart means waking up every day and enjoying that day as a gift, unburdened by regrets, and understanding the importance of friends and family, I’m not sure that is what I was experiencing when I was “young”.

That is more like how I feel now. And besides I feel I’m more patient and resilient, a little wiser from my life experiences, learning how to accept the blessings and burdens of life, and discovering what is truly important. And I’m considered “old”! So couldn’t we see those attitudes as “old at heart”?

I’m still growing up and still need role models showing me how to navigate this thing called aging. And these six individuals, who for me exemplify what it means to be “old at heart”, I consider inspiring role models. And if I just look around, I’ll find many more!

You can read about another inspiring role model in this month’s “Through the Eyes of an Elder.” Linda Chamberlain describes her travels to Uganda starting when she was 58 and now continuing into her 80s supporting women through knitting, dancing, laughing, and singing who are undergoing life-changing surgery.


Last week if you were scratching your head trying to figure out how I came up with the answer 56, well, I shouldn’t have. As Jay Lyman pointed out, the answer should have been 40.

So, to make up for last week’s blunder here is one more number puzzle. Let’s see if I can get it right this time!

111, 13, 112, 24, 113, 35, 117, ??? Is the answer A) 46, B) 57, C) 68, or D) 79?

The pianist, singer, and songwriter discovered and first recorded by Sam Philips at Sun Records was Jerry Lee Lewis. I received correct answers from Sandy Haechrel, Karen Mielke, Nancy Higgins, Donna Mollet, Lana Tepfer, Rebecca Abrams, Keith and Marlene Clymer, Patty Burnett, Jay Lyman, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket Kim Birge who enjoyed listening to Jerry Lee Lewis’s cousin Mickey Gilley.

I still laugh when I watch the comedy routine “Who’s on First?” in which a peanut vendor named Sebastion Dinwiddle, is talking with Dexter Broadhurt, the new manager of the mythical St. Louis Wolves. Broadhurt is identifying the players on his team, but the players’ names can simultaneously serve as the basis for questions which leads to repeated misinterpretations and frustration.  For this week’s “Remember When” question, what comedy duo made this routine famous?  Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it in with a copy of the December 26, 1999, Time magazine where “Who’s on First” was named the best comedy routine of the 20th century.

Well, it’s been another week trying to avoid those moral dilemmas. Until we meet again, as I was recently told, “I have most my marbles. I just don’t where I put some of them!

“And I urge you to please notice when you are happy and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice I don’t know what is.” Kurt Vonnegut

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: The answer is D) 79. The answer is the last digit and the sum of the digits of the preceding number.

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ August 9th, 2023

Do you ever fear you will become that friend or neighbor who can’t remember when – he told what – to whom? I do. Many times when writing this column I can’t recall if I have previously shared the same story, repeated the same quote – or even if I am repeating this fear of repeating myself!

As we age our brain changes. We are slower remembering names with faces, reading everything three times to remember what we read (or is that just me!), and being more easily distracted which is all normal. But many of us fear what we are experiencing is not normal, but the early stages of dementia.

To better understand dementia, I attended the “Getting to Know Dementia” class based on Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care®. She wants to change the conversation around dementia and show how all of us can support people with dementia.

Here is a little of what I learned.

What’s the difference between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?

In simple terms, dementia is like an umbrella covering several diseases affecting memory and other cognitive abilities including Lewy Body, Vascular Dementia, Frontotemporal Dementia, and the most common Alzheimer’s. Dementia is more than just Alzheimer’s and Alzheimer’s is more than just memory problems – it also affects your visual and tactile senses.

What are the four truths about dementia?

  1. At least 2 parts of the brain are dying: One related to memory and another part.
  2. It is chronic – can’t be fixed.
  3. It is progressive – it gets worse.
  4. It is terminal – it will kill, eventually.

That is tough to hear. Although there have been drugs approved to slow down the disease, there is no magic cure. It is terminal, but isn’t life terminal? (Somehow that still doesn’t make me feel any better!)

How should we consider the progression of dementia?

Since dementia is so debilitating, we naturally focus on the loss – on the seven stages of decline.

But here’s the key point. Teepa Snow wants us to celebrate what the person still has. In her Positive Approach to Care®, she uses her GEMS® dementia classification model that, unlike the traditional models, focuses on the skills and abilities a person has, not what they have lost. Every stage she describes is a different gem where the individual can still shine.

Doesn’t dementia rob the person of their dignity? No, it is our reaction to them that does.

Think about it. How do we treat someone with dementia? Do we argue about what we consider inappropriate or their irritating stubbornness – even if it doesn’t harm anyone? Or do we focus on the relationship which is most critical?

Do we see inappropriate behaviors as “Problem Behaviors”? Or do we reframe them and see them as expressing “Unmet Needs” while considering the person’s perspective and what is trying to be communicated?

Dementia is a challenging disease. But by better understanding dementia and the effects of brain changes, celebrating what is still there, and treating the person with respect and compassion, we can change our perspective and as a community, better support people with dementia and reduce the stigma that is associated with it.

BRAIN TEASE: Another number puzzle.

2+10=24, 3+6=27, 7+2=63, and 5+3=???. Is the answer 40, 44, 60, or 56?

The hit song “No Matter What Shape (Your Stomach’s In)” was based on the music from the Alka-Seltzer commercial. I received correct answers from Nancy Higgins, Donna Mollet, Dave Lutgens, Rebecca Abrams, Deborah Medina, Rose Schulz, Jess Birge, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Maria Kollas whom Alka-Seltzer reminded her of the mineral water she grew up with.

At Sun Records Sam Phillips discovered and first recorded musicians such as Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, and this recording artist nicknamed “The Killer”. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was the pianist, singer, and songwriter described as “rock ‘n’ roll’s first great wild man”? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with a 45 record of “Great Balls of Fire”, the first record I ever owned.

Well, it’s been another week thinking in the back of my mind, “There’s something missing!” Until we meet again, enjoy the dawn of each new day.

“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).


Aging Well in the Gorge ~ August 2nd, 2023

There are so many ways that Cybercriminals try to exploit us and steal our confidential information, it’s hard to keep track of all the distinct types. But the Texas Tech University Cybersecurity Awareness Program has identified five types of scams of which several may be unfamiliar to you.

Phishing – an email disguised as an email from a legitimate, trustworthy source. The message is meant to lure you into revealing sensitive or confidential information.

Spear Phishing – when criminals obtain information about you from websites or social networking sites and then customize a phishing scheme to you.

Spoofing – a criminal impersonates another individual or organization, with the intent to gather personal or business information.

Pharming – a malicious website that resembles a legitimate website, used to gather usernames and passwords.

And then there’s everyone’s favorite, Spam. Interestingly, the name comes from a 1970 Monty Python sketch that takes place in a café. When the breakfast menu is read aloud to a couple wanting to order, roughly 80% of the menu items were spam. And the wife keeps telling the waiter she doesn’t like spam! Just like unsolicited emails!

Fortunately, there are clues to help you identify certain scams. You may have experienced some of these.

  • Requests for your username and/or password – credible institutions and organizations will not request personal information via email.
  • Time-sensitive threats (e.g., your account will be closed if you do not respond immediately).
  • Spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Vague or missing information in the “from” field or email signature.
  • “To” field contains multiple random email addresses or is alphabetized.
  • Impersonal or awkward greetings, such as the one I just received, “Hi dear.”
  • Unexpected files or downloads.
  • Links that don’t refer to the sender or sender’s organization.
  • Emails about accounts that you don’t have, such as eBay or PayPal.
  • Emails “from” celebrities. No. Madonna or Tom Cruise is not interested in dating you!
  • Asks you to reply to “opt-out” of a service.
  • Plays on human emotions.

If you’re tired of scams and want to learn more so you can fight back, you can attend the SCAM JAM 2023 at the Columbia Gorge Discover Center from 9 a.m. – 12 noon on Aug. 4 – which is this Friday!

You can join the Oregon Office of the Attorney General, AARP Oregon, the Federal Trade Commission, and other experts for a fraud prevention workshop. You will learn how to spot scams and gain prevention tips and tools to protect you against fraud.

You are asked to register, which is a two-step process. (Nothing is simple anymore!) Go to, create an AARP log-in (you don’t have to be an AARP member), and then register for the event. If you have any questions, call 1-877-926-8300.

BRAIN TEASE: This one I was able to solve! “What is it that goes up and goes down, but does not move?”

The common brand name for this popular inexpensive “pork luncheon meat” made up of squares of pressed meat and gained popularity worldwide after its use during World War II was SPAM.

Some people loved it and some hated it but those who knew the correct answer were Nancy Higgins, Melissa Hayes, Donna Mollet, Rebecca Abrams, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Kim Birge, Dave Lutgens, Vicki Thomas, Doug Nelson, Rose Schulz, Mary Pierce, Steven Woolpert, Linda Frizzell. And this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Diana Compton who has visited the Spam Museum and attended the International Spam Festival in Austin, Minnesota where the Hormel Company made Spam.

There have been many songs that were written for commercials and later became pop hits: “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” which was changed to “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing” recorded by The New Seekers, and the Carpenters hit “We’ve Only Just Begun” which was from a Crocker Bank commercial.

For this week’s “Remember When” question, the hit song “No Matter What Shape (Your Stomach’s In)” was based on the music used in what TV commercial? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with a 1966 photo of The T-Bones.

Well, it’s been another week, worrying more with the more I know. Until we meet again, as my wife reminded me, you never see the boundary until you cross it.”

“Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.” Russell Baker

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).

ANSWER: The temperature.

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ July 19th, 2023

I feel like my parents during the 1960s. I just don’t understand the younger generation, particularly their use of all the social media sites: TikTok, Snapchat, What’sApp, Instagram, and Facebook which I’m most familiar with because apparently, it is for old people. You know those over forty.

With social media texts, you can share what you are thinking or doing instantly! But when you try to express yourself using texts, people miss the non-verbal gestures and tone of your voice and misunderstandings can occur. You can only do so much with punctuation marks: ! or !! or !!!

To address this disadvantage, in 2010 emojis were introduced in the U.S. for mobile devices. Emojis are small images, symbolic, and simple in design, and became instantly popular. In 2015, Oxford Dictionaries even declared an emoji to be the word of the year: “face with tears of joy,” otherwise known as “crying laughing.”

I usually avoid emojis because I have no idea what the 3,664 emojis mean. I don’t have the emotional depth to even know the differences between the dozens of smiley faces!

But if you want to use emojis, and don’t want to embarrass yourself (I learned you don’t use an eggplant and peach emoji together!) check out the Readers Digest article There you’ll find the meanings of the most popular emojis.

If you’re still unsure about an emoji, the place to go is Emojipedia. This website shows how every single emoji ever invented looks on your device, plus it also contains a brief explanation of its meaning, its history, and a list of related emojis.

Emojis are a way to add a little flair and nuance to social media texts. But I would avoid them if you are trying to impress your children or grandchildren. From the memories of my parent’s attempts to be “hip”, we’ll never get it right!

How do you pick yourself up when you’re down in the dumps, feeling low or hopeless, lacking interest, and having trouble concentrating?

We all experience those feelings at times, but if they persist you may benefit from participating in a six-week P.E.A.R.L.S. class. It helps reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate depression which many of us experience and if not addressed can harm our physical and mental health.

A trained facilitator will help you learn problem-solving techniques and strategies to reduce anxiety and improve mood, add enjoyable activities to your life, and get on a path toward increased physical activity. And most importantly help you live a healthy and rewarding life so you can get to where YOU want to go.

The class will be held from 2:00 – 3:30 pm on Tuesdays from August 1st through September 5th at the Hood River Valley Adult Center. Space is limited. To learn more, contact Roni Hyde at 541-705-4870 or

BRAIN TEASE: This is another one of those, “Oh, yeah. Why didn’t I think of that!”

Re-arrange the letters D R A N S W G L I O E, to spell just a single word.

The bandleader who hosted his popular show from 1951 to 1982 was Lawrence Welk. I received correct answers from Mary Pierce, Debora Geschwint, Diana Weston, Rhonda Spies, Jess Birge, Lana Tepfer, Marny Weting, Donna Mollet, Patty Burnet, Linda Frizzell, Bruce Johnson, Anne Saxby, Tandin Smith, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket Sandy Haechrel whose high school senior class president and actor in every high school musical was Tom Netherton, a singer on the Lawrence Welk show from 1973 to 1982.

This documentary series featured scenes of wildlife and nature from around the world. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this television series originally produced from 1963 until 1988 and sponsored by Mutual of Omaha?  And for bonus points who was the original long-time host? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with pictures of the pet chimpanzees “W. K.” and “Mr. Moke” who were often featured on the show.

Well, it’s been another week, feeling my way in the dark. Until we meet again, do you ever have one of those days, when listening to friends debate whether the glass is half full or half empty, you’ll just happy there’s still water in it?

“I’m glad it’s finally hot enough to complain about how hot it is.” Anonymous

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).


Aging Well in the Gorge ~ July 12th, 2023

Last week I wrote about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. But what else do I need to worry about – as if I don’t have enough already?

Well, let’s add one more to your summer list: Heat stroke.

As older adults, we are at greater risk for heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion exhibited by heavy sweating and a rapid pulse. That’s bad enough, but if untreated it can progress to heat stroke, the most severe form of heat illness, and a life-threatening emergency requiring immediate medical attention. Symptoms of heat stroke are lack of sweating, headache, confusion, rapid heart rate, nausea or vomiting, and loss of consciousness.

So how do you protect yourself? You’ve heard it many times: stay cool, hydrated, and connected.

Avoid sun exposure; wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes, and a wide-brimmed hat. To cool down try ice packs, cool showers, or sponge baths. But what I didn’t know is a fan should not be your primary cooling device. Although it feels good, fans do not cool the air or reduce body temperature to prevent heat-related illnesses.

Drink plenty of fluids even if you’re not thirsty. Drink enough to have to urinate every four hours. (I wish I could last that long!)

Be aware of local heat advisories, have someone check in on you, and identify places to stay cool such as community centers, libraries, or your favorite coffee shop.

I’ve known folks who didn’t have an air conditioner, or it wasn’t working – and tried to tough it out. But we are not the kids we once were when we could survive those hot summer nights spread eagle on the bed with a bag of frozen veggies under our heads trying to stay cool enough to go to sleep.

In this month’s “Through the Eyes of An Elder” Gary Young lists his “Keys to Elderly Living”. They are humorous, insightful, and honest. My favorite is “If you sit on your porch and wave, a parade might just come by.” So if you haven’t already, stop right now and read “Through the Eyes of Elder”. I insist!

Now that you’re back, last week you may have noticed, or may not have, that I included the answer to the Brain Tease but left out the question. But to make the best of my oversight, for this week’s Brain Tease I’m going to give you the answer once again, but you have to come up with the question. Got it? You’ll find the actual question at the end of this column.

Answer: Halfway – after which it would be running out!

For last week’s “Remember When” question, the product advertised as “It Floats!” and “99 44⁄’00% Pure” was Ivory Soap. I received correct answers from Chuck Rice, Diane Weston, Jerry Taylor, Mary Pierce, Nancy Turner, Nona Moore, Marny Weting, Pat Evenson-Brady, Rebecca Abrams, Sandy Haechrel, Rhonda Spies, Dave Lutgens, Donna Mollet, Lana Tepfer, Kim Birge, and Lois Kinsfogel this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

And for the week before, the actor associated with horror films based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe was Vincent Price. I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Dave Lutgens, Deborah Medina, Julie Carter, Deloris Schrader, Keith Clymer, Donna Mollet, Lana Tepfer, Rebecca Abrams, Bruce Johnson, and Elena Smith who was that week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

When I was a teenager I remember my parents watching this bandleader’s television show that I thought was so old-fashioned and uncool. (If I had known in his early days he led several big bands with such cool names as the Hotsy Totsy Boys and the Honolulu Fruit Gum Orchestra, I might have thought differently.)

For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was this bandleader who hosted his popular show from 1951 to 1982 concentrating on popular music standards, show tunes, polkas, and novelty songs?  Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or ship it with a case of champagne.

Well, it’s been another week, enjoying the ride with all the bumps, wrong turns, and wind blowing through my hair as time speeds down the highway. Until we meet again, make like a cucumber and stay cool!

“A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken.” James Dent

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).

Question: “How far can a horse run into a forest?”

Aging Well in the Gorge ~ July 5th, 2023

“It is not if, but when.” We often believe an emergency will never happen and when it does – we are unprepared. But to save valuable possessions, and often lives, we need to be ready for the unexpected – particularly as older adults.

During emergencies, many older adults are at a higher risk for several reasons: impaired mobility, chronic health conditions, limited social and economic resources, and lower technology use. And yet older adults are the least prepared for disasters: only one-third have an emergency plan.

What should you do to be prepared? Follow these three steps: make a plan, make a kit, and be informed so you are at least “2 Weeks Ready” for any emergency.

1.) Make a plan. Include family and friends when making your plan and don’t forget to consider your physical limitations; how you will care for your pets; your arrangements with your caregivers; how and when to turn off your utilities; and how you will leave and where you will go if you have to evacuate.

Also, create a communication plan. Choose a contact person who will check on you during an emergency. Create a list of contact information for family members and friends to leave by your phone and to include in your Emergency Supply Kit. You may also want to designate an out-of-state contact person to call or text since it is often easier to make an out-of-state call than a local call from a disaster area. A simple message such as IMOK works well.

2.) Make a Kit. There is a wealth of information online. One place you can start is at Oregon State University’s website And don’t forget to consider hearing aids, dentures, eyeglasses, mobility devices, and at least a seven-day supply of medications. And cash. If the power goes out, it will be hard if not impossible to use your credit card.

3.) Be informed. If you haven’t already, register with your county’s Citizens Alert program to receive critical emergency notifications. In Oregon you can register at Oregon Alert: In Klickitat and Skamania Counties contact your county’s Emergency Management Department.

In my more than forty-three years living in the Gorge, I have seen floods, winter storms, train derailments, and wildfires (But no tornadoes or hurricanes!) In these types of emergencies, government agencies aren’t always able to respond immediately, so personal preparedness is key. There is often little time to think: twenty minutes or less to decide what you need to take and what you must leave behind.

It’s already July and I haven’t mentioned the six Farmer Markets in the Gorge where you can enjoy the fresh local produce and the works of Gorge artists. It is different than shopping at your local grocery store so here are a few quick tips to make it fun and easy.

1.) Plan ahead. You can find a list of the vendors on each market’s website. 2.) Bring your own bag. Or a mini cooler with a few damp paper towels inside to keep highly perishable items like fresh herbs and certain vegetables hydrated to prevent wilting. 3.) Take the time to meet your local farmers and artists. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions about the items you are considering. 4.) Try something new. Challenge yourself to try at least one new food item.

You can find information about the six Farmer Markets including times, locations, and a list of all the vendors at

The American actor associated with horror films based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe and who did the voiceover in Michael Jackson’s song “Thriller” was Vincent Price. It’s another holiday so once again I’ll need to send in this column too early to mention everyone who sent in the correct answer. But I’ll catch up next week.

I’ll keep it simple for this week’s “Remember When” question. What product was first introduced in the 1890s and was advertised as “It Floats!” and “99 44⁄’00% Pure”? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or ship it with a clawfoot, cast iron bathtub.

Well, it’s been another week, trying not to repeat myself. Until we meet again, for every question there is an answer; you just might not find it in your lifetime.

“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.” George Eliot

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center (541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office (509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: Halfway – after which it would be running out!