Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well in the Gorge June 2nd 2021

How many drug ads can you tolerate during the evening news? Boniva, Celebrex, Fosamax, Lunesta, Nexium, Paxil, Eliquis – all describing how they will improve your health and well-being. And hidden at the end are the possible side effects: nausea and diarrhea; incontinence and constipation, sleeplessness and drowsiness; bad dreams and bad luck. But what do you really know about these wonder drugs?

Before you take any medication be a smart consumer and educate yourself first. Check out the website MedlinePlus hosted by the National Library of Medicine where you can find trusted health related information. But the best option is to ask your primary care provider, dentist, or pharmacist, so you can get the most benefit and prevent dangerous drug interactions.

But what should you ask? Here are ten questions from “Educate before you Medicate” created by the Medication Safety Project.

1) What is the name of the medication and what is it supposed to do? Basic stuff but often overlooked.

2) When and how do I take it? Make sure you understand the instructions.

3) How long do I take the medicine? Always finish your medicines unless otherwise advised by your healthcare provider.

4) Does this medicine contain anything that can cause an allergic reaction? Don’t forget to describe any pass reactions you have had to medications.

5) Should I avoid alcohol, any other medicines, foods and/or activities? You don’t want any unexpected reactions.

6) Should I expect any side effects from this medicine? Also find out who you should call if you experience any of the symptoms or have questions.

7) What if I forget to take my medicine? For some medicines missing even one day can be important. And never double your medication without consulting your healthcare provider.

8) Is there a generic version of this medicine that can be prescribed? A way to save money when the cost of prescription drugs can be prohibitive.

9) How should I store the medicine? Always keep medicines away from heat, light and moisture.

10) Is it safe to become pregnant or breast feed while taking this medicine? Probably not a problem for anyone reading this column!

No drug is without risk. It is always a balance between the benefits and the side effects. But it is your body, so do not hesitate to learn more about the medications you are taking.

Now how do you pay for these medications? Well, it’s complicated, as Sue Ann Arguelles points out in this month’s “Through the Eyes of an Elder.” Sue Ann is the area coordinator for the SHIBA program in Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, and Gilliam County that provides free Medicare counseling by trained volunteer counselors. For your Medicare questions call 541 288-8341.

The name of the comedian, singer, and pianist who frequently interrupted his performance with the line, “STOP–da music, everybody!” and invariably ended his show with “Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.” was Jimmy Durante – the Great Schnozzola. (For those who are wondering, the best guess is “Mrs. Calabash” was his late wife Jeanne Olson.)

I received correct answers from Susan Elllis, Clare Zumwalt, Gene Uczen, Rhonda Spies, Mike Carrico, Lana Tepfer, Kim Birge, Dave Lutgens, Tina Castanares, Jim Stager, Doug Nelson, Tiiu Vahtel, Margo Dameier, and Kathy Vukelich this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And I’ve missed Steve Nybroten.

Actor Jim Backus is probably best known for playing Thurston Howell III on the 1960s sitcom Gilligan’s Island,but he was also the voice of a popular cartoon character. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the wealthy, short-statured cartoon character who gets into a series of comical situations because of his extreme near-sightedness and made worse by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem. E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of W. C. Fields one of the inspirations for the character.

Well, it has been another week living in the now because I can’t remember the past and the future is too far away. Until we meet again, I’ve found if my wife asks if I could take out the trash, she is just giving me the illusion I have a choice.

“When we age, we shed many skins: ego, arrogance, dominance, pessimism, rudeness, selfish, uncaring … Wow, it’s good to be old!” – Stephen Richards

Aging Well in the Gorge May 26th 2021

It is 3:15 on a Sunday afternoon. And as I am writing, my eyelids are slowly, unwillingly closing; my fingers are losing consciousness – typing a row of ZZZZZZZZZZZZ’s – and I know, from these telltale signs, it must be time for a nap.

But don’t think I am just another old codger who needs his afternoon nap. Napping has taken on added significance in this fast-paced world – a new way to increase employee productiveness where companies including Apple and Google are allowing employees to take naps on the job. Research has shown a nap can boost the brain’s learning capacity, improve memory, increase creativity, and is more effective than caffeine. And even a short nap can have a marked effect on your health.

The article “The Science of the Perfect Nap” that I discovered on the website Lifehacker, offers several suggestions on how to take the perfect nap. I’ll try to share it with you – before I fall asleep.

1. Watch the time. Twenty-minute naps work well. 2. Find a quiet and dark space. (Unfortunately, during my college days, the library was quiet and dark, and I often slept there more than I studied.) 3. Lie down. It takes significantly more time to fall asleep while sitting. 4. Get in your napping zone. Concentrate on your breathing, relax your muscles, and use visualization techniques. 5. Plan naps into your day. Take a nap before you get to the dangerous point of drowsiness. 6. Set an alarm. You don’t want to sleep longer than you desire.

Naps are natural and beneficial. And even the younger generations are now learning about the advantages of naps – reaping the benefits of improved productivity, energy, and mental capacity. So no longer think of napping as an essential guilty pleasure. Napping is a good thing – and at any age.

Now that you have taken your nap and your brain is refreshed, see how quick you are to solve these two riddles that stumped me the first time I heard them. 1.) There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left in the basket? 2.) You are driving a bus. The bus is empty when you begin your route. At the first stop, four people get on. At the second stop, eight people get on and 2 get off. At the third stop, 3 people get off and 4 get on. What color are the bus driver’s eyes?

The vaudevillian comedian who was known for his running gags that included his age (always 39!) and his cheapskate image was Jack Benny. I received correct answers from Jim Ayers, Emmett Sampson, Susan Ellis, Chuck Rice, Steven Woolpert, Lucile Stephens, Barbara Cadwell, Lana Tepfer, Tina Castanares, Gene Uczen, Kim Birge, Dave Lutgens, Margo Dameier, Ricki Duckwall, Linda Frizzell, Doug Nelson, Mike Yarnell, Keith Clymer, and Nona Moore this week’s winner of a free quilt raffle ticket. And as always, last week I missed somebody or should I say somebodies: Susan Ellis, Trudy Katona, and Samantha and Jeff Irwin.

One more question about a vaudevillian performer who successfully transitioned to television. He may not be as iconic as Bob Hope, Jack Benny or George Burns and Gracie Allen, but he was a popular guest on many radio and television shows and hosted his own show from 1954 through 1956. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the comedian, singer, and pianist who frequently interrupted his performance with the line, “STOP–da music, everybody!” and invariably ended his show with “Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.” E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a recording of the 1933 song “Inka Dinka Doo”.

The answers to the two riddles are: 1.) The last person took the basket with an egg in it. 2.) You are driving the bus, so what color are your eyes?

Well, it has been another week riding shotgun in the 56’ Chevy of life. Until we meet again, keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and don’t take your foot off the peddle.

“How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” Abraham Lincoln

Aging Well in the Gorge May 19th 2021

Often as we age, we settle into our familiar routines. They are comforting and provide a sense of control: we don’t have to think, it’s automatic. 

During the last fourteen months, you may have become comfortable with the new routines you have established. And now as the Gorge begins to open up, you find the need to change your routines once again; going back to what you once did or creating new routines: a mix of the old and the new. 

Changing routines may be uncomfortable, but it can also be beneficial. Since routines are automatic, they require little mental effort which doesn’t increase the cognitive activity that helps strengthen your brain. 

There is a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that by engaging in new and novel activities that do not depend on automatic processing, we can maintain or even improve our cognitive health. The key is to seek activities requiring cognitive effort where you actively focus; giving enough attention to a task to successfully complete it.

Instead of engaging in a passive activity such as watching TV, try learning something new: a new foreign language, Tai Chi, or join a book club. Or better yet, switch from Microsoft operating system to Google which I guarantee will challenge your brain – but also send you to an early grave!

You can also change the way you do simple daily tasks: drive home a different way while observing your new surroundings or learn to eat with chopsticks and then change hands. Very few activities maintain their novelty for long, so we must constantly pursue new opportunities to challenge our brains. In the simplest terms, you either use it or lose it.

Routines do provide a tremendous benefit in our daily lives. They can literally be lifesavers such as making sure you take all your medications. While others can be routines of convenience: parking in a regular spot at the grocery store so when you leave the store, you don’t have to look everywhere for your car! It works for me. But it is also important to move beyond the automatic and try new challenges for your brain health. 

So, take this brain challenge. See if you can remember my favorite “foreign” language when I was in grade school – Pig Latin. And using your Pig Latin reading skills, translate this Phyliss Diller (yllisPhay illerDay) quote. “enWhay youyay ayplay inspay ethay ottlebay, ifyay eythay onday’tay antway otay isskay youyay eythay avehay otay ivegay youyay ayay uarterqay. ellWay, ellhay, ybay ethay imetay Iyay asway elvetway yearsyay oldyay Iyay ownedyay ymay ownyay omehay.” 

It’s hard to stay up with youth culture, but when I read that the popular English singer, songwriter, and actor, Harry Styles was promoting men wearing handbags, I thought to myself, “Now I know how my father felt when I started letting my hair grow long! It’s just not right!”

The television series that aired from 1977 to 1984 where Mr. Roarke’s assistant Tattoo would yell “Ze plane! Ze plane!” was Fantasy Island – which reminded Eileen White of a corny joke from the ’70s. “What kind of M & M’s did Hervé Villechaize like best? Answer: de Plain! de Plain!” Okay, Eileen did say it was corny! 

I received correct answers from Eileen White, Gene Uczen, Barbara Cadwell, Keith Clymer, Kim Birge, Dave Lutgens, Lana Tepfer, Margo Dameier, and Beverly Thomas who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Keith Clymer, Margo Dameier, and Linda Johnston.

This is an easy one, but I hope brings back some wonderful memories. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what vaudevillian comedian starred on his own radio and television shows from 1932 to 1965 and was known for his running gags that included his age (always 39!), baby blue eyes, and his cheapskate image? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a 1729 Stradivarius violin. 

Well, it’s been another week, trying to make the world a little bit better in those small and personal ways. Until we meet again, if you see me wearing a mask, it isn’t because I haven’t been vaccinated, I just didn’t want to shave this week!

“Growth in old age requires the curiosity of a five-year-old and the confidence of a teenager”. Jan Chittister author of “The Gift of Years”

Aging Well in the Gorge May 12th 2021

My daughter, an introvert, finds living in our extrovert world uncomfortable: social gatherings, networking, meet and greets. But during these months of social limitations, shes told me, with a smirk on her face, Now the extroverts have to live in my introvert world!” 

For over 15 months we have been living as introverts. But now that we have been vaccinated, we can put aside the puzzles, books and DVDs of our favorite movies and go out; see friends we haven’t seen for months and ask, “Now, what is your name? 

Most of us long for moments of spontaneous conversation: the small talk between friends and new acquaintances. But as with any skill, we may have lost the ability to make small talk: feeling awkward and out of practice. (Or you may be jabbering to anyone about anything, thankful someone is listening besides your faithful canine companion!)  

But as with most skills, you don’t really lose it. And whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, now that you are socializingsafely!, you might want to brush up on your conversational skills. 

Janet Siroto in her April article for Next Avenue, a webbased news site for older adultsshares ways you can get back in the habit of small conversations with old and new friends. 

1.) Don’t lose your confidence because small talk doesn’t come as easy. It will take time and practice. 

2.) Avoid focusing on the dark cloud in the room. The pandemic has been difficult but try to focus on the futureIt will make a more pleasant and less stressful conversation. 

3.) Avoid the can you top this competition whether it is about the pandemic or how early your grandchild spoke his first word: “No!” 

4.) Anticipate the most common greeting, “How are you doing?”Instead of the typical response, you could answer “It’s been tough, but I’ve learned a few things.” This opens up the conversation for the person to ask about what you’ve learned. 

And I’ll add one more that’s personal weakness of mine.  Don’t do all the talking! Take a breath and let someone else add a few words 

If you keep practicing, you may reach the gold standard of small talk: talking with someone who knows you, but you don’t remember them and must chit-chat as if you do! 

As we begin to exit these challenging times, small talk can be a valuable skill helping us reconnect and build the foundation for deeper relationships as we move back into the extrovert’s world 

Try this on for size. I hope it brings a smile. 


A property manager of single-family residence was showing a unit to prospective tenants and asking the usual questions. “Professionally employed?” he asked. “We’re a military family,” the wife answered. “Children?” “Oh, yes, ages nine and twelve,” she answered proudly. “Animals?” “Oh, no,” she said earnestly. “They’re very well behaved.”   


In the 1961 Walt Disney produced film The Absent-Minded Professor starring Fred MacMurray, Professor Ned Brainard discovered a new substance he called Flubber (blending of flying and rubber)I received correct answers from Susan Ellis, Gene Uczen, Barbara Cadwell, Tina Castanares, Rhonda Spies, Mike McFarlane, Jess Birge, Lana Tepfer, Russ Noe, Dave Lutgens, Rose Schulz, Doug Nelson, Jack Bissett, and Eileen Utroskethis week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Doug Nelson, Judy Hanson, Joan Chantler, Mike Yarnell, and Mary Zenorini.  


While sitting on our front porch In The Dalles, my wife and I can watch the planes, trains and automobile, and the occasional barge, traveling up and down the Gorge. Every time I see a plane, yell out to my wife’s consternation“Ze plane! Ze plane!”, For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the television series aired from 1977 to 1984 where Mr. Roarke’s assistant Tattoo would yell those words after running up the tower and ringing the bellE-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a scale model of a Grumman Widgeon amphibious aircraft. 


Well, it’s been another week, listening for the train coming around the mountain when she comes. Until we meet again, don’t always believe everything you think. 
“If you have the choice between humble and cocky, go with cocky. There’s always time to be humble later, once you’ve been proven horrendously, irrevocably wrong.” Kinky Friedman 


Aging in the Gorge May 5th 2021

Who wants to talk about feet? That is the part of my body I don’t want anyone to see! (Actually, there are many other parts of my body I want to hide, but my feet rank near the top.) But taking care of your feet is important. According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, impairment of the lower extremities is a leading cause of activity limitation in older people.

The human foot has been called the “mirror of health” because you can find signs of diabetes, arthritis, and circulatory disease which are more common in older adults. If you find in your feet dry skin, brittle nails, burning and tingling sensations, feelings of cold, numbness, and discoloration you should talk to your primary care provider. Pain in your feet is never “normal” and is often easily treatable.

To avoid foot problems, clean and inspect your feet daily. Are there unusual changes in color, cuts or strange bruises, nail distortions, and odd bumps? Also, wash your lower limbs with warm water and soap, then pat them dry. If you struggle with dry skin as I do, apply moisturizer except between the toes. Keep your nails clipped straight across and not too long.

Make sure your shoes fit correctly. Footwear that is too narrow, too tight, or not supportive enough can contribute to lower limb pain. You need shoes that don’t rub against your skin or squeeze your toes. Choose models that have wide toe boxes, arch support, and sufficient cushioning.

Our feet are the tires of our body and although the tread is worn, we need to care for them so we can maintain our mobility and keep moving for many more miles.

Let me get on my creaky soapbox one last time about vaccines. If we’re going to stop the pandemic and get back to “the way it was”, it’s going to depend on us. Only we can stop the pandemic – not the government. You just can’t pass a law to keep the virus out.

So, we should encourage, not tell, our friends to get vaccinated. According to the vast majority of the medical community, the vaccines are safe – but not 100% safe. As older adults, we know there are no vaccines or medications that are 100% safe. I take a blood thinner that reduces the chance of a stroke but increases the chance of internal bleeding and I have chosen to take it because the benefits outweigh the risks.

Before I step off my soapbox, I want to share one story. When I was ten, I remember being told if you don’t know whether something is right or wrong, ask yourself what if everyone did it. Lying. What if everyone lied? Stealing. What if everyone stole? So, what about the vaccine? What would happen if everyone decided not to get vaccinated? Granted, this test of right and wrong may be too simplistic, but I believe it holds some truth. And let me tell you, it worked for a 10-year-old! 

 “Through the Eyes of an Elder” shares informative, touching, and inspiring stories from “elders” in our communities. This month Paul Woolery shares what he has learned from poetry including a wonderful collage of his poems. I think you’ll find something that speaks to you.

The cigarette brand with the tagline “You’ve come a long way, baby” seen in the last cigarette ad on television was Virginia Slims. I received correct answers from Steven Woolpert, Susan Ellis, Chuck Rice, Tina Castanares, Katherine Schlick Noe, Barbara Cadwell, Lana Tepfer, Patty Burnet, Cindy Winfield, Gene Uczen, Linda Frizzell, Pat Evenson-Brady, Rhonda Spies, Rose Schulz, and Marlene and Keith Clymer this week’s winners of a quilt raffle ticket.

In 1961 Walt Disney produced the comedy film The Absent-Minded Professor (who was one of my role models!) starring Fred MacMurray as Professor Ned Brainard. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the substance Professor Brainard discovered? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of a flying Model T.

Well, it has been another week enjoying the great outdoors. Until we meet again, as our parents told us before crossing the street, “Stop, look and listen”.

“I’ve always had a duck personality. Calm above water, feet going crazy below.” K. Flay – musician

Aging Well in the Gorge April 28th, 2021

Along my journey of growing older, I desperately tried to avoid my preconceived ideas of what old looked like: wearing hearing aids – which now I wouldn’t live without; or using a pill box – until there were too many days when I couldn’t recall if I took my morning pills or not!

Since I’ve passed those two milestones, I’ve started thinking that instead of denying my age I should celebrate my “oldness” and the accompanying joys. (I’ll leave the challenges for another day.)

But what is old? We’ve all heard it is ten years older than you are now, (which I am continuing to find surprising accurate) but is there a better way to know? So, for those of you who are curious, I found this list of “scientifically validated” indicators of old age. See how you compare with my answers.

1.      You fall asleep watching TV or reading the paper. No, but at 3:00 I do start nodding off.

2.      You become forgetful. Yes, but it’s no different than the twentysomething who can’t remember what I just ordered on my Subway sandwich!

3.      You groan when getting up from a chair or out of bed. No, but for some reason my wife thinks I do. 

4.     You say ‘back in my day’. No, I say “back in the good old days”.

5.     You have an afternoon nap. Yes, but they are now “power naps”.

6.     You don’t know the names of current celebrities. I do – if they are over 65.

7.     You have a low tolerance for teenagers. No. I find teenagers great. It brings back fond memories of my youth without having to relive those days.

8.     You only listen to music from your youth. No. I listen to contemporary music that sounds like music from my youth.

Over halfway through and looking good.

9.      You choose places to eat because they play quiet music. Yes, because I want to hear who I am talking with  – which is not easy wearing hearing aids.

10.     Choosing to meet friends for lunch or dinner rather than a night out for drinks. Yes. I need to be in bed by 9:00.

11.     You spend weekends or holidays in garden centers. No. I try to stay out of the garden – that’s my wife’s domain – thankfully.

12.     Gardening is a hobby. No. See above

13.     You forget where your glasses are. Yes, but I always find them – on my head!

14.     You choose clothes for comfort rather than style. Yes, because who am I trying to impress?

15.     You get a haircut to ‘suit your age’. No, because I’m still figuring out what my age is.

So how did you do? Did you do better than my 9 out of 15 “no” answers? If so let’s go out and celebrate – but please, not too long!

The members of the 1985 country music supergroup The Highwaymen were Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Kris Kristofferson. I received correct answers from Steven Woolpert, Barbara Cadwell, Susan Ellis, John McEwen, Jess Birge, Gene Uczen, Lana Tepfer, Tina Castanares, Keith Clymer, Margo Dameier, Mike Yarnell, Rose Schulz, Jim and Jennifer Stager, Doug Nelson and Joy Nicholson this week’s winner of a free quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Beverly Thomas and Doug Nelson.

Remember when doctors and even Santa Claus were used to selling cigarettes on television? That ended at 11:50 pm on January 1st, 1971, when the last cigarette advertisement ran on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the brand of cigarette in that television ad that tried to cash in on the women’s liberation movement with the tag line “You’ve come a long way, baby.” E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a short history of the Women’s Tennis Association. 

Well, it has been another week trying to decide which way is up. Until we meet again, as they said in the old west, “Poor is having to sell the horse to buy the saddle.”

“There are six myths about old age: 1. That it’s a disease, a disaster. 2. That we are mindless. 3. That we are sexless. 4. That we are useless. 5. That we are powerless. 6. That we are all alike.” – Maggie Kuhn

Aging Well in the Gorge April 21st, 2021

The sun is outthe days are warmer, and suddenly I have this urge to start cleaning and getting rid of “stuff”. even start thinking it might be time to downsize; find a smaller place to live. Or even fit all my possessions into a Sprinter van (an upgrade from the Volkswagen van of half a century ago) and travel to nedestinations full of excitement and possibilities! But when my head clears, I realize downsizing is more a struggle than an adventure. 

I have read about where to begin: old technology (the three old laptops stored under my desk), stuff you’ll never use or wear (if it hasn’t been used in two years, it’s gone!), old hobbies (Does anyone want a box of miscellaneous postage stamps?). And how to get rid of the stuff: yard sales, non-profit thrift stores, unsuspecting friends? 


But after raising two children in the same house with thirty-five years of accumulated stuff, shrinkwrapped in memories, my biggest challenge is the emotional difficulty of downsizing.  


What anyone else would consider junk ignores my emotional attachments: the broken folding chair my dad gave me before I left for college; the first board game I played with my children; picture notes I drew for my daughter to go with her school lunches.  


When I look at those unusable objects, I experience feelings I have not felt in years. And I admitIm afraid if I toss those memory triggers, I will also be tossing those comforting memories – out of sight and out of mind – forever. And forever is a long, long time.  


There are other reasons why downsizing is difficult for older adults according to David Ekerdt, professor at the Gerontology Center at the University of Kansas. You may feel what you give away will not be appreciated as much by someone else. Or downsizing may force you to face reality: maybe you aren’t going to read all those books you have kept; and you aren’t going to learn to play that electric guitar stored in the basement and tour the world with Mick Jagger. When you must make decisions about what is important to you, you are really defining who you are.  


But after downsizing, most folks are glad they did. You are no longer a prisoner of your past and by deciding what you want to keep as Professor Ekerdt states “you are choosing what you are going to be and this can be very gratifying”. And you may even find less stuff can mean more happiness. 


Powerful Tools for Caregivers Is a six-week educational program designed to help unpaid family caregivers take care of themselves while caring for a spouse, family member, or friend. The class meets virtually by ZOOM from 10 am – 12:00 pm on Fridays beginning May 21st. Class size is limited. The cost is $30 and scholarships are available. To register, contact Britta Willson at 541-387-6404 or 


The name of the kissing game popular among teens was spin the bottleI received correct answers from Betsy Ayers, Louise Wooderson, Mary Pearce, Virginia Johnson, Barbara Cadwell, Lana Tepfer, Carl and Leslie TrabantLinda FrizzellDave Lutgens, Margo Dameier, Gene Uczen, Kim Birge, Patty BurnetMike Yarnell, and Krista Thie this week’s winner of a free quilt raffle ticket. And somehow last week I missed Lana Tepfer. 


In the 60s there were many supergroups such as Crosby, Stills and Nash and the short-lived Blind FaithBut it was not until 1985 when country music had its first supergroup The HighwaymenFor this week’s “Remember When” question whwere the four artists (or at least two), known for their influence on outlaw country music, in this supergroupEmail your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or send with the DVD of Stagecoach, the 1986 made-for-television remake of the 1939 film starring John Wayne. 


Well, it has been another week, trying to see the future in my rearview mirror. Until we meet again, wisdom often comes from keeping your mouth closed and your eyes and ears open. 


“Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.” Richard Bach 

Aging Well in the Gorge April 14th 2021

“There are only four kinds of people in the world — those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” Those words were spoken by Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter and I’m sure many of you or even most of you have been in one of those situations.

During the pandemic, one segment of the labor force, dedicated, skilled, and yet largely undervalued and unappreciated, is frontline care professionals such as certified nursing assistants (CNAs), home health aides, personal care attendants, and dietary aides. Working where people live, they are essential to the health and well-being of millions of older adults who are most at risk from COVID-19. In addition to the care, over the last year they provided the only companionship for many isolated older adults despite their concerns for their personal health.

They are the unsung heroes who have shown up every day, rising to the great challenges of these difficult times. And increasingly, those of us who will need care, which will be many of us, will be relying upon these essential care professionals in the future.

There will be a special tribute to the dedicated frontline care professionals during this year’s Ageless Awards celebration hosted by Age+. The Ageless Awards celebrates older adults 75+ and their lifelong commitment to their communities across Oregon. It will be held virtually on April 22nd, 12:00 – 1:00 (pre-show at 11:30). You can register online at

AGE+ is a non-profit organization creating innovative solutions to improve the lives of older adults with a particular emphasis on rural communities. Two years ago Age+ introduced Circles of Care in Wasco County (541-397-0724) similar to Providence’s Volunteers in Action in Hood River and Klickitat County (541-387-6404) that pairs older adults with local volunteers that provide social and emotional connections, as well as help with everyday tasks – although their services have been limited because of COVID-19 restrictions.

Also during the pandemic, Age+ has been supporting community-based organizations in the Gorge that are providing education and outreach to older adults about COVID-19 and the importance of being vaccinated to stop the pandemic.

I found last year’s celebration inspiring. I hope you will attend this year’s event honoring both older adults who continue to contribute in so many ways and the dedicated frontline care professionals in our communities.

A short interlude with comedian Steven Wright before the grand finale.

“Someone asked me if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring… ‘How to Build a Boat.’”

“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.”

“I intend to live forever. So far, so good.”

The  American fitness, exercise, and nutritional expert, who had his own television show from 1953 – 1985 was Jack LaLanne. I received correct answers from Susan Ellis, Beverly Harmon, Jay Waterbury, Rhonda Spies, Barbara Cadwell, Kim Birge, Gene Uczen, Rose Schulz, Margo Dameier, Dave Lutgens, Jim Tindall, Carol Earl, Jennifer Stager, Linda Frizzell, Carl Trabant, and Barb Blair who worked as an Instructor at Jack La Lanne’s European Health Spa in California and is this week’s winner of a free quilt raffle ticket. And I’ve missed Joan Chantler and Rose Schulz whose name was written on that missing scrap of paper.

Many of you probably remember playing this “kissing” game (although whenever it was mentioned I would immediately disappear) popular among young teenagers, although apparently, its popularity has declined since the 1980s. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of this game described as “the party game of choice for glandularly excited high schoolers” where you sat in a circle and – well, that’s all I’m going to say. Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with the story behind your first kiss!

Well, it has been another week, making it up as I go. Until we meet again, everyone has a piece of the truth – although for some you have to listen really hard!

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.” From the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Aging Well in the Gorge April 7th 2021

 All of us want to stop this tragic pandemic and get back to some form of normalcy. But how? 

At the beginning of the pandemic, we knew little about this new virus as it was spreading worldwide. Since those early days, there is much we have learned and much we are still learning about the novel COVID-19 and how best to keep people safe. Here is what I understand.

1.) More than 142 million doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been administered in the U.S. as of March 30. 

2.) With continuing research and monitoring, understanding of the virus and vaccines will change and consequently CDC recommendations. (Check the CDC website for the latest recommendations for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.)

3.) People who have been fully vaccinated can start to do some things they had stopped doing because of the pandemic. (Yeah!) But in public places should continue to take precautions. 

4.) All three vaccines are safe and effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths and the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines effectively prevented coronavirus infections.

5.) To achieve herd immunity, which will end the pandemic, a large portion of the population needs to be vaccinated although no one is sure what the percentage is.

6.) And most concerning, new mutant variants are appearing. But the COVID-19 virus can only mutate when they multiply and only multiply when they spread from person to person. 

The best way to stop the pandemic is by getting as many people of all ages vaccinated and following the precautions we all know. By taking these actions it will make us safer, help avoid new resilient mutations, protect those who cannot be vaccinated, and reach herd immunity. The end is in sight. I want to make sure it isn’t a mirage. 

April 5th through the 11th is National Public Health week recognizing how hard our public health departments are working with community partners to meet the COVID-19 challenge of vaccinating as many people as quickly as possible. 


But that is not the only work they do. They continue to offer a variety of services that include protecting our drinking water and ensuring the safety of local dining establishments, providing nutrition programs for women, infants and children, and offering immunizations. A big THANK-YOU to the health departments that are working to protect the health of our communities and save lives. 

“The Show Must Go On!” an online auction and fundraiser for the Columbia Gorge Orchestra Association will be held from 9am on April 8 until 9pm on April 11th

The event features almost 100 items: from the fine art of local artists to delicious and creative dining experiences. Also, the fundraiser will feature a performance by legendary Portland jazz pianist Tom Grant and a brand new virtual performance by the CGOA Jazz Collective. You can register for the auction at the CGOA website where you can also learn about their classes and an online performance of Fantastiks!

The name of the excessively optimistic young girl was Pollyanna. I received correct answers from Rusti Starr, Steven Woolpert, Tina Castanares, Rhonda Spies, Barbara Cadwell, Julie Carter, Gene Uczen, Linda Frizzell, Margo Dameier, Lana Tepfer, Pat Evenson-Brady, and Susan Ellis this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. Last week I missed Irene Kurzweil, Cindy Winfield, Emmett Sampson, and I’m sure there is someone else’s name written on a scrap of paper hidden among papers on my cluttered desk. 

This week’s “Remember When” question is about a bodybuilder who some consider the “first fitness superhero”. Who was an American fitness, exercise, and nutritional expert, who opened one of the nation’s first fitness gyms in 1936, and had his own television show from 1953 – 1985? (Hint: It wasn’t Charles Atlas) Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with the 1959 record “Glamour Stretcher Time” with the original instruction sheet.

Well, it has been another week, enjoying the cool mornings and sunny days. Until we meet again, these are the times when I feel safer being part of the herd. 

“Losing weight doesn’t seem to be working for me, so from now on I’m going to concentrate on getting taller.” Anonymous  

Aging Well in the Gorge March 31st 2021

 Have you traveled less during the pandemicMy wife and I have until we were vaccinated, and felt safe enough to drive to Seaside to spend a night at the coast and walk along the too cold and windy beach. It was the first time we had driven past Hood River in fourteen months! 


Since you have probably been on the road lessyou may be a little rusty: not as quick in the driver’s seat. When we get olderwe naturally slow down which is a good thing. We aren’t rushing around to get from here to there knowing we will get there eventually. So why rush? (Although our more deliberate driving may drive those younger drivers nuts!)  


Drivers of all ages need to keep up their defensive driving skills because driving is difficultThink about itYou must see, think, react and move your body and often all at the same time! It’s not like you can take a nap – although often I feel like it. 


So how do you keep yourself mentally and physically fit to drive safely? Nancy Dunham in her online AARP article “How to Preserve Your Driving Skills When You’re Driving Less” suggests three tips to make sure you’re ready to drive defensively. 


Move. Keep moving whether around the house or taking walks outside. In next week’s Through the Eyes of an Elder Claire Culbertson describes from her experience one option: the Strong Women/Strong Peopleclass available online until the class can be taught inpersonThe Strong Women/Strong Peopleclass keeps you connected while building strength and improving flexibility (which you might want to think about if you are having a latelife crisis with an insatiable desire to buy that cool little sports car – until you realize you have neither the flexibility nor the strength to get in and out of your low riding dream machine.) 


React. Many online games allow you to practice reacting — including the driving simulator Drive With Focus which you can purchase for most tablets and enables you to practice your skills without getting behind the wheel. You can also play online games that require quick thinking. I’m not into the “shoot um up, bang, bang” video games I see advertised, but many video games can give you a chance to improve your reaction skills. 


Focus, analyze, and remember. This is more up my alley. I subscribe to Brain HQ but there are other programs out there such as CogniFit and Luminosity that will improve your ability to concentrate, analyze and think quicklyThere is also the free online game Spot the Differenceand AARP’s Staying Sharp is an excellent resource with brain games and articles on brain health.  


As we age, particularly during the pandemic, we need to continue working on keeping our skills sharp both cognitively and physically. Try some of the online resources until when Dick Frost once again teaches the Smart Driver class in person. 


The name of thcraze that was one of the biggest and strangest trends of the 1970s and brought back memories many are still trying to forget was streaking. I received correct answers from Joanie Gilbert, Susan Ellis, Rusti Starr, Gene Uczen, Mike McFarlane, Margo Dameier, Julie Carter, Rhonda Spies, Katherine Schlick NoeDave Lutgens, Lana Tepfer, Rose Shultz, Barbara Cadwell, Sandy Haechrel, Kim Birge, and Doug Nelson who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. Last week I missed Deloris Schrader and Doug Nelson. 

Last week I wrote about how to be more optimistic which reminded me of the 1960 Disney movie based on the 1913 novel written by Eleanor H. Porter, and starring Hayley Mills in her first of six Disney movies. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this excessively optimistic young girlEmail your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send a link to the silent film adaptation starring Mary Pickford. 

Well, it has been another week, asking myself – again, “Why did I say that!” Until we meet again, there will always be human error reminding us that we are not infallible machines. 

Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem.” Virginia Satir