Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well in the Gorge February 6th 2019

You may have heard of the Blue Zones Project in The Dalles – a well-being improvement initiative designed to help make healthier choices easier. It is based on the idea that much of our health and longevity is determined by our environment, so optimizing our surroundings can add both quantity and quality to our lives.  And when the entire community participates – including the Center, schools, and restaurants – small changes can reap large dividends.
In support of this initiative, the Center is working to become a Participating Organization. This requires the Center to complete several actions within six months such as starting a Moai Walking Team, hosting plant-based cooking events, and posting Blue Zone information on the Center’s website.  
But another requirement is to encourage community members to complete a Blue Zones Personal Pledge and return it to the Center. The pledge consists of selecting at least five actions from the list below. If you are already doing some of them, give yourself a pat on the back. And then consider challenging yourself by completing several additional actions in the next six months. You can find the Personal Pledge in more detail on the Center’s website ( or pick one up at the Center. More information is available on The Dalles Blue Zones Facebook page.
1) Keep a comfortable pair of walking shoes in plain sight to provide that nudge to move naturally daily. Or maybe a speedo swimsuit pinned to the front door? 
2)  Adopt a dog. Those daily walks will keep you moving! 
3) Attend a Blue Zones Purpose Workshop. 
4) Remove all computers and electronics from your bedroom. Here most older adults have an advantage by not being addicted to their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. 
5) Designate a space in your home for quiet time, meditation, or prayer. 
6) Stock your cupboard with 10-inch dinner plates because you mindlessly eat more calories when eating off larger plates. And that doesn’t mean you can go back for seconds! 
7) Remove TVs and computers from the kitchen and dining areas. They lead to mindless eating and consuming needless calories. 
8) Own a bathroom scale and weigh yourself regularly. 
9) Attend a plant-based cooking class. Knowing how to cook plant-based dishes that you enjoy increases the nutritional quality of your meals.
10) Grow a garden at your home or adopt a plot at a community garden. 
11) Schedule a weekly happy hour with friends and a small glass of red wine – IF you have a healthy relationship with alcohol. 
12) Have a conversation about getting older. Join the Center’s “Let’s Talk” group every Friday at 11:00. Or have a honest conversation with your adult children about what you want. 
13) Belong to a faith-based organization.
I often receive comments about the “Remember When’ questions, and what I particularly like to hear is, “I’d forgotten all about that”. My goal is not to stump you, although this last week’s question was a tough one, but to bring back memories of past experiences: attending a Beatles concert in Portland, remembering where you were when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, or when you first heard classmates playing “Hang on Sloopy” at your high school’s talent show. Reminiscing is one of the advantages of aging: giving us a deeper perspective of life and of who we are. But most of the questions come from my limited experiences, an Indiana boy attending high school and college in the 60’s. So, if you can think of any questions, send them my way.
A “wet rag” was someone who was unpopular and just not fun to hang out with. Only Jeanne Pesicka answered the question correctly, although with a little coaching, and receives a free quilt raffle ticket. And from last week I missed Sandy Haechrel driving by in her “jalopy”.  
The Dalles Library has several book groups one of which is a non-fiction book group which meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM. The book they are reading for February was written by Rachel Carson and published in 1962.  For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this book that inspired the environmental movement? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or return your answer written on the back of a gallon of DDT.
Well, it’s been another week trying to keep the fire burning. Until we meet again, here’s one of Roger Rosenblatt’s rules for aging, “Just because the person criticizing you is an idiot doesn’t make him wrong.”

Aging Well in the Gorge January 30th 2019

Over the last two years there have been major improvements to the Center thanks to the community’s support: the hundreds of individuals, foundations, The City of the Dalles, Wasco County, NWC PUD and Columbia Basin Care. An elevator has been installed, the upstairs restrooms remodeled, and all the old upstairs floors have been replaced – except one: the floor in the Deschutes room. The floor tiles are worn and falling apart – although there is one positive benefit from the floor. It reminds me how bad the dining room floor previously looked before the Center received a donation from Columbia Basin Care to replace it.
To raise funds to replace the Deschutes Room floor and for the Center’s operations, the Center will be hosting its Annual Fundraiser Dinner Auction on Friday, February 22nd sponsored by our friends at The Springs at Mill Creek, Schultens Motors and Cousins who will be catering the Cordon Bleu dinner. Doors open at 5:00, dinner served at 5:30 and the auction will begin at 6:30. But only one hundred tickets will be sold, so purchase your tickets early. The tickets are $35 per person and can be purchased at the Center or Klindt’s Booksellers.
And what may be most important to some folks, the winning raffle ticket for the Chicken Coop will be drawn at the fundraiser. Purchase your Chicken Coop raffle tickets at the Center for $10 apiece or three for $25 dollars.
I know many of you don’t carry around an appointment book or have a smart phone to keep track of your schedule and appointments; and you may not even care what day it is. (If you’re retired isn’t every day Saturday?) So, I just want to remind you of two events coming to the Center in the next two weeks.
On Wednesday, February 6th at 1:00, Lucille Torgerson and Widge Johnson will be presenting their one-hour class, “As I Was Saying – Writing Your Life Story for Your Family, Friends and Yourself”. If you ever wanted to write down your life experiences to share with others, this will be a great place to start. I wish my mom and dad had written their life story so I would have a better idea of the challenges they faced and the accomplishments they achieved.
Then two days later on Friday, February 8th the Center is hosting a 50’s, 60’s 70’s dance with master DJ Randy Haines spinning his imaginary 45’s – plus trivia, Name That Tune and door prizes. It is an over 21 event because Freebridge will be selling beer and The Pines selling wine. But before you come, you may want to refresh your dance moves by watching YouTube videos of American Bandstand where I learned the latest dance moves. (Okay, maybe I should say watched. Because at dances, when I was forced to attend by peer pressure, you would usually find me along the wall trying to avoid eye contact with any girl – fearing some girl would actually want to dance with me! Anyone else remember being a wallflower back then?)
This is the last week for questions about “phrases we don’t hear anymore” and I hope it is one you remember. (I asked my wife the question and she had no idea. And she’s a smart cookie!) For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was someone called who was unpopular and just not fun to hang out with? And to give you a clue since this is a difficult one, the answer I am looking for is composed of two three-letter words. Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or write you answer on the back of an old dish cloth.
Well, it’s been another week trying to stay on the bucking horse as long as I can. Until we meet again, as I am frequently reminded, only your true friends tell you when your zipper’s unzipped.
Here’s one of those “Isn’t that the truth” quotes I heard from John Zalaznik describing how things turn upside down as we get older, “When I was younger, I exercised so I could stay well. Now I try to stay well so I can exercise.”
I didn’t receive the February menu in time for this week’s column because Denise Patton, the director of the Meals-on-Wheels program, had other things on her mind. She and Gary are first time grandparents! Congratulations.

Aging Well in the Gorge January 23rd 2019

It’s almost February, that time of the year when you find out whether you paid Uncle Sam too much or not enough. There are many excellent tax preparers in the Mid-Columbia region, but if your tax situation is relatively simple, there is free help available through AARP Tax Aide. And because Tax Aide is supported by federal and private grants as well as the AARP Foundation, it is open to all ages with a focus on assisting low to moderate income persons and families.
AARP Tax Aide begins Friday, February 1 downstairs at the Center and continues every Friday from 2:00 – 6:00 and Saturdays from 9:00 – 1:00 through April 12th. In addition, there are two other sites: Tygh Valley Community Center from 9:00 – 1:00 on Thursdays; and the Rufus Community Center in Sherman County on Saturdays where you’ll need to call 541-993-1054 to make an appointment. But be patient. With new software and tax laws, lines may be especially long.
For your Tax Aide appointment, you’ll need to bring several documents: last year’s tax return; government issued identification for both tax payer and spouse even if both are not present when the taxes are being prepared; and a Social Security identification card (original, photocopy or a photo on your smartphone) for all individuals listed on the tax return.
And finally, don’t forget the obvious: all tax documents or statements that show income received and all tax documents or itemized statement that show expense incurred by you and your family.
Lucille Torgerson, with the help of Widge Johnson, just finished writing her life story and found it to be an incredible experience. They would like to help and encourage others to write their own life story by sharing what they’ve learned. Their one-hour class, “As I Was Saying – Writing Your Life Story for Your Family, Friends and Yourself” will be on Wednesday, February 6th at 1:00 at the Center. If you ever thought about sharing your life adventures, you’ll want to attend this class.
Here’s your chance to step back in time – dancing to the tunes you grew up with: “Indian Love Call”, “Wooly Bully”, “Can’t Help Falling in Love”, “How Sweet It Is” and the favorite of one of The Dalles’ distinguished councilmen – “Wild Thing” at a “50’s 60’s and 70’s Party!” It will be held at the Center on Friday, February 8thfrom 6:30 to 9:30 – which is past my bedtime, but I’ll make an exception. (And remind me, what was so exciting about staying out late at night when we were younger? Was it because it showed our independence? Made us feel more adult like? Or did we just want more time after dark to “neck” with our steady?)
Music will be provided by master DJ Randy Haines plus Name-that-Tune, Trivia and door prizes. Ticket are $5 per person which you can purchase at the Center or at the door. And send me your favorite song request, the song that got you on the dance floor, to  mcseniorcenter@gmail.comor text me at 541-980-4645.
The Center will also be hosting its Annual Fundraiser Dinner Auction on Friday, February 22nd. The goal is to raise money for the Center’s operations but also to replace the Deschutes Room floor – the only floor upstairs that hasn’t yet been replaced. Tickets are $35 per person and can be purchased at the Center.
Continuing with the theme of words seldom used anymore, this week’s “Remember When” question is, What was an inexpensive, delipidated old car called which was often the means of transportation for teenagers in the 1950’s? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or write it on the fender of Archie Andrews’ red, open-top antique car.
The name of the dare used when the first dare was refused was a double dog dare or for those who liked to keep it simple a double dare. I received answers from Cheri Brent, Sandy Haechrel, Carol Earl, Jerry Phillips, Lana Tepfer, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket, Harold and Lucile Stephens. And I missed Jerry Phillips and Elaine who had answered galoshes. And going back even further to the blue plate special, I missed Carol Earl. Now have I caught up?
Well, it’s been another week throwing mashed potatoes against the wall – or is it spaghetti? – and seeing if it sticks. Until we meet again, let that “little light of yours” shine.
“Ever since the beginning … to keep the world spinning… it takes all kinds of kinds.” Miranda Lambert

Aging in the Gorge January 16th 2019

I still remember my cardiologist walking back into the exam room with a smile on his face and telling me, “Guess what? You have AFib.” (It does reduce the anxiety when your doctor gives you such news with a smile.)
You may also be one of the nine percent of older adults 65 or older who have Atrial fibrillation or AFib. I have learned one of the most serious complications of AFib is stroke. And if you are at five times greater risk of having a stroke, it is probably a good idea to be able to recognize the signs of a stroke and know how to respond. Every minute counts and fast treatment can lessen the brain damage and a stroke’s debilitating effects.
In their efforts to raise awareness about stroke, the American Stroke Association (ASA) and the National Stroke Association (NSA) promote the acronym FAST which stands for:

Facial drooping – Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
Arm weakness – Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
Speech difficulty – Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is the speech slurred or strange?
And Time – Don’t drive yourself to the hospital or let someone else drive you. Call 911 for an ambulance so medical personnel can evaluate your condition and begin life-saving treatment on the way to the emergency room. Stroke treatments that work best are available only if the stroke is recognized and diagnosed within three hours of the first symptoms, so note the time when any symptoms first appear.
FAST covers most but doesn’t cover all the signs and symptoms. If a person suddenly has trouble doing something they normally would be able to do, it’s possible it could be a stroke. In addition to facial drooping, arm weakness or speech difficulty, sudden confusion, trouble with their vision, sudden difficulty walking or a sudden severe headache are also possible symptoms.
Finally, it is helpful to know there are two types of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic. In a hemorrhagic stroke, a weakened blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds into the surrounding tissue. An Ischemic stroke is when a fatty deposit, or clot, obstructs a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain.
Ischemic strokes are much more common accounting for about 87% of all cases.
If your symptoms go away after a few minutes, you may have had a transient ischemic attack (TIA). Although brief, a TIA is a sign of a serious condition that will not go away without medical help. But because TIAs clear up, many people ignore them. Paying attention to a TIA can save your life. Tell your health care provider about your symptoms right away.
People with AFib are at greater risk of a stroke, but anyone can experience a stroke. In fact, stroke is the leading cause of adult disability in the U.S. If you want to learn more, the ASA and NSA websites offer detailed information including diagrams and animations about strokes and how they affect people.
I received two different correct answers for last week’s question. Cheri Brent, Louise Wooderson, Laura Comini, Lana Tepfer, Diana Weston, Sandy Haechrel and Mary Haas (this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket) remember calling the rubber boots you slipped over your shoes Galoshes. And Bob Haechrel and Gary Conley remembers them as overshoes. And from some week before (I lose track of what was when), I missed Cathy Wilson’s answer Oceans Eleven and she even emailed a picture of the Rat Pack – the personification of 60’s sophisticated cool; and Marta Moser and Ron Nelson who answered correctly “Blue Plate Special” all of whom are also winners of a quilt raffle ticket each.  
You may remember back in the day when someone would egg you on by daring you to do something – usually something you knew you shouldn’t. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was a dare called that was twice as challenging and used when the first dare was refused? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a DVD of the movie A Christmas Story.
Well, it’s been another week trying to keep my balance. Until we meet again, as hard as you may try it’s hard to have a big head when you keep making silly mistakes.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

Zging Well in the Gorge January 9th 2019

My wife and I are back home in The Dalles where it’s nice to once again sleep in your own bed and return into your regular routine. There is something to be said for the familiar.
It was a nice trip visiting my son and daughter. (I still don’t know what they really do.) And I think I passed another year where they won’t feel the need to take care of me – yet! But there was something I did for the first time – and no, it wasn’t bungee jumping.
Most of us probably don’t enjoy the patronizing attitude of some younger folks who often “assume” we can’t do anything on our own – that we have to be assisted opening doors, getting into a car or going online. I know they are trying to be nice and respectful, but couldn’t they just ask instead of assuming.
But once in a while it is expedient to play into those stereotypes – in other words, playing the “Age Card” to get out of a sticky situation.
That occurred when my daughter’s best friend invited us to dinner the night we flew in to San Diego. We hoped to spend the little time we had with our daughter, so for the first time we decided to play the “age card” and asked my daughter to tell her friend, “You know, my parents are older, flights wear them out and they do go to bed awfully early!’ And it worked. No hurt feelings and we spent more time with our daughter.
I would be interested to know if you ever played the “Age Card” – when you didn’t want to change a tire or repair a leaking pipe under the sink when knew you could. Email me your experiences to
The Center’s AARP Smart Driver class occurs every third Monday and following Tuesday of each month – and if you check your new 2019 calendar that means the 21stand 22nd of January. The class is from 8:45 am to 12:05 pm on both days and the cost is $20 ($15 for AARP Members). Call (541) 296-4788 to sign-up. And after the class, you can enroll in CarFit – a free 20-minute session which helps you adapt to your car, and adjust your “fit” within it, in order to reduce your risk of injury during a crash.
They say people are more afraid of giving a speech than dying. But I would rank above both of those dancing on stage in front of your friends. That’s why I admire anyone who participates in “Dancing with the Gorge Stars”.
This fundraiser for the Mid-Columbia Community Concert Association will be held Friday, January 11th at 7:00 PM at The Dalles High School. If you aren’t familiar with the event, it is where six friends and neighbors from the Gorge are paired with a professional dancer from the Utah Ballroom Dance Co.; practice a dance routine for hours; and then perform it in a beautiful costume – which sounds pretty intimidating to me but makes for a very entertaining evening. You can purchase tickets at the door or at Klindt’s Bookstore, Lines of Designs and The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce.
The term commonly used by diners and cafes from the 1920s through the 1950s that referred to a low-priced meal was a “Blue Plate Special”. (I received correct responses from Cheri Brent, Jeannie Pesicka, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket Mary Davis who emailed me an online clipping of a 1926 ad in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper for Halloran’s “Landmark for Exceptional Cooking” which served Blue Plate Specials. And from the previous week, the only response I received was from Cheri Brent.)
When I was a child there were many things I was made to do by my mother that I didn’t enjoy. One was when on rainy days I had wear over my shoes those thin rubber boots with buckles. Because they had to be tight fitting, they were always difficult to put on and take off. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what do you remember calling those rubber boots you slipped over your shoes? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with a forecast for heavy rains.
Well, it’s been another week wondering what lessons I’ve learned. Until we meet again, you always discover something new when you’re lost.
“If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.” Robert Fulghum

Aging Well in the Gorge January 2nd 2019

Do you still make New Year’s resolutions? My resolution had been to decide what I want to be when I grow up – and I’m running out of time! But you may have something more practical such as one of the most common resolutions: losing weight and exercising more.
If your resolution is the latter, here are six suggestions from the National Council on Aging on how to move more and sit less during the winter months when the temperatures drop, sidewalks are slippery, and winter weather hinders outdoor activities.
1. Explore arthritis-friendly exercise videos. Check out these short videos with exercises focused on reducing joint pain through stretching and building strength. There are options for working out your upper and lower body, as well as trying out Tai Chi, all in your own home.
Also, the Arthritis Foundation’s “Walk With Ease” self-directed program is a physical activity and self-management intervention developed for people living with arthritis and/or other chronic health conditions who want to be more physically active.
2. Find an exercise class near you. It can be hard to stay motivated while exercising alone. Find an exercise class that can offer different options for activities and provide an opportunity to meet up with friends. You can find classes at Water’s Edge, The Dalles Fitness and Court Club and at the Center. One popular class that has been proven
effective is “Strong Women” (and men) which is available at the Center and CGCC.
3. Go mall walking. Okay, you aren’t going to find an indoor mall in The Dalles, but you can walk a good number of steps around Home Depot – if you don’t stop to check out the latest refrigerators or power tools. There is a “Mall Walking Resource Guide” found at
4. Take steps to prevent falls. If you do walk outside, take precautions to avoid slips and trips on icy sidewalks. Check out how you can “Winterize to Prevent Falls” at
5. Get a workout to go. Go4Life’s “Workout to Go” guide has several options for exercising in your own home, including hand grips, wall pushups, and arm raises.
6. Find an indoor community pool or track. We don’t have an indoor track – at least until the Youth Center is built, but there are pools available at Water’s Edge or The Dalles Fitness and Court Club.
Whatever you do it needs to be fun. It can’t be a chore. And the mantra “No Pain, No Gain” you can forget. You aren’t preparing for the Olympics. Remember to take your time. You aren’t exercising the body you once had, but the body you now have!
“Give the Gift of Warmth” is the theme of this year’s Annual Blanket Drive hosted by the Wasco County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). On Saturday, January 12, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot at 523 East 3rd St. (across the street from Sawyer’s Ace Hardware) you can drop off NEW or gently used (and washed) blankets, socks and other warming items. All items collected from this drive will be donated to The Warming Place in The Dalles, and to Gilliam & Sherman County Emergency Management.
For more information about this blanket drive or the Medical Reserve Corps, contact Tanya Wray at (541) 506-2631 or visit the North Central Public Health District webpage at
The name of the 1960 American heist film starring five of the Rat Pack: Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Joey Bishop was Ocean’s Eleven. (Once again because of the holidays I am writing this early, so I will include the correct responses in next week’s column.)
There are several colloquial phrases I remember from growing up in Indiana that I seldom hear anymore. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the term commonly used by restaurants, especially diners and cafes, from the 1920s through the 1950s that referred to a low-priced meal that usually changes daily? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send it with the 1926 advertisement in The New York Times for “The Famous Old Sea Grill Lobster and Chop House” where you could still get “a steak-and-lots-of-onion sandwich for a dime”.
Well, it’s been another week living day to day. Until we meet again, keep learning, moving and always keep dreaming.
“I know. I’m lazy. But I made myself a New Year’s resolution that I would write myself something really special. Which means I have ’til December, right?” Catherine O’Hara

Aging Well in the Gorge December 26th 2019

Haven’t we been here before – reaching the end of another year wondering how it passed so quickly; hoping for the best but knowing around some corner we could be slapped in the face like a gust of wind on a frigid day. Do we play it safe, avoiding any corners and wishing for the best? Or do we work to make the best of every day?
Here are some tips from the Aging in the Gorge Alliance, with a few embellishments of my own, on how to make the most of every day particularly during the holidays.
Get out. Check your local newspaper for different events. There are usually many even during the winter months. Can’t drive? Invite a friend or family member to join you. Or have company over. Go for a walk and enjoy your neighborhood decorations.
Volunteer. Whenever there is a discussion of how to improve your health or ways to be happier, volunteering is always mentioned. And there is a reason. Helping others can counteract stress, anxiety, depression and increase self-confidence and a sense of purpose. Check out the Chronicle’s Gorge Giving Guide and you will find over fifty non-profits many of which need volunteers.
Drink responsibly. Drinking a glass of wine a day is a Blue Zone recommendation. But excessive drinking can increase feelings of depression. The recommended limit for older men is 14 drinks per week and 7 per week for older women.
Accept your feelings. There’s nothing wrong with feeling down from time to time. Be kind to yourself and reach out to family and friends.
Talk to someone. Having some holiday blues is usually temporary. However, lingering feelings of sadness can be a sign of something more serious. But help is available. Reach out to your health care provider if these feelings linger for more than 2 weeks. If you are dealing with any kind of grief, there is a Grief Support group lead by Gwen Thomas every first and third Thursdays at the Center at 10:30 am.
The end of the year means it’s time to renew your Center membership or if you are not a member to become one. The dues are $35 per person or $60 for a couple; and if you want to give a little more you can be a SUPPER DUPER member for $50 apiece. By becoming a member, you are supporting the Center’s mission of enhancing the community by sharing and caring.
After a week break, Saturday Night Bingo will be back in business on December 29thwith an “End of the Year” Party. It will be an exciting night because there’s a guaranteed payout of $1000 on the last game – no ifs or buts. And that is in addition to more than $1000 paid out in the other games. Come and enjoy an evening of fun and see if you are the lucky one who could take home $1000. The minimum buy-in is $10 and the games start at 6:00, but if you are new you should arrive by 5:30 to give yourself time to learn the games.
Meals-on-Wheels will be closed New Year’s Eve but open on New Year’s Day, so you can welcome in the new year with a delicious noon meal with friends. And although the Center’s classes are cancelled for Monday and Tuesday, the Center will be open most of the day in case you have questions or need medical equipment.
Bing Crosby starred in two Christmas classic films Holiday Inn with costar Fred Astaire and White Christmas with Danny Kaye.  (I received correct answers from Cheri Brent, Jeanne Pesicka, Sandy Haechrel and the winner of a quilt raffle ticket Jerry Phillips.)
Last week it was movies with Christmas themes, so this week how about a movie about a New Year’s Eve heist. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of the 1960 film about a plan to rob five Las Vegas casinos on New Year’s Eve and was the inspiration for a trilogy of heist films released from 2001 through 2007? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or write your answer on the back of a picture of the Rat Pack: Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Joey Bishop.
Well, it’s been another week waiting for the bell to ring in the new year. Until we meet again, may your dreams come true in the new year.
“Over and over I marvel at the blessings in my life. Each year has grown better than the last.” Lawrence Welk

Aging Well in the Gorge December 19th 2018

There is nothing like seeing snow on Christmas morning. For me it is the one day when snow has a magical quality and I can feel like a child once again. But my wife and I won’t have that chance this year because we will be visiting our children in California over the holidays where fifty degrees is the definition of freezing.
Ever since our children left the roost, we have always looked forward to visiting them: learning how they are getting along (just fine without mom and dad!); checking out the coffee shops in their neighborhoods; and again asking “Exactly what do you do at work?“
But it can be a little stressful making sure I don’t spontaneously say something I’ll regret in front of their friends – or worse their “significant other”. Or worrying that the gifts we bought are something they will actually use.
And now there is one more thing I have to fret about: I have to pretend what I’m not: a spry 45-year-old.
I’m trying to prepare. I have been practicing getting off the couch without groaning, eliminating anything from my conversations related to recent medical conditions, and making sure I know when my nose is dripping. Also, I have been concentrating on putting my underwear on without tipping over; avoiding any scary noises emanating from my mouth while eating; and thinking how to sneak in covert naps so I can stay up past my normal 9:00 bed time and still avoid yawning at 10 in the morning or falling asleep in the early afternoon.
It’s not easy, but the charade is essential. The more my children think I am getting old, the more they will feel they need to “help” us old folks in deciding what my wife and I should be doing the rest our lives. (We’ll do just fine thank-you!). Nonetheless it will be a great visit because I know I can pretend for at least one week I’m twenty-five years younger – I hope!
As the end of 2018 approaches, this is your last chance to donate to your favorite non-profits to lessen your tax burden while supporting important community organizations. And this year consider contributing to the Oregon Cultural Trust as well. If you make a donation to any of Oregon’s arts, heritage and humanities non-profits including twenty-two in Wasco and Sherman Counties (listed at and make a matching gift to the Cultural Trust, you can then claim your contribution to the Cultural Trust as a tax credit. The Oregon Cultural Trust is an innovative public-private fundraising and grant making program that funds local coalitions including the Wasco County Cultural Trust Coalition that annually distributes $500 to $1000 grants to area schools and non-profits which in the past has included the Center.
The Center and Meals-on-Wheels will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Also, several Center classes will not be meeting during the holidays, so call if you are not sure about your class.
Warren Beatty’s popularity took off when he starred with Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde, the landmark film portraying two criminals who moved from small time heists to robbing banks during the middle of the great depression. (I received correct answers from Diane Weston, Sue Ortega, Sandy Haechrel, Lana Tepfer, Kim Birge, Jeanne Pesicka, Cheri Brent and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket Rhonda Auskin. And I thought I checked my phone messages last week, but as it has happened way too many times what I thought wasn’t – so I missed Ruth Radcliff, Diana Weston and Carol Earl who back then had three different dates who all took her to see Dr. Zhivago!)
The holiday season is an ideal time to watch some of the Christmas classic movies. Two of my favorites are the 1942 Holiday Innwhich introduced the Christmas classic ‘White Christmas’ – the best-selling single of all time, and the 1954 movie White Christmas. Both starred Bing Crosby with music by Irving Berlin. Although it was not initially intended, Bing Crosby had a different male costar in each of the two movies. For this week’s “Remember When” question who were they? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or write your answer on the back of a 1942 78 single release of “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby on Decca Records.
Well, it’s been another week trying to keep it simple. Until we meet again, have a very Merry Christmas!
“Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.” ―Peg Bracken

Living Well in the Gorge December 12th 2018

It’s the Christmas season, but scammers never take a holiday – and what’s worse, they’re getting more cunning. They’ve learned know how to bait the hook and pull you in. But here are four tips so you don’t get caught, cleaned and gutted of your hard-earned cash.
Never “pay to play”. You cannot win a lotter or sweepstakes you did not enter, and a legitimate sweepstakes will not ask for money upfront. Even though we dream being offered that incredible “deal”, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is.
Take your time. Scammers often claim an emergency hoping you will take quick action without checking out the situation. One of my rules is never commit to anything on the phone and I always give myself at least a couple of days to think about the offer. And seldom is the “one time only” deal available only once.
Check with loved ones. Before offering to help a grandchild or a loved one, call them to make sure the request is real.
If you do receive a scam, report it to the Federal Trade Commission online at www.ftccomplaintassistant.govor call 1-877-FTC-HELP.
Interestingly, older adults are more likely to report fraud than younger people. The top scams reported by older adults are technical support scams, prizes/sweepstakes/lottery scams, family and friend imposter frauds, and real estate and timeshare resale offers.
What I found surprising though is that contrary to popular thinking, older Americans are not necessarily defrauded by scams at higher rates than younger consumers. But tragically older adults have reported much higher individual dollar losses than younger consumers.
The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s primary consumer protection agency, has been working diligently to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices. – and protecting older adults has been a top FTC priority for decades. Actions they have taken include challenging phony sweepstakes and bogus tech support to a case over alleged claims that a product could treat everything from arthritis to memory loss.
But the FTC can’t do it alone. Consequently, the FTC has started a “Pass It On” campaign encouraging individuals to share their experiences with friends and family. The more information that gets out to every corner of our communities, the better protected we will all be from costly scams. For more information go to or call 855-411-2372. Or you can check out “Pass It On” at
Now that we’ve had our first visit of snow, it is a good time to mention the Center’s snow closure policy. If School District 21 is closed, the Center will be closed. If there is a two-hour morning delay, the morning classes will be cancelled. The Center’s concern is we don’t want anyone to feel obligated to attend a class or meal when the roads and sidewalk are unsafe.
Last week I mentioned The Center’s Christmas Breakfast from 8:00 – 9:30 on December 15th sponsored by Dean Dollarhide and Dennis Morgan. But I forgot to mention there’s going to be more than the “All-You-Can-Eat” Pancakes. There will be door prizes, a raffle drawing for one of the two quilts hanging in the lobby – one of which is a full size 77” by 97” quilt with an animal theme; and another chance to purchase a beautiful one-of-a kind lap blanket or apron. Come and enjoy breakfast and more!!
The 1965 epic romantic drama set in Russia between the years prior to World War I and the Russian Civil War; and starred Julie Christie was Dr. Zhivago. (I received correct answers from Cheri Brent, Sandy Haechrel, Jess Birge, Tiiu Vahtel and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket Laura Comini.)
Time to move from Julie Christie to Warren Beatty whose career as an actor, writer, director and film producer spanned 5 decades. But his popularity took off when he starred in this landmark film that told the story of a couple who during the middle of the great depression started with small time heists then moved to robbing banks; and who in the movie’s final scene died in a flood of bullets. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this 1967 film? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send your answer with a recording of “Foggy Mountain Breakdown” by Flatt and Scruggs.
Well, it’s been another week learning how to deal with it. Until we meet again, with time you learn that one of the necessary ingredients of successful aging is PATIENCE.
“When you stumble make it part of the dance.” author unknown

Aging Well in the Gorge December 5th 2018

I have been fighting a cold this last week and on Friday I started feeling better. Was it because I was drinking plenty of fluids? Getting extra sleep? Or the cold medicine was finally kicking in? Maybe. But I realized what seemed to make the most difference was the sun was shining!
Do you often feel more motivated, energized and in a better mood when the sun has broken through the clouds? And does it sometimes get you down when during the winter months of inversion and overcast skies, the sun becomes that friend who runs off spending the winter in Arizona.  
Feeling a little down during the winter months is not unusual. But for a few people it may be more than just the winter blues. They may be experiencing Seasonal Adjusted Disorder or SAD. Symptoms of SAD include a depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness, a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep and appetite, a loss of pleasure in activities you once loved, and even thoughts of death or suicide. If you experience these types of feelings causing disruptions in your life, you should reach out to your primary care provider or a mental health professional because treatments are available.
But for rest of us there are things we can do to lift our spirits. Suggestions include getting outside more often, trying to get more sunshine (although you may have to drive to Dufur on Mt Hood), getting plenty of sleep, practicing relaxation exercises and keeping up your physical exercise.
During the winter it is easy to get stuck inside – adding pounds and moving slower. But the Center offers several movement classes, so you don’t lose “your get up and go” over the winter months. Classes range from Tai Chi to Zumba Gold with Chair Yoga, Strength Yoga and Strong Women in between.
Planning a healthier lifestyle during the winter months is always a good idea – staying active and engaged even when you might just want to stay under the covers in a nice warm bed all day.
The bazaars keep cascading through the holiday season and one of my favorites is Habitat for Humanity’s Annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, December 8th from 10 – 2 PM at the UCC Church. Besides a variety of local vendors and baked goods, you won’t want to miss their always popular Soup and Pie Luncheon for $6.00. And this year they have added the “Festival of the Wreaths” – wreaths made by the local banks and credit unions. You can vote for your favorite wreath and maybe take one home.
Quick reminder. Nehemiah Brown will be performing his Christmas Concert at the Center on Tuesday, December 11th 11:30 – 1:30 sponsored by The Dalles Health and Rehabilitation
The Center’s annual Christmas Breakfast will be December 15th sponsored by the Center’s friends Dean Dollarhide and Dennis Morgan. The menu will include “All-You-Can-Eat” Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage plus fruit and your favorite beverage. The cost is still only $6.00 for the general public and $3.00 for children 12 and under.
The four Disney animated films that were among the top ten grossing films of the 1950’s, listed in order of gross earnings, were Lady and the Tramp (1955), Peter Pan (1953), Cinderella (1950) and Sleeping Beauty (1959). (I received correct answers from Cheri Brent, Jeanne Pesicka and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket Ruth Radcliffe. And from the week before the only answer I could find was also from Cheri Brent who answered correctly Ray Price.)
We’ll stick with movies for a couple more weeks. If I asked my kids who the most popular movies stars are today, I’m sure I wouldn’t recognize half of their names. But they probably wouldn’t recognize Julie Christie who starred in several box office hits in the 60’s. For this week’s “Remember When” question what 1965 epic romantic drama did she star in that was directed by David Lean; set in Russia between the years prior to World War I and the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922: and was based on the 1957 Boris Pasternak novel of the same name? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or send your answer or the back of the score for “Lara’s Theme”.
Well, it’s been another week trying to pay attention to where I am in life. Until we meet again, you know you are getting older when your memories are found in museums.
“I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now.” ~Author Unknown