Well, it’s been another week watching nature come alive after its winter siesta. Until we meet again, keep your eyes on the road and your motor running.
Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge
Aging Well in the Gorge February 23rd 2016
Aging Well in the Gorge February 16th 2016
Everybody talks about eating healthy but what does that mean? You can find all kinds of studies about what is good for you and what isn’t – and often they seem contradictory. Should you eat chocolate or only dark chocolate? And what about coffee – is it good for you or not?
Even with all the often contradictory studies, there is a general consensus among nutritionists about eating healthy according Kris Gunnars, who writes for Authority Nutrition. Those ten nutrition facts that (almost) everyone agrees on are:
1. Added Sugar is a Disaster;
2. Omega-3 Fats Are crucial and most people don’t get enough;
3. There is no perfect diet for everyone;
4. Trans fats are very unhealthy and should be avoided;
5. Eating vegetables will improve your health;
6. It is critical to avoid a vitamin d deficiency;
7. Refined carbohydrates are bad for you;
8. Supplements can never fully replace real foods;
9. “Diets” don’t work, a lifestyle change is necessary;
10. Unprocessed food is healthiest.
Now if you want something more succinct, you can follow the advice of Michael Pollan, author of Food Rules. “Eat (real) food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Or closer to home, Adeline Knorr always reminds me to avoid the 5 S’s: Sugar, Shortening, Seconds, Salt, and Soda.
If you have an Apple or Android smartphone, you can learn more about what is healthy to eat, by downloading the app Fooducate – which I learned about from my sister. By using your smartphone to scan the bar code of practically any grocery store food item, the app will grade its health value and explain why. The app also offers daily tips and provides recipes with their nutritional value. But I have to warn you, as I learned from shopping with my sister – you should expect to add two hours to your grocery shopping experience.
But what if you are on some kind of special diet: low sodium or low fat, gluten or dairy free, or high fiber? It’s hard enough to eat healthy without adding more restrictions. But coming to your rescue is the OSU website “Food Hero” offering recipes for special diets as well as plenty of good advice about healthy and tasty recipes, meal ideas, budgeting, shopping, and many more cooking tips and tools.
If you want to learn more about good nutrition and particularly if you are on a special diet, you are invited to the 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on February 23rd when Tracy Dugick, MCMC Registered Dietician, will discuss good nutrition and special diets.
Ginny McNary and I are working on scheduling day trips for this spring and summer. The first trip we have tentatively planned is a trip to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Fest in Woodburn, Oregon on Wednesday, April 6th. If you are interested, call or drop by the Center to sign up. You won’t need to pay now, but I expect it will cost around $20 which includes the transportation and admittance but not lunch.
We have also identified another eleven possible day trips and in order to arrange transportation we would like to know how many people would be interested in any of them. There is a list of trips at the Center. Or you can go to the Center’s website and click on the tab “Day Trips” where you will find instructions and a link to a questionnaire you can fill out.
At the Center on February 23rd starting at 6:30 PM, Country Road will be performing for your dancing and listening pleasure. Everyone is welcome and donations are always appreciated.
The title of the 1970 movie starring Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw that included the line, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry”, was Love Story. (The winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Ruth Radcliffe.)
This week’s “Remember When” question is once again from the golden age of television. On the Phil Silvers Show that ran from 1955 through 1959, what was the name of the master sergeant of the Fort Baxter motor pool who was always devising get-rich-quick schemes? Email your answer to mcseniorcenter@gmail.com, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it in with your name and phone number on the back of $100 bill.
Well, it’s been another week stumbling my way towards mortality. Until we meet again, you know you are getting older when you hear everyone talking about dabbin and the only thing that comes to mind is Brylcreem.
“Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” Michael Pollan
Aging Well in the Gorge February 9th 2016
Sunday will be Valentine’s day – a day to celebrate love and romance with a box of fine chocolates, or a bouquet of flowers from Sigman’s or maybe a candlelight dinner at home with a glass of wine.
My wife and I have celebrated Valentine’s Day as a married couple for over forty years. And as with most older adults, we feel our marriage has improved and these later years have been some of the happiest years of our lives. Part of the reason is I have learned the secrets of a happy marriage: put down the toilet seat, (apparently it looks gross to women), put the cap back on the toothpaste; and answer any request from your wife with a gentle “As you wish my dear”. (But I have still been able to maintain a certain level of cave man aesthetic which I am sure she has come to lovingly appreciate.)
But then as life often happens, your spouse passes away, leaving only memories and pictures of all the special times. It is a tremendous adjustment and changes your world – even more than when you had your first child. But you learn to adapt, and life continues. And then one day, after you have learned to accept the solitude, you unexpectedly find a second love, a companion, someone to share new stories and adventures with.
It may be someone you knew from church, or an old friend from your school days you accidently found on Facebook. And you decide to remarry, or just live together or be friends with benefits. And surprisingly, you find you have never been happier in your life.
It happens to many. And Valentine’s Day reminds us when love is lost, it doesn’t mean all is lost forever – because it is never too late to find a little romance one more time.
A big thank-you to Dave Griffith Motors for sponsoring the Center’s successful Southern Fried Chicken Dinner. It would not have been possible without Griffith Motors and all the volunteers including the Red Hat ladies (Pat Lucas promised to bring me a red hat to wear next year); the donated desserts from Petite Provence and Shari’s Restaurant; Debra Jones and Donna Baldwin for arranging the center pieces for the tables; Andre Lemoreaux, KC Kortge and Sheryl Doty for the music; Denise Patton, Rick Leibowitz and the kitchen volunteers for preparing the food; and to Joan Silver for leading the charge. And last but not least, thank-you to all the folks who attended the dinner so the Center can continue to provide opportunities and supports for older adults.
There is still room in next week’s AARP Smart Driver class on Monday and Tuesday (February 15th and 16th) from 8:45 to 12:05. The cost is $20 and $15 for AARP members. You need to bring your driver’s license and a pencil. You will learn the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques and how to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment. And with completion of the class, you should be able to receive a discount on your auto insurance.
Consequently, there will not be a 11:00 Tuesday lecture, but on the 23rd, Tracy Dugick, MCMC Registered Dietician, will discuss how to eat healthy while on special diets.
At the Center on February 16th starting at 6:30 PM, the Simcoe Boys will drive all the way from Goldendale to perform for your dancing and listening pleasure. Everyone is welcome and donations are always appreciated.
The football the team that won four Super Bowls in the 1970’s and included future all-stars Terry Bradshaw, Franco Harris, “Mean Joe” Greene, Mel Blount, and Lynn Swann was the Pittsburg Steelers. (The winner of one of the hot-selling quilt raffle tickets is Morris Melton.)
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, this week’s “Remember When” question is about a film considered one of the most romantic by the American Film Institute (ranked number nine). What is the title of the movie released in 1970 starring Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw and made famous the line, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”? (Was it really forty-six years ago?) Email your answer to mcseniorcenter@gmail.com, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with the book of the same title written by Erich Segal.
Well, it’s been another week running further behind, but enjoying every minute. Until we meet again, as Milton Berle once said “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
“Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” Loretta Young
Aging Well in the Gorge February 2nd 2016
Aging Well in the Gorge January 26th 2016
Aging Well in the Gorge January 19th 2015
Aging Well in the Gorge January 12th 2016
Aging Well in the Gorge January 5th 2016
Aging Well in the Gorge December 29th 2015
As we celebrate the achievement of making it to the end of another year upright in body and mind, I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to read this column that I have had the pleasure of writing since 2008. I hope you have found something worthwhile – at least often enough to keep coming back to see if there are any more helpful ideas left on the grocery shelves.
My intent is to share with you useful information I have discovered about growing older – in good health with grace and confidence; and to also share a few insights I have acquired from the wonderful folks I meet daily who are full of life, gratitude and simple wisdom.
I also hope to offer some encouragement to keep up the good fight, to focus on what you can do and not fret about what you can’t, and to keep active and engaged – as I hope someone will for me when I find the challenges as I get older becoming more frequent and difficult.
We are unique creatures – each one of us different from the other which makes life so wondrous. Life isn’t a 1950’s black and white television sitcom. Life is full of colors and textures. And every person I meet adds to that tapestry – making life fascinating and surprising.
We are all far from perfect and as we hope others will accept our imperfections, we learn to accept the imperfections of others. And yet, knowing we are imperfect, we are still often surprised when someone makes a mistake or is rude or angry. This thought is stated more succinctly by an Eleanor Roosevelt quote which I feel is worth sharing again as we enter a new year.
“A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned there is both good and bad in all people and in all things, who walks humbly and deals charitably with the circumstances of life, knowing that in this world no one is all-knowing and therefore all of us need both love and charity.”
So with love and charity, I hope this New Year brings you love, peace of mind and an ample share of happiness.
The Center and Meals-on-Wheels will be closed New Year’s Day, but will be open all day New Year’s Eve. And since New Year’s Eve falls on a Thursday, Meals-on-Wheels will be hosting a special New Year’s Eve Bingo Party – as long as the weather cooperates and I’ll bet you two to one it will. For this special evening the minimum buy-in is $20 which includes dinner and door prizes. If you want to enjoy an evening out and a chance to win some cash this is the place to be. You’ll get back home in plenty of time to usher in the New Year – if you can stay up that late. All the fun starts at 6:00 PM, but if you haven’t played before you should come at least a half hour early to learn the games.
And there is more Bingo excitement at the Center on Saturday Night, January 2nd when you could win $1000 if you blackout on the last game in 58 numbers or less. Doors open at 4:00, concessions available at 4:30 and games start at 6:00.
For the Tuesday Night Music and Dance at the Center on January 5th, Andre, KC and Tom will be performing. Music starts at 6:30, everyone is welcome and donations are always appreciated.
The prize Ralphie’s dad won in the holiday movie classic A Christmas Story was a lamp shaped like a leg wearing a fishnet stocking. (The winner of a free quilt raffle ticket is Bill Van Nice.)
Before he became the anchor of the CBS Evening News, earning the reputation as “the most trusted man in America”, Walter Cronkite hosted several shows including an historical educational television series where CBS reporters would report on the dramatic reenactment of a historical event. What was the name of the show? Email your answer to mcseniorcenter@gmail.com, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with the episode when Paul Newman played Marcus Brutus in “The Assassination of Julius Caesar”.
Well, it’s been another week appreciating the past, celebrating the present and looking forward to the New Year. Until we meet again, don’t turn off the lights and shut the door too soon.
“As you slide down the banisters of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.” Irish Toast