Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well in the Gorge August 4th 2015

We are social beings and for most of us, we need to interact with others: sharing our everyday experiences; jokes we’ve heard – often again and again; our dreams and hopes; our mental lapses. (That no one noticed my zipper was unzipped. Thank goodness I don’t tuck in my shirt.) And the good news: stories about the grandkids – they still have possibilities; trips abroad and family reunions.

To connect with others is in our nature. But as we get older our social connections are reduced: we may no longer be working; friends have died or moved away, it’s easier to stay home instead of going out. (I need to be in bed by 9:00!) and sadly, we may have lost our life long partner with whom we shared everything.

I’ve written about the value of social connections. But often overlooked is the importance of listening. If someone is going to share their stories, there needs to be someone there to receive them. And yes, while listening you may sometimes hear about the latest doctor’s visit, or which medications are working – or not, and the different aches and pains. I’m often sharing stories about my latest visit to my doctor, or my dermatologist, or my cardiologist, or my ENT specialist. (Hmm. Maybe I need to find something else to talk about.) But we are all trying to cope with this condition called AGE, and someone needs to be there to listen.

Although listening is simple, it’s not always easy. As Margaret Wheatley points put, “Listening is such a simple act. It requires us to be present, and that takes practice, but we don’t have to do anything else. We don’t have to advise, or coach, or sound wise. We just have to be willing to sit there and listen”. Listening is something we should all do for each other. And if we really do listen, we will learn so much more.
When you walk into the Center’s lobby, you’ll see two beautiful quilts hanging on the walls. They are made by the Senior Center Quilters who meet every Monday from 10:00 – 3:00 downstairs – and they are always looking for more quilters to join them. At the Fort Dalles Cowboy Breakfast, the Center raffled off the Basket Quilt – won by Sherry Dufault. But a new star patterned quilt that was hand pieced and hand quilted is now hanging in the lobby. You can imagine how many hours were put into making it. Quilt raffle tickets are now available at the Center and the drawing will be held in December during the Center’s annual Holiday Breakfast.

Next is one of those ideas I wish I had thought of. The Dalles Art Center is sponsoring a weekly get together to sketch and doodle – which I know you can do. You probably did it during history class in high school. It is very informal and open to everyone from beginners to advance artists. There is no instructor and everyone learns from each other. All you need is paper and pen. Each week they meet at a different location. To find out where they will be meeting, call the Art Center at 541-296-4759.

And sticking with The Dalles Art Center, the Center, along with Tobin Swick/Swick Family Music, will be sponsoring the Art Center’s Open Reception on Thursday August 6th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.

This month’s art show is “Gorge Artists Create” – the Art Center’s annual juried exhibit held every summer. At the Center on Tuesday, August 11th, Martin and Friends will be performing. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome, and donations are appreciated.

On the Road, considered the defining work of the postwar Beat generation, was written by Jack Kerouac based on his notes from his travels across America in the late 1940’s. (And the winner of three quilt raffle tickets is Bill Van Nice.)

By 1954 the transistor replaced vacuum tubes making portable radios lighter and allowing everyone to listen to their favorite radio station anywhere. Consequently, transistor radios became the most popular electronic communication device in history. For this week’s “Remember When” question what little known company from overseas was the first to dominate the transistor radio market in America? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with an original TR-55 transistor radio.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to keep the cool winds blowing. Until we meet again, you know you are old when the “oldies” stations start playing hits from the 1980’s.

“The word LISTEN contains the same letters as SILENT.” Alfred Bendel

Aging Well in the Gorge July 28th 2015

Once in a while it is nice to take a few days off. This last week, my wife and I spent four days in Portland with my sister and her husband, enjoying the sights of the big city that is within 90 miles, but I have never previously explored. They were doing their west coast tour starting in San Diego, visiting relatives and friends along the way. And since they are both retired, they have more time and fewer responsibilities, so they can travel more – visiting different sites and checking off to-dos on their bucket list.

You probably know the term “bucket list” from the movie of the same name starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman about two terminally ill men taking a road trip to fulfill their wish list before they “kick the bucket”. And many of you may have a bucket list, but if you don’t or you want to update your’s, here are several suggestions by Al Bernstein, a noted psychologist who has written about “bucket lists”.

1) Your bucket list can be more than visiting your ancestral homeland. Give yourself time to reflect on your interests first, before choosing your destinations.
2) Make a list for just one year – you can also keep a “sometime” list to review later.
3) Keep your list short and mix large and small goals. Or identify just one goal. When it is accomplished, choose another.
4) And stay real. Keep your list financially and physically within reach. You may have a goal of a two week tour of the historic sites of Scotland (where, I must modestly add, the modern world was invented) but unless you rob a bank, you may not be able to afford it.

 Making a list gives you a chance to reflect on your dreams and goals – what is important to you, before you “kick the bucket”. But don’t spend all your time and energy creating your list. As Al Bernstein points out, “It’s not the listing, it’s the doing that’s important.”

The Center’s cozy NU-2-U Shop offers some of the best used clothing in the area and at the lowest prices. Rhonda Townsend sorts through the donated clothes every Monday so she can restock the racks with only the best clothes – in addition to the always popular small blankets she makes out of scrap material. The NU-2-U Shop is open from 10:00 – 1:30 Monday through Friday, and later upon request.

The Center has only two trips left this summer. The trip to Portland for lunch on the Portland Spirit is full – although we are still taking names for the waiting list. But there are still two seats left for the matinee performance of Wicked on Thursday, August 6th for $75 a piece Call or stop by the Center if you are interested.

Once again, thanks to Flagstone Senior Living for sponsoring the Cowboy Breakfast that served over a hundred adults and children. And to The Springs at Mill Creek for catering the delicious dinner served after the Center’s Annual Membership Meeting.

At the Center on Tuesday, August 4th, Andre, KC and Tom will be performing. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome, and donations are appreciated.

The name of the Pulitzer prize winning humorist who poked fun at the shortcomings of celebrities and politicians and was best known for his long-running column in The Washington Post was Art Buchwald. (And the winner of three quilt raffle tickets is Neal Cassady.)

This week’s “Remember When” question is from a post by Amanda Cecil on the Barnes and Noble’s Nook Blog suggesting five books to put on your “bucket list”. One of the books is based on this author’s notes as he traveled across America with his friends in the late 1940’s. What was the name of the author and the book he wrote – considered the defining work of the postwar Beat generation?

Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with the book’s manuscript typed on a continuous, one hundred and twenty-foot scroll of tracing paper sheets.

Well, it’s been another week, trying not to strike out in the bottom of the ninth. Until we meet again, take time to celebrate each day of these bonus years.

“Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.” Art Buchwald

Aging Well in the Gorge July 7th 2015

Anyone else wish these 100 degree days would pack their bags and head south? With the heat I find myself more irritable and lethargic and I just want to stay some place cool and read a book. But what should I expect – it is The Dalles. And to stay safe during these hot spells, I know I need to drink more liquids while avoiding caffeine and alcohol; I need to stay cool, a wet cold towel on the back of my neck works well for me; and I need to stay informed by making sure I know who to call in case the air conditioner fails.
But thinking there must be some good reasons why the heat is better than those cold winter days, I did a little research and found these ten reasons why hot weather is better than cold. So now when I start whining about the heat, I can count its benefits knowing that in less than six months, winter will arrive and I can start wishing for the dog days of summer.
10.) Heat does not cause traffic jams triggered by jackknifed semis on snow covered highways. 9.) Heat is dangerous, but nearly twice as many people die from exposure to cold weather than those who succumb to hot weather. 8.) You can’t play golf in the snow – at least anyone who is sane doesn’t.
7.) Humidity does not accumulate by the inch and require shoveling. 6.) It costs more to buy clothes to stay warm, while in the heat you can take your clothes off – to a point. 5.) Even on the hottest days of summer, it will cool off at night. But on the coldest days of winter, the nights just get colder. 4.) Cold toilet seats. 3.) It takes longer to warm up that to cool off. 2.) If your AC breaks in the summer your pipes won’t burst. 1.) And above all, when you’re too cold, you can’t truly enjoy ice cream.
Fort Dalles Days, running from July 10th through July 19th is just around the bend. There will be plenty of action including the “Rough and Wild” Rodeo; open tours of the historic buildings; and on Saturday July 18th the Downtown Summer Fest and parade. Also on the 18th is the Cowboy Breakfast at the Center from 7:30 – 9:30. This is your chance before the parade to enjoy a hearty breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, fruit and a beverage – all for $5.00 and $3.00 for children 12 and under. And during breakfast The Dalles’ own Carson Bailey, this year’s Fort Dalles Rodeo Queen, will stop by to say hi.
This month we are mixing up the order for the Tuesday Night Music line up. The Simcoe Boys will be playing on July 14th and Martin and Friends will be playing on the 21st.  No matter the temperature outside, it is always cool inside the Center so you can dance the night away without burning up the dance floor. We appreciate all the local bands who play at the Center and the folks who donate their time and money to make it all possible. Everyone is welcome no matter their age – and there is always room on the dance floor for newcomers. The doors open at 6:00, the music starts at 7:00 and you can be home before the sun goes down.
The name of the rock band with folk roots that sang the 1965 summer hit, “Summer in the City”, was the Lovin’ Spoonful. But besides the songs that remind us of summer’s pasts, the summer is also the time for the release of many of Hollywood’s action movies. This American thriller, released in 1975 two years before Star Wars, was the first of the modern summer blockbuster action films. For this week’s “Remember When” question, and a chance to win a free Cowboy Breakfast, what was the name of the film directed by Steven Spielberg; with an unforgettable soundtrack written by John Williams; and based on Peter Benchley’s 1974 novel of the same name? (And after this seeing this movie, I didn’t want to get near the water.) Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a round trip ticket to Martha’s Vineyard. 
Well, it’s been another week, splishing and splashing. Until we meet again, as I was told recently by a friend “Do not ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence.”

“What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance.” Jane Austen

Aging Well in the Gorge June 30th 2015

Recently I seem to have misplace both of my hearing aids for my good ear which put me at a disadvantage this last Saturday while attending my wife’s family reunion. But there was an upside. All of her relatives think I am a really friendly, because I was always smiling and nodding, which I often do when I don’t have a clue what everyone is talking about!
But I haven’t panicked, because those hearing aids are at least six years old, and this may be the impetus to purchase a new pair sooner than later. .
But as I research new hearing aids, I find so much talk about the stigma associated with wearing them. I’ve worn glasses since grade school, and there hasn’t been a negative stigma associated with them. Okay, maybe it is because the majority of folks with hearing aids are over 65; and that means if you have hearing aids you must be old – which everyone seems to want to avoid. But often because of the stigma (and the fact they cost as much as decent used car), too many people go without them – affecting their health and quality of life.
But I think if will do my part to take up the fight to reverse the stigma. Instead of trying to hide the hearing aids, why not flaunt them. I was thinking my next pair of over the ear hearing aids would be – bright red. Now your reaction may be the same as my wife’s which was “Are you nuts!” But how about Oregon green – or a calm ocean blue.
But I see several reason to wear a bright colored hearing aid.
First I’m proud of my age. Okay, I may find it difficult to climb out of the pool, but it was difficult when I was five and I didn’t complain then. Also, since I only need one hearing aid, because my left ear is basically deaf, everyone will know my good ear and which side to sit or walk on. And finally, I can become a fashion icon for the older generations – a trendsetter, which is often hard to do in your sixties.
So if you see me with a wild colored hearing aid, don’t laugh. I will be walking tall, wondering where all the noises are coming from.
It will be an exciting “Fort Dalles Fourth” in The Dalles with live music, Independence Parade on Saturday starting at 10:00 and many more activities. Plus the largest fireworks show in Oregon. Thanks to all the sponsors and community support to make this event happen. And you can still donate online at
The Center and Meals-on-Wheels will be closed on Friday July 3rd as will government offices. And for all the bingo players, there will not be Bingo this coming Thursday or Saturday nights.
For next Tuesday Night Music and Dance its back to the top of the charts with Andre, K.C. and Tom playing on July 7th for your dancing and listening pleasure. The doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and over by 9:00. As always, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.  
The name of the place where Ted Walkerhad his swim team practice in the Columbia River before the Natatorium was built was called the “Dip”. Jerry Phillips (who is this week’s winner of three Quilt Raffle tickets) remembers it being located just downriver from the old ferry landing, or where the cruise ships now dock. And fortunately, back in those days, the Floozies weren’t around to distract them from their invigorating practices.
Does the hot summer days and nights remind you of your younger days, driving around town or the back country roads, late at night trying to stay cool while listening to one of the many summer hits? These recent hot days reminds me of one of those songs. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the rock band with folk roots that sang the #1 summer hit in 1965 that included the lyrics “Hot town, summer in the city/Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty”? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with the name of your favorite summer song. 
Well, it’s been another week, trying to find that cool spot. Until we meet again, as Rob VanCleave once told me, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”
“It is officially too hot when the lure of jumping into a cold pool is finally stronger than the horror I feel when I see myself in a swim suit.”

Aging Well in the Gorge June 23rd 2015

Do you remember those days when you could stay up all night hanging out with friends or studying for the big final or making out with your girlfriend in your grandmother’s ’63 Buick Skylark Convertible? I don’t know about you, but for me those days are long gone. But this week I could use some of that youthful stamina because I am running out time to write this column. So to get to the point, here are a few comings and goings for this week.
There was an overflow crowd of families, friends and well-wishers last Friday for the first Wahtonka Community School Graduation. It was exciting to watch the class of 2015 receive their diplomas and take the next step on their life journey. The following Ralph Waldo Emerson quote was read that evening to inspire the young graduates. But I thought the quote is also meaningful to us “older” folkss as we look back at our lives while also preparing for the new and often unanticipated adventures and challenges ahead.
“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”  
If you are traveling this summer, by trains, planes or automobiles, you may want the company of a good audio book to take along with you. Thanks to a generous donation, the Center has a large variety of books on CD that you can pop into your car’s CD player to enjoy your favorite thriller or mystery. A list of the donated CD’s are on the Center’s website, and you can just stop by the Center to check one out.
The Center’s annual rummage sale has been condensed from the usual three day sale to one, so you can find all kinds of bargains on Saturday June 27th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We’re going to set up on Friday so you can still drop off any good used items (preferably nothing that has been through two yard sales already) by Friday morning.
I need to give a big thank-you to the MCMC volunteers who spent Friday morning working on long delayed projects around the Center: painting railings, trimming trees, and removing flower beds. I didn’t think a group of volunteers could accomplish so much in one morning. They definitely showed their commitment to the community!
Next Tuesday is the fifth Tuesday which means The Dufur Boys will be playing for the Center’s Tuesday Night Music and Dance. The doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and over by 9:00. As always, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.   
Dr. Frank C Baxter, as Dr. Research, was the host of the eight Bell Laboratory science specials – considered to be some of the best known and remembered educational films ever made. (The winner of three quilt raffle tickets is Bob Earls – who I forgot to mention for answering last week’s question.)
With the Grand Opening of the wonderful North Wasco County Aquatic Center, including an eight lane 50 meter pool, water slide and a free Splash Park, this week’s “Remember When” question has to be about swimming in The Dalles.
Ted Walker came to The Dalles as a swimming instructor and started The Dalles Swim Team in 1955. He was instrumental in the construction of The Dalles Natatorium, which in 1993 was renamed in his honor. But I also heard at the Grand Opening that before the pool was built, Ted Walker’s swim team practiced in the Columbia River. What was the name of the place where they practiced? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a picture of one of the early swim teams. Also if you have any Ted Walker swimming stories send them to me. I would like to learn more about the person who did so much for swimming in The Dalles.
Well, it’s been another week, trying not to fall asleep at the wheel. Until we meet again, stay cool but keep your clothes on.

“Life is an improvisation. You have no idea what’s going to happen next and you are mostly just making things up as you go along.” Steven Colbert

Aging Well in the Gorge June 16th 2015

Now that the summer’s first extreme heat advisory is over, it is a reminder, if anyone had forgotten, what summer can be like in The Dalles. But knowing there will surely be more hot days ahead (July and August are the hottest months of the year with the all-time high in The Dalles reaching 111 on July 26.1998), it might be good to review some of the precautions you should take when it becomes extremely hot again.

Heat is a particular concern for older adults and anyone with a chronic illness because they are at a high risk for heat related illnesses. But heat related illnesses can be prevented by “staying cool, hydrated and informed”.

Stay cool. If you do need to go outside during extreme heat conditions, early morning or later evening are the best times. Limit your sun exposure between 11 am – 5 pm. Dress in loose, light-weight, light-colored clothing that covers the skin. Wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat. Apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or more 10 minutes before going out.

Know the signs of heat stroke: high body temperature (104 F or higher); altered mental state or behavior; changes in sweating; nausea or vomiting; flushed skin, rapid breathing, racing heart rate, and headaches. If you notice any of these symptoms call 911.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids regardless of your level of activity even if you are not thirsty. If you have lost your mind and need to work outdoors in the heat (we should leave that to the young bucks) drink between 2-4 cups per hour. And not all fluids are beneficial – avoid sugary, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks.

Stay informed. Stay connected with family, friends and neighbors, in case you need to help each other. On those extended stretches of extremely hot weather, a broken air conditioner, can be a life threatening situation.

By staying cool, hydrated and informed, you can avoid serious heat related illnesses, because as Dinah Shore once sang, “Baby, it’s hot outside” – or something like that.
In The Dalles there are excellent facilities that provide a variety of long term care options. But there are occasions when it is important that an advocate is available to support the resident if he or she has a complaint. The Long Term Ombudsman was created to provide that type of support and at 11:00 on June 23rd, Gretchen Jordan, Coordinator of Volunteers for the Oregon Long Term Care Ombudsman program, will be speaking about the Ombudsman program. Certified Ombudsmen Volunteers are independent citizen advocates who visit the residents of long-term care facilities, identifying complaints and concerns. They investigate these complaints and work with the staff of the facilities to resolve problems, advocating from the resident’s point of view to protect their rights and dignity.

It has been said that as long as the first and last letters in a word are in their proper place, you can scramble the rest of the word and it’s still readable. Let’s test that theory by scrambling the letters in the Center’s Tuesday Night Music announcement.  Tseuady Ngiht Misuc and Dnace at the Cneetr on Jnue 23rd wlil frutaee the Eldrley Brtoerhs – and conarrty to rorums, tehy are no ritlaoen to the Eevrly Brreohts. Droos oepn at 6:00, msuic sattrs at 7:00 and oevr by 9:00. All aegs are wocelme and daoniotns are aywals acietaprped.
The 1950’s television drama starring Richard Carlson and based on the life of Herbert Philbrick, who infiltrated the U.S. Communist Party on behalf of the FBI was I Led Three Lives. You may also remember Richard Carlson starring in several of the Bell Laboratory Science specials that by the mid-sixties had been seen by an estimated five million schoolchildren and half a million college students. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the host of this series that included Hemo the Magnificent and About Time. Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a picture of Dr. Research and Dr. Fiction Writer.
Well, it’s been another week, spending too much time looking for the delete key. Until we meet again, you know you are getting older if you meet an attractive young women and wonder if she is single – because you’d like to introduce her to your unmarried son.

“When my grandmother was sick in the hospital, I foolishly quoted her the saying, ‘never regret growing old; it’s a privileged denied to many.’ She glared at me and responded, ‘spoken like a truly young idiot.” ― Dan Pearce

Aging Well in the Gorge June 9th 2015

We may not want to believe it, but hundreds of thousand older adults are abused, neglected or exploited every year. The abusers may be men or women, people in position of trust, friends, and even family members. Specifically, financial abuse and exploitation, costs older adults throughout the United States an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually – funds that could have been used to pay for basic needs.
Unfortunately, no one is immune to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It occurs at every income level and can happen to anyone. It is estimated that only about one in five of these types of crimes are ever discovered.
To provide an opportunity for communities to better understand and help prevent elder abuse, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched on June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization. WEAAD serves as a call-to-action for individuals, organizations, and communities to raise awareness about elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
As part of this international awareness campaign, Fred Steele will be speaking about elder abuse in Oregon at the Center on Monday, June 15that 1:00 PM. As Oregon’s Older Americans Act Legal Services Developer, Fred focuses on advocating for infrastructure improvements to enhance the rights, independence, and safety of vulnerable adults. Fred is a graduate of Willamette University College of Law and of Portland State University with a Master’s in Public Health.
But more specifically, what is elder abuse? In general, elder abuse is a term referring to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. According to the Oregon Department of Justice, forms of elder abuse touch on almost every type of victimization possible including: physical injury to an older person that is not accidental; sexual abuse or exploitation; neglect that leads to harm such as failure by those responsible to provide food, shelter, health care, or protection; abandonment of a vulnerable elder by anyone who has assumed the responsibility for care or custody of that person; mental or emotional anguish inflicted by threat, humiliation, or other conduct; and stealing or taking advantage of an older person’s finances, property or resources through deceptive means.
For more information, including signs of abuse, you can visit the website for Oregon Department of Justice’s Crime Victims’ Services Division. And if you suspect an older adult is being mistreated, call the Aging and People with Disabilities office in The Dalles at 541-298-4114 or the local Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101.
As part of the Center’s Creative Arts Program, there will be a Card Making Workshop at Urban Papers on Monday, June 15th from 1-4. During the class, Jill McDonald will be showing some new card making techniques. There is no limit on the size of the class and the cost is only $3.00 which includes all the supplies – thanks to a Wasco County Cultural Grant. Sign up by calling the Center at 541-296-4788 or Debra at 541-298-2131. As Jill posted on the Urban Papers’ Facebook page, “Being creative is not a hobby, it is a way of life”.
Tuesday Night Music and Dance at the Center on June 16th will feature the popular Simcoe Boys. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and ends by sunset. All ages are welcome and donations are always appreciated.
The person who took over the family shoe repair business in The Dalles and was also one of the original Northern Wasco County PUD sponsors, instrumental in establishing The Dalles City Bus, and stopped the bulldozers from demolishing the 1859 Wasco County Courthouse was Alf Wernmark.  (And the winner of 3 quilt raffle tickets is Jerry Phillips.)
During the Red Scare after WWII, there were several movies and television shows depicting the threat of communist agents. What was the name of the television drama that aired from October 1953 through January 1956 staring Richard Carlson and was loosely based on the life of Herbert Philbrick, a Boston executive who infiltrated the U.S. Communist Party on behalf of the FBI in the 1940s? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a poster of the movie The Red Menace.
Well, it’s been another week, trying to find a place in the shade. Until we meet again, “stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay informed”.
“Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.” Washington Irving
Wednesday (10) Taco Casserole (Soup and Salad Bar)
Thursday (11) Baked Potato with Chili
Friday (12) Baked Chicken and Gravy (Soup and Salad Bar)
Monday (15) BBQ Meatballs over Rice
Tuesday (16) BIRTHDAY DINNER Glazed Ham

Aging Well in the Gorge June 2nd 2015

The summer is the time to enjoy the outdoors, visit the kids and grandkids and try to stay cool in the shade. So who wants to think about some natural emergency situation that could strike at any time? But because of drought conditions and above normal fire potential, and possible earthquakes my wife is always reminding me about, it is best to be prepared for any unforeseen emergency. (At least I don’t have to worry about tornadoes and thunderstorms during the summer as I did growing up in Indiana.)

Besides keeping a basic emergency supply kit, (water, three days of non-perishable food, battery powered radio, flashlight, first aid kit, plastic bags, whistle, pliers, dust mask, manual can opener and cell phone with charger), and creating a personal support network, you should consider signing up with Wasco County Citizen Alert. It is a reverse 9-1-1 system when in case of an emergency situation, you are called instead of the other way around.
If you have a landline you should already be in the system. 

But if you want to be notified by other means such as your work phone, email, or a voice or text message on your cell phone, you need to register. And when you do register, you can also choose to be notified about different types of critical information: severe weather, wildfires, floods, street and road closures, missing persons, law enforcement activities and evacuation notices. You can register at and click on the Citizen Alert Notification icon at the bottom of the page. If you need assistance, you can also register by calling Wasco County Communications Manager at 541-506-2760.

I don’t know if The Dalles-Wasco County Public Library can also help you with registering for Citizens Alert, but they do offer free, hands-on, computer classes to residents of Wasco County. These classes are ideal for the new and not-so-new computer user who wants to learn and practice in a casual, low-stress environment. Space is limited to ensure personalized instructions and advance registration is required.  To register for any class, call 541-296-2815 or stop by the circulation desk.

Last week I mentioned that many folks enjoy traveling during the summer and our friends at Sherman County Transit are no different. They have scheduled a trip to Lincoln City from Tuesday, June 16th through Thursday, June 18th. They will be staying at the Liberty Inn just a couple of blocks from the Chinook Winds Casino. The rooms are $89 a night plus taxes and the cost of transportation is $100. Besides the casino, a trip to the Connie Hansen Garden Conservancy is planned for $3.00 per person. The bus will be leaving Moro at 7:30 AM and stopping in The Dalles at 8:30. To join the fun, call the Sherman County Transit at 541-565-3553. And the Center still has a few spaces left for the June 10th trip to the Pendleton Underground and Woolen Mills for $40.00 per person that includes transportation and the cost of admissions.

Tuesday Night Music and Dance at the Center on May 9th will feature Martin and Friends. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and ends by sunset. All ages are welcome and donations are always appreciated.
The name of the unconventional style of shoe designed with thick soles and thin heels and first sold in the United States in 1970 was the Earth Shoe. (And the winner of 3 quilt raffle tickets is Sandy Haechrel.)
Thanks to a suggestion from Jerry Phillips, I’m going stay with old shoes but with a local history twist. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who took over the family shoe repair business in The Dalles and according to Jerry never had your shoes repaired when you went to reclaim them, but would dig them out of the pile and repair them promptly when you did show up? And if that is not enough of a clue, he was also one of the original Northern Wasco County PUD sponsors, instrumental in establishing The Dalles City Bus, and stopped the bulldozers from demolishing the 1859 Wasco County Courthouse. Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a picture of the Fulton/Taylor house at 705 Case Street.
Well, it’s been another week, too hard of hearing to notice the ticking of time tip-toeing past my door. Until we meet again, take time discovering all the beautiful colors between black and white.

“You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.”  Woody Allen

Aging Well in the Gorge May 26th 2015

Do you still have memories of summers past? Traveling across country in a ‘54 Mercury station wagon with push button shifting, cooling off in the river on hot summer nights. Or falling in love at first sight with that young woman you would eventually marry, who was wearing one of those new risqué two piece bathing suits? Ah, the days of summer when you needed no excuse to be lazy.
At the Center this summer, while most of the classes will continue as usual, there are a few changes: Tuesday Lectures are suspended until fall, and Strong Women meets only on Thursdays. But there is still music every Tuesday night and Bingo every Thursday and Saturday Nights. (On Saturday, May 30th, the payout for the last game is $1000 if you blackout in sixty numbers. That could pay for a nice summer trip!)
Also the Center has once again scheduled a variety of Wednesday day trips, thanks to the help of Ginny McNary.  And this summer we’ll be going in every direction! On June 10th we’ll be headed east going to Pendleton to tour the Pendleton Underground in the morning and the Woolen Mills in the afternoon with time for lunch in between. (The cost for all the trips includes admissions and transportation, but you will need to purchase your own lunch.) Because the Pendleton Underground Tour starts at 10:00, we will need to leave at 7:30. The cost is $40 and limited to 20.
On July 1st we’ll head north to the Goldendale Observatory and the historical Presby Museum. Cost is $25 and limited to 12. July 8th we’ll be going south to “beat the heat” for lunch at Timberline Lodge. The cost is $20, which does not include the lunch, and again limited to 12. On July 22nd we will head west on I-84 to visit the Pittock Mansion and the Chinese Gardens in Portland. Cost is $40 and limited to 12. And we will end the season with the Portland Spirit Cruise and Lunch on the Willamette, August 19th, and the cost is $60 and limited to 20. Call the Center to reserve your spot and create some new summer memories.
This Wednesday. May 27th, another class of the Walk With Ease Program will start. The Walk With Ease Program is an exercise program that can reduce pain and improve overall health. If you can be on your feet for 10 minutes without increased pain, you can have success with this program. It is motivating, safe, can improve you flexibility, strength and stamina and most importantly – is fun. The program meets from 8:00am – 9:00am (before the heat) three times a week for six weeks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Picnic Shelter at Sorosis Park. The program is open to all ability levels and all you need to do to register is show up. In addition, all participants will receive a pedometer and a water bottle. For more information contact Lauren Kraemer at OSU Extension, 541-386-3343 ext 258.
Like many non-profits, the Center relies on various fundraisers to pay the bills. One of the Center’s annual fundraisers is the summer rummage sale around the end of June. If you have any decent used items that you no longer need: clothing, household goods, furniture, your husband? – drop them off outside the basement of the Center. We’ll be glad to take them – but please include instructions with your husband.
Tuesday Night Music and Dance at the Center on May 26th will feature the Elderly Brothers. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and ends by 9:00. All ages are welcome and donations are always appreciated.

The comedy duo who couldn’t figure out “who’s on first” was Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. (And the winner of 3 quilt raffle tickets is Sandy Goforth.) This week’s “Remember When” question was prompted by a conversation about shoes with Jenny Curtis, one of the Center’s Needle Nutzs. What was the name of the unconventional style of shoe invented in Scandinavia and first sold in America in 1970 which had thick soles and thin heels, thus featuring a “negative heal”? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a picture of the Danish yoga instructor Anne Kalso.
Well, it’s been another week, looking for gold in the golden years. Until we meet again, you know you are getting old when what you wore as a teenager, is now a new fashion trend.

“Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.” Russell Baker

Aging Well in the Gorge May 19th 2015

Older adults are a vital part of our society. And if you look around at the volunteers who are involved in our communities, from elected officials to community non-profits such as Community Meal and the Warming Shelter, you will realize our communities would not be as strong and vibrant without older adults unselfishly giving their time and efforts.

Since 1963, communities across the country have shown their gratitude by celebrating Older Americans Month each May. The theme for this year is “Get into the Act,” recognizing how older adults are taking charge of their health, getting engaged in their communities, and making a positive impact in the lives of others.

 2015 is also the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act when President Johnson signed into law in July 1965. The Older Americans Act funds a network of services that support the dignity and independence of older adults. The Act provides funding for congregate and home delivered meals that support the meal sites here in Wasco and Sherman Counties, caregiver support, community based services, elder abuse prevention and much more. Those funds are distributed through the local Area Agency on Agency (541-298-4101) which is under the umbrella of the Mid-Columbia Council of Governments.

 During Older Americans Month, the 50+ EXPO was held last Saturday at the Readiness Center in The Dalles. I would like to thank all of you who attended and particularly the many exhibitors. The purpose was to provide a one stop place where you could learn about the wide variety of resources available for older adults. As the director of the Center for over eight years, there are times when I think I know everything there is to know about the resources available for Older Adults. But by talking to the many exhibitors, I was reminded once again how wrong I would be.

Such as did you know Life Flight (503-729-5879), which covers all your your costs for a helicopter flight in case of a medical emergency, costs only $60 a year and could save you thousands of dollars if the service was ever needed; and Hood River Mobile Dental Hygiene (503-936-8422) provides thorough and convenient dental care to home or facility bound seniors who find it difficult to make it to a dental office for routine dental hygiene; and Legacy Stories, which is being promoted by Hearts of Gold Caregivers (541-387-0207), is a free award winning app for your iPhone or Samsung device where you can simply scan a photo and record your voice describing the person or event shown in the photo and what it means to you.

 Those are a just few of the resources I learned about at the 50+ EXPO. We will be evaluating the event to identify what worked and what didn’t, so we can make it even better for next year when we hope to see you then.

 Another reminder that Jim Petrusich will be speaking about hearing loss at the Center’s Tuesday Lecture 11:00 on May 26th. As the Columbia Gorge Hearing Care audiologist and with his own personal experiences, he understands the challenges of hearing loss. This will be your chance to ask questions to help you get back into the conversations around you.

 Tuesday Night Music and Dance at the Center on May 26th will feature the Elderly Brothers. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and ends by 9:00. All ages are welcome and donations are always appreciated.

 The fictitious product seen on TV that contained concentrated “vitamins, meat, vegetables, and minerals”, was 23% proof, and promised to help people who are “tired, run-down, and listless” was Vitameatavegamin – the product Lucy was selling in the famous I Love Lucy episode “The TV Commercial”. (And the winner of 3 quilt raffle tickets is Marcia Lacock.)

This week’s “Remember When” question is another easy one but may bring back more memories of classic comedy routines of the past. What comedy duo couldn’t figure out who was on first baseball because of the ballplayer’s unusual nicknames in this famous routine that was ranked as the #1 comedy routine of the 20th century by Time magazine. Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a DVD of the 1945 movie The Naughty Nineties.

 Well, it’s been another week, when too often something stares me in the face and I still don’t see it. Until we meet again, the first step to remembering anything is to pay attention!

 “By the time you’re eighty years old you’ve learned everything. You only have to remember it.” George Burns