Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge
At the Center every Thursday and Saturday Nights, starting at 6:00 PM, you can play Bingo the classic American game of chance. And this coming Saturday night May 31st, there will be free pizza from 4:30 – 5:30. And the payout for the last game is up to $1000 if you black out in 61 numbers. (And at 61 numbers there is a darn good chance someone is going to win it!) So stop by the Center on Saturday night for free pizza and a chance to win some big money.
Aging Well May 20th 2014
Aging Well May 13th 2014
Aging Well April 29th 2014
Aging Well April 22nd 2014
Aging Well April 15th 2014
Aging Well April 8th
Aging Well April 1st 2014
Being active in your community is both good for the community and good for your health and well-being. This community involvement is often called Civic Engagement – April’s theme in your Passport to Happiness Calendar. An example is represented by the photo for April: The Dalles Floozies on the Queen of the West – a group of local individuals with a flair for the dramatic and the comical, having fun greeting the cruise ship tourists to make their visit to The Dalles a memorable one.
Voting is another example of civic engagement and your next opportunity is the primary election on May 20th. And because it is a mail in ballot you need to make sure to update your registration when your residence or mailing address changes – even if you are only changing rooms in a senior living facility. You can update your registration by going online at or stopping by the Clerk’s Office in your county.
No matter your age, you can still contribute, whether by volunteering, working on a political campaign or joining the Floozies. There is no better time than now to make a difference.
Now several weeks into spring, I see more folks out walking and enjoying the warmer weather – although I can’t say drier. Walking is one of the best and simplest movement exercises, much better than sitting on the couch watching TV, and is an essential activity for independent living. But while I haven’t seen anyone fall off a couch, falling is a definite concern when walking – whether you are walking the dog or walking to the bathroom. At the Center’s next 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on April 8th, Ann Stanley will discuss “Walking and Aging: How to keep moving and prevent falls”, and will demonstrate a simple test to help determine your risk of falling.
I promised Betty and Martha I wouldn’t forget to mention that the Nu-2-U Shop is now restocked with fine used spring clothes. The shop is open from 9:00 – 3:00 Monday through Friday. And although the shop is small, what it lacks in size, it makes up in quality.
This is the last week for the Where in The Dalles is the Elevator? contest. You can find all four sets of clues for the five elevators (well, there aren’t exactly five, but you’ll figure that out.) on the Center’s website at Or you can pick up the clues at the Center. And whether you identify all five or only one, email, snail mail or send them by carrier pigeon – I don’t care, as long as you get your answers to the Center by 5:00 on Friday April 4th.
Last week I reversed the letters in the words and the week before I reversed the words in the sentence, so what’s up this week? A double whammy. I’m doing both. But don’t just skip over the music announcement. Novel challenges are good for the grey matter in that skull of yours.
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It wasn’t Ralph Miller, but Slats Gill who was the Oregon State University coach during their three consecutive trips to the NCAA Basketball Tournament from 1962 – 1964. And the top scorer in the 1963 NCAA tournament was Mel Counts – who Don McAllister remembers seeing in Wallowa County sometime in the 70’s-80’s sitting in the Cowboy Bar in Joseph, Oregon. You can’t miss someone who is 7’3” in Joseph. (And the winner of a Cherry Festival Breakfast is Rayburn Parker.)
This week’s “Remember When” question is about a comedian who was a child actor in many movies including the Perils of Pauline; was a regular on various radio shows during the 30’s and 40’s; and then moved to television to host the Texaco Star Theater. Who is considered by many the first star of television and was known as Mr. Television? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send your answers with a tape of the 1939 radio comedy show Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One.
Well, it has been another week trying to see what I can learn from this body of mine. Until we meet again, seek the wind that will fill your sails, but watch out for those sandbars.
“Almost half of all people over 40 believe they look younger than they are. This says something important about older Americans: We have terrible eyesight.” Dave Barry