Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge
Well, it has been another week enjoying the walks down to the river and back. Until we meet again, as Mae West once said, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
Aging Well March 26th 2013
Well, it has been another week watching soap bubbles dance in the wind. Until we meet again, the quieter you become, the more you will be heard.
Aging Well March 19th 2013
As we age, our natural social support system diminishes: friends and loved ones move or pass away and there are fewer opportunities to make new friends. And without this web of caring friends and family, when there is an emergency or crisis, there are fewer places to turn to for assistance. But for many, the Meals-on-Wheel volunteer, who delivers a nutritious meal at noon, Monday through Friday, is their support system – that daily contact. And because of that regular visit, folks feel healthier, more secure and can live in their own home longer – which is a pretty big deal. You can show your support and learn more about Meals-on-Wheels by joining the local “March for Meals” at the Center at 11:15 on Thursday March 21st. And if you know of anyone who has difficulty preparing a healthy meal or anyone who would like to deliver meals once a week, contact Meals-on-Wheels at 541-298-8333. While Meals-on-Wheels is a vital nutrition program providing hundreds of meals a week, it is also much more than a meal. Over the years, the Center has loaned hundreds of pieces of medical equipment, but once again the Center’s cupboards are bare. We will accept and put to good use any kind of medical equipment, but the Center is particularly in need of wheelchairs, rollators (walkers with four wheels and the seat) and commodes. And if you are in need of any medical equipment, give the Center a call first to see if we have the item in stock. With the help of Barb Thomas and Joyce Fargher, the Center’s Travel Club is considering several day trips during the spring. If you are interested in taking trips to WAAAM (Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum) in Hood River, The NW Senior Theater in Portland, the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens in Woodland, Washington or the Grand Floral Parade, call the Center. And if you have any ideas for other trips, please let us know. Now that spring is jogging around the corner, doesn’t it just make you want to start sorting and tossing and cleaning around the house and yard? (Or maybe not? Too many important basketball games to watch?) But while doing your spring cleaning, you are looking for a safe way to destroy your confidential documents without burning up the motor on your $25.00 shredder, I’ve got an answer. Gorge Security Shred is stopping by the Center every Friday between 12:00 – 12:30 to pick up documents to shred whether it is two pounds or two hundred!. (And it only costs twenty cents a pound – a quarter of what some businesses are charging.) Gorge Security Shred is a member of NAID (National Association for Information Destruction), licensed, and bonded and your documents will be securely transported in closed, locked containers to their warehouse where they are destroyed. Tracy Dugick, dietician for MCMC, will be discussing gluten free diets and healthy grain choices at the next Tuesday Lecture on March 25th starting at 11:00 AM. Gluten is the protein complex found in wheat and as more people are developing sensitivity to gluten, there is an increasing interest in the value of gluten free diets. And before the pig jumps out of the frying pan into the fire – playing tonight at the Center is “Truman”. And next Tuesday “For the Good Times” will be playing for you dancing and listening pleasure. Music begins at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are always appreciated The rivalry, beginning in the 1979 NCAA Basketball Championship final, was between Michigan State’s Magic Johnson and the “Hick from French Lick (and yes there is a city in my fair state of Indiana called French Lick) Larry Bird playing for Indiana State. (And the winner is Bob Haechrel.) But enough basketball. This week “Remember When” question is about a book often found in the kitchens of the1970’s twentysomethings. What was the name of the 1971 bestseller written by Frances Moore Lappe (born in Pendleton, Oregon in 1944) that “changed the way America eats” by advancing the idea that meat production contributed to food scarcity and eating a vegetarian diet was better for the body and the planet. E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with the recipe for Ricotta Lasagne Swirls. Well, it’s been another week trying to focus on what is important instead of what is urgent. Until we meet again, it’s been said without money we’d all be rich. “It’s possible to own too much. A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure.” Lee Segall
Aging Well March 12th 2013
Well, it’s been another week listening to be buds sprouting in the night. Until we meet again, you know it is a good day when you can remember that you did take your morning vitamin pill!
Aging Well March 5th 2013
Aging Well February 26th 2013
Walter Brennan – who I have heard from several reliable sources owned a ranch in Joseph for a time. (And the randomly selected winner of 5 quilt raffle tickets is Karl Vercouteren.) But this week it is back to popular music – specifically R&B, my favorite kind of music during the sixties. What was the name of the record company founded by Berry Gordy, Jr. that included such artists as the Temptations, Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder and charted 110 top ten hits from 1961-1971. E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of Hitsville USA – the recording company’s first headquarters..