Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge
Aging Well January 15th 2013
Aging Well January 8th 2013
Aging Well December 18 2012
It is also a time to remember how we have been blessed at our chronologically advantaged age. But sometimes it is hard with all the bad news: shootings near and far, physical challenges we endure; and the personal losses that touch us – particularly at this time of the year when we would give everything to again share memories of Christmas’s pasts with friends and loved ones who are no longer with us.
It is not always easy to stay upbeat and positive, but Shawn Achor, who researches and teaches positive psychology, describes three steps that can help us see and look for the positive instead of passively absorbing the negative. First, for twenty one days in a row, take two minutes a day and write down three things you are grateful for. Second, start a journal and each day write about one positive experience you encountered. Third, do one positive random act of kindness each day – whether it’s complimenting the salesperson during a hectic Christmas shopping day or buying a bottle of Martinelli’s sparkling juice for your local senior center director (and he prefers a red grape to a white apple cider!)
This is usually the place where I announce the performers for Tuesday Night music, but because of the holidays, we have pushed the pause button until January 8th. But the sounds of guitars strumming and cowgirls singing won’t totally vanish. Every Wednesday before and after the Meals-on-Wheels noon dinner, there is music for your listening pleasure – and there are often several couples who take the opportunity to stretch their legs and dance a few steps. Annie Lane and “For the Good Times” alternate Wednesdays. And on the third Thursday, Tom Graff stops in and warms up the diner crowd. Particularly if you don’t like to get out after dark, this is your chance to enjoy listening and dancing to some good country tunes.
This week’s ”Remember When” question is about the successful jazz vocalist and actress who became nationally known with the 1951 hit “Come on-a My House” written by the unusual duo of author William Saroyan and David Seville (who would later create the famous Alvin and the Chipmunks) and recorded with Mitch Miller and his orchestra. But during the Christmas season she is remembered for starring in the 1954 Christmas movie classic with Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Vera-Ellen. What was this singer/actress’s name? E-mail your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a package of “Extra value is what you get, when you buy Coro-net” paper towels.
Aging Well December 11th 2012
Fortunately I kept that thought to myself and instead offered more sagely advice reflecting my years of wisdom and experience: “Stay socially connected and keep moving”. Good advice, right? But after several days of reflection, I should have answered “To age well you need to learn to accept and adapt”.
Although we may wish we could just take off our shoes, kick back and relax at this stage of our lives, we know it isn’t that easy. But the good news is that with effort, creativity and perseverance, we can accept and adapt – and make the remaining years of our lives both purposeful and rewarding.
Hot cakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage or bacon is the menu for the Center’s Christmas Breakfast sponsored by the same folks as last year, but with a new name this year- “The Springs at Mill Creek”. They are bringing along Santa, gifts and holiday entertainment with “Harmony of the Gorge”. This is your chance to get into the holiday spirit and while enjoying a delicious Saturday breakfast.
If you appreciate the art, cultural and historical non-profits, you only have three weeks to donate to your nonprofit of choice and to the Oregon Cultural Trust in order to receive a matching tax credit. All you have to do is make a donation to any of Oregon’s arts, heritage and humanities non-profits including twenty-two in Wasco and Sherman County (listed at; make a matching gift to the Cultural Trust; and then claim your entire contribution to the Cultural Trust as a tax credit. The Oregon Cultural Trust is an innovative public-private fundraising and grant making program that funds the local Wasco Cultural Trust Coalition which annually distributes $500 to $1000 grants to area schools and non-profits.
The Center’s Nu-2-U Shop is overflowing with used clothes of all kinds. So Betty and Martha are having their End-of-the-Year Bag Sale on Thursday and Friday (13th and 14th). And for both days the store will be open from 10:00 – 3:00 PM.
Tonight at the Center, Martin and Friends will be playing the last Tuesday Night performance in 2012. But like bed bugs in a cheap hotel, the music will be back on January 8th starting at 7:00 PM.
The 1948 – 1957 television show that used puppets to appeal to the children but was watched more by adults was “Kukla, Fran and Ollie”. (And the winner of a Christmas Breakfast is Herm Neuberger.) For this week’s “Remember When” question, I may be repeating myself since I can’t remember if I’ve asked this question before. (But then I imagine you can’t remember either!) So possibly for the second time, what comedy duo had their own show on both radio and television that included imaginary off the wall interviews with recurring characters such as Wally Ballou, Biff Burns, Arthur Sturdley, Webley Webster, and the McBeeBee twins. E-mail your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a tape of the radio soap opera “Mary Backstayge, Noble Wife”.
Well, it has been another week, remembering the past while imagining the future. Until we meet again, celebrate the years remaining because, to paraphrase Robert Frost, the afternoon knows the joys what the morning never suspected.
“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”
― Yoko Ono
Aging Well December 4th 2012
The challenge this year was “Senior Solutions” – finding solutions that help older adults stay independent, engaged and connected. In developing their project, each team selected a Senior Partner to learn more about the challenges facing older adults, and then imagined and researched a solution to a problem that was identified from the conversations with their Senior Partner. As part of the competition, each team’s solution was evaluated based on the level of research and innovation as well as the quality of their presentation.
Several older adults from the Center were recruited to be Senior Partners for the four teams from Colonel Wright Elementary. Because of that connection with the Center, several of the Colonel Wright teams have agreed to present their projects at the Center for the 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on the 11th, It will be fun and you will have an opportunity to see budding scientist in the making. I just wish they would hurry up and build the memory enhancement device. I need it now!
Several weeks ago when I wrote about the value of support groups I forgot to mention the Women Widows of Veterans Gathering and Support Group which meets every second Tuesday of the month (which according to my Gregorian calendar is December 11th) at 11:00 AM at the Veteran Services Office at 201 Federal Street in The Dalles. The gatherings are an opportunity for grief support as well as ensuring that widows of veterans are accessing all the support available from Veteran Services. For more information, call Barb Thomas at 541-467-2651, Ruth Otto at 541-769-0078 or Joyce Powell Morinat 541-296-7266.
One last reminder. This Wednesday, the 5th, the monthly iPad User’s group will meet at 1:00, as well as the first meeting of the Kindle User’s Group at 2:00. These user groups are for both beginners and experienced users (we need someone who knows what they are doing) and will give you a chance to share what we know and ask questions about what you don’t.
Tonight at the Center, The Strawberry Mountain Band will be kicking up the dust. And next Tuesday on the 11th, Martin and Friends will be playing for your listening and dancing pleasure. The Center’s Tuesday Night Music will then take a break for the holiday season returning on January 8th. As always, the music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome – including lonely reindeer waiting for the big trip, and donations are always appreciated.
Arlo Guthrie (the son of Woody Guthrie – writer of the local hit song from 1941 “Roll on, Columbia, Roll On”) wrote and recorded the 18 minute satirical protest song from 1967 called Alice’s Restaurant – including the lyrics “You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant – excepting Alice”. (And the winner of a Saturday Breakfast is Jess Birge.)
When I was on the Coffeebreak last month, Al Wynn mentioned this
television show that used puppets and was totally ad-libbed. It first aired November 29th, 1948 on Chicago’s WNBQ and was originally created for children but soon was watched more by adults. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this television show? E-mail your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a 1961 picture of Buelah Witch, Fran Allison, and Madame Oglepuss.Well, it has been another week, appreciating life’s changes. Until we meet again, keep your eyes and mind open for new and exciting opportunities.
“As you get older; you’ve probably noticed that you tend to forget things. You’ll be talking with somebody at a party, and you’ll know that you know this person, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t remember his or her name. This can be very embarrassing, especially if he or she turns out to be your spouse.” Dave Barry
Aging Well November 27th 2012
On Saturday December 1st is the Annual Three Museum Holiday Open House from 11:00 AM until 4 PM at the Fort Dalles Museum and Anderson Homestead. Admission is free and you will find Santa for the grandkids, live Christmas music, a raffle drawing plus Christmas cookies and Hot Cider. And the Gift Shop will be open if you want to purchase a little history for the holidays.
The Center is planning for its Christmas Breakfast on December 15th sponsored by The Springs at Mill Creek who will be providing music by “Harmony of the Gorge”, gifts and a special appearance by Santa. And during breakfast, a raffle drawing will be held and the winner will take home one of the two distinctly different quilts hanging in the Center’s lobby. They are beautifully hand stitched and would make a great Christmas gift. Raffle tickets are available at the front desk
People with disabilities are important contributors to the fabric of our communities. They may be your friends, neighbors and more often these days your co-workers. Consequently, would you like to better understand the various types of disabilities; develop more effective skills in assisting people with disabilities; and better understand how to respectfully communicate with people with disabilities? If so, you will want to attend the Tuesday Lecture at 11:00 on December 5th featuring Katie Maple discussing “Disability Awareness”. Katie works for the local non-profit Opportunity Connections that provides supports and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
The popular TV series that aired the famous “Moo goo goo goo” Thanksgiving episode in 1975 was The Bob Newhart Show. (And the winner of a Saturday Breakfast is Don McAllister who remembers seeing Bob Newhart substituting for Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show.)
Aging Well November 20th 2012
According to the experts, generally there are two main reasons for keeping financial records: to offer documentation for a disputed tax issue or to show proof you made a payment or some other financial transaction.
According to Jennifer Saranow Schultz, a contributing writer for the New York Times Business Section, the IRS requires “individuals be able to produce records proving any income, deductions or credit claimed for at least three yearsfrom the date of a return”. (Three years is the statute of limitations for the IRS to assess additional taxes if all income is reportedly correctly.) But if you fail to report more than 25% of your income on your tax return, the IRS requires you to produce records for six years. Therefore the safest recommendation is to keep all of your tax records and documentation for the longer six years.
For other financial records, such as utility bills or other proofs of payment, you only need to keep them until you are sure the payment has been processed. Once you see the zero balance on the next bill, it can be shredded. For loan papers, keep them until the loan is paid off and then just keep the documentation that shows it has been paid in full; for insurance documents, keep them as long as you have the policy or if there are still unresolved claims; and for health insurance, keep those records for any service still being provided, that has not been paid or is unresolved. (And of course if any of these kinds of records are used to claim a tax deduction, save them for the recommended six years.)
There are some financial records you should keep indefinitely. Again according to Jennifer Schultz, you need to keep indefinitely “paperwork related to legal filings, wills, inheritance, bankruptcy and paperwork documenting contributions to and withdrawals from
retirement accounts like Roth I.R.A.’s.”And one final note. For security reasons, experts caution against using the new technological tools for keeping your records. Avoid storing your records online or on your computer. You’ll be glad to know it is still recommended to keep your records the old fashioned way: the original documents in a safe and secure place.
On Tuesday November 27th at 11:00 AM, the Center is going to complete the month’s Tuesday Lecture Series with a bang – a special presentation by Dr. Joshua Boone, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, speaking about foot care. If you would like to learn more about medical conditions affecting the foot or have questions (or just have a foot fetish), please join us. The presentation will be in the Center’s basement since this month’s second AARP Driver Safety Class on the 26th and 27th will be using the upstairs classroom. (And there are still openings for this class which is free for Veterans and their spouses.)
Tonight at the Center, right here in wet River City, Truman will be singing his Country Gold. And next Tuesday we’ll end the month with “For the Good Times”. The music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome – including any gregarious Turkeys, and donations are always appreciated to keep the lights on and the musicians fed.This week’s “Remember When” question is a little more recent – only forty years ago. But let’s see if anyone knows the answer. The fourth season of this TV series included one of the most famous sitcom Thanksgiving scenes – while Emily was away for a Thanksgiving family reunion, her husband calls to order Chinese food for himself and his three friends who have all gotten drunk while watching a football game on TV. “Moo goo goo goo? Maybe I’m ordering Chinese baby food.” What was the name of this popular TV series that first aired in 1972? E-mail your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with the hit album of humorous deadpan monologues called “The Buttoned Mind Strikes Back.”
Well, it has been another week, waiting for the Turkey to undress. Until we meet again, eat slowly, chew thoughtfully and swallow carefully. And enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.
“You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.” Yogi Berra
Senior Living November 13th 2012
Aging Well November 6th 2012
But in those situations, a support group is often a lifeline – providing life-saving benefits during those traumatic times. A support group can help you connect with others – reducing the feeling of isolation and being alone; help you understand that your feelings and reactions are not strange, but normal; and help you realize that life may be different, but it’s not over.
There are many support groups in the area for individuals as well as family, friends and caregivers. Last week, I mentioned the Stroke Support Group meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at Water’s Edge (541-506-6902). But there are many others including: a men’s cancer (541-296-7207) and a women’s cancer support group (Lyn at 541-296-7205); Parkinson’s (Chad at 541-478-9338), Family Alzheimer’s/Dementia (Karen Deswert at FlagStone Senior Living 541-298-5656), and a Dementia support group (Veteran’s Home 541-296-7190). For bereavement support you can contact Heart of Hospice (541-296-7190) and Hospice of the Gorge (541-387-6449).
Thanks to the efforts of Tedd and Rymmel Lovell, host families, liaisons and many other volunteers, there are three AFS high school students in The Dalles this school year including Anas “Ben” Dlala from Tunisia. You can learn more about AFS and Tunisia when Ben shows slides and discusses his homeland at the Tuesday Lecture on November 13thstarting at 11:00.
And to raise funds for student scholarships, local events, and school expenses for the current and future crop of exchange students, the local AFS program is selling 20 pound boxes of Ruby Red Grapefruit or Navel Oranges for $16.00 apiece. You can order a box (or half box) by calling 541-296-6546, contacting your local AFS volunteer or going online at and focus are two essential nutrients for a good memory. So again it is time mix it up with this week’s music announcement. At the tenter conight starting at 7:00 PM “The Strawberry Bountain Mand” will be performing. And next week, Frartin and Miends will provide the soundtrack for an evening of lancing and distening. Everyone is welcome – political linners and wosers – and donations are always appreciated.
Last week’s question was a popular one with many folks remembering Eve Arden starring in “Our Miss Brooks” – the popular comedy series that aired on the radio from 1948 – 1958 and television from 1952 – 1956. (And the winner of a free Saturday breakfast on the 17th is John Lampe.) And since today is Election Day – the end to all the political pitches covering the airwaves like weeds in a vacant lot – it only seems appropriate to include a political “Remember When” question.
For two years the nation was run by a president and a vice president who were not elected by the people. Who was the U.S. President? Email your answer to the, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a No. 48 football Jersey from the University of Michigan.
Well, it has been another week, trying to stay on my side of the road when the rain is pouring down. Until we meet again, stay strong, but many times the greatest strength is knowing when to seek support.