Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Senior Living October 15 2008

Because there is so much to cover this week, I thought I would skip my wanderings about vegetables, many happy returns and the joys of grand parenting till another week. Stay tuned.

Thanks to Occupational Health Services of MCMC you will be able to get your Flu Shots on October 15th and 16th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Senior Center’s basement. Make sure you have a copy of your Medicare or insurance card, since they will be billed. Otherwise the cost is $20. If you have any questions call Suzanne Cross at 296-7811 or the Senior Center at 296-4788.

This Thursday the 16th from 1:30 – 3:00 at the Center, Fern Wilcox will present “A Good Night’s Sleep” the second in a her once-a-month series on Healthy Aging. Are there secrets to getting a good night’s sleep? How much sleep do we need as we get older? Are naps a good thing? Fern will help us understand how to get the most from this nightly activity so critical to our health: sleep.

There was tremendous interest in seeing the “Singing Christmas Tree” in Portland, so I have reserved twenty tickets – 10 seats in the first balcony and 10 seats on the Orchestra Floor – for the 1:30 matinee performance on Sunday November 30th. The tickets including transportation will be $65 and you can pay for them at the Center. Enjoy a nice Thanksgiving with family and then start the Christmas season with a wonderful performance of the “Singing Christmas Tree”. For more information call the Center at 296-4788.

“Hospice: It’s about Life!” is the topic for The Next Chapter Lecture Series. Pat Case of Hospice of the Gorge describes the value of this presentation. “People often think the worst when they hear the word ‘hospice.’ Let’s face it, no one really wants to think about it or talk about it… dying, that is. But according to Gretchen Hagen, Executive Director for Hospice of The Gorge, hospice is as much about living as it is about dying. While hospice specializes in providing end-of-life care, Hagen says the focus of hospice care is on helping people live life to the fullest extent possible for the rest of their lives. ‘I was a hospice nurse for many years, and I’ve seen some amazing examples of how people’s lives changed for the better when they came onto hospice care. Our focus, you see, is on helping people find hope, even in the process of dying. Hospice helps people relax and we help them be free of pain … so they can actually enjoy life. And once that happens, their lives are immediately enriched. I’ve seen time and time again, how hospice has helped people have end-of-life journeys of discovery, love, and sometimes, yes, even joy.’ Gretchen Hagen will be sharing her views about hospice care and the stories of patients she has known, in a presentation at the Mid Columbia Senior Center, on Tuesday, October 21 at 11:00. All are welcome to attend.

If you think you can’t play golf or tennis because your body moves like the Tin Man before he got the grease, but you can still imagine yourself as Jack Nicklaus or Billie Jean King, you are the person we want to join us every Friday morning starting at 10:00 in the Center’s basement to learn to play the Wii sports games. I am asking, because last Friday I was the only person present and it is hard to explain how playing Wii Golf (which is fun) by yourself (which isn’t so much fun) is part of my many responsibilities as director. (Someone has to learn how to play the games in order to teach others, right?) During the cold and snowy months, the Wii games are great opportunity to keep moving although granted not as fast as the real game – which may be a good thing.

Tuesday Night Music on the 21st will feature “Hardshell Harmony” returning to play excellent bluegrass music. They are a popular band in town and you will really enjoy their bluegrass pickings. And tonight you can listen to Truman’s Country Gold sponsored by Heart of Gold Caregivers. Music starts at 7:00 and everyone is welcome. Admission is free but donations are gladly accepted.

It is that time of the month for our monthly Senior Center breakfast. This month’s menu includes hotcakes, bacon and fruit with special seasonal toppings for the hotcakes. Breakfast is from 8:00 – 10:00 and is $5 for the general public and $4 for members. Enjoy a leisurely morning with good food and good friends. “Food always tastes better when someone else cooks it.”

If you are interested in receiving information about the Center and healthy aging, please send me your e-mail address. Currently I have only 34 people on my group list for receiving the weekly Center newsletter and I would like to grow that list to 300. It would keep you in the know and save the Center plenty on postage. And I promise I will not sell your name to the nearest Viagra dealer or sub-prime mortgage lender (although I don’t think we need to worry about them any more, just the consequences) or a national singles club (unless you want me to).

That is it for another week and what a week it was. Until the next time, while enduring these unsettling economic times, stay calm, enjoy the moment and think small. “The future ain’t what it use to be.” -Yogi Berra

Senior Living October 7

When I use to attend the Senior Advisory Council meetings as a county commissioner, I would always hear personal stories about how difficult it was to pay for prescription drugs that were medically necesary but unaffordable. Fortunately, in 2003 in a difficult and close vote, the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act was passed. And even though it was controversial, flawed and expensive, it was at least the first step in ensuring that everyone with Medicare, regardless of income, health status, or prescription drug usage, will have access to prescription drug coverage. This new coverage known as Medicare Part D began on January 1, 2006. But most importantly every year between November 15 and December 31 those who are eligible have the chance to enroll in the drug plan of their choice or change to a different drug plan.

Because of this opportunity to change plans, drug plan sponsors will start promoting their drug plans for the coming year during the months of October and November. If you currently have Medicare drug coverage, you will receive in the mail your plan’s “Annual Notice of Change.” This document can seem confusing and many seniors just ignore it. But it is extremely important! Be sure to read it carefully to see what changes will be made to your plan for the coming year and compare this coverage with other plans available in your area. (There are 55 stand alone plans to choose from.) If you decide to keep the same drug plan, you can continue your coverage without doing anything. But you may have many questions as you decide whether to keep or change your drug plan. Jean Hockman at the Area Agency on Aging (298-4101) is trained to answer those questions.

But she will need help to answer the many questions seniors will be asking. The state of Oregon recognizes this need, and will be providing a two day training on October 28th and 29th for anyone who would like to become a Medicare volunteer. This is an opportunity to fill a real need by providing unbiased and reliable information to seniors particularly about Medicare Part D during the enrollment period between November 15 and December 31. (The class is also a great way to learn more about the Medicare system.) You can register for the medicare volunteer training class by calling the Center at 296-4788.

The Senior Center is looking for business and individual sponsors to help financially support the Tuesday Night Music program, so the Center can continue to schedule quality musicians to entertain folks of all ages. An example of the quality is Truman Boler, the always popular one-man-band, who will be playing at the Center next Tuesday the 14th. The Center would like to thank our first sponsor, Heart of Gold Caregivers, for sponsoring Truman. Heart of Gold Caregivers provides caregivers in The Dalles as well as Hood River who are insured, bonded and trained so seniors can live in their homes longer. For more information you can contact them at 541-387-0207. Tonight the Notecrackers are playing which is a week earlier than usual. The music always starts at 7:00 and everybody is welcome. Admission is free and donations are truly appreciated.

For the next presentation of the Next Chapter Lecture Series, we are going to switch tracks and look at a fascinating piece of Wasco County history. Jerry Tanquist local railroad historian will present “The Deschutes River Railroad Race” a historical slide show of the race between two railroad companies competing to build the first rail line between the Columbia River and Bend, OR. Jerry’s last presentation on the Great Sourthern Railroad was well received and I expect this one will be just as informative and entertaining.

A quick reminder about the AARP Driver Safety Class on October 20 and 21. Dick Frost who coordinates the volunteers in the area and teaches the class in Hood River dropped by and reminded me that you can save up to 15% on your insurance rates by taking the class. (You will need to talk to your own insurance carrier to find out the exact savings.) To receive the discount you will need to take the class once every three years if you are between 55 and 69 and once every two years if you are 70 or over. But besides the financial advantage, you can learn more about the traffic laws that have changed over the last several years. Call the Center at 296-4788 to sign up for the class. It can save you some cash and possibly your life.

The Nu-2-U shop is celebrating Bette Dahlberg’s return from her trip to South Dakota by having a $1 a bag sale on Friday the 10th during their regular hours from 10:00 – 1:30. While the inflation is increasing and financial giants are staggering, you can still find a very good deal at the Nu-2-U shop. Stop by and say hi. Bette and Martha will be looking for you.

Well it has been busy around the Center. Which is good. Sunday night was the last stop for the Fellowship of Churches Progressive Dinner with Rob and Shirley Bagge providing the fine entertainment. It was a huge success and everyone is looking forward to next year. Monday morning representatives of the local ARC met at the Center to plan for their Halloween Party from 7:00 – 10:00 on the 24th. On Tuesday the “Yes, You Can Draw!” class starts for a six week run and we are working on the final details for a trip to Portland to see “The Singing Christmas Tree”. Which is all good. The Center feels alive and busy as we navigate into the autumn months. So until we meet again, keep warm, keep busy and keep your hands clean.

“Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.” Bob Dylan

Senior Living September 30

As older adults we are constantly kidding and joking about those “senior moments”: where did I park the car? Where did I put the check book? Did I put my pants on before I left the house? But for me it is frustrating when I can’t remember what I have written this past year. Have I mentioned this idea before? Have I already used that funny George Burns quote? (That is why this column should only be read by folks with a memory like TDWHS’s Mr. Jupe: the short, top-notch principal with the funny accent. He told me he really liked the Senior Center’s new banner, but when pressed he couldn’t remember what it said. He had to admit he was in his mid-50’s on the path towards that day when, and I quote Mr. Jupe, “You get a feeling, you just don’t know what it is.”)

But as we age, doesn’t it feel more difficult or impossible to recall new information or learn new skills? But I wonder if we have just forgotten how difficult it was to learn new ideas when we were younger. I am learning the solving techniques for Sudoku puzzles, and it is not easy. I have to keep going back to reread the instructions and examples. But if I think back to my younger days, it was hard to remember the rules for playing the popular board game Risk (and forget calculus). We may just have an elevated notion of how much easier it was to learn when we were younger. I feel we are capable of learning much more than we give ourselves credit. Learning something new has always been hard work so don’t stop. Give it a shot. It never was easy.

One form of memory loss we currently have little control over is Alzheimers. To raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research, Flagstone Assisted Living invites you to participate in the 2008 Association Memory Walk® to be held this coming Saturday starting at 10:00 at Third and Lincoln (St. Peter’s Landmark Church). Local participants include the Oregon Veteran’s Home, Columbia Basin Care Facility, Mill Creek Point, Evergreen Health and Rehabilitation Center, Cherry Heights Retirement Communityand Mid-Columbia Senior Center. This is an opportunity to support the nation’s largest Alzheimers event and help find a solution to this crippling and tragic disease that has affected so many in the Gorge.

“Yes, You can draw!” is a new drawing class at the Senior Center for those who think they can’t, starting next Tuesday the 7th from 2:15 – 4:15 for six weeks. Nancy Russell who will be teaching the drawing class has taught beginning drawing classes at PCC before she moved to The Dalles. Here is a chance to explore the world of drawing in a supportive and low stress environment.

Why not make a habit of attending the weekly Next Chapter Lecture Series at the Senior Center every Tuesday at 11:00 AM? There is always something new to learn and last Tuesday Tracy Dugick a dietitian with MCMC offered several useful tips about eating for good health. Eat fruit instead of drinking juice: less calories and more filing; shred your cheese instead of slicing it: you get the taste without as much fat; don’t eat one big meal: all your meals should be about the same size; don’t eat till you feel full: save that feeling for Thanksgiving; try smart snacking: have available small healthy snacks to eat when your body tells you to; use smaller plates and bowls to fight the national trend of “portion distortion”; order the smaller servings off the “senior” menu: good for your health and your budget.

Next Tuesday, October 7th, at 11:00 AM you will have another opportunity to hear Dr. PK Swartz discuss “Advanced Directives and Organ Donations – What to do so you can make your own decisions”. This is a repeat of his excellent and informative presentation from last winter that you won’t want to miss.

Next Tuesday the 7th the Notecrackers will be performing. We are very fortunate to have them play the Senior Center on a regular basis. And tonight we are glad to welcome back the Sugar Daddies to play their swingy jazz sound. Tuesday is your dance night at the Senior Center with a variety of musicical styles to enjoy. Everybody is welcome and admission is free but we really appreciate you donations. And if Tuesday doesn’t work or once a week isn’t enough, don’t forget music at the Cherry Park Grange and square dance lessons at the Civic Auditorium.

I am writing this column while twenty women are in Portland watching “Menopause: The Musical” in Portland. Not one man, including myself, had the guts to go. But then there are times when it is just best to let the women be by themselves. We are now determining if there is enough interest to reserve tickets for the “Singing Christmas Tree” in Portland. I am looking at either the 2:30 matinee on Sunday, November 30th or Saturday, December 6th. I believe we can keep the price for a ticket and transportation at or below $65. If you are interested in seeing this Portland tradition, call the senior center to add your name to the list.

Fellowship of Churches is sponsoring a progressive dinner on Sunday October 5th, $4 for adults and $2 for children plus one food item at each stop. It is a way to get to know members from other congregations while benefitting local hunger relief. The dinner will start with an appetizer at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1805 Minnesota, at 5:00 PM, then soup and salad at Gateway, vegetable and main course at St. Peter’s with help from Zion Lutheran and concluding at the Senior Center with Dessert prepared by the Congregational Church and some fine gospel music provided by the Bagges.

Well, that’s a wrap. Until we meet again, keep hope alive for the greatest sin is cynism.

Overheard at the Senior Center, “When you don’t have any aches and pains, you are probably in a casket with someone over you giving your eulogy.”

Senior Living September 23

I don’t consider myself dumb (at least not often) but after attending an excellent workshop on Medicare I am going to have to get a lot smarter in the next four years. The workshop was presented by Oregon’s Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) to help explain the Medicare system. There are over 47 million people enrolled and because everyone’s situation is different, Medicare can seem complicated and confusing.

There are three basic parts to Medicare. Part A covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing care, home health care and hospice care and there is no premium. Part B is optional with a monthly premium of 96.40 (the premium will not increase in 2009 and the deductible will remain at $135) and covers doctor’s services and outpatient care, diagnostic tests, some therapies and durable medical equipment. Part D covers prescription drugs and you pay a premium depending on your insurance provider. You are eligible when you turn age 65 (you don’t have to be retired) and there is a seven month enrollment period starting three months before you turn 65.

A few things to remember. When you get close to turning 65, you will receive information about enrolling in Medicare. It is important so make sure you read it. Never buy an insurance product without investigating it first. There are many unscrupulous salepeople who see you as an easy target. (I personally never buy anything over the phone or from a door-to-door salesperson.) If you are considering buying a private insurance plan, talk to your doctor to make sure they will accept it. If you have any questions, talk to someone you trust or call Jean Hockman at the Area Agency on Aging (298-4101). Jean has been trained about the ins and outs of Medicare and if she doesn’t know the answers she knows where to find them. For your convenience, Jean will be at the Senior Center every other Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:30 to answer questions.

In collaboration with Visiting Health Services, the Senior Center is expanding its Loan Closet to offer basic medical equipment including ambulatory devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, and canes and bathroom equipment such as handrails for toilets and bathtubs and commodes. Medicare pays for many types of medical equipment, but will generally not pay for most equipment used in bathrooms. And although Medicare will pay for the first ambulatory devise, they will not pay for the second. With Joyce Browne and Debbie Kelly’s help, we have weeded out the old and unsafe equipment and are looking for donations of good clean used bathroom equipment as well as any wheelchairs with the foot rests. With your help the Senior Center we will be able to lend medical equipment that Medicare won’t pay for or seniors can’t afford.

The Wasco County Historical Society has an exciting tour planned for Saturday, October 4th that combines the past with the present. You are invited to visit the Young Life Wildhorse Canyon Camp, a non-denominational Christian camp for adolescents located outside Antelope. It was formerly the Big Muddy Ranch; then became Rancho Rajneesh in the 1980’s. As an additional treat, Dan Durow will be your trip narrator and share his harrowing experiences with the Rajneeshees when he was the young and handsome Wasco County Planning Director. The 30 passenger bus will depart from the upper parking lot of the Wasco County/The Dalles Library at 9:00 am and return approximately 5:00 pm. The cost is $15 per person and will include lunch in the ranch’s cafeteria. To register call 541-478-3429 and send a check to WCHS in care of Jan Leininger at 1550 Morgensen Road, Mosier, Oregon 97040.

We still have five seats left to see the 2:00 pm matinee performance for “Menopause: The Musical” this coming Sunday the 28th. The bus will leave the Senior Center at 11:30 and will return by 6:30 with a short stop on the way back in Cascade Locks. Find a friend and enjoy this entertaining and inspiring musical. You will soon be singing some of the old tunes but with new lyrics including “Stayin Awake” and “My Husband Sleeps Tonight”.

The last hike of the year is scheduled for Monday, Sept 29th leaving the Senior Center at 9:30. It is a moderate 4-mile round trip walk following the beautiful Cold Springs Creek to powerful Tamanawis Falls. If you can walk from the Senior Center to Sorosis Park, this is the outing for you. This hike was scheduled last month but was changed when the access to the falls was closed because of a fire in the area. Join Skip and Janet one more time to see this beautiful falls upclose and personal. The Senior Center wants to thank Skip and Janet for leading these hikes and you learn more about exploring the scenic vistas in our own backyard in Skip’s regular Sunday column in The Dalles Chronicle.

Truman Boler is coming back to the Senior Center Tuesday (30th) to play for your dancing and listening pleasure. We should have another good crowd. And tonight don’t miss “The Jazz Generations”. Admission is free and all ages are welcome!

If you have retirement investments or have been watching the stock market gyrations, you may be interested in Tuesday’s (the 30th) Next Chapter Lecture presentation “How to Invest during Bad Economic Times” presented by Heather Runyon and Tara Donivan of Edward Jones. These are not financial times for the weak hearted, but hopefully we won’t revisit the economic conditions of the mid-80’s when so many people were leaving The Dalles you couldn’t find a U-Haul to rent. But when it comes to the stock market, maybe we should take Will Rogers’ advice: “Don’t gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don’t go up, don’t buy it.”

Well that is it again. Time marches on; a new season, a new chapter. Until the next time, to paraphrase Stephen Sondheim, “beauty is in that which changes”.

Senior Living September 16 2008

Do you know at least one person who has fallen within the last year? Hopefully not, but because our abilities and circumstances change as we age, we are at greater risk of falling resulting in broken hips, head injuries or even death. According to the Fall Prevention Center for Excellence “more than 40% of people hospitalized from hip fractures do not return home and are not capable of living independently again and 25% of those who have fallen pass away each year”. But most falls are preventable and there are things you can do.

The first step is to talk with your doctor or health care worker. During your next visit ask what your risks are and what you can do to reduce them. For example, certain medications can cause dizzyness in older adults. I know of several folks who have had serious falls after starting a new medication. Know the side affects and be prepared.

The second step is to improve your balance, flexibility and strength. This can both reduce your risk of falling and also improve the chances of recovering if you do fall. We aren’t as spry as we once were. (I don’t sit down on the floor anymore because I can’t waste the hour and a half it takes to get back up.) So get moving whether it is as simple as walking, taking a water aerobics class or participating in one of the many exercise classes at the Senior Center. Tai Chi is particularly good for improving balance and there are two Tai Chi classes starting September 23rd: a class taught by Corliss Marsh on Tuesdays, 1:00 pm at the Senior Center (call 296-4788) and a class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00 pm offered by MCMC at their Celilo Center (call the Center for Mind and Body at 296-7414).

The third step is too access your home to identify ways to make it fall proof particularly in the bathroom and on the steps. In the bathroom, you can install grab bars in the shower or tub, create a place to sit, and add non-slip surfaces. For the steps, you can add handrails, provide better lighting, and add contrast between steps. By making changes to the home environment a person can feel safer and decrease the risk of falling.

You can learn more about fall prevention and other ways to make your home safe at the Next Chapter Lecture on “How to Assess and Prevent Accidents around your Home” presented by Visiting Health Services on Tuesday (23) at 11:00 am at the Senior Center.

One of the characteristics of The Dalles that sets it apart from other Oregon cities is its history. This weekend you can learn and experience the history of our fine city by attending the many events at museums and historical sites throughout the city during “Historic The Dalles Days”. The celebration begins Thursday, September 18, when the popular “Cascade Singers” offer a free “Old Favorites” public concert in St. Peter’s Landmark. The music starts at 7:30 and will feature folk songs, hymns, spirituals, camp songs, patriotic music and sing-along favorites.

One of the Friday events is a Tribute to Veterans, POWs and MIAs in the Civic Auditorium from 1:00 – 2:00. And Saturday there are all kinds of events to remember the “good old days”: wagon rides, free tours, music, and demonstrations at The Fort Dalles Museum from 11:00 – 4:00, a “Three Courthouses” presentation in the Original Wasco County Courthouse at 1:30 pm, the Port of The Dalles 75th Anniversary reception at Klindt’s Annex (formal ceremony at noon), a tour of D-21 School District Archive Museum at The Dalles Wahtonka High School main campus from 9:00 – 2:00 (entrance at 10th and Court Street) and many more.

Then on Saturday evening from 6:00 – 10:00 pm you can really get into the spirit by dressing up in your 1800’s finest and attending the 1858 Costume Ball and Dinner at the Discovery Center. There will be horse-drawn carriage valet parking and music performed by the High Strung String Quartet. The cost for this evening of memories is only $25 per person, and you can add an optional candlelight buffet dinner for only $12, served until 8 p.m.

Our regular cook Bonnie Lobdell will be gone this month but we are going to try to do her proud. The menu for this Saturday is Biscuits and Gravy with sausage and fruit along with the regular beverages.The Boy Scout Troop #395 will be back from their summer adventures to help serve and bus tables. Marilyn Erickson will be collecting money at the door and if you haven’t seen her for a while you can catch up on the latest going on’s. Come down, visit with friends and neighbors and let someone else do the cooking because “Food always tastes better when somebody else makes it”.

The Jazz Generations will be performing next Tuesday (23rd) at the Senior Center playing their Big Band sounds. Bring a dance partner and enjoy an evening of fine music and dancing the way it use to be. And tonight our home grown Victor Johnson and friends will be performing. Music starts at 7:00 and everyone is welcome. Admission is free but donations are always welcome.

A quick reminder about the new activities starting this week at the Senior Center. The Book Club starts Wednesday (17th) 7:00 pm discussing “Aristotle and an Aardvark go to Washington: Understanding Political Doublespeak through Philosophy and Jokes”. As the prophetic Will Rogers once said,”Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke”. Also get a jump on the holiday season by making Holiday Cards with Joyce Browne on Thursday 18th at 2:30. And on Friday at 10:00 learn to play games on the Nintendo Wii starting with Tennis. To register call the Senior Center at 296-4788.

That is it again. Until the next time, keep moving.

“Things ain’t what they used to be and never were.” Will Rogers

Senior LIving September 9th

Now that the presidential conventions are over and the election is in full swing and IF we can get past who does or doesn’t wear a flag lapel pin or who is or isn’t pregnant, I hope there will be an honest and thoughtful discussion about one of the most important issues facing all of us: the crisis in our health care system and the need for health care reform. It is undoubtedly a complex issue, but the public’s dissatisfaction with the current system is deep and broad and growing.

According to Humphery Taylor, Chairman of The Harris Poll – Harris Interactive, who spoke at the Aging in America conference last spring, only thirteen percent of the public felt our health care system works well, while fifty percent felt fundamental changes are needed and almost a third felt there is so much wrong with the system that we need to completely rebuild it.

And there is substantial evidence to support the public’s perception. Based on data presented by Taylor, the US health care system compared to most other western democracies is by far the most expensive, the most inequitable, the least efficient and one of the most unpopular. The one bright spot is that we Americans have relatively short waiting time for elective/non-emergency surgery.

While there is consensus that the system is broken, there is no consensus on the specifics of how to fix it. That is the challenge. Forty-eight percent of the public want to maintain the current system based mainly on private insurance compared to forty-one percent who want to replace the current health system with a government run health care system. And even more challenging, the public wants change but doesn’t want much higher taxes, higher out-of- pocket costs, bigger government, rationing, reduced quality and reduced choice. It may take a Solomon to find the solution to what everyone agrees is a critical problem.

But in the greatest nation in the world, it is unacceptable that a husband, after his wife falls, must think first about whether he can afford to take her to the emergency room. It is unacceptable that one can’t get health insurance because he has a “previous medical condition”. It is unacceptable that health care costs are increasing so fast, fewer individuals and businesses can afford it. It is my hope that after this election, we as a nation can find an answer to one of the most critical issues facing us: how to provide basic affordable health care for everyone.

Next Tuesday another home grown talent will be performing at the Senior Center. Victor Johnson, an excellent folk and blues guitarist, has entertained folks from 80 to 8 months, (well maybe not 8 months but close) and you can hear for yourself this coming week. On Saturday take your grand kids to hear Victor and Steve McLennon kick-off the Wonderworks Free Kids Music concerts at 11:00 am on the outdoor amphitheater stage at Columbia Gorge Community College. And then stop by the Senior Center on Tuesday night and enjoy his musical talents again. There is a child in all of us.

And tonight The Notecrackers will be playing for your listening and dancing pleasure. You may not think you know how to dance but come anyway because as I heard at the center (I can’t remember who told me, which may be a good thing), “I never learned to dance, but I sure know how to hold them.”

Hal Sessions has scheduled speakers for the next three months of the Next Chapter Lecture Series, but he had one open date next Tuesday the 16th. So Hal and I took the easy route and scheduled ourselves to present the latest news on the Senior Center’s building expansion. We have the cost estimates and floor plans and are working hard on developing a capital campaign. This is your chance to get the latest information on this important community project.

A new monthly informational series called “Healthy Aging” starts at 11:00 this Thursday (11th) at the Senior Center. The class is taught by Fern Wilcox, Wasco County Extension Faculty and Strong Women instructor, and the first topic is “Food Safety for Seniors”. But you may ask, “Why is this important to me? I have had a lot of experience buying and preparing food and studies show that older adults are better handling and preparing food than any other age group”. The first reason is obvious: things have changed. Food is produced and distributed differently. And secondly, as we age we are less able to resist food-borne illnesses which is a serious concern for older adults. Fortunately, food-borne illnesses can be easily prevented and you will learn how at this informative presentation.

Couple of quick reminders: “Living Well with Chronic Conditions” starts on Tuesday September 16th at 2:00. Over 14 people are registered but the more the merrier. The class is set up so you can learn from each other as you share what works for you. Also only six seats are left for “Menopause: The Musical”, Sunday, September 26th at 2:00 pm and only $65 including transportation. We haven’t had one daring man sign up yet. And that includes me. I’m staying home because women have always been a mystery to me and I am afraid to learn what I don’t know.

Every Wednesday I e-mail to folks (you don’t have to be a Senior Center member) the Center’s weekly newsletter as well as this column. If you would like to receive either or both electronically send an e-mail to and I will put you on the list.

Well that is it again for another week. I do have to go. I have important work to do: I need to practice my Wii golf and tennis skills for the Friday 10:00 Wii class. Isn’t life grand! So until we meet again, don’t forget to stretch – it is good for your body and mind.

“If you are sure you understand everything going on around you, you are hopelessly confused.” Walter Mondale

Senior Living September 2, 2008

There are many ways to support your community and the agencies and organizations that make it strong. One such way is through your local United Way. I support United Way because I personally experienced the importance of United Way funding. In the mid 80’s I was director of The Dalles Child Care Center which was working hard to meet the need for quality child care at a price working families could afford. But the recession hit, the aluminum plant closed and United Way funding shrank. Consequently, their reduced support was the tipping point that forced the childcare center to close. Those were difficult times for the community and United Way.

Today there is a much brighter future. Your local United Way is strong and active because of the diligent work of good people who kept the United Way spirit alive. It has merged with Hood River, Klickitat and Skamania counties to form the United Way of the Columbia Gorge which has created several benefits including reducing administrative expenses to where over 93% of the money raised is invested in local programs. With the hard work of volunteers and the support of individuals and businesses during this last year’s campaign, Wasco County reached their goal of raising $55,000 for local organizations, an increase from $16,000 raised just a few years ago. That is great news for all the valuable programs that United Way helps including several programs supporting seniors: Meals-on-Wheels, Pioneer Potlatch, Hospice of the Gorge and Visiting Health Services.

To kick-off this year’s United Way Campaign while celebrating last year’s success, you are invited to enjoy a free hot dog, chips and drink. You will find those hot dogs roaming around The Dalles Chronicle parking lot between 12:00 and 2:00 on Wednesday September 10th. We will be glad to catch one for you while you learn how United Way helps make our community stronger.

Because of the great response to see “Menopause: The Musical”, the Senior Center has purchased twenty four tickets for the 2:00 matinee performance on Sunday, September 28th. The bus will leave the Senior Center at 11:30 and have you back by 6:30. The cost is $65 including transportation. Call the center soon because there are already 14 people signed up for the show. The Senior Center number is 296-4788.

The Notecrackers will be back to perform at the Senior Center’s Tuesday Night Music and Dance on September 9th. They are great folks as well as musicians and really enjoy playing for the over 50 crowd. They feature danceable tunes from the 20’s through the 60’s — vintage music that’ll bring back memories. And performing tonight will be Harold and several of his jamming Friends including Gordon, Norma, Marla, Dave and Mike. They are all coming back for an encore performance playing country flavored sounds that will pull you to the dance floor. I also would like to thank all the jammers who play at the Senior Center every fifth Sunday of the month and all the fine folks who come out to listen and dance. Everbody has a great time and the donations from the pie and coffee help support the work of the Senior Center.

Last week I mentioned several new activities that will be starting this fall at the Senior Center. Unfortunately, I gave the wrong time and date for the Holiday Card Making class taught by Joyce Browne. The first class will be on September 18th at 2:30 and will repeat on Thursday October 16th. The only cost will be for the materials which will be available for purchase from Joyce. You will need to register for the class by calling the Senior Center. This is your chance to create unique cards for your special friends and family in time for the holidays.

But this week I want to mention the classes that are returning from their summer hiatus starting the week of September 8th.

NEXT CHAPTER LECTURE SERIES – Every Tuesday 11:00 – 12:00 starting September 9th
Learn something new that will stretch your mind and impress your friends by attending these informative lectures on subjects ranging from local history to health care.

STRONG WOMEN – every Monday and Wednesday 2:00 – 3:00 Starting September 8th Instructor: Fern Wilcox If you enjoy a good dose of laughter while exercising, this is the class for you. Come and find out why this class has grown to over thirty women.

BASIC COMPUTER CLASS – Every Monday or Wednesday from 10:30 – 11:30 starting September 8th and September 10th. Instructors: Laurie Fadness on Monday and Richard Lyon on Wednesday. Each class meets every Monday or Wednesday of the month and covers beginning topics such as how to turn on and off the computer, how to use a mouse and how to get on the Internet. These classes are limited to five persons and you will need to sign up by calling the Senior Center.

COMPUTER HELP LAB – every Tuesday 1:45 – 3:00 starting September 23rd. Instructor: Corliss Marsh Get your basic questions about your computer or software programs answered in this drop-in help lab.

The Next Chapter Lecture Series which is starting on Tuesday, September 9th at 11:00 will feature Jim Bishop of Westcorp Mortgage returning to talk about Reverse Mortgages. Even though Reverse Mortgages are controversial, the AARP and other senior advocates suggest that in certain situations they are a useful tool to help seniors stay in their homes longer. Come to this presentation and find out if a reverse mortgage is right for you.

That is it again. But since it is a holiday my trusted “corrector”, Zelta is not here. So I am on my own which is not good. Until we meet again, be kind to those who make mistakes because “to error is only human” and some of us are more human that others.

“Last night, my friend and I were sitting in the living room and I said to her,’I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug’. She got up unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.”

Senior Living August 19th

What is your idea of adventure? Climbing Mt. Hood, scuba diving in the Caribbean or sailing around the world. Or if you your interests are more toward the arts maybe visiting the Louvre in Paris, acting in a movie with Meryl Streep or having lunch with JK Rowling. But as they say nowadays, “Let’s get real”. For me at least, unless some mysterious great uncle I never heard of leaves me a nice inheritance, I can dream, but it ain’t gonna happen. But fortunately, you don’t need to travel halfway around the world to find adventure. It may be as close as buying a piano that your kids don’t think you have room for. It may be falling in love again when you thought you never could. It may be leaving the house when you don’t feel there is any reason. Or it can be as simple as wearing those madras shorts to the Senior Center one more time. There is adventure all around us that is just waiting to be discovered.

At the Senior Center there are many opportunities to discover new adventures. There is Strong Women, Seniorcise, Yoga, Tap and Clogging, Quilters, and our card games including Pinochle, Bridge and Cribbage. You can attend the new programs we started last year: Monday Night Will Bowling, the Computer Lab and Help Sessions, and The Next Chapter Lecture Series. And in our efforts to provide even more territory to explore we will be adding several new classes this fall including Card Making, Drawing with Pen and Ink, Tai Chi, and Games on the Wii. For more information or to sign up, call the Senior Center at 296-4788.

This is short notice, but there is an informational meeting many of you may want to attend. State Medicare experts will be in The Dalles at the Senior Center, this Thursday, August 21st from 2:00 – 4:00 to offer a free two hour class about Medicare. The class is offered by the State Health Insurance Benefits Assistance program (SHIBA) and will cover such topics as: how to get Medicare, different types of Medicare insurance, including the prescription drug coverage: and volunteering with SHIBA. As the Medicare folks explain it, “Most people think Medicare is something that just shows up in the mail when they turn 65, but Medicare coverage actually requires folks to make some good personal choices. To make those choices successfully, it helps to understand what the medical acronyms, plans and deadlines really mean. And if you have questions about your current coverage, this class is for you. Medicare counselors will be on hand to answer all your questions and address any complaints you may have.” To register call the Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101 or if you are a procrastinator just show up on Thursday. Remember, you aren’t really old until your children are on Medicare.

Another opportunity starting on Tuesday August 26th is “Living Well with Chronic Conditions” a six-week workshop for people living with chronic conditions and those who care for them. It provides tools for living a healthy life with chronic health conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, asthma and heart disease. Through weekly sessions, the workshop provides support for continuing normal daily activities and dealing with the emotions that chronic conditions may bring about. Topics that will be covered include: managing symptoms, medication how-to, working with your healthcare team, setting weekly goals, effective problem solving, better communication, how to relax, handling difficult emotions, tips for eating well, safe easy exercise. The class will be from 2:00 – 4:30 on Tuesdays August 26th to September 30th at the Senior Center 1112 W 9th Street. For more information call Allyson Smith at the Wasco Sherman Health Department at 506-2600. They need ten people for this workshop so it is important you pre-register. You can sign up there or at the Senior Center. This workshop is made possible by the efforts of the Area Agency on Aging, Wasco Sherman County Health Department, Wasco County Extension and Julie Reynolds.

You may have noticed a new Senior Center sign at the corner of 10th and Cherry Heights thanks to Chris Zukin, John Lehman and the fine crew at Meadow Outdoor Advertising. After discussions with Chris and John about how the center could maximize the potential of that busy corner, Chris offered to build a structure that would raise the previous sign and allow space for banners below it. The banners will promote the idea that although we are a senior center, we are also a “fun” center, a “learning” center and an “exercise” center: a place that is “more than you think”. Thanks to their efforts, more folks will know about the programs and activities offered at the Senior Center.

Remember the days when you either grew your own vegetables and fruits in your own yard or bought them from your neighbor’s fruit stand. You can return to those days by visiting The Dalles Farmer’s Market where you can buy fresh vegetables and fruit from a variety of local vendors. It is open every Wednesday from 8:00 to 1:00 until mid-October and is located on the lawn of The Dalles Chamber of Commerce at 404 W 2nd Street. If you have any questions can contact Barbara Pashek at 298-1973 or

This coming Tuesday the 26th at the Senior Center’s Tuesday Night Music and Dance you will have the chance to get your monthly dose of “The Jazz Generations” playing the Big Band sounds. There have been nice crowds, but Hank wants to see more people up and dancing. So bring a friend and get the place hopping and bopping. And performing tonight are the crowd favorites, “Harold and Friends” playing country and western. Everybody is welcome! Admission is free but donations gladly accepted.

That is it for another week. Until we meet again, here is a quote from Eubie Blake, pianist and pioneer of the boogie-woogie, at the age of 100, “Those docs, they always ask you how you live so long. I tell ‘em, ‘If I’d know I was gonna live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.’”

Senior Living August 12th

At the senior center we often joke about the differences between women and men, the Venus/Mars thing, and the challenges of living with the other sex: putting the toilet seat down (my wife trained me early), making sure the cap is put back on the toothpaste tube (ditto) and why do women need so many shoes (I have no idea.)?. But we all know how important the relationship is between husband and wife especially after a couple has been together for 30, 40 or 50 plus years.
But when we you lose your spouse, the person with which you have shared your dreams, vulnerabilities and embarrassing moments, your world ends. It is tough, really tough. The loss can happen unexpectedly, after a long illness or gradually as you lose the love of your life to dementia or Alzheimer’s.

I don’t imagine you ever really get over it. You can cling to the memories and joys you had experienced together, wishing it could have lasted forever. But nothing in this world lasts forever. And with the help of friends and family and for many a strong personal faith, you do move on.

But if you are struggling with a loss or if you know someone else who is, there are several Bereavement Support Groups in The Dalles where you can find a safe harbor to share your feelings and thoughts. The Hospice of the Gorge Bereavement Support group meets on the first and third Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Call 296-3228 for more information. And The Heart of Hospice Support group meets every Thursday at 10:00 am in the basement community room of the Commodore II. You can call them toll free at 888-882-1942.

Enjoy life and appreciate the good times. But during the times when life may feel like a shipwreck, Voltaire wrote “we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats”.

The Senior Center’s Yoga and Seniorcize classes are supported by a grant from the Area Agency on Aging recognizing the value of exercise and movement in maintaining a positive quality of life as we age. But the grant does not cover all the costs. So to make sure we can continue to offer these two programs, Debra Lutje, the class instructor, has started a fundraiser called “Flower Power” selling flower bulbs to plant in your garden this fall. You don’t have to have a pair of bell bottoms in your closet or a yellow Volkswagen van parked in the back to buy the bulbs. Stop by the Senior Center to see the selection of bulbs you can order and help support our exercise programs.

Dennis Davis, the volunteer AARP Driver Safety instructor, wants to make the world a safer place one driver at a time and consequently wants you to take advantage of his Driver’s Safety class. The class is a great opportunity to review the rules of the road (when is the last time you read the Oregon Driver’s Manual?) and how to handle various situations you may encounter while driving. The class is from 9:00 – 1:00 on every third Monday and Tuesday of the month and costs just $10.00 for the manuals. The next class is scheduled for August 18th and 19th and you can sign up by calling the Senior Center at 296-4788.

You will have another chance to eat out this coming Saturday morning at the Senior Center’s Third Saturday Breakfast. Last Saturday the Mid-Columbia firemen hosted their annual MDA Breakfast with the support of Denise Patton director of Meals-on-Wheels. I had always thought she just wanted to help a good cause, but after eating at the breakfast on Saturday I found out the real reason: she likes to hang out with a bunch of good looking young firemen. (Some of us can only remember when we thought we were good looking). But this Saturday you will have another opportunity (without the good looking firemen) to enjoy a fine breakfast where someone else does the cooking. Besides the traditional pancakes, you will have the additional choice of blueberry or wheat pancakes topped with fruit, peanut butter or syrup. Along with the pancakes there will be bacon, juice and the regular beverages. Breakfast is from 8:00 – 10:00 and the price is just five dollars with one dollar off for Senior Center members.

Next Tuesday, August19th, you can listen and dance to the music of “Harold and Friends” playing again at the Senior Center. Last time they packed the house playing Country and Western standards and again it should be an excellent show. These shows are open to everyone with folks of all ages dancing to the music. Bring your friends and family and enjoy an evening of grand old Country and Western music. If you also enjoy dancing and listening to the sweet sounds of the 20’s through 60’s, tonight is your night of the month, because the Notecrackers will be performing. Music starts at 7:00 PM. Admission is free but any donations help pay for the goodies, the fine musicians who either play for free or peanuts and the many activities at the Senior Center.

The other day I was rushing around outside the Senior Center when I jokingly commented to a volunteer, loading his car to deliver meals that I had just received a certified letter, yet unopened, which was “going to ruin my day”. He replied, “No, its not”. I was confused, because I was pretty sure he wasn’t a clairvoyant who could read unopened letters. Then the light went on. He was just reminding me it is all about attitude. It was my choice whether it was going to be a good day or not regardless of what was in the letter. It was just another life lesson brought to me by the good folks at the Senior Center.

That’s it for another week. Until we meet again, “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort” by Herm Albright.

And “If you don’t get everything you want, think of the things you don’t get that you don’t want.” Oscar Wilde

Senior Living June 5th

Summer is the perfect time for family reunions: the kids are out of school and the weather is warm. Last week the McKay Reunion took place in Indianapolis where the whole clan covering four generations gathered for the first time in eight years. Like many families with busy schedules and long distances, it is hard to stay connected and even harder to get together. The reunion was a success: a simple affair, with plenty of pictures, conversations and memories to share. As usual we asked ourselves why we had waited so long and are already talking about the next gathering. Thanks to Marilyn Ericksen for filling in last week so I could spend more time with the relatives. It was a great time, but it is always nice to be back in Wasco County.

A cool stretch of weather during the summer won’t last long. And during the inevitable hot weather spells, a major health concern for older folks is dehydration. The Oregon Department of Human Services cautions, “Not getting enough fluids each day can take a tremendous toll on every aspect of bodily functions, including possible changes in memory, vision, and kidney and heart function.” Dehydration is a greater concern for seniors because the percentage of a person’s weight in water changes as we age from about 80% for children to only 43% for women and 50% for men between the ages of 61 and 74. Consequently, any decrease in fluid consumption can cause proportionately more dehydration. Older folks often don’t consume enough liquids and for most folks you need at least six cups of liquids per day to stay hydrated.

To avoid dehydration you should drink many times throughout the day, and avoid drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas which act as diuretics. Instead, try drinking flavored carbonated water, or decaffeinated ice teas or just add a slice of lemon to a glass of water.

Ironically this last Sunday the Senior Center experienced its own hot spell when the center hosted the Dallesport Jammers. The air conditioner in the dining room would not kick on, nor would the Meals-on-Wheels freezer, nor the lights in the restrooms. (You know it is too warm in the dining room when it feels cooler walking outside.) I was a little panicked, initially thinking it was a problem with the center’s electrical system. But with the help of Gary and Denise Patton, Phil Hayden of Juniper Heating, Doug Jenkins Electric and the PUD, we found out a squirrel, bound for squirrel heaven, got into the transformer and caused the problems. With everyone’s help, pitchers of water and the excellent music, we all survived although a little stickier. The “lemonade from the lemon” was we thankfully found the problem before Monday when we could have lost all the food in the freezers and refrigerators. But the Jammers will be back on Sunday, August 31st and I promise this time you may need to wear a sweater.

This coming Saturday morning you may see a bunch of fire trucks parked around the Senior Center. But don’t worry. The fire trucks are there to bring attention to the annual Mid-Columbia Firemen’s Breakfast for MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) from 8 to 10 AM. Thanks to Meals on Wheels for providing their kitchen and support and to the firemen for raising money for this worthy cause. Enjoy a fulfilling breakfast while supporting MDA.

On the same Saturday, August 9th, there will be a Nu-2-U Sidewalk Sale from 9:00 – 3:00 at the Senior Center. They are over stocked with good quality, mostly women’s, used clothes and need to move them out. There are a variety of sizes and styles from summer blouses to jackets to formal gowns. Come by and spend a few minutes. You might be surprised. All ages are welcome, because “what comes around goes around”, although I did not see any striped bell-bottom pants or tie-dyed t-shirts.

Skip and Janet Tschanz will be leading a hike to powerful Tamannawis Falls on Monday August 11th. It is a moderate 4-mile round trip walk following beautiful Springs Creek. If you can walk from the Senior Center to Sorosis Park, this is an outing for you. Bring a camera, snacks, a beverage and a sense of adventure! If you would like to make this outing but don’t think you are up to the entire length of the trail, there are several picnic spots along the trail where you can stop and just enjoy the day! Meet at the Senior Center at 9:00 am to car pool. Donations for gas are appreciated.

The Tuesday Night music for August 12th will feature the “Notecrackers”. We have been having excellent crowds and are working to get more seats for sitting and more room for dancing. So come on down. It’s a cool spot on hot nights! (now that we have the air conditioning working again.) And tonight another crowd favorite, the “Sugar Daddies” will be playing. The music and dancing starts at 7:00 pm. Admission is free although donations are gladly accepted. And whenever there is music at the Senior Center everyone is welcome from thirteen years old to a hundred and three.

The Wasco County Fair starts August 11th and runs through Sunday August 18th. The Fair is a community event which celebrates our vital agricultural industry in Wasco County. On Thursday the 14th there will be Senior Picnic at the Fairgrounds from noon to 2:00. Admission and food are free which is a pretty good price. There will be entertainment, door prizes and the “Third Annual Best Hat Contest”. The picnic is organized by the Area Agency on Aging and sponsored by Pioneer Potlatch. The Area Agency on Aging is trying to coordinate rides so if you think you need a ride, call them at 298-4101 or the Senior Center at 296-4788.

That’s it for another week. Until we meet again,

“Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” by Brad Henry.

Or as George Burns once said, “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city”.