Strong Person Class
The class will be in the basement at 11 AM Wednesdays and Fridays as well as Mondays at 8:30 AM. Please sign up in the lobby.

Circles of Care
Supportive services for this project are delivered via community-based care networks called Circles of Care. This AGE+ program pairs older Oregonians with local volunteers to assist with everyday tasks, as well as provides opportunities for older adults to give back to their communities in meaningful ways.
AGE+ established Circles of Care in The Dalles in 2019. Through a partnership with Hood River Valley Adult Center and Providence Hood River, a Circle was also formed in the Hood River Valley. As we ramp up our housing projects in Talent and Madras, we are also establishing Circles in those communities.
If you would like more information or to participate in Circles of Care either as a volunteer or a recipient of volunteer assistance, please contact our community liaisons in Hood River and The Dalles at or (541) 397-0724.
SHIBA Medicare Counseling
Loan Closet