Aging Well in the Gorge March 20th 2019
Do you ever feel you’re a day late and a dollar short? Today I do because last week was Brain Awareness week – and I missed it. But in the spirit of “better late than never” I want to share some memory tips from the AARP program “Staying Sharp”.
Aging Well in the Gorge – March 13th 2019
Aging Well in the Gorge March 6th 2019
Aging Well in the Gorge February 27th 2019
2. Stretch yourself past your limits every day.
3. Take action without expecting results.
4. Use setbacks to improve your skills.
5. Seek out those who share your positive attitude.
6. Don’t take yourself so seriously.
7. Forgive the limitations of others.
8. Say “thank you” more frequently.
Aging Well in the Gorge February 20th 2019
Aging Well In The Gorge February 13th 2019
The look of retirement has changed over the last half century. Today many who reach retirement age want to keep working by finding a part-time “gig” for the personal satisfaction and additional income. The number of “gigsters” – older adults working part-time – is growing particularly with the current high unemployment rate. If you are willing to commit the time and the employer is willing to be flexible, it can be a win-win situation.
Aging Well in the Gorge February 6th 2019
2) Adopt a dog. Those daily walks will keep you moving!
3) Attend a Blue Zones Purpose Workshop.
4) Remove all computers and electronics from your bedroom. Here most older adults have an advantage by not being addicted to their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts.
5) Designate a space in your home for quiet time, meditation, or prayer.
6) Stock your cupboard with 10-inch dinner plates because you mindlessly eat more calories when eating off larger plates. And that doesn’t mean you can go back for seconds!
7) Remove TVs and computers from the kitchen and dining areas. They lead to mindless eating and consuming needless calories.
8) Own a bathroom scale and weigh yourself regularly.
9) Attend a plant-based cooking class. Knowing how to cook plant-based dishes that you enjoy increases the nutritional quality of your meals.
10) Grow a garden at your home or adopt a plot at a community garden.
11) Schedule a weekly happy hour with friends and a small glass of red wine – IF you have a healthy relationship with alcohol.
12) Have a conversation about getting older. Join the Center’s “Let’s Talk” group every Friday at 11:00. Or have a honest conversation with your adult children about what you want.
13) Belong to a faith-based organization.