Aging Well October 11th

Let’s see if you were paying attention last week. Do you remember that the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP for the Medicare junkies) runs a month earlier this year – from October 15th until December 7th? Do you remember this is your chance to change prescription or Medicare Advantage plans? And do you remember where you put your car keys?

I can’t help you find your car keys, but I can pass along the following suggestions provided by SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) for those folks who – after reviewing what their current insurance plan is going to provide next year – decide to look at new plans. 1). Update your list of prescription drugs so you can determine if your current prescription drug plan is still the best for you. Each year insurance companies reevaluate what drugs they will cover and at what level. 2). Use the plan finder on the website It uses your prescription list to compare prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage health plans in your area. If you need help, Jean Hockman from the Area Agency on Aging and her volunteers, all trained by SHIBA, can assist you on Wednesdays from 1:30 – 4:00 at the Center starting October 19th. 3). Contact your doctor, hospital, and pharmacy to make sure they will accept any new health and drug plans you are considering. 4). If you have limited income and assets, check to see if you qualify for extra help with prescription drug costs.

And it is confirmed. Donna Delikat from the state office of SHIBA will explain the “A,B,C and D’s of Medicare” this Wednesday, October 12th, starting at 1:30 in the Center’s dining room. (We want to make sure there is enough room this year.) If you want professional, unbiased information about Medicare, this is the meeting you should attend.

It was quite a night. And thanks to the approximately three hundred guests who attended the Baby Back Rib Dinner, it was a real success. Denise Patton, director of Meals-on-Wheels, and her kitchen crew cooked up some mighty-fine, finger-licking ribs, board members from both organizations kept everything moving smoothly and Hardshell Harmony provided just the right mix of live music. It almost looked like we knew what we were doing. Mark your calendar for October 5th, 2012, when we’ll be back again serving up more lip-smacking baby back ribs.

Just over the mountain, headed our way, is the Center’s Third Saturday Breakfast on October 15th sponsored by The Dalles Health and Rehabilitation Center. This month’s menu includes Texas French Toast, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit, and your choice of beverages. We start serving at 8:00 – or whenever Tom Bailey arrives – and keep serving till 9:30 for the late risers. The cost? $5.00 for the general public and $4.00 for our loyal members. And for our young friends under thirteen on their way to soccer practice, breakfast is an even $3.00.

The speaker for next Tuesday’s 11:00 lecture on the 18th will be Julie Reynolds who will explain the important work provided by the Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living. EOCIL is a nonprofit community-based resource and advocacy center that promotes independent living and equal access for all persons with disabilities.

Tonight, Martin and Friends will be playing country western for everyone’s enjoyment. And next Tuesday on the 18th, Truman will be singing his Country Gold. The doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and it is all over too quickly at 9:00. And donations are always appreciated.

The children’s educational television show that aired form 1951 – 1965 was “Watch Mr. Wizard” with Don Herbert as Mr. Wizard. (And last week’s winner was Joann Scott. And ask her about her exploding homemade root beer!) For this week’s “Remember When” question, it’s back to literature and not your comic book type, but award winning literature – stuff I never read. What 1959 Pulitzer Prize winning novel (and best seller for the year) explored the fictional confirmation by the United States Senate of Secretary of State nominee Robert Leffingwell – a former member of the Communist Party? Email your answers to the, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a photograph of former Wyoming Senator Lester Hunter.

Well it’s been another week looking for my git up and go that got up and went. Until we meet again, just because you know your friends are lost, doesn’t mean you know where you’re going.

“It’s good sportsmanship to not pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling.” Mark Twain

Aging Well October 4th

The mornings are darker, the days wetter and sooner or later Oregon State will win a football game. So what time is it? Howdy Dowdy time? Miller time? No, it is Medicare open enrollment time! – the time to change your health plan or drug coverage. Open enrollment begins early this year on October 15th and ends December 7th. (The new timeline is to ensure Medicare has enough time to process any changes before coverage begins on Jan. 1.) But don’t panic. You have time and there is help to guide you through the annual renewal period for your Medicare benefits.

The go-to person in this area for free, unbiased, one-on-one assistance is Jean Hockman at the Area Agency on Aging. She and her bevy of volunteers will be providing help at the Center every Wednesday from 1:30 – 4:00 during the enrollment period, but you will need to call her at 541-298-4101 to make an appointment. (Or you can call the Center at 541-296-4788.) Jean and I have also tentatively scheduled SHIBA’s (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) training on the “A,B,C and Ds of Medicare” for Wednesday October 12th starting at 1:30 in the afternoon. This training was well attended last year and covers all the basics of Medicare and is particularly helpful for the “newbies” to Medicare.

But most importantly, SHIBA suggests you make sure you keep the “Annual Notice of Change” letter from your insurance company. This letter outlines any changes to your Medicare benefits or costs in 2012 and is critical in deciding whether to change plans. And next week for folks, who are considering changing plans, I will share additional suggestions provided by SHIBA.

Since it is Medicare time, the 11:00 Tuesday lecture on the 11th will be a live Webinar (a one way seminar on the web) describing the changes in the Medicare 2012 enrollment period including what’s new and how to be savvy consumers. The webinar is sponsored by the National Council on Aging and covers what you should know about this annual enrollment period for Medicare.

Folks have been calling to find out when the Center will be offering flu shots – and now we have a date. On Thursday October 6th from 11:30 until 2:00, Marcia Medler and her associates from Visiting Health Services will be giving “guaranteed-to-be-painless” flu shots for your health and well being – conveniently at the back of the dining room. Just bring your Medicare card or otherwise the cost is $20.

Your last reminder. Don’t forget to bring a friend to the Baby Back Rib Dinner – a fundraiser for both Meals-on-Wheels and the Senior Center – this Friday from 5:00- 7:30 at the Center. It is only $12 for adults and $5 for children. We’ll be waiting for you!

On Wednesday October 5th, the Fellowship of Churches is sponsoring a presentation about the Carter Center – founded in 1982 by former President Jimmy Carter. Barry Nickelsberg will discuss the Carter Center and its mission of “Waging Peace, Fighting Disease and Building Hope” starting at 5:30. The event will be held at the 1st United Methodist Church at 305 E 11th.

Tuesday night music on the 11th will feature Martin and Friends playing down-home hoe-down music for your listening and dancing pleasure. And tonight the crowd pleasing Strawberry Mountain Band will be entertaining the masses starting at 7:00. Everyone is invited and donations are always appreciated.

And from last week’s brain rattler, the wise man told the Arab sheik’s two sons to – switch camels. The two brothers then raced to the city because they were riding the other brother’s camel and wanted that camel to finish first.

It was in the television series “The Fugitive” that Dr. Richard Kimble played by David Janssen was accused of murdering his wife Helen Regan Kimble. (And the winning name drawn was Mary Davis.) This week’s “Remember When” question jumps from murder to science. Before there was Bill Nye the Science Guy, this 1951 – 1965 educational children’s show starred Don Herbert as a science hobbyist who would demonstrate various science experiments for the neighbor boy Jimmy. Again for five quilt raffle tickets, what was the name of this Saturday morning children’s television show? Email your answers to the, call 541-296-4788 or drop your answer off with a vacuum sealed container of dihydrogen monoxide.

Well it’s been another week wondering to myself “Have I said that before?” Until we meet again, there is no reason why the second time around can’t be better than the first.

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” John Wooden

Aging Well September 27th

Falls are common but most importantly – they are largely preventable. That was the key message from National Falls Prevention Awareness Day that was observed last Friday. And to promote greater awareness and understanding of older adult falls, the National Council on Aging identified common myths – and the realities.

Myth 1: Falling happens to other people, not to me. Reality: 1 in 3 older adults fall every year in the U.S.

Myth 2: Falling is something normal that happens as you get older. Reality: Falling is not normal and can be prevented by strength and balance exercises, managing your medications, having your vision checked and making your living environment safer.

Myth 3: If I limit my activity, I won’t fall. Reality: Limiting your activity does not prevent falls, but remaining active, increasing your strength and range of motion does.

Myth 4: As long as I stay at home, I can avoid falling. Reality: Over half of all falls take place at home. Remove clutter, throw rugs, and poor lighting and add grab bars in the bathroom, a second handrail on stairs, and non-slip paint on outdoor steps.

Myth 5: Muscle strength and flexibility can’t be regained. Reality: Exercise can partially restore strength and flexibility. It is never too late to start.

Myth 6: Taking medication doesn’t increase my risk of falling. Reality: Medications affect people in many different ways. Talk to your health care provider about potential side effects or interactions.

Myth 7: I don’t need to get my vision checked. Reality: People with vision problems are more than twice as likely to fall as those without visual impairment. Have your eyes checked at least once a year and update your glasses.
Myth 8: Using a walker or cane will make me more dependent. Reality: Walking aids are very important in helping many older adults maintain or improve their mobility and independence.

The bottom line is that there are four actions you can do to reduce your risk of falling: exercise; have your health care provider review your medicines; have your vision checked, and make your home safer.

September is the kickoff month for this year’s United Way Campaign. And with your Chronicle last week, you received a brochure explaining the value of your local United Way. I encourage you to give to this community effort that supports over thirty non-profit organizations in the Gorge. United Way does make a difference.

The Tuesday Lecture at 11:00 on the 4th will feature Jim Gordon, local Long Term Care Ombudsman. He will discuss the purpose and value of the Ombudsman program and also share the insights he’s gained from being an Ombudsman volunteer.

Did you figure out last week’s code? I used a “space code” which doesn’t change the order of the letters but changes where the spaces between the words occur. But this week it’s back to normal. Tonight the Jazz Generations will be playing for your listening and dancing pleasure. And next Tuesday on the 4th, we recycle the monthly line up, starting at the top of the dance card with the Strawberry Mountain Band. So everyone and everybody bring your dancing shoes. The music starts at 7:00 and donations are always appreciated.

So you have made it this far. How about a little brain challenge to see if your brain is still firing on all cylinders – or at least three out of four? An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower wins. After wandering aimlessly for days, the brothers ask a wise man for guidance. Upon receiving the advice, they jump on the camels and race to the city as fast as they can. What did the wise man say to them? (Answer in next week’s column.)

The ol’ pea picker was Tennessee Ernie Ford who in 1955 recorded the #1 hit “Sixteen Tons”. (And the winner of five quilt raffle tickets was Lola Sinclair.) This week’s “Remember When” question is from TV in the 60’s. Again for five raffle tickets, what was the name of the show whose premise centered on the mysterious murder of Helen Regan Kimble? Email your answers to the, call 541-296-4788 or drop your answer off with a phonebook from Stafford, Indiana.

Well it’s been another week waiting to see what’s on the other side of the leaf. Until we meet again, as our children have taught us – only by stumbling do we learn to walk.

“Do not condemn the judgment of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.” Dandemis

Aging Well September 20th

Good news! The popular “Strong Women” program will be returning on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 – 3:00 starting November 1st with Fern Wilcox back at the helm. This addition will complete the Center’s full array of quality exercise and movement classes to improve your strength, flexibility and balance. Besides Fern’s “Strong Women’s” class, Drill Sergeant Debra Lutje will get you moving in her Seniorcise class on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays from 9:15 – 10:00 and then switches personalities to Miss Sunflower – leading the yoga class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 10:30. On Tuesdays from 1:00 – 1:45 Corliss Marsh teaches the gentle flowing movements of Tai Chi which many folks take to improve their balance. And Ardyce Edling teaches tap, clogging, pole and now fan dancing every Thursday from 10:00 until noon. (For those who know Ardyce – I’m just kidding! She doesn’t really teach pole and fan dancing. But then — maybe she does. You never know what goes on behind closed doors!) But all the classes are targeted for men and women 55+ who want to improve their physical well-being but also want to keep it real: knowing none of us are getting any younger. Better maybe, but not younger.

There wasn’t any dancing on the tables or food fights in the halls, but there was a rockin’ good time at the Center’s “Back to School Breakfast” last Saturday – organized, mobilized and energized by the spirited TDHS class of ‘63. It was such a success that if there are any other classes who want to show “you still got what it takes” – by sponsoring a breakfast next year, call the Center and we will get your class signed up.

For those who missed the excellent presentation by Lynette Black, OSU Wasco County Extension faculty, on how to prepare for an emergency, we have at the Center the materials she distributed including “Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by Seniors”. But the easy part is knowing what to do: to prepare for at least three days, rotate your supplies every six months, and have your kit packed and ready to go. The hard part is doing it: putting together the kit, making a plan and staying informed. There is always something else at the top of the to-do list, and besides, what really are the chances? But as we have seen, disasters do strike and it is best to be prepared. Not everyone lives next to a Boy Scout who can help during a crisis.

The 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on the 27th will feature Joyce Powell Morin from MCMC describing the activities that will take place at the Health and Wellness Fair from 10:00 – 2:00 on October 1st at River’s Edge. She will get us so fired up that waiting until the 1st will be like waiting for Christmas morning when we were kids.

Is it time for another mental puzzler? (And I consider moans and groans as affirmative answers!) In previous columns, I have written the music announcements by arranging the letters backwards, reversing the words in the sentences and by representing each letter by the letter before it. So see if you can figure this one out. And like many things in life, it’s relatively simple – if you know the secret.

Tonight Truman wil lbep la yingh iscount rygold. And next Tuesday onth e27thw ewillch angest yleswit hthe Jazz Generations pla yingy ourb igban dande asylis ten ingfa vorites. Them usicst art sats even. Ever yonei sin vitedan ddon ation sareal waysap pre ciated.

During the spring of 1963, Dr. No, the first “Bond, James Bond” movie was released starring Sean Connery. And on the jukebox, Leslie Gore was singing the #1 hit “It’s My Party”. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast was Sandy Goforth.) The winner of this week’s “Remember When” question will have five raffle tickets entered in their name for the beautiful quilt that is hanging in the Center’s lobby. The drawing will be during the December Christmas Breakfast.

This country and pop singer had his own prime time variety show from 1956 -1961which always ended with a gospel song. And in 1955 he had a #1 hit on both the country and pop charts. What was the name of “the ol’ pea-picker”?
Email your answers to the, call 541-296-4788 or drop your answer off with an original Davy Crockett coonskin cap.

Well it’s been another week and “another day older and deeper in debt”. Until we meet again, just be yourself – no one else can.

“A gentleman is one who can play the bagpipes, but doesn’t.” Anonymous

Aging Well September 13th

Did you ever consider that by hiring an in-home caregiver you become an employer with all the corresponding responsibilities? It does make sense. But when I hired a caregiver to stay with my mom while my wife and I worked, I never really thought about it. And you may not have either. But I have since learned if you pay a caregiver more than $1000 in a calendar quarter, you are a domestic employer and must register with the Oregon Employment Department, pay unemployment taxes, and file an annual or quarterly tax report. That sounds pretty daunting. But at the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on the 20th, Isabel Allen from the Oregon Employment Department will help explain what you need to do to hire the caregiver you need.

Mark your calendars! On Friday October 7th Meals-on-Wheels and the Center are bringing back the Baby Back Rib dinner – with dinner served from 5:00 – 7:30 PM and the Hardshell Harmony playing bluegrass starting at 6:30. The dinner of baby back ribs, cole slaw, corn on the cob, bread, dessert and a beverage plus your own bib (if you are the messy type) will only set you back $12 for adults and $5 for children under 12. You can purchase your tickets in advance at the Center – which we prefer – but if you are the spontaneous seat-of-your-pants type you can buy them at the door. The board members of both Meals-on-Wheels and the Center have dug into their pockets to purchase all the food for the dinner, so every dollar raised will go directly to the two programs.

If you ever had a loved one with Alzheimer’s or have known someone with the disease, the Oregon Alzheimer’s Association would like you to complete a short survey. Your thoughts and opinions from the survey will be used to help craft a state plan for addressing Alzheimer’s Disease in Oregon. To complete the survey, go to and scroll down the page under “Programs and Events” and click on “Take our Survey”. But you have to reply by September 15th.

This coming Saturday, the 17th, from 8:00 – 9:30 AM it is again breakfast time at the Center. This “Back to School” breakfast sponsored by The Dalles High School Class of ‘63 will include your choice of three kinds of hotcakes: blueberry, buckwheat, or plain, sausage or bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit and your choice of beverage. It will be a definite yum-fest. But be aware! Considering the reputation of the class of ’63, there may be dancing on the tables and food fights in the halls. The cost is only $5.00 and a dollar less for Center members.

And yes Virginia, there was someone who did attend the Beatles Portland concert in August of ‘65! And that lucky girl was Shirley Bailey who even emailed me pictures of her $6.00 matinee tickets. Pretty cool! And Shirley, if you promise to share some of your memories of that day, you have a free breakfast waiting for you this Saturday at the Center.

If you get your Chronicle early you may still have time to hoof it down to the Center and dance to the sounds of Martin and Friends starting at 7:00. And next Tuesday on the 20th, Truman will be playing his country gold (and Truman are the rumors true –you have recorded a CD of country favorites?) Everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.

It was Gasoline Alley the comic strip which introduced Skeezix – found as a baby abandoned on Walt Wallet’s doorstep and now a grandfather in his 80’s. But this week, I’m doubling your pleasure with two “Remember Whens” from the spring of 1963 when TDHS seniors were cutting class and cramming for finals while trying to surprise their parents by actually graduating from high school. 1) What was the name of the first James Bond movie that was just released? And 2) What was the name of Lesley Gore’s #1 hit. The third person to correctly answer both questions will receive not one but two free breakfasts. Email your answers to the, call 541-296-4788 or drop them off with a six pack of Coca Cola’s first diet drink: Tab.

Well it’s been another week dazed and confused trying to figure out what “it” is. Until we meet again, stay strong, stay calm and stay in touch.

“How often we choose the safe path only to discover that it was not one of the choices.” Robert Brault

Aging Well September 6th

I am writing this column on Friday so I can enjoy a labor-less Monday. So to keep it simple I am including three of my favorite jokes that I have shared previously in the Center’s weekly newsletter. And to keep is short, the usual Center announcements are in the form of that long ago equivalent to today’s text messaging – the telegram.

A good time to laugh is any time you can. ~Linda Ellerbee

An old man living alone on a farm wrote to his only son, Bubba, in prison. “Dear Bubba, I’m feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my potato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. Wish you were here–I know you’d take care of it for me. Love, Dad”
About a week later, the farmer received this letter: “Dear Dad, Whatever you do, Don’t dig up the garden! That’s where I buried the bodies!! Bubba”
The next morning FBI agents stormed the property and dug up the entire garden. They didn’t find any bodies, so they apologized to the old man and left disgusted.
Soon the farmer received another letter: “Dear Dad: Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. It’s the best I could do under the circumstances. Bubba”

September National Emergency Preparedness Month –(Stop)- Lynette Black OSU Extension agent speaker Tuesday 13th 11:00 –(Stop)- Learn how to prepare for unexpected emergencies

One day an old German Shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he’s lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old German Shepherd thinks, “Oh, oh! I’m in deep blankety-blank now!”

Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the panther is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly, “Boy, that was one delicious panther! I wonder, if there are any more around here?”
Hearing this, the young panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. “Whew!,” says the panther, “That was close! That old German Shepherd nearly had me!”

Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the panther. So, off he goes. The squirrel soon catches up with the panther, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the panther.
The young panther is furious at being made a fool of and says, “Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what’s going to happen to that conniving canine!”

Now, the old German Shepherd sees the panther coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, “What am I going to do now?,” but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn’t seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old German Shepherd says…

“Where’s that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another panther!”

Music 7:00 tonight at Center –(Stop)- Strawberry Mountain Band –(Stop)- Next Tuesday John Martin and Friends playing –(Stop)- Everyone invited for good time –(Stop)- Donations accepted

During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, “How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old age home?”

“Well,” he said, “we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub.”
“Oh, I understand,” I said. “A normal person would use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup.”
“No” he said. “A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?”

Chester A. Riley played by William Bendix often exclaimed “What a revoltin’ development, this is.” –(Stop)- Winner Marilyn Sarsfield –(Stop)- This week’s “Remember When” question –(Stop)- What is name of comic strip began in 1918 still running –(STOP)- was the first to show its characters aging –(Stop)- Skeezix is now an octogenarian –(Stop)- E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a copy of Walt Wallet’s family tree

Well, it’s been another stop and go week that got up and went. Until we meet again when you are driving through life, don’t confuse the gas pedal with the brake.

“When people are laughing, they’re generally not killing each other.” Alan Alda

Aging Well August 30th

It’s been warm this past week – Mother Nature’s reminder of what we missed during this mild summer. But next Monday is Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer and the traditional beginning of a new school year: a time to get back to business – no more sandy swimsuits, cocoa butter from head to toe, and late nights looking for action in all the wrong places. (Or at least that is what I remember.)

But these days are quieter – at times just as unpredictable, but a whole lot saner. And a time in our lives when we decide what we want to learn – whether it’s pottery painting at the Art Center, Bill and Neva’s Monday night dance classes at the Civic or one of the many opportunities offered at the Center such as the Young-at-Heart Serenaders with Phyliss Farner at the helm meeting every Wednesday from 10:00 – 11:30 starting on the 14th. Or Tai Chi meeting at its regular time – every Tuesday from 1:00 – 1:45 starting the 13th and again lead by Corlis Marsh (except when she is traveling the globe). Or the Bridge group which is back meeting every Friday from 1:00 – 3:00 and is always looking for new players while offering an opportunity to learn or improve your bridge skills in a low pressure, friendly environment.

Also two Do-It-Yourself Learning Circles are scheduled for September. These are not your traditional classes with prepared curriculums and paid instructors but small groups exploring together a particular subject. The first is “Digging up Bones: An introduction to Genealogy” and will be guided by Edna Miller. It will meet twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 1:00 – 2:00 starting on September 13th. The second is “All things iOS” – from iPhone to iPad”. This Learning Circle will meet from 1:30 – 2:30 on the second and fourth Wednesdays starting September 14th. And the rest of the Center’s activities – from Chair Yoga to Pinochle and everything in between – are still going strong. So check with your guidance counselor or call the Center at 541-298-4788 for more information.

The 11:00 Tuesday Lectures are returning for a fourth season and the starting lineup for September has already been set. On the 6th I will be discussing the trend in education towards self directed learning – the concept behind the Center’s DIY Learning Circles. And then on the 13th Lynette Black from OSU Extension will explain how to prepare for emergencies, followed by Isabel Allen from Oregon Employment Department on the 20th discussing employer responsibilities when hiring an in-home caregiver. And then batting clean-up on the last Tuesday of the month, Joyce Powell Morin will prep you for MCMC’s Health and Wellness Fair at Water’s Edge on October 1st.

Thanks to Barb Pashek, the Center is sponsoring a Community Parking Lot Sale on Saturday, September 24th from 8:00 – 1:00 PM. This is your chance to rid you closet, basement, or garage of those unwanted items. Spaces are only $25 but you need to reserve your spot before September 10th. You can pick up an application at the Center.

At 7:00 tonight the Dufur Boys will be playing for your listening and dancing pleasure. And next Tuesday on the 6th the Strawberry Alarm Clock – oops, wrong band! Must have been a temporary flashback to the psychedelic 60’s. (Does anyone else remember “Incense and Peppermint”?) So let me back up. Next Tuesday on the 6th the Strawberry Mountain Band will be a rippin’ and a roarin’. Everyone is welcome no matter your height, weight or girth. And donations are always appreciated.

I admit last week’s question was pretty easy because who else in August of 1965 could pack the Memorial Coliseum with 20,000 screaming fans – but the Beatles. (And I am still looking for someone who attended the concert.) This week’s “Remember When” question I hope is a little more challenging – unless you listened to Al Wynn’s Coffeebreak last Thursday. On this 40’s radio comedy show which was adapted to television in the 50’s, what was the name of the character who often exclaimed “What a revoltin’ development, this is!” E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with an original autograph from William Bendix.

Well it has been another week, wondering why the sky is blue, the grass is green and why I don’t have a clue. Until we meet again, for every question there is an answer; we just might not find it in our own lifetime.

“Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning.” Robert Brault at

Aging Well August 23rd

“Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,–

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

You may be familiar with these last six lines from the heroic poem “Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. It was my son’s favorite poem during his youthful days because it encapsulated the romantic belief that at all costs – you never give up.

And Isn’t that the national ideal we try to live up to? – under all adversity, against impossible odds, we cannot accept defeat. We will scale any mountain, navigate any whitewater and overcome any challenge because as our parents always told us “where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

But as we grow older most of us learn there are limits to what we can do, what can be done. We may no longer be able to drive a car safely, or walk without assistance, or be able to stay in our home. And we won’t live forever.

There is a reality that can’t be denied, a time when we must accept, and with courage and imagination adapt to what is real and unavoidable. And no longer complain about the direction of the wind and instead choosing to adjust the sails and move forward.

And to move forward with new understanding and grace; with purpose and strength and not yield to self pity and self delusion that often damages relationships with family and friends. And that may be the toughest struggle – to accept and adapt to the new reality – even though your heart is “Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will/To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

You know it is the end of summer when the days are hot but mornings are cool, the alarm clock sounds off and it is now dark, and the summer series of activities are coming to an end. On Saturday the 27th will be the final “Celebrating Local History” presentation for the summer featuring Gerald Richmond discussing the Civic Auditorium and its complex and fascinating history. This series is presented by the Wasco County Historical Society and will begin at 2:00 PM at the Rorick House located at 300 W 13th street – which is open from 12:00 – 4:00 for the remaining summer weekends. And also in the neighborhood at the Fort Dalles Museum will be the last free “Fourth Sunday at the Fort” featuring Rich and Connie Dunnington playing “folk guitar favorites” including violin/guitar music from the 1800’s. The free concert is from 4:00 – 6:00 PM on Sunday August 28th at the Fort Dalles Museum on the corner of 500 West 15th and Garrison.

Tonight the Jazz Generations will be-bopping their way through a lush meadow of popular big band hits. And next week on the fifth Tuesday of the month, the Dufur Boys will be passing time showing you how to have a good time dancing and listening to country favorites. It doesn’t matter if you arrive early or late but the music does start at 7:00. Everyone and their great-grandmother are invited and donations are graciously accepted.

The “televised nursery school of the air” where Mrs. Francis rang her school bell calling every preschooler of the 50’s to their spot in front of the television set was the “Ding Dong School”. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast or for those who can’t get up that early – ten raffle tickets for the beautiful hand stitched quilt was Debbie Larson.) This week’s “Remember When” question goes back only forty six years ago to August 22nd when this band, at the height of their popularity, flew into Portland to perform two shows at Memorial Coliseum – each before 20,000 screaming fans. What was the name of this quartet? (And if you have proof you attended the concert, bring it to the September 17th “back to school” breakfast – sponsored by the rock and rolling TDHS class of 1963 -and receive a free breakfast.) E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a $6.00 main floor ticket for August 22nd show.

Well it has been another week, still trying to decide what I am going to be when I grow up. Until we meet again, don’t overlook the little things of life and always keep your shoe laces tied.

“The world is full of cactus, but we don’t have to sit on them.” Will Foley

Aging Well August 16th

The American philosopher and educator, Mortimer Adler once wrote “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.” Today because of the changes in how we communicate, and how we access information – particularly through the numerous resources on the Internet – the opportunities to continue growing by directing our own learning are boundless.

This developing movement toward “do-it-yourself” learning has primarily focused on higher education, but I see exciting possibilities for older adult learners who are not interested in degrees or credentials; can’t afford formal classes, but are self-motivated, willing to share what they have learned, and are open to this new approach to learning.

Because this “Do-It-Yourself” concept of learning fits the Center’s mission of providing inexpensive and accessible opportunities to connect with others while exploring the world around them, the Center will be initiating what I am calling “DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Learning Circles”. In these DIY Learning Circles there will not be a formal teacher but a guide who will help direct you to the numerous available resources, facilitate discussions and encourage your learning efforts. The curriculum will be individualized and molded by those in the Learning Circles. This is new territory and may be a little messy with several false starts but I see tremendous potential in this new approach.

The five possible choices for the Center’s first DIY Learning Circles are Mandarin Chinese, Understanding the Federal Budget, Geneology, Social Media, and All things iOS (learning more about the iPhone, iPad and iPod).The three subjects generating the most interest will be offered starting in September, so call or email the Center if you are interested in any of these areas. And for the first Tuesday Lecture on September 7th, I will discuss in more detail the potential and benefit of DIY Learning Circles.

It’s Wasco County Fair time! And once again on free admission Thursday, starting at noon, there will be a free Picnic in the Park for older adults – thanks to the generosity of Pioneer Potlatch. The menu includes fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, watermelon and drinks. And with the temperature forecast to be in the low to mid 80’s, it looks like a real winner.

This coming Saturday is the third Saturday of the month and you know what that means: a chance to enjoy a delicious breakfast at the Center. Bonnie is cooking up a breakfast casserole to go along with bacon, muffins, fruit and the regular beverages – all for $5.00 and $4.00 for Center members. This month’s sponsor is the Area Agency on Aging providing services to help support older adults in the Mid-Columbia area. Breakfast is served from 8:00 – 9:30, so come on in because as Jack always said “Breakfast tastes better when someone else cooks it!”

After his rousing birthday party on Friday, Truman is primed and ready to entertain the assembled multitude tonight at the Center starting at 7:00. And next Tuesday the 23rd, offering a change of pace from the usual Country Western fare, the Jazz Generations will be playing for your dancing and listening pleasure. Everyone is welcome and as always donations are appreciated. (And for those who were stumped by last week’s secret code, each letter represented the letter that preceded it in the alphabet. For example “txffu ebodjoh nvtjd” spelled “sweet dancing music”.)

The answer to last week’s question is “Which twin has the Toni?” the innovative home permanent product that generated a strong pungent odor that several folks still remember. (And the winner of a free breakfast was Modena Carelton.) This week’s “Remember When” question is from June Brown’s February 1997 copy of “Reminisce” magazine. It includes an article about the television school teacher Miss Francis – the 1950’s equivalent of Mr. Rodgers – who opened her half-hour TV show for preschoolers by ringing a bell. What was the name of this “televised nursery school of the air”? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a stick horse made of an old broom stick and an argyle sock..

Well it has been another week – taking it one laugh at a time. Until we meet again, always learn from your own mistakes, although it is best to learn from the mistakes of others and often less embarrassing.

“I like to think of my behavior in the sixties as a “learning experience.” Then again, I like to think of anything stupid I’ve done as a “learning experience.” It makes me feel less stupid.” P. J. O’Rourke

Aging Well August 9th

Our brains do a good job of blocking memories of unpleasant past experiences – improving our mental health and sense of well being. (I recall many more cheerful memories of Christmas pasts, vacations traveled and childhood friends than the painful memories of strikeouts at bat and girlfriends lost.) And this is all good. But it can be detrimental if we forget to live in the “now” because we yearn for something that never existed. Do we really want to go back to “the good ole days” of the rotary dial phone, the smell of home permanents, and the taste of Tang? There certainly has been change – and not all of it positive, but we shouldn’t idolize the past. The humorist Art Buchward offered good advice when he said “… everyone seems to think yesterday was better than today. I don’t think it was, and I would advise you not to wait ten years before admitting today was great. If you’re hung up on nostalgia, pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have one hell of a time.”

If this Friday night you are driving downtown and suddenly feel you are in a time warp with classic autos surrounding you, you may have entered the world of the “Neon Cruise” starting a weekend of fun and entertainment. Friday night at 7:30 you can wear your poodle skirt to the Sock Hop at the Civic Hop featuring Johnny Limbo and the Lug Nuts. And other weekend highlights include the car show from 9 – 4 at Sorosis Park on Saturday and the Dufur Threshing Bee on Sunday from 9 – 3 at Dufur Park.

AARP is honoring all retired educators by making a special offer to members of the National Retired Teachers Association, and members of the Oregon Educators Association. This month any member of these organizations who comes to the AARP Driver Safety Class – at the Center from 9:00 – 1:00 on August 15 and 16 – will get a free class just by presenting the coupon they received in the mail. (There will also be a limited number of coupons available to members who do not have one.) You can sign up for this class by calling the Center at (541) 296-4788.

Summer is a time to visit friends and family – and Willa and Ken Varner’s daughter and son-in-law, Willa and George Tannabe, are visiting from Hawaii this week. And while they are here they are giving a fascinating talk and slide presentation on Buddhism and the temples of Hawaii. It will be held on Thursday August 11th at Mill Creek Point (on 10th street across from St. Mary’s Catholic Church) at 3:00pm in the West Dining Room.

Congratulations to all who deciphered last week’s music announcement (every letter in the paragraph was in reverse order). But that reminded me of my grade school days: creating codes so my secret messages could not be read by the enemy – particularly girls. So test your brain and see if you can break the code and read the following music announcement. (Not every word will be in code so you can still get the jest of the message.) Tonight at the Center, Martin and Friends xjmm cf ippqjoh boe ipmmfsjoh; boe qjdljoh boe hsjoojohbu tubsujoh bu 7:00 QN And next Tuesday on the 16th Truman uif dsppojoh uspvcbepvs xjmm cf tfswjoh b ojhiu pg txffu ebodjoh nvtjd. Everybody is welcome and as always donations are appreciated.

Quite a few folks knew the answer to last week’s “Remember When” question: Brylcreem the “little dab’ll do ya” men’s hair product. (And the winner was one of the Brylcreem Boys of WWII – Alex Currie.) This week’s question is about a women’s hair product. Until the late 1940’s the only way to get a permanent wave was to visit the beauty parlor – costing $15. But a do-it-yourself kit was developed and sold for only $2. And to prove there wasn’t a difference between the two, an advertising campaign involving twins was created asking the question “Which twin has the __________? What was the name of this innovative women’s hair product? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or bring your answer to the Center written on the back of a box of spin curlers.

Well it has been another week – appreciating the past, worrying about the future and enjoying the present. Until we meet again, keep on trucking – we all are capable of doing more than we think.

“The past is a good place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.” Author Unknown