Author Archives: mcseniorcenter
Aging Well April 29th 2014
Aging Well April 22nd 2014
Aging Well April 15th 2014
Aging Well April 8th
Aging Well April 1st 2014
Being active in your community is both good for the community and good for your health and well-being. This community involvement is often called Civic Engagement – April’s theme in your Passport to Happiness Calendar. An example is represented by the photo for April: The Dalles Floozies on the Queen of the West – a group of local individuals with a flair for the dramatic and the comical, having fun greeting the cruise ship tourists to make their visit to The Dalles a memorable one.
Voting is another example of civic engagement and your next opportunity is the primary election on May 20th. And because it is a mail in ballot you need to make sure to update your registration when your residence or mailing address changes – even if you are only changing rooms in a senior living facility. You can update your registration by going online at or stopping by the Clerk’s Office in your county.
No matter your age, you can still contribute, whether by volunteering, working on a political campaign or joining the Floozies. There is no better time than now to make a difference.
Now several weeks into spring, I see more folks out walking and enjoying the warmer weather – although I can’t say drier. Walking is one of the best and simplest movement exercises, much better than sitting on the couch watching TV, and is an essential activity for independent living. But while I haven’t seen anyone fall off a couch, falling is a definite concern when walking – whether you are walking the dog or walking to the bathroom. At the Center’s next 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on April 8th, Ann Stanley will discuss “Walking and Aging: How to keep moving and prevent falls”, and will demonstrate a simple test to help determine your risk of falling.
I promised Betty and Martha I wouldn’t forget to mention that the Nu-2-U Shop is now restocked with fine used spring clothes. The shop is open from 9:00 – 3:00 Monday through Friday. And although the shop is small, what it lacks in size, it makes up in quality.
This is the last week for the Where in The Dalles is the Elevator? contest. You can find all four sets of clues for the five elevators (well, there aren’t exactly five, but you’ll figure that out.) on the Center’s website at Or you can pick up the clues at the Center. And whether you identify all five or only one, email, snail mail or send them by carrier pigeon – I don’t care, as long as you get your answers to the Center by 5:00 on Friday April 4th.
Last week I reversed the letters in the words and the week before I reversed the words in the sentence, so what’s up this week? A double whammy. I’m doing both. But don’t just skip over the music announcement. Novel challenges are good for the grey matter in that skull of yours.
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It wasn’t Ralph Miller, but Slats Gill who was the Oregon State University coach during their three consecutive trips to the NCAA Basketball Tournament from 1962 – 1964. And the top scorer in the 1963 NCAA tournament was Mel Counts – who Don McAllister remembers seeing in Wallowa County sometime in the 70’s-80’s sitting in the Cowboy Bar in Joseph, Oregon. You can’t miss someone who is 7’3” in Joseph. (And the winner of a Cherry Festival Breakfast is Rayburn Parker.)
This week’s “Remember When” question is about a comedian who was a child actor in many movies including the Perils of Pauline; was a regular on various radio shows during the 30’s and 40’s; and then moved to television to host the Texaco Star Theater. Who is considered by many the first star of television and was known as Mr. Television? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send your answers with a tape of the 1939 radio comedy show Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One.
Well, it has been another week trying to see what I can learn from this body of mine. Until we meet again, seek the wind that will fill your sails, but watch out for those sandbars.
“Almost half of all people over 40 believe they look younger than they are. This says something important about older Americans: We have terrible eyesight.” Dave Barry
Aging Well March 25th 2014
Aging Well March 18th 2014
Well, it has been another week when if it ain’t one thing, it’s another. Until we meet again, keep your head up, eyes open and your imagination free.
“The thing that’s important to know is that you never know. You’re always sort of feeling your way.” Diane Arbus Photographer
Aging Well March 11th 2014
Is it beginning to feel like spring? Because we are getting closer with the first day of spring (or the vernal equinox as the say in the more educated circles) arriving on March 20th. And just like flowers sprouting in the gardens and ants climbing on the kitchen counters, the Center is busy with activity. So stay with me as I share with you many of the spring activities at the Center.
Another sign of spring is the return of the Center’s Saturday Breakfast from its two month winter hiatus. We’ll still working on the menu but the serving line opens at 8:00 but you better get up by 9:30 to enjoy a delicious breakfast for only $5.00. And remember, as Jack always said “Breakfast tastes better when someone else cooks it!”
It’s also time for the Center’s Spring Membership drive. With the UpLifting Elevator Fundraiser picking up steam, one of the ways the Center can show community support when applying for grants for the elevator is by the number of Center memberships. So the Center has raised the bar for 2014 to a goal of 500 members: an increase of 100 members over last year. And we are about half way there. The cost is still $35 per person or $60 per couple; and then there is the Super Duper membership for $50 per person. In addition, this year we added the convenience of buying your membership online. Go to the Center’s website and click on the “Buy Now” button under membership.
Debra Jones is continually growing the creative arts program at the Center and her latest is the Creative Arts Spring Series – two Tuesday classes in each of the months of March, April and May. You can choose which classes you want to attend, but you need to call the Center to register for each because space is limited. The next class on drawing with watercolors and pen and ink is from 1:00 – 2:30 March 25th. This class is open to all skill levels; particularly a great way for beginners to learn to use watercolors. Debra Jones is the instructor and the cost is $2.00. For more information you can contact Debra at 541- 298-2131 or visit the Center’s website at for a full listing of all the creative arts classes.
The good news is that “Barley Draught” will be playing at the Center on St. Patrick’s Day starting at 7:00 PM to raise funds for the Center’s Elevator. It is an over 21 event with Irish Beer, Irish pizza and Irish Soda Bread.
But the bad news is that you will have to make a choice, because also on Monday folks will be celebrating St. Pat’s Day at Old St. Pete’s with the Cascade Singers, a Children’s Choir, and the Almost-All-Irish – Almost – All – Brass – Band. Music starts at 7:00 at the St. Peter’s Landmark. Admission is a free-will offering to benefit the St. Peter’s Landmark.
And there is always music at the Center every Tuesday from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Truman will be playing his Country Gold on the 18th. And on Sunday the 16th, the Pie and Music Jam will be making its monthly stop at the Center from 2:00 – 5:00. And it is free.
The answer to last week’s question is Mad Magazine whose mission has been described as “being ever ready to pounce on the illogical, hypocritical, self-serious and ludicrous”. And the goofy looking boy often found on the cover? It’s “What – Me Worry!” Alfred E Neuman. (And the winner of a free breakfast this coming Saturday is Mad Man (Dennis) Morgan.)
This week’s “Remember When” question was inspired by an email from Marv Elsberry reminding readers not to forget these famous flyers of WW II. To send a message to Japan and to boost American morale after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, in April of 1942 sixteen B-25s, each with a five member crew, took off from the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet to bomb Tokyo and five Japanese industrial centers: What was the name given to these eighty WWII heroes? And for bonus points, what was the name of the 1944 Hollywood movie based on the raid? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send your answers with a picture of the B-25 nicknamed “The Ruptured Duck”.
Well, it has been another week feeling good until I don’t. Until we meet again, as Paul Newman once said “It is useless to put on your brakes when you’re upside down”.
“In retrospect it becomes clear that hindsight is definitely overrated!” Alfred E Neuman
Aging Well March 4th 2014
Life can be broadly defined by three stages: the years preparing for work and family – when you were told what you had to do, followed by years of working and raising a family – when you did what you thought you should do.
And now this third chapter when you are no longer working, or at least working less, and watching your grandchildren grow – a time to do what you have always wanted to do, no longer constrain by time or self-imposed limitations. You can now discover or rediscover your passions and interests while reevaluating what you are currently doing to see if it is time to let go of old habits and thought patterns, so you can take advantage of the many opportunities around you to pursue your “want tos”. And don’t worry if your “want tos” seem immature or irrational. This is the time in your life to follow the adage “Dance first and think later”.
There are many folks who have taken that leap: pursuing an interest in drawing or painting through Debra Jones’ creative arts classes at the Center or classes at The Dalles Art Center; or learning more about their family history through the Columbia Gorge Genealogy Society, or purchasing a ukulele at Columbia River Music and learning to play.
But we know it isn’t always going to be easy. As we have more time to spare, we seem to have less energy; and with fewer responsibilities, there are often fewer goals and dreams to challenge us. And I won’t mention the difficulties living on a modest income that gets more modest every year. It takes guts to age successfully; to take responsibility for your life and not just let life happen; to finally pursue what you have always wanted to do. But as long as you have the energy and the courage, there is still much to accomplish in the years ahead.
My apologies to all the Saturday Night Bingo players. We cancelled Bingo thinking the snow and possible freezing rain was going to come sooner than later. But I don’t suspect there will be any more winter weather advisories, so we should be good for the rest of the year. And as a reminder, because of the fantastic volunteers, every penny from Thursday and Saturday Night Bingo goes to either the players or the operation of Meals-on-Wheels on Thursday night or the Center on Saturday night. And although there may not be the large pay outs as some of the big city bingo halls, over $1000 is paid out each night – and that’s no small potatoes.
The turnout for the Nehemiah Brown Concert last Friday night at the Center was even larger than last year with over 70 people in attendance. A big thank-you goes to Danette Utley from Flagstone who was responsible for bringing Nehemiah to The Dalles. And you might want to write down May 23rd on your Passport to Happiness Calendar– Nehemiah’s next performance at the Center.
There is always music at the Center from 7:00 – 9:00 PM on Tuesday nights. And next Tuesday on the 11th, Martin and Friends will be playing their country best. All ages are welcome and donations are appreciated.
Many people, including myself, remember seeing news clips of Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on his desk at the United Nations General Assembly. But it may be another example of how our minds can create their own memories, because even though everyone agrees he banged his fist, there is no recorded video or pictures of him banging a shoe. (And by the way, the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast on March 15th is Bob Thouvenel.)
Before there were the Simpsons, Jon Stewart’s Daily Show and the Onion, there was a magazine, first published as a comic book in 1952, that satirized all aspects of American society from the media and big business to hippies and the Vietnam War. For this week’s “Remember When” questions what was the name of the magazine and the name of the boy with the gap-toothed smile often found on the cover? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or send in a vanilla envelope the first edition of the comic book Tales Calculated to Drive You Mad.
Well, it has been another week learning that problems never cease, they just change. Until we meet again, tell me I’m not the only one who when learning of the symptoms for a serious illness, imagines having each one of them.
“Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.” Anonymous