Author Archives: mcseniorcenter

Aging Well November 17

Once you retire it should be all blue skies and easy sledding: no boss, time to travel, and a chance to return to old hobbies or learn new ones. But again, life gets in the way.

What am I going to do if I can no longer drive? How am I going to manage my chronic illness or care for my spouse who now needs my every minute. And what happened to my body? It moves slower when I need it to move faster – when the bladder calls. You realize why time seems to pass so quickly. Because from here on, it’s all downhill!”

But stress, particularly chronic stress, can speed up the aging process in the body and memory loss in the brain. Thankfully there are ways to live healthier by reducing the stress: stay positive, exercise, eat well, get enough sleep, participate in something you don’t find stressful, don’t over commit, and don’t worry about the things you can’t control such as the weather.

Another utensil in the kitchen drawer is meditation. I first became aware of its benefits when learning about brain fitness and how meditation can decrease memory loss by reducing stress. On Tuesday the 24th at 11:00 at the Center, you can learn more about meditation and its many benefits from Jill Kiefert, a registered nurse at MCMC and instructor for many of the Center for Mind and Body programs. She is highly experienced in facilitating meditation for individuals of all ages and is aware of all types of stress reduction resources.

Tonight the Sugar Daddies will be playing and I’ve said many places where they play charge $7.00 for a glass of wine. We don’t sell wine, but we do have coffee and treats for a donation of a lot less than $7.00. And next Tuesday, the Notecrackers will be back. They are a nice sounding trio playing your musical favorites. Dancing starts at 7:00 and admission is free but for every donation Janice and Betty will show their appreciation by doing cartwheels and jumping jacks.

The Center won’t officially start its 2010 membership drive until after the holidays, but if you jump on the old grey mare now, you can save yourself a few dollars. The Center is increasing its 2010 membership dues to $35 per individual or $60 per couple to help decrease the Center’s annual deficit – the activity at the Center has increased but the revenue hasn’t. But here’s the good news. If you pay your 2010 dues before January 1, it is still only $25 per person. So get moving. According to my calendar you only have about six weeks.

This coming Saturday is the third Saturday of the month and you know what that means, “You don’t have to cook breakfast!” Skip the oatmeal and toast and enjoy a breakfast of Quiche (or scrambled eggs), muffins, bacon or sausage, fruit and the regular beverages. The cost is only $5.00 and $4.00 for Center members. This month’s sponsor is MCMC’s mPower Inpatient Rehabilitation, a team of rehabilitation professionals who will help you through your recovery process.

Before Sesame Street there was another popular children’s show with the title character played by Bob Keeshan who based the show on “the warm relationship between grandparents and children.” What was the name of this children’s show? This week everyone who calls or emails the correct answer by 5:00 pm Wednesday will have their name placed in a coffee can from which the winner of the Saturday breakfast will be drawn. And the answer to last week’s question was the “Peanut Gallery” – the live audience of children on the Howdy Doody show.

And again the sun rose this morning and the day began. Until we meet again, relax. As the Old Farmer from Fossil once said, “Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway”.

“Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” Robert J. Sawyer

Living Well November 10 2009

Medicare is a hot topic these days. The insurance companies are out in force marketing their Medicare Advantage and prescription plans, several Advantage plans are leaving the state and most are increasing their premiums. And on top of it all is the national debate about the effects of health care reform on Medicare.

Because of this interest and the large turn-out for the “Your Medicare Options” presentation two weeks ago, we have scheduled an encore performance on Tuesday 17th at 11:00 to answer more of your Medicare questions. Hopefully this information will help you make the best decisions for your situation during the annual enrollment period beginning November 15th, when you have the opportunity to make any changes.

Another source of clear and objective information about Medicare – that is about as easy to understand as humanly possible – is the “2010 Oregon Guide to Medigap, Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans” published by SHIBA. The guides are finally available and can be picked up at the Area Agency on Aging offices in the MCCOG building on the corner of 11th and Kelly or at the Center. And if you are internet savvy you can find an electronic copy at

The change from daylight savings time did not keep the music aficionados from last week’s Tuesday night music performance. And I expect the same tonight when the Cherry Park Band performs. And next week, it won’t be the Big Mamas or the Gold Diggers, but the Sugar Daddies playing for your listening and dancing enjoyment. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. The music starts at 7:00

And speaking of music. The Center’s Young-at-Heart Serenaders are back entertaining folks while stretching their vocal chords and having a good time. They still need a leader, but feel that they can carry on without one while rehearsing for the Christmas season. They practice from 10:00 – 11:30 every Wednesday and everyone is invited to join the fun.

Dick LaFever has suffered emotional pain no one should endure. From his experience, he has written a new book titled “A Testimony of Forgiveness”. Dick will be signing his new book at Klindts this Saturday the 14th at 2:00. And on Tuesday December 8th at 11:00, Dick will share his story as part of the Center’s Next Chapter Lecture series.

This year Diabetes Discovery Day is on Wednesday November 11, 2009, again at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. This annual event sponsored by Mid-Columbia Medical Center and Providence Hood River offers anyone in the Columbia River Gorge region interested in diabetes the opportunity to receive the latest information about this growing disease. Representatives from a number of companies who offer product supplies for diabetes will be on hand to answer your questions. The event is free. Hours are 11:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Last week we had several winners and many misses identifying the bandleader that first hired Frank Sinatra. It was Harry James who soon after released Sinatra from the contract so he could sign with Tommy Dorsey one of the most popular bands at the time.

But enough of Frank Sinatra. Let’s get back to childhood memories of watching Saturday morning TV. You may remember one of the first, Howdy Doody, a children’s television program broadcast on NBC from 1947 until 1960 and one of the first TV shows to include audience participation. What were the children called who watched from the on-stage bleachers?

And you can see videos related to the “Remember When” questions – the Beatles tossing their hair on the Ed Sullivan show or Elvis shaking his hips, singing “Heartbreak Hotel” – or listen to Frank Sinatra singing with the Harry James Orchestra, all at the Center’s website at

Well it’s another week throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping something sticks. Until we meet again, it is good – even at our age – to heed the advice Christopher Robin gave Winnie-the-Pooh, “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

Aging Well Novembe 3rd

The Center is not just a Senior Center but an asset for the whole community; a resource for all ages, which was demonstrated this last weekend.

Friday night the Center was filled with ghoulish costumes, scary snacks and Marco the DJ providing the musical entertainment for the ARC’s “Monster Ball”. Saturday afternoon there was a first birthday celebration in the basement with decorations, cake and gifts while upstairs that evening we celebrated Halloween playing America’s favorite pastime – no, not baseball – but bingo. And to finish the weekend off with a flourish, Sunday night the Center hosted the last stop of the Fellowship of Churches’ Progressive Dinner with tasty desserts from the Congregational Church and music provided by the Olde Tymers fine duo of Mike Tenney and John Schulz.

And that was not an unusual weekend. The Center is used for graduation parties, memorials, church services, dances, and coronations, as well as meetings for the Good Sam Club, Union Pacific Railroad retirees, Community Action Board, ARC Board, Teamsters, and Boy Scout Troop #395.

But you may still feel. “I’m not old enough. I’m only 70!” But the Center’s activities and programs are open to the whole community with no age restriction except how comfortable you feel hanging around with us “old folks”. The center is where everyone in the community can explore, connect and contribute, because it is the Center’s mission is to “promote healthy aging by sharing and caring” and I don’t know a man, woman or child who isn’t getting older. And that’s life.

Meals-on-Wheels will be closed on Monday November 9th but will be open on the 11th for Veteran’s Day. That allows Meals-on-Wheels to honor all of our veterans during Wednesday’s noon dinner while also giving their dedicated staff a day off on Monday.

Everyone knows Pat Lucas is a big supporter of the Veterans but not everyone may know I owe her big time and will always owe her big time. So hoping Pat is reading this and hoping to work off some of my debt, I want to encourage everyone to participate in this year’s Veteran’s Parade on Wednesday the 11th. You can join the parade (line up begins at 11:00 at the armory; parade starts at noon) or you can show your support along the parade route. And after the parade you can enjoy food and fellowship at the Community Potluck Lunch at the armory. For more information, call 298-5692 or 298-3377.

Jerry Tanquist will be the speaker for the Center’s Next Chapter Lecture on Tuesday November 10 at 11:00. He is our local railroad raconteur sharing the fascinating history and stories of the railroads in the Mid-Columbia. This time he will share pictures and stories of the railroads in the counties surrounding Wasco County.

And tonight don’t let the darkness deter you. Come out and enjoy the rhythm of the night with Truman Boler’s Country Gold starting at 7:00 pm. And next Tuesday the all-stars that form the Cherry Park Band will be playing for your listening and dancing pleasure. Everyone is welcome and the admission is free but donations are kindly accepted.

It seems like I stumped everyone except Joanne Scott and Bob Thouvenel with last week’s “Remember When” question. The wild (at least for their times), screaming teenage girls that followed Frank Sinatra were called “Bobby Soxers” because of the rolled down socks they wore with their poodle skirts.

But I know you can do better, so let’s try Frank Sinatra one more time. Who was the first bandleader to hire Frank Sinatra for a one year contract of $75 a week and with whom Frank Sinatra released his first commercial record? Leave a voice message at 296-4788 or email your answer to

Well, another week has bit the dust. Until we meet again, keep your nose clean and your hands dirty, because as the old farmer from Fossil once said “Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.”

Aging Well October 27

Social isolation can be deadly. The report, “Aging in the Shadows” commissioned by the United Neighborhood Houses of New York, states “If seniors are to avoid institutionalization or hospitalization, they require the social, emotional and physical support of others”.

We all need someone to talk with, to share stories with and to provide a friendly touch. Someone to be there. When you live alone or your mobility is limited, these simple necessities are not always available.

There are many community resources available to prevent social isolation: meals-on-wheels, caregiver support, volunteering opportunities, and gathering places such as the Center. But for many, these supports aren’t enough or possible. To address this need, the Area Agency on Aging has started a Friendly Visitors program, initially serving only Wasco County residents, but hopefully expanding to the rest of AAA service area including Sherman, Gilliam and Wheeler counties. Friendly Visitors will provide companionship and develop relationships through weekly visits with seniors complementing the supports they already receive.

Marilyn Buchanan, who recently returned to The Dalles, has been hired as the Volunteer Coordinator and she is looking for volunteers. If you are interested call Friendly Visitors at 541-298-4101 or toll free at 888-316-1362.

The Center’s terrific “booking agent” (who does not want to be mentioned by name, but Gaby knows who he is) has lined up another month of great Tuesday Night music starting off next week with the popular Truman Boler. Then performing on the following Tuesdays will be the Cherry Park Group, Sugar Daddies and then the Center’s fourth Tuesday regulars, the Jazz Generations, who are also playing tonight. Music starts at 7:00 and the fun is open to everyone and anyone. Admission is free, but donations are guaranteed to bring you good luck.

A quick reminder. The Medicare presentation at the Center on Wednesday the 28th at 11:00 is a chance to find answers for many of your Medicare questions. And don’t forget, if your Medicare Advantage plan is leaving the state, you need to enroll in a new plan by December 31st.

And most importantly, don’t forget Betty Harlan’s Halloween Retirement Potluck Party this Wednesday at the Center starting at 6:30 pm. She started with Meals-on-Wheels in 1975 and has been an important part of Meals-on-Wheels ever since. Betty will be moving to Bend to be closer to her daughter but she has promised to make regular visits to The Dalles. She is a generous soul and we are a much better community because of her. And be careful if she has her camera – and now her new video camera – in hand. She likes to catch you in the most embarrassing situations.

It took a real Elvis Presley fan to know last week’s “Remember When” question. Fortunately for Tom Sofie, he lives with one, his wife Nancy, who knew Elvis’s first #1 hit was Heartbreak Hotel. This week the question is about the singer that some consider the first true “teen idol”, Frank Sinatra. During the 1940’s, he was followed by overzealous adolescent girl fans. What were those screaming fans called? If you know the answer, call the Center at 296-4788 or email the Center at

And lastly, there are times when you feel like broadcasting to the world an accomplishment so great you expect a presidential medal; so unbelievable even your greatest enemy will respect you. What was the awe inspiring feat? I successfully programmed both a universal TV remote and a TV remote to play a DVD player, all without the help of a twelve year old. No need for a “good job” when you see me. My own personal satisfaction is all the recognition I need.

So until we meet again, take a chance; challenge yourself – only if by programming the TV remote, because as George Eliot said “It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”

“Why is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person?” Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Aging Well October 20

Medicare can be a complex labyrinth to navigate. And with the addition of Medicare Advantage Plans – Medicare coverage through private insurance companies – Medicare recipients have more choices but also another level of complexity and uncertainty.

The Medicare Advantage plans are popular in Oregon where 41% of the folks eligible for Medicare are enrolled in them (the highest percentage in the country). Although there are benefits to Medicare Advantage plans, unlike government programs, private insurance companies can decide not to continue covering certain geographic areas. Unfortunately, but not surprising, several plans are leaving Oregon at the end of this year and will not be renewing beneficiaries’ policies. What is unexpected is the estimated percentage of Medicare Advantage recipients needing to find a new plan: Wasco County 39%, Sherman County, 70%, and Hood River County, 43%.

The enrollment period for the Medicare Advantage plans starts November 15th, so if your insurer is leaving or there are any changes in your Medicare Advantage plan you should have received a letter by now. But Jean Hockman, the Medicare specialist at the Area Agency on Aging, is concerned many folks have not read the correspondence from their insurer and are unaware that their Medicare insurance plan is leaving. If your plan is leaving, you must sign up for a new plan before the end of December to insure continuous coverage. That isn’t much time and the decisions aren’t simple. (What plans does your doctor accept? What does the plan cover? And what is the cost?)

To answer your questions and provide more information, there will be a presentation at the Center on October 28th at 11:00 to explain changes in the Medicare Advantage plans and what your options are. You can also call the Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101 on Wednesdays – their Medicare help day.

Klea Espy, manager of the Habitat’s Restore Store in the old liquor building on 6th street, dropped by the Center for breakfast on Saturday and mentioned she is desperately – as in capital D desperately – seeking volunteers. She needs folks for the two shifts 10-1 and 1-4 on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. She would prefer men; about 6 foot tall, broad shouldered, and chiseled jaw with masculine good looks. But she will take anyone who knows his or her way around a hardware store or a workshop (or anyone who is breathing – she is Desperate!).

Tonight at the Center, the Sugar Daddies, a popular three piece band, will be performing. And next Tuesday on the 27th the Jazz Generations will be back playing for your dancing and listening pleasure. These are talented performers and at many places, you would have to buy a $7 glass of wine to listen to them. But at the Center it’s all free with donations appreciated. The dancing starts at 7:00 pm and everyone is welcome. And next Sunday is the Center’s turn to host the Jammers from 2:00 – 5:00.

Melodi Johnson, Breast Care Coordinator/Clinical Research Nurse at Celilo, will be the speaker for the Center’s Next Chapter Lecture Series on Tuesday the 27th at 11:00. She will speak on breast health for women of all ages – providing information that will be helpful for mothers, daughters, spouses, etc. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, every woman is encouraged to come!

The answer to last week’s “Remember When” question was “I Want to Hold Your Hand”, the Beatles first #1 hit in America. The first correct answer was from a child of the 60’s herself, Sandy Haechrel. This week’s question goes back another decade to a musical icon of the 50’s. What was Elvis Presley’s first number one hit that stayed at the top of the pop charts for 8 weeks and was the best selling single in 1956?

That is enough of the alphabet soup for one week. Until we meet again, here’s a comment I overheard at the Center that many of us can relate to, “My head writes checks, my body can’t cash”.

Aging Well October 13

Do you really want to stay young? Or let me put in another way. Do you really want to relive middle school? But although staying forever young may not be our goal, we do want to live independently; we do want to see our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren grow and set out on their own paths. And we do want to live caring and meaningful lives, so who we are and what we do matters.

The other day Jan Holt gave me a list of eleven simple rules that although they are titled “How to Stay Young”, are more about achieving those things we do want; about how to live well. Here they are for your consideration – plus my own short observations on each one.

1. Keep learning – see the world with virgin eyes,
2. Enjoy the simple things – as in the Shaker song, “Tis the gift to be simple”,
3. Laugh often, long and loud. – its contagious,
4. The tears happen – the ones we love won’t live forever,
5. Keep only cheerful friends – leave the rest alone,
6. Surround yourself with what you love. – not with what others say you should have,
7. Cherish your health – don’t take it for granted,
8. Don’t’ take guilt trips – life happens,
9. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity – stay current,
10. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second chance – forgiveness shall set you free,
11. Try everything twice – except Brussels sprouts

This Saturday is the third Saturday of the month which means it is your chance to skip your normal breakfast and enjoy a fine delicious meal of biscuits and gravy, sausage, and scrambled eggs, as well as fruit and your favorite beverage. The cost is only $5.00 and $4.00 for Center members. The breakfast is open to the whole community and all ages, so bring your family and friends. The food starts flowing at 8:00 and we don’t turn off the spigot until 9:30. And as Jack always said,” Breakfast always tastes better when someone else cooks it”.

Next Chapter Lecture on Tuesday October 20th at 11:00 will feature Roger Luedtke discussing the Portland Classical Chinese Gardens in Portland. The Gardens are described as “an authentically built cultural heritage garden and living museum of Chinese trees and flora”. Roger is an avid supporter of the Gardens and his informative presentation of pictures and commentary will be the next best thing to being there.

Because of the talented musicians, Tuesday Night music is the Center’s most popular activity. And the next two weeks are no exception. The always popular and danceable Truman Boler’s one man “Country Gold” is playing tonight. And next Tuesday on the 20th, The Sugar Daddies will be back with Mark Womble leading on keyboard and vocals. Dancing starts at 7:00 and everybody is welcome. There is no charge although donations are appreciated.

Last week’s question was a trick one, but you can’t fool Sandy Haechrel who had the first correct answer. Most of us remember William Bendix playing the role of Lester A Riley on both radio and TV, but when the show moved to television in 1949 the first actor to play the role was Jackie Gleason before his “Honeymooners” fame in the 50’s.

This week’s question celebrates the recent release of the re-mastered catalogue of recordings by the Beatles who one critic described as “not able to carry a tune across the Atlantic”. Although the Beatles had several earlier hits in England, what was the Beatles first single (and #1 song) released in America? Email your guess to or call 296-4788.

That’s it for another week. Until we meet again, as the Beatles once sang, “Let it be”. Or as the philosopher farmer from Fossil would say, “Don’t interfere with something’ that ain’t bothering you none.”

Aging Well October 6

When was the last time you smelled the sweet odor of sweat-soaked socks and gym shorts? Or stayed up late cramming your cranium with facts about some class subject that you really had no interest in? Been there, done that. Thankfully we can pass those experiences on to younger souls.

But though we may not want to revisit those glory days, we do lose something when we don’t challenge ourselves. Gene D. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., the first director of the Center on Aging, Health & Humanities at George Washington University suggests we need to sweat more both physically and mentally – more mental push-ups and trips around the track – by trying something different. And while exploring new activities, enjoy the experience and satisfaction of learning to do something better without worrying about being good.

On Tuesday, October 13th from 5 – 7 PM, and help our own local curmudgeon, travel guide and literary connoisseur, Phil Klindt, celebrate the 140th Birthday of Klindt’s Booksellers, the oldest continually operated bookstore in Oregon. There will be regional authors, food, music, wine and history at the bookstore to celebrate this anniversary.

Steve Hudson is back teaching line dancing but couldn’t resist the big beautiful dance floor at the Eagles. So if you enjoy line dancing or want to learn how, check out the Eagles on Thursday nights. And if Square Dancing is more your thing, Bill and Neva are starting lessons this Thursday, October 8th at the Civic from 7 – 9. For more information about the square dancing call 541-296-1570 or 509-493-1827. And Neva, I promise one of these days I will find my way to the Civic and practice what I preach. But I seem to have more “want to do” than I have “time to do”. (Maybe the two-step in November?)

And I mustn’t forget to mention Tuesday Night music. Hardshell Harmony – bluegrass music at its best – is playing tonight and next week on the 13th Truman Boler will be playing his crowd pleasing Country Gold. Everybody is welcome! Admission is free, but donations are appreciated.

Now is the time to buy your tickets to see and enjoy Portland’s own Singing Christmas Tree at the 1:30 matinee performance on Sunday November 29th. This annual tradition was a big hit last year so we have decided to try an encore performance. The cost is only $65 or $60, depending on the seat locations, and includes comfortable worry-free transportation. But don’t tarry. There are only twenty two seats available. Call the Center 296-4788 to reserve your seat for this afternoon musical delight.

Every third Monday and Tuesday of the month from 9:00 – 1:00, Dennis Davis teaches the AARP Driver Safety class to help folks review the rules of the road and good driving practices. Because the class has been shown to improve your driving skills, many insurance companies give a discount if you complete the class. The cost is only $14 and $12 for AARP members and covers the cost of the materials (Dennis volunteers his time). Call the Center to reserve your seat in the next class on October 19 and 20th.

Bob Thouvenel was the first to correctly answer last week’s “Remember When” question (he was getting tired of Ron Sutherland winning all the time). “Cool Hand Luke” was the movie where the Captain and Luke played by Paul Newman spoke the memorable line “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate”. This week’s “Remember When” question is about a life of prosperity and contentment. What actor played the bumbling and gullible Chester A. Riley in the first season of “The Life of Riley” on NBC in October 1949?

Until we meet again, get that sweat pouring, warm up the old brain cells and get down and dirty. But please for all the rest of us, don’t forget the deodorant!

“Now and then it is good to pause in our pursuit of happiness, and just be happy.” Appollinaire (French Poet)

Aging Well September 29

Senior Living September 29

It isn’t easy. Living during this time of your life, takes effort, even though you may want to finally recline back in the Lazy-Boy – feet up, with a nice cool one in hand and just watch as life goes by. You’ve earned it. You have seen it all; there’s nothing more left to do. And besides you’re tired.

But this can also be the time of your life: the time when you can discover new dimensions of who you are at a time when you no longer have to worry about who you should be. The stage where you can explore the other parts of your hidden self – the parts you barely touched as you carried the many responsibilities of raising your children or following your career path or both. Now is the time when you can try on the clothes of your forgotten dreams to see if they still fit.

It is possible. I have met folks who have tried on new roles: a writer, a lay pastor or a Sunday school teacher, a foreman for a Habitat project or a musician in a local bluegrass band, an elected official, or if you have the guts – a junior high teacher; folks who have enjoyed a cruise to Alaska or through the Panama Canal, or who have finally taken that trip to their ancestral homeland. And closer to home, folks who have discovered new dance steps at the Civic, enjoyed a variety of new entertainment at the Community Concerts, digested new ideas from the Center’s Lecture series and sought new ways of personal expression through art classes. It is an attitude of “Let’s give it a try!” and “Why not!” There is nothing you can’t do. (Fortunately, there are many stupid things we no longer want to do.)

And with this new attitude, you realize it is not the dreaded “old age” you have encountered, but a “new age” you have discovered. And even though you may have wanted to just coast through this next stage of your life, it is a time to experience new lands, new talents and new relationships with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility.

The country western singer John Michael Montgomery sang on his hit album “Life’s a Dance”, “Life’s a dance you learn as you go/ Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow/ Don’t worry about what you don’t know/ Life’s a dance you learn as you go”.
And tonight you can enjoy life and “learn as you go” at the Center by dancing and listening to the popular “The Dufur Boys” from Dufur”. The music starts at 7:00 and everyone is invited. Admission is free, but donations are kindly accepted.

This is the place I usually announce who the speaker will be for next week’s Next Chapter Lecture, but I don’t know yet. But I can say that some of the coming lectures will include Portland’s Chinese Gardens, Genealogy, Railroads and Medicare Part D. All interesting stuff.

Ron Sutherland was the first to answer last week’s question correctly. The answer was “The $64000 Question” which was the #1 show in 1955- 1956 before it was dropped in 1958. (Not to be confused with “Twenty One” and the famous Charles Van Doren scandal.) This week’s question is from the Category Movie Quotes for one free breakfast, “What movie had the famous line “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.”? (And has it really been 42 years since I saw that movie?)

Next Monday and Tuesday seasonal flu shots will be available at the Center from 11:00 – 2:00. And I finally found out the difference between the bird flu and the swine flu. For the bird flu you use a “tweatment” and the swine flu you use an “oinktment”. (I hope that joke – or should I say groaner – doesn’t ruin your day.)

And on that fine note, it is time to close up and call it a day. Until we meet again, Jan Chittister author of “The Gift of Years” suggests that “Growth in old age requires the curiosity of a five year old and the confidence of a teenager”.

Does age poison us, or do we poison age? ~Astrid Alauda

“The Flu is coming! The Flu is coming!” is being shouted across the country and as we know from this summer’s outbreak at the Young Life youth camp at the Big Muddy, it can happen here in Wasco County. And it is serious. With the new kid on the block, the H1N1 strain of flu (formally known as the Swine Flu to the ire of the pork industry), there are concerns the flu could affect 20% to 40% of the work force during this flu season.

But the H1N1 seems no more dangerous than the seasonal flu and it is hard to tell the two apart since both have similar symptoms: fever, more painful body aches, dry cough, diarrhea and severe fatigue. But the steps you can take to reduce the risk of getting either one are the same.

The first step is to get your seasonal flu shot. Folks over 65 are at risk for complications from the seasonal flu and need to get the seasonal flu vaccine – sooner than later. Flu shots provided by MCMC’s Occupational Health will be available at the Center on Monday, October 5th and Tuesday October 6th from 11 – 2 PM (upstairs and no appointments are necessary). And the seasonal flu vaccines are already available at the local pharmacies.

For folks over 65, the H1N1 vaccine is a different story. Older adults over 64 are not encouraged to get the H1N1 vaccine unless they are a caregiver for those at risk. The theory is that seniors have developed immunity to the H1N1 because of their life experience. (You see there is an advantage to being older.) For those who are at greatest risk, children and young adults from six months to twenty five years old, pregnant women, and people with chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes or heart and lung disease, the vaccine will be available through local clinics starting in October.

But the first line of defense is prevention: wash your hands often including before and after touching your face, cover your sneeze or cough but not with your hands (cough into your elbow). And if you use a tissue, throw it away immediately and then wash your hands or use an alcohol based hand cleaner.

As this flu season progresses, you can find the latest information at

Find yourself a partner and whether you want to lead or follow, enjoy the sounds at the Center’s Tuesday Night Music with the Jazz Generations playing tonight and The Dufur Boys playing next Tuesday the 29th starting at 7:00 PM. But there’s more! There are free family dances at the Civic on the next two Thursdays from 7 to 9 PM. And this coming Sunday is the Center’s turn to host the Jammers – picking and singing from 2 – 5 pm.

The Next Chapter Lecture Series at 11:00 on Tuesday the 29th will be “What everyone should know about Mammograms” plus an update on MCMC’s new Digital Mammography which has been a tremendous addition to the community. The speaker will be long time MCMC Mammography Technician, Debra Myers.

The first correct response to last week’s “Remember When” question was from Don McKinney who identified Dan Fouts as the University of Oregon quarterback who in 1970 threw the winning pass in a three-touchdown rally at UCLA. And now back to the category” TV in the Fifties” for a free breakfast at the Center on October 17th. What was the top-rated TV show that two years after knocking “I Love Lucy” out of the number one spot was canceled because of scandals? Call the Center at 296-4788 with your answer or email it to

That’s it for another week. Until we meet again, cover your head when it rains, your hands when it’s cold, and your mouth when you cough.

“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is put down the shovel”. The old farmer from Fossil

Aging Well September 16

Are you a right brainer: random, intuitive and subjective? Or are you a left brainer: logical, rational and analytical? Or are you in that third category: a no brainer – you lost your mind years ago and haven’t been able to find it since? At the Center we provide opportunities for all types of “brainers”.

For the right brainers, the Center is again offering the “Yes, You Can Draw!” class taught by Nancy Russell returning this Thursday, the 17th, from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. The drawing class is for beginners and not-so-beginners and the cost is a suggested donation of only $2 per session plus the cost of some minimal supplies. Nancy has taught at Portland Community College and enjoys encouraging folks who are new to the world of drawing and are looking for a low stress environment to explore their creative side. (And The Dalles Art Center offers various classes with a 6 week beginners drawing class starting this Wednesday, the 16th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Call 296-4759 or for more information.)

And for the left brainers who are more interested in how it works than how it makes you feel, the Center is starting the “Geezer Geeks”. This is less a class and more a club where men and women (Are there geezer women?), the curious and the enthusiast can discuss and share what they have learned about computers, the Internet and other technological advances. What is Skype, Hulu or Google Voice? The first group meeting this Friday 11:00 – 12:00 downstairs in the computer lab.

With all the recent news about the flu, the Center has scheduled flu shots on Monday, October 5 and Tuesday, October 6th from 11 – 2 pm. The shots will be administered by MCMC’s Occupational Health department and will be upstairs this year. And this Wednesday at 11:00, Mary Catherine Clites of the public health department will discuss this season’s flu outlook and what you can do to protect yourself.

Tonight at the Center’s Tuesday Night Music, Truman Boler’s one-man Country Gold is performing and next week the Jazz Generations will be playing dance music of the big band era and more. Admission is always free but donations are warmly accepted.

The Next Chapter Lecture series is back and next Tuesday at 11:00, Lynette Black from OSU Extension Wasco County will discuss how you can prepare for any possible emergency particularly focusing on the needs of folks 60+. I don’t imagine we will have too many hurricanes or tornadoes in these parts, but there is always the possibility of power outages, fires and snow events. And as the Scouts say, “Be Prepared”.

Another month has passed and it’s that time again to enjoy a Saturday breakfast at the Center. The Center will open at 8:00 and serve until 9:30 for the late risers. This month’s delicious breakfast includes flapjacks, bacon, fruit and your favorite beverages. Enjoy good food, meet and chat with friends, old and new, and help support the Center. And as Jack always said, “Breakfast tastes better when someone else cooks it”.

We had the great response to last week’s question. And the winner was Ron Sutherland who correctly answered the last time Oregon State played in the Rose bowl was 1965 under coach Tommy Prothro. (I shouldn’t, but I will, remind my beaver friends that Oregon’s most recent trip to the Rose Bowl was in 1995). Continuing with the football theme, Who threw the winning pass in what many consider the most exciting football game in University of Oregon history, a three-touchdown rally at UCLA? To win a free breakfast this Saturday, be the first to call in your answer to 296-4788 or email it to

Well another day, another quarter. Until we meet again, as you follow your path, keep your head up but don’t trip over any of those darn rocks you often find in the way.

“Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.” old farmer from Fossil