For many of us, 50 is a faint distant memory – okay, maybe that’s just me! But looking back, have the years since middle age been what you expected? Retirement and years of nonstop leisure? And is there anything you wish you had known to prepare for your later years and that you would want to share with your adult children when they reach 50?
George H. Schofield, Ph.D. in his book How Do I Get There From Here? Planning for Retirement When the Old Rules No Longer Apply describes three overlapping life stages between 50 and old age that are not defined by age, but defined by the life situations each person experiences. By knowing these life stages, Schofield believes it can make it easier to deal with the expected and unexpected changes that will undoubtedly occur.
The first stage is New Freedom. Often this stage starts when you become an “empty nester”: the kids have moved out, and you have extra time, now that your life no longer revolves around the kids.
Or you have been at your job for some time and have met most of your career goals. You then realize there is more to life than your career, triggering a re-evaluation of your life’s priorities. But it can be disorienting and confusing, not knowing what to do with the extra discretionary time.
The second stage is New Horizons. You start feeling comfortable with the new freedom and begin to realize what you want to do with the extra time by learning more about yourself. What are you curious about? What do you want to learn? What do you want to be good at during this stage in your life? It could be starting a new career, working part-time doing something you truly enjoy, acquiring a new hobby, or returning to a hobby you had once enjoyed.
The third and final stage is New Simplicity. You’re tired of all the competing demands and have decided you no longer want to or no longer can handle all the complications in your life. It is just too much: too much house, too much yard, too much clutter, too many volunteer commitments, and too many dreams and goals that will never be realized. You start to take time to scale back.
Have you experienced any, or maybe all of these stages? Or are you like me, bouncing around in the third stage wondering if there is even a fourth stage: New Questions – “What is life all about?”
Brain Tease. One of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Healthy Habits for your brain is to challenge your mind. Last week I suggested using your non-dominant hand to do simple tasks. If you found that too easy, here is another challenge Try to carry on a conversation with a friend while saying every sentence backward and see if your friend can understand you. For example, instead of “How are you” you ask, “You are how”. Or “Do you think I’m crazy?” becomes “Crazy I’m think you do.” Your short-term memory can generally hold seven items, so keep your sentences short. And if they start walking away, shaking their heads, yell out “Brain your challenge also can this.”
The name of the Broadway musical based on T. H. White’s novel The Once and Future King is Camelot. It included a lyric President Kennedy was especially fond of, “Don’t ever let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was Camelot” which was written by Alan Jay Lerner, JFK’s classmate at Harvard. I received correct answers from Ken Jernstedt, Donna Mollet, Kathy Bullack, Judy Kiser, Bruce Johnson, David Liberty, Pat Evenson-Brady, Lana Tepfer, Dave Lutgens, Debbie Medina, Jess Birge, Kathy Smith, Rhonda Spies, Doug Nelson, Linda Frizzell, Eva Summers, Craig Terry, Ken Jernstedt, Nancy Higgins, and Jonnie Anderson this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.
This week let’s shift from Broadway to a 1967 anti-establishment film starring Paul Newman and George Kennedy. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the film in which a decorated war veteran is arrested for cutting down parking meters one drunken night and sentenced to two years on a chain gang where he clashed with the “Captain”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or return your answer with a carton of fifty eggs.
Well, it’s been another week talking too loud so I can hear what I’m saying to make sure it’s what I meant. Until we meet again, as the writer Dashiell Hammett once said, “You got to look on the bright side, even if there ain’t one.”
“The thing that’s important to know is that you never know. You’re always sort of feeling your way.” Diane Arbus, Photographer