Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well in the Gorge October 19th, 2022

A few of us are perennials always blooming, a few more are late bloomers and the rest of us are just hoping to bloom someday. Last July I wrote about one of the secrets of living life to the fullest from Connie Goldman’s book “Secrets to Becoming a Late Bloomer”: the secret of gardening. Another of her fourteen secrets is creativity.

Many people view creativity as a rare talent that few possess which allows these gifted individuals to create beautiful and imaginative paintings, songs, or stories. But Connie describes creativity in much broader terms, where every day we have the opportunity to look at a situation with “beginner’s eyes”; to see in fresh ways, with open and accepting minds. The National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones describes creativity in a similar way: everyday creativity is seeing the “extraordinary in the ordinary”. If you understand creativity in this broader sense, we all possess the ability to be creative. It is in all of us and can be expressed in many ordinary ways: a hobby, a personal relationship, or grandparenting. In all these everyday situations, we can see and engage the world with new eyes.

You can nurture your creativity by engaging in something you enjoy doing on a regular basis. It is when you are doing something you love that your creative spirit opens up. But as with anything important, it’s never easy. Every day remind yourself to look at situations, even the mundane, with fresh eyes and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. As Connie points out “Everyone knows that we can’t stay young forever; yet we can stay fresh, alive, and aware.”

So how about this idea? If you are retired, you can receive a license that gives you the right, without any questions asked and with no guilt attached, to pursue any “trivial pursuit” you had put off throughout your working career because of all those “adult” reasons.

This Trivial Pursuit License would allow you to explore your creative side by checking out the activities at The Dalles Art Center or the Columbia Center for the Arts, picking up a guitar and writing songs to sing in the shower, or just drawing with paper and pencil at the kitchen table every morning. Or other activities that may not be as creative: assembling model cars or planes, blowing bubbles at a street corner, (you may get some looks!), or building a fort out of Legos with your grandchildren – or without your grandchildren. But you may want to skip playing twister or spin the bottle. They just don’t have the same appeal anymore!

No matter what you decide, “trivial” activities are good for your mind, body, and soul. So take the time to do that something you’ve always wanted to do.

Brain Tease: Another Caesar Cipher which involves replacing each letter of the secret message with a different letter of the alphabet.

See if you can decipher this well-known Mae West quote.

“Brx rqob olyh rqfh, exw li brx gr lw uljkw, rqfh lv hqrxjk.”

This espionage thriller that ran from 1965 to 1968 starring Bill Crosby, the first African American actor in a lead role in a television series, and Robert Culp was I Spy. I received correct answers from Doug Nelson, Margo Dameier, Lana Tepfer, Keith Clymer, Rhonda Spies, Tina Castanares, and Kim Birge this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

We’ve had a comedy, and a spy thriller and now this week’s question is from another popular television genre that began in the late 50s and produced hit television shows such as Ben Casey and this show that ran from 1961 through 1966. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the television series starring Richard Chamberlain and Raymond Massey that told the story of a young intern working in a fictional large metropolitan hospital? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with the short story, “Internes Can’t Take Money” from the March 1936 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine where the character was first introduced.

Well, it’s been another week, deciding when to turn on the furnace. Until we meet again, as my doctor once told me, “Aging is not a disease”.

“If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?” Will Rogers

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through

Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River

Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center

(541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office

(509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior

Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Aging Well in the Gorge October 12th, 2022

How do you know it’s autumn? The leaves falling? The cooler mornings? The football hysteria? No, it’s a mailbox full of solicitations from Medicare insurance plans.

And why? Because October 15th is the start of the annual Medicare Open Enrollment period which continues through December 7th. Since each year the insurance companies can adjust their Medicare plans, the Open Enrollment period gives you a chance to decide if your Medicare plan is still the best option for you or if it’s time to switch to another plan.

To help decide, first take time to review your plan’s “Annual Notice of Change” (ANOC) which you should have received in September. It describes any changes to your current plan for next year. Then ask yourself the big three Medicare questions.

1.) Does your plan allow you to go to the providers you want including your pharmacy?

2.) Are your prescription drugs covered?

3.) How much does the plan cost?

If you’re satisfied with your current plan, you don’t need to do anything although you still may want to look for a better deal, especially if you have avoided the hassle of comparing plans over the past several years.

But if you aren’t satisfied with the changes, you will want to compare your current plan to other plans which can be frustrating, perplexing, and downright confusing. But remember all health insurance is complicated!

To compare the available plans in your county, you can visit and use the Medicare Plan Finder; study the “Medicare & You” handbook you received in the mail; call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) where help is available 24/7, or in Oregon you can visit the Oregon SHIBA website. (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance which is a federally funded, state run program.)

If you’d rather talk to someone face-to-face, you can meet with a private insurance broker who specializes in Medicare, or you can schedule an appointment with a trained impartial SHIBA volunteer counselor who will help you navigate your way through the Medicare system. To schedule an appointment, call 541-288-8341 in Oregon, 509-773-3757 in Goldendale or 509-493-3068 in White Salmon, and for Skamania County call the Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of Southwest Washington at 888-637-6060.

I know it takes time to review all the Medicare options: Original Medicare, Advantage Plans, Medigap, and prescription drug plans. But it is important that you understand your Medicare options so you can make informed decisions – both for your health and your pocketbook.

Well, I’m getting a little tired, and also frustrated, with the Lateral Thinking puzzles. So switching gears here is another brain tease for your mental enjoyment from the website

A Caesar Cipher is one of the simplest and easily cracked encryption methods. It involves replacing each letter of the secret message with a different letter of the alphabet. A hint: it’s also called the Caesar “Shift”.

See if you can decipher this Mel Brook’s quote.

“Bt mpoh bt if xpsme jt uvsojoh boe tqjoojoh xf’sf hpoob cf ejaaz boe nblf njtublft.”

The name of the 1968-1972 television show hosted by Dan Rowan and Dick Martin was Laugh-in. And the political candidate who asked, “Sock it to me?” was Richard Nixon. I received the correct answer from Linda Frizzell, Marlene and Keith Clymer. And those who also remembered Richard Nixon were Donna Mollet, Doug Nelson, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Margo Dameier, Mike McFarlane, Tina Castanares, and Nancy Higgins this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Jody Cochenour.

This espionage thriller ran from 1965 to 1968 and broke ground as the first American television drama starring an African-American actor in a lead role. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of the television series that starred two tennis bums/secret agents: Robert Culp as the international tennis player Kelly Robinson, and Bill Crosby as his trainer Alexander Scott?  Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with sweatshirts from Temple University and the University of Washington.

Well, it’s been another week, avoiding the tough questions. Until we meet again, keep a smile on your face.

“Whatever the limits are, you can always do a little more than you think you can, and you can get a certain pleasure out of that.” George Leonard

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through

Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River

Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center

(541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office

(509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior

Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: “As long as the world is turning and spinning, we’re gonna be dizzy and we’re gonna make mistakes.”

Aging Well in the Gorge October 5th 2022

Are you happy?

Since 2016, October has been celebrated as Gorge Happiness Month reminding us we can be happier and healthier by practicing the “Daily Three”.

1.) Gratitudes: Find time each day to list three things for which you are thankful. It could be a good night’s sleep, an absorbing book, or a visit from one of your grandchildren.

2.) Acts of kindness: It can be as simple as picking up three pieces of trash, enjoying a sunset, telling a good joke – or a really bad one. (What did the fish say when he ran into a wall? Dam!) You can also volunteer at a non-profit which most are always looking for new volunteers.

3.) Moments of Silence: Sit silently for just five minutes every day. Turn off the TV or radio which are often our familiar and constant companions and just sit still and observe your thoughts and all that is around you.

While we practice the “Daily Three”, what is often forgotten is that happiness doesn’t mean never being sad.

Helen Russell, author of How To Be Sad (2021) argues that we can’t be truly happy unless we acknowledge and embrace our sadness. “Studies show that experiencing temporary sadness, and allowing ourselves to sit with those feelings when they come, can counterintuitively make us happier.”

Sadness is an inevitable part of the ups and downs of the human experience. No one is immune to it. There is no vaccine to avoid it. Accepting there will be sadness in our lives, teaches us to see negative emotions as an inevitable part of our lives, so when we do experience sadness, we are less likely to dwell on it and more likely to deal with it.

Expecting to be happy all the time, leads to “toxic positivity” which can create an inherent sense of shame when we inevitably feel sad. And when we pretend we’re happy when we’re not, true happiness becomes harder to identify. Am I actually happy or just putting on a happy face?

Engaging in the “Daily 3”: saying thanks, expressing kindness, observing moments of silence – AND also allowing ourselves to be sad can lead to a happier life while making our community a better place.

For this month’s “Through the Eyes of an Elder” Trish Leighton interviews Bill Jones who is an example of resiliency: finding ways, with the support of his wife Adie, to work around the challenges he faces. It’s another great read.

After last week’s discussion of Circles of Care, I have been asked whether there is something similar in Klickitat County – and there is. Isaias Garcia is the Volunteer Services Coordinator for Klickitat Senior Services and he will be glad to answer any of your questions about volunteering or needing assistance. You can reach Isaias at 509-773-3757.

To challenge your brain here is another lateral thinking puzzle where you have to use an indirect and creative approach to discover the answer.

Brain Tease: A man who lives in a 30-story building decides to jump out of his window. He survives the fall with no injuries. How did that happen?

The name of the artificially flavored drink mix used by NASA on John Glenn’s Mercury flight was TANG. I received correct answers from Joann Gage, Anita Burris, Emmett Sampson, Diana Weston, Lana Tepfer, Margo Dameier, Donna Mollet, Dave Lutgens, Marlene & Keith Clymer, Rose Schulz, Rebecca Abrams, Molly Fauth, Rhonda Spies, and Elaine Kirby this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

From 1968-1972 one of the most popular television shows was hosted by Dan Rowan and Dick Martin. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of this show which gave us such memorable catchphrases as “Sock it to me” and “Here Comes the Judge”? And for those who find this question too easy, what political candidate appeared asking “Sock it to me?” Email your answers to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or send it on the back of a clean, crisp $20 bill.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to keep both hands on the steering wheel. Until we meet again, life is just one long continuous learning curve.

“Volunteering is at the very core of being human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.” Heather French Henry

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through

Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River

Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center

(541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office

(509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior

Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: He lives in a 30-story building, but he only jumped out the first-floor window.

Aging Well in the Gorge September 28th 2022

Well, it only took me six months to get to that third stage of retirement: Now What? I was finding the less I did, because there wasn’t anything I HAD to do, the less I felt like doing. But in life, you never know when a new door will open. So my wife and I are now job-sharing the community liaison position for Circles of Care in The Dalles and Hood River

You may have read about Hood River Circles of Care in this paper last week. As Amy Mallett, Executive Director of the Hood River Adults Center, pointed out, Circles of Care connects older adults with trained and caring local volunteers to help older adults stay in their homes and age with dignity.

Circles of Care’s trained volunteers can lend a hand in assisting with everyday tasks such as transportation, meals, errands, light cleaning, technology support, minor yard work, and household maintenance – and often most importantly friendly check-ins.

My mission as community liaison is to match an older adult with a volunteer. But that can only happen if there are enough volunteers.

So here is my pitch. Besides the rewarding feeling of personally assisting an older adult and often even becoming friends, being a Circles of Care volunteer allows you a wide range of flexibility. You choose how you would assist (several volunteers have chosen to share their musical talents during their regular check-ins); how often you would like to volunteer; or if you want to volunteer with others or would rather enjoy a one-on-one experience.

If you are interested in lending a hand and becoming a part of the Circles of Care community, go to the Age+ Circles of Care website where you will have the choice of volunteering in The Dalles or Hood River.

You will be asked to create a username and password so you can log on to your Myimpactpage. Once you have logged on, you will find the application page where you will complete a questionnaire that helps me know when and how you want to assist.

Also, if you or someone you know is interested in receiving periodic volunteer assistance, go to the same Age+ Circles of Care webpage and choose The Dalles or Hood River. If you have any questions, you can email me at or call 541-397-0724.

AGE+ is a statewide non-profit that developed Circles of Care as one of its initiatives to champion a new vision for successful and equitable aging for all Oregonians by empowering communities and linking generations to make longer life an opportunity, not a burden. But in simpler terms, I see Circles of Care as the embodiment of the good old American value of “neighbor helping neighbor”.

Brain Tease: This is a test of your lateral thinking. I had to kick myself when I looked at the answer.

A man rode into town on Monday. He stayed for three nights and then left on Monday.

How can this be?

The name of the cartoon character created in the 1930s and is associated with the classical comedic opera Barber of Seville in the Looney Tunes episode “Rabbit of Seville” was Bugs Bunny. I received answers from Donna Mollet, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, and Patty Burnet this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.  And last week I missed Mike Nagle.

When growing up, my family wasn’t into fine cuisine. I thought the only type of cheese was processed cheese which you had to cut with a wire.  And I never knew what butter tasted like until in my late teens. But we always had this artificially orange flavored drink mix at the breakfast table because it was the drink of the astronauts!

For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this drink

mix whose sales were poor until NASA used it on John Glenn’s Mercury flight in February 1962? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or send it with the video of Walter Cronkite reporting on the launch of the first American to orbit the earth.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to keep my balance on an uneven dance floor. Until we meet again, never deny who you are.

“Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.” Brendan Gill, writer

Nutritious home-delivered and in-person meals are available at noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

Seniors of Mosier Valley (541-980-1157) – Mondays and Wednesdays; Hood River

Valley Adult Center (541-386-2060); Sherman County Senior and Community Center

(541-565-3191); The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels (541-298-8333)

For meal sites in Washington, call Klickitat County Senior Services – Goldendale office

(509-773-3757) or the White Salmon office (509-493-3068); Skamania County Senior

Services (509-427-3990).

Answer: Monday is the name of his horse.

Aging Well in the Gorge September 14th 2022

Well, this hasn’t been a good week! On Saturday, the 3rd my cough started worsening, and to be safe I decided to take a COVID test. I wasn’t worried. I haven’t been infected with COVID and I didn’t even get it when my wife was sick from COVID. I figured my immune system was one part of my body that was working to full capacity. But you know where I’m headed. I did test positive! And it has been a very uncomfortable eight days: constant coughing fits, tiredness, loss of appetite.

I think I have finally turned the corner, but it has thrown my fine-tuned writing routine out the window. And worse, I kept telling myself if I’m too tired to write I can wait till the next day and the next day. And now here I am. I need to submit the column by Sunday which as I’m writing is tomorrow!

But I made it! And although this week’s topic is not one you would normally have on your list of conversation starters, it is important because it does affect many of us.

You may have had a “Gotta go, Gotta go!” moment – and from own my personal experience it can be embarrassing when you don’t make it. If you experience incontinence, you’re not alone. An estimated 32 million Americans have incontinence,

But what can you do? I found the report “Better Bladder and Bowel Control, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School” that you can access on the Internet. It offers a regular bladder workout that can tame incontinence without surgery. See what you think.

Doing more bladder training can go a long way toward helping with urinary incontinence. In simple terms, this workout strategy involves learning to urinate on a schedule and doing pelvic muscle exercises.

Here’s a step-by-step bladder-training method.

Keep a diary. For a day or two, keep track of the times you urinate or leak urine during the day.

Calculate. On average, how many hours do you wait between visits to the bathroom during the day?

Choose an interval. Set your starting interval for training so that it’s 15 minutes longer.

Hold back. On the day you start your training, empty your bladder first thing in the morning and don’t go again until you reach your target time interval. If the time arrives before you feel the urge, go anyway. If the urge hits first, remind yourself that your bladder isn’t really full,

Try pelvic floor exercises (also called Kegels), or simply try to wait another five minutes before walking slowly to the bathroom.

Increase your interval. Once you are successful with your initial interval, increase it by another 15 minutes. Over several weeks or months, you may find you can wait much longer and that you feel the urge less often. After four to eight weeks of improvement, you can reward yourself with a glass of wine before you start another diary.

Brain Tease. A man was walking in the rain. He was in the middle of nowhere. He had nothing and nowhere to hide. He came home all wet, but not a single hair on his head was wet. Why is that? Too easy again?

The two stars of the 1951 critically acclaimed film African Queen were Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. I received correct answers from Jess Birge, Margo Dameier, Lana Tepfer, Rebecca Abrams, Donna Mollet, and Rhonda Spies this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Patty Burnet and Margo Dameier.

It has been almost 40 years since the “Where’s the Beef?” commercial was televised and since then it has become a popular catchphrase. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what fast food chain introduced the phrase in 1984? And for bonus points what presidential candidate used the phrase in a 1984 Democratic presidential debate?  Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or send it with a Dave’s Combo.

Well, it’s been another week, coughing and sputtering. Until we meet again, as I’ve learned, it’s always a risk thinking it won’t happen to you.

I saw this Kurt Vonnegut quote on a t-shirt hanging in the Kurt Vonnegut Museum in Indianapolis that speaks to the value of art. “Practicing an art no matter how well or badly is a way to make your soul grow.”

Aging Well in The Gorge September 7th 2022

Ah, the body: the vehicle that used to attract young women with such ease, that could zig-zag through the backfield of the opposing team and catch passes with a single leap; and could stay up all night and still get to class in the morning – on time. Where, my friend, have you gone?

Now because of your wayward behavior, I have another part-time job: maintenance man. Unexpected trips to the hospital, doctors testing and poking me while losing any sense of modesty; often finding not an answer but several “it-could-be’s”; and then spending weeks worrying what the “could-be’s” could actually be! Body, you were once an asset and now it’s just “patch, patch, patch”.

But I haven’t given up on you – at least not yet. Even though you haven’t been kind, I will still do my part. I will keep moving, stay active, laugh with friends, and eat well. And then will you see the error of your ways? Or at least can we just be friends?

Okay, this comes under the category, “I just don’t understand”. If you text or email do you ever use those tiny symbols called emojis? Because I just don’t understand them! I mean I do understand the heart, the thumbs up and the smile which are the only ones I use but there are hundreds of emojis just of faces: partying face, winking face, thinking face, pleading face! And when do you use each one? I just must not have the emotional depth to make sense of all of them, and I just don’t want to get myself in trouble using the wrong emoji.

If you have the same difficulty and want to learn what an emoji means, I found the website Emojipedia that describes the meaning of each emoji. Then you can show your grandchildren you know what’s “in”!

Last week when I mentioned the important contribution of caregivers, Barbara Cadwell wrote reminding me that we should not forget the nurses who often work long hours under difficult situations. As with many occupations, there is a shortage of nurses but unlike most businesses, you can’t just reduce the hours you’re open. So, a belated Labor Day thank-you to all the nurses who make our lives better.

I had a great visit with my sister and brother. We visited the sites of Indianapolis including my first professional football game which was LOUD! I also learned some family secrets which my sister said I can’t share because by some wild chance you may know someone in the family – or more importantly know someone in law enforcement!

But I can share this riddle my brother told me. I didn’t know the answer but give it a try.

Brain Tease. How many seconds are there in a year? Hint: it’s not 31,536,000 seconds.

The thoroughbred racehorse that in 1973 won the Triple Crown while setting speed records in all three races was Secretariat. I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Doug Nelson, Barbara Cadwell, Lana Tepfer, Rebecca Abrams, and Diana Weston this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

And for the previous week’s question, those who remembered the Uncle Wiggly boardgame were Patty Burnet, who still had the game in her cupboard, Diane Lee, Barbara Cadwell, Rose Schulz, Donna Mollet, and Ang Harr that week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

I’ve watched the 1951 film African Queen several times and I still get the shivers thinking of the scene where the character Charlie Allnut climbs out of the river covered with leeches uttering those memorable words, “One thing in the world I hate: leeches. Filthy little devils.” For this week’s “Remember When” question who were the two stars of this critically acclaimed film? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or send it with the featurette “Embracing Chaos: Making the African Queen”.

Well, it has been another week, trying to remember what I wrote last week. Until we meet again, sometimes it is harder to realize the question than to find the answer.

“If I’m ninety and believe I’m forty-five, I’m headed for a very bad time trying to get out of the bathtub.” Ursula K. Le Guin, from her book No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters.

Posted by Scott McKay

Aging Well in the Gorge August 31st 2022

 Lily Tomlin once said, “Reality is the leading cause of stress – among those in touch with it.” And for those of us who have stayed in touch, we have experienced the various stresses in all chapters of our lives: in school worrying about exams and first dates, during mid-life while encountering family and work decisions; and now in this, our third chapter, worrying about personal health issues, caring for loved ones and facing the ultimate reality of death.

Although some stress can be beneficial, stress can have significant harmful consequences: insomnia, anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure – besides just ruining all the fun.

There are many steps you can take to relieve stress: staying socially connected, keeping physically active, and enjoying the natural beauty that surrounds us in the Gorge.

But according to Doctor Mike Evans who produced the short ten-minute video “The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Stress” (You can find it on YouTube.), the current research suggests the most effective treatment to manage stress is changing your thinking style.

He explains that stress doesn’t just happen to us, it passes through our brain. And our brain – that space between the action we experience and our response to what happens – is where we create the stress. In other words, it is our thinking that creates stress.

This idea is embodied in the 90/10 rule. Ten percent of how we do in life is based on what happens to us, but ninety percent is how we respond. And we have the ability to manage that ninety percent. (Although as I get older it feels more like a 70/30 rule.)

In the video, Dr. Evans explains in more detail how stress management can be learned through different techniques such as problem-solving, avoiding thinking traps, and reframing automatic thinking to healthier thinking patterns.

In particular, he points out the effectiveness of mindfulness training which combines increased self-awareness, breathing techniques, meditation, and letting go of distractions – being in the moment.

Okay Mike, let’s stop here. That sounds all well and good, but I and probably many others have found it isn’t as easy as you make it sound. There are many times I don’t feel like being in the moment. I’d rather be on a sandy beach on a warm sunny day in Hawaii. And my brain! It often seems to have a mind of its own and won’t listen to me.

But I get it and I’ll keep trying. I know as the famous American psychologist William James pointed out, “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another”. I just wish it wouldn’t be so difficult!

This coming Monday is Labor Day and I want to remind all of us how important caregivers are and how they are often taken for granted. They may be taking care of a spouse and loved one, providing in-home care, or working at a long-term care facility. The work is rewarding but can also be stressful and challenging especially during the COVID restrictions. The dedicated caregivers deserve a standing ovation!

Brain Tease: Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

The name of the classic juvenile American board game first introduced in 1916 and based on the children’s stories of an engaging elderly rabbit was Uncle Wiggly. Since once again I’ll be traveling – this time to my hometown of Indianapolis, (Isn’t retirement wonderful!), next week I’ll mention those who sent in the correct answer.

This thoroughbred racehorse thrilled America in 1973 when he won the Triple Crown setting speed records in all three races. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of this stallion regarded as one of the greatest racehorses of all time? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or send it with a video of the 1973 Belmont Stakes where he won by 31 lengths.

Well, it’s been another week, telling myself, “Yes, I can. Yes, I can”. Until we meet again, keep your light shining.

 “If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself you should say, ‘He obviously does not know me very well, since there are so many other faults he could have mentioned.’” Epictetus, Philosopher

Written by Scott McKay

Answer: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Aging Well in the Gorge August 17th 2022

Besides inflation and gas prices, the next biggest concern for many Americans is the cost of housing – and that includes for us older adults.

Like myself, many older adults have been living in their house for decades; not interested in moving except that there is just too much space. And then there is the hassle of fixing problems that always seem to pop up.  What I use to repair myself, I now want to hire professional help which is worth it but can be expensive – let me restate that, is expensive! So there comes a time to move and cash out that equity you have earned in your house.

Many older adults across the country are considering just that but have found it difficult to find affordable housing, but also finding housing that is accessible so they can continue to live there no matter their physical condition.

Although we may hate to admit it, most of us will need some level of accessibility if even for a short period. Because my wife and I are trying to sell our house, we moved into the downstairs apartment. But more importantly, we moved because after her hip surgery she needed a place that didn’t require climbing ten steps to get to the front door.

As with our house, most houses and apartments in the United States are designed for young, able-bodied adults (who will eventually get old!) and don’t meet the needs of older residents or people with disabilities. In fact, in much of the nation, most housing was built more than a generation ago to generally serve a population of traditional households consisting of two parents and at least two children.

But times have changed which has led to a new architectural standard: Universal Design – also called barrier-free design. Universal Design seeks to create environments and products that offer safety and comfort for all people with no need for adaptation or functional changes and are largely invisible to the casual observer.

When applied to housing, examples of Universal Design are: no step entrance from the sidewalk, rear patio, and garage; lever handles instead of doorknobs; hallways and doorways that are 36 inches wide or more; avoiding changes in floor height; lowered switches and raised receptacles so that they can be reached from a seated position;  and in the bathroom a walk-in shower, a wall-hung sink, and a 60-inch clear floor space for turning a wheelchair. Even though it costs very little more to build using Universal Design standards, barely one percent of the nation’s housing supply contains any “Universal Design” elements.

It is clear there’s a need for more affordable housing for all. But often overlooked when building both private and public housing is that for many, housing that is accessible is also critically important for now and in the future.

 Brain Tease: Unscramble the letters to reveal a quote by W.C. Fields.

“fi uoy actn zdaelz etmh tiwh becinrllai lafbef ehtm iwht llub.”

The name of the fictional cartoon band that recorded the number one single “Sugar, Sugar” in 1969 was the Archies. I received correct answers from Jeannie Pesicka, Kim Birge, Margo Dameier, Donna Mollet, Keith Clymer, Jim Tindall, and Jayne Guidinger who may still have the record she got from the back of a cereal box and is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

And I missed Sandy Haechrel who enjoyed seeing lightning bugs when vacationing recently in Minnesota; and Rose Schulz and Rebecca Abrams who remembered Jaws.

Red Foxx starred in this 1972-1977 television series as a 65-year-old widower and junk dealer living in the Watts neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this television series? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with one of the thirty-two “party” albums he recorded.

Well, it has been another week wishing for more rain and less wind. Until we meet again, always question but don’t let it keep you from acting.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

Aging Well in the Gorge August 10th 2022

 by Scott McKay

“There are only four kinds of people in this world: Those who have been caregivers, those who currently are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” Rosalynn Carter

And yet most of us are not prepared for the challenges of caregiving: caring for someone recovering from a stroke, someone with memory loss, or someone who needs support to continue living in their own home.

It’s difficult, challenging, and may continue for years but we carry on and learn by doing what needs to be done. But it’s not unusual for the caregiver to ignore their own health jeopardizing the care they can provide.

If you are a caregiver, you may be asking how do I take care of myself? How do I manage my emotions: the guilt, anger, and depression that often accompanies caregiving? How do I increase my self-confidence in coping with the demands of caregiving? And how do I find the community resources when I need support?

Powerful Tools for Caregivers ( can help answer those questions. It is a six-session class held once a week led by experienced class leaders.

The next class in Oregon is virtual and will be held at 2:00 on Tuesdays starting on September 13thsponsored by Community Connections of Northern Oregon. To register contact Kathy Ganung at or 541-963-3186.

It is hoped that more Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes can be held in person in the Gorge IF there are more trained leaders. To become a trained leader, GOBHI (Greater Oregon Behavioral Health Inc.) is offering a virtual training 1pm – 4pm, September 19th through September 23rd. That is 15 hours but if you have the time and are interested in helping others learn how to care for themselves while caring for others, it is worth it. The cost is $200 plus $30 for the book. If you want to register or if you have questions, email Britta Willson at The deadline to register is September 1st.

My wife and I are back home from our trip driving to California to spend time with our children – and thankfully missing the 100-degree heat. (We did feel a little guilty!) It was a great trip, but I did learn several lessons.

First, being away for eleven nights felt like four nights too long.

Second, you don’t need to worry about stopping every few hours to stretch your legs – your bladder will remind you.

And finally, and most importantly, if you’re going to use the Google Maps app for directions, make sure you know how to use it BEFORE you leave. Learning to use it while seeking the best route out of Bakersfield is not good for any relationship. Trust me!

Brain Tease: How do you make the number 7 even without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division? Hint: It’s not really a math problem.

To catch up on the “Remember When” question, here are the names of those who sent in correct answers from the last three weeks.

July 20th – Pentagon Papers: Pat Evenson-Brady, Lana Tepfer, Dave Lutgens, Doug Nelson, Rhonda Spies, Donna Mollett, Rebecca Abrams, and Steven Woolpert the quilt raffle ticket winner.

July 27th – Lightening bug or firefly: Scott Franke, Rebecca Abrams, Dave Lutgens, Margo Dameier, Deborah Medina, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Judy Hanson, Doug Nelson, Billie Maxwell, Chuck Rice, and Patty Burnet the quilt raffle ticket winner.

August 3rdJaws: Lana Tepfer, Rhonda Spies, and Donna Mollett and Doug Nelson who both remembered the fictional beach town was Amity Island and are this week’s winners of a quilt raffle ticket each.

This week’s question is a tough one – well, at least my wife couldn’t answer it. The bestselling single in 1969 was “Sugar, Sugar” outselling The Rolling Stones, The Temptations, and The Fifth Dimension. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this fictional cartoon band? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with their previous single, “Feelin’ So Good (S.K.O.O.B.Y-D.O.O)”,

Well, it has been another week, thankful for all the skilled and dedicated firefighters and support personnel. Until we meet again, it’s always good to be back in the Gorge.

“It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.” Andy Rooney 

Living Well in the Gorge August 3rd 2022

by Scott McKay

Were you ever called a “Fraidy Cat”? Unable to go to sleep without a night light. Or teased because you were too scared to watch Godzilla. Your imagination could run wild with all the “could be’s” and “maybe’s” – that monster could climb out from under the bed!

Fear. How many of our decisions are driven by this unpleasant emotion that often controls our lives? Afraid of seeing the doctor about a persistent cough, fearing the worse. Afraid of expressing what we really want to our adult children, because it may hurt their feelings. Afraid of starting a new activity because we might look silly or inept. Afraid of making an emotional commitment because it might not be shared – or last. And afraid of the unknown when an overzealous imagination conjures up only the worse that could happen. What are you afraid of that keeps you from doing what you want to do?

Our lives are full of fears. But it is important to distinguish between those things we are afraid of from those things that are truly dangerous. I may ride my bicycle along the Riverfront Trail, but I don’t think I will try a “backside heelflip” on a skateboard. And I will still use a step stool, but you won’t see me climbing thirty-foot ladders anymore. We are old enough to know where the line is between being fearless and just plain stupid. (Now let me point out that wearing a bright pair of lime green pants is not fearless or stupid – it is just showing really bad taste!)

Know the true risks. But don’t make your fear of what could happen make nothing happen. Because of our fears, we miss meeting new friends, starting new hobbies, or experiencing new adventures we never even imagined! Fear is a choice.

It takes tenacity and courage to move beyond our fears, to distinguish between the real dangers and the imagined, and to live our lives to their fullest, and although fear may be a passenger, don’t let it take control of the steering wheel.

To manage our fears, it helps to stay connected with family; enjoy the laughter and support of our friends, and plan and prepare for the “inevitables”. (I hate to remind you who are in denial, but we are going to get older; we are going to lose friends and loved ones; and someday, we will pass from this earthly existence – but hopefully not too soon!)

Life is too short to worry about how short life is; too short to play it safe and miss all the opportunities and possibilities. None of us know what is going to happen today or tomorrow, let alone ten years from now. But as we live with our fears, we can still embrace each day – while enjoying the dance as long as the music keeps playing.  April 2nd, 2013.

To read about Louise Palermo who lives with little fear and embraces each day with enthusiasm and heart, check out this month’s “Through the Eyes of an Elder”.

Brain Tease: Can you cut a cake into 8 pieces with three cuts?

The name of the flying insect that has a rear section that glows in the dark that many of us enjoyed catching during the summers was called a lightning bug in my home state of Indiana or a firefly in other parts of the country. I will mention those who sent in this week’s answers as well as last week’s answers next week.

This 1975 American thriller film directed by Steven Spielberg is the model for the summer blockbuster that we have come to expect. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this movie, and for bonus points what was the fictional name of the New England beach town where the movie was set? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with a map of Martha’s Vineyard.

“Fear is an insidious and deadly thing. It can warp judgment, freeze reflexes, breed mistakes. Worse, it’s contagious.” Jimmy Stewart

Well, it has been another week, watching the pelicans bob in the river. Until we meet again, enjoy the special gift of each other – nothing on this earth is forever.