Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well in the Gorge May 18th 2022

Do you use the Internet? According to a 2021 Pew Research survey, 75% of adults 65 and older said they were Internet users: emailing friends, following social media, accessing financial information, shopping online, or checking health information – all sensitive online information you want to protect.

There are many ways to increase your online security, Password Managers or Multi-Factor Authorization, but the first place to start is to make sure you have a strong password.

Most passwords are made up of letters, numbers, and symbols to confirm you are who you say you are—when you’re using a computer system. But it can be overwhelming trying to remember all of them!

So what do most of us do – or at least I do? We use the same password for all our online accounts. But you can see the risk. If someone steals your password for one account, they can access all your other accounts. Not good.

So what are some tips and tricks to create a strong unique password that can keep the bad guys away from your online information?

Use long password combinations consisting of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. They should be at least 12 characters long, although it is recommended to use ones that are even longer.

Your passwords should not be based on your personal information: a nickname, your date of birth, or your pet’s name.

And a good password should be unique for each online account.

Here is a good example of a strong password: X5j13$#eCM1cG@Kdc. But who is going to remember that? Not me!

To create passwords that are easier to remember and still strong try these suggestions.

Use the Sentence Method. Choose a sentence, phrase, or a quote and take the first letters from that phrase and add numbers and punctuation to generate a seemingly random combination of characters. For example: “One for all and all for one”: The Three Musketeers becomes 14A&A413Mu$keteers!

Use the Dictionary Method. Choose a few words from the dictionary and string them together along with numbers and symbols. You could use ocean, beach, wind, sand to create the secure password: Ocean%Wind7Beach/Sand4

And as I mentioned, your password should be unique for every account. So rather than creating a whole new password for each account, simply add a different code to your password. For example, building on the above password, your Apple account password would be Ocean%Wind7Beach/Sand4APPL and your Google account password would be Ocean%Wind7Beach/Sand4GOOG.

Finally, a couple of suggestions from personal experience. Make sure you set up your security questions for your most sensitive online accounts, so when you forget your password, which you will do, you’ll be able to answer the questions to create a new password. And make sure someone you trust knows where you keep your passwords in case something happens to you.

Data leaks happen every day, and the next one could have your password in it. To protect your online information, a strong password is your first line of defense.

Brain Tease: Find the third word that is associated with a given pair of words. For the words PIANO and LOCK, the answer is KEY. Enjoy.


The name of the competition where boys and girls would race down Akron, Ohio’s world-famous Derby Downs’ hill was the Soap Box Derby. I received correct answers from Billie Maxwell, Chuck Rice, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Maria Kollas, Keith Clymer, and Pat Evenson-Brady this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. 

This television series was a must-see for many of us when it aired on CBS from 1972 to 1983. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this war comedy-drama television series that included an ensemble of memorable characters: “Hawkeye” Pierce, “Trapper” John, Frank Burns, Margaret “Hot Lips” Houlihan, Henry Blake, “Radar” O’Reilly, Maxwell Klinger, and Father Mulcahy. Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with a DVD of the 1970 movie on which the television series was based.

Well, it’s been another week, avoiding the potholes of life.  Until we meet again, don’t let the rotten apples spoil your day.

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” Douglas Adams

Answers: Deck; Trunk; Pupil; Case

Aging Well in the Gorge May 11th, 2022

The Gorge has its unique beauty, history, and geology making it the wonderful place we call home. You can visit local art centers and museums, enjoy breathtaking vistas and recreational opportunities, and attend local events that take place every week. I wish I could mention all the exciting activities you could attend, but there just isn’t enough space.

But there’s always the exception, right? And this week I want to highlight three special activities in the Gorge that might appeal to us more mature adults – and you won’t have to spend hours fighting traffic in Portland to get there.

If you enjoy fine music, on May 15th, The Gorge Winds Concert Band is returning for their Spring Concert directed by Danny Schneider. The performance begins at 3:00 and doors open for seating at 2:30. It will be held at the Zion Lutheran Church (101 W 10th St, The Dalles). The suggested donation is $5.00 per person. Masks are optional but you will need to show proof of vaccination at the door.

If you appreciate the history and natural wonders of the Gorge, the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum will be celebrating its 25th anniversary with an all-day event on Saturday, May 21st. You are welcome to join the free festivities from 9 am. to 5 pm. A short commemoration ceremony will kick off the event. A ticketed salmon bake lunch will be offered from Warm Springs-owned Salmon King Fisheries and The Dalles’ Cobblestone Catering. Museum admission will be free for the day. Go to or call (541) 296-8600 ext. 201 for more information and to purchase salmon bake tickets.

And if you enjoy the wonders of gardening, Central Gorge Master Gardener Association is hosting their Garden Tour on June 18, from 9 am to 1 pm. The tour will feature four beautiful gardens in White Salmon. Each garden is full of lovely plants and unique features that bring enjoyment to garden owners and their visitors. A special educational focus of the tour will be growing fruits and vegetables at home. Tickets are $15 apiece and to purchase tickets or for more information go online at Tickets are also available at the following locations: Waucoma Book Store, Good News Gardening, and OSU Hood River Extension Office in Hood River, Dickey Farms in Bingen, Bloomsbury in Stevenson, or on June 18th you can purchase tickets at Rheingarten Park in White Salmon. And to request accommodations because of a disability, contact Megan Wickersham at 541-386-3343 (x38257) megan.wickersham@oregonstate.eduby June 10th.

So, mark your calendar. You don’t want to miss these wonderful opportunities during this merry month of May – and June.

In this week’s Brain Tease you must find the pattern that relates these numbers in order to find the missing numbers in the series.

1.) 2,6,14,26,42,?;

2.) 4,2,7,5,10,8,13,?;

3.) 1, 5, 13, 29, ?, ?.

The names of the anchors who hosted the nightly news program on NBC from 1956 through 1970 and signed off each night with “Good night, Chet. Good night, David. And good night, for NBC News.” were Chet Huntley and David Brinkley. I received correct answers from Mike McFarlane, Stephen Woolpert, Sam Bilyeu, Betsy Ayres, Chuck Rice, Lana Tepfer, Rhonda Spies, Kim Birge, Rebecca Abrams, Patty Burnet, Dave Lutgens, Doug Nelson, Linda Frizzell, and Maria Kollas this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

The idea for this competition came from a Dayton, Ohio newsman who in 1933 came across a group of boys racing their homemade cars in the summer. From those humble beginnings, thousands of boys and girls from eight to twenty raced their unpowered cars down Akron, Ohio’s world-famous Derby Downs’ 989-foot hill relying completely upon gravity. For this week’s “Remember When” question what is the name of this annual competition? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with two tickets to Senior Day on August 11thwhen older adults can live their childhood fantasy of racing down Derby Downs Hill.

Brain Tease answer: 1.) 62; 2.) 11; 3.) 61 and 125

Well, it’s been another week, looking for the right answer behind every closed door. Until we meet again, there’s something to be said for just staying calm.

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours” Swedish Proverb 

Aging Well in the Gorge May 4th 2022

 Every May, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. It began in 1963 when President John F. Kennedy and members of the National Council of Senior Citizens met to address the growing concerns of America’s 17 million individuals ages 65 and older. At the time, one-third of all seniors lived in poverty with few social programs available to help support them. 

To raise awareness of the problems facing seniors and to honor them, then-President Kennedy and the Council proclaimed May as Senior Citizens Month.  Two years later, in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Older Americans Act of 1965 and formally declared May as Older Americans Month.

The theme for this year is “Age My Way,” recognizing how older adults are taking charge of their health, getting engaged in their communities, and making a positive impact in the lives of others in both large and small ways.

But “Aging My Way” doesn’t just happen. Well, it can but the result isn’t always what you would hope. To grow older the way you want, the Administration on Community Living suggests four common areas to consider.

Planning: You never know what future challenges and also opportunities you will find which makes it difficult to plan. But it is important to start thinking about what you will need and want. For example, do you plan to live in your own home for as long as possible? Are there health considerations where you may need in-home assistance at some time? Do you want to travel to exotic places – or maybe non-exotic places?

Access: If you plan to stay in your home, what home improvements and modifications can you make to help you better age in place? AARP has published online a HomeFit Guide that examines ways to make a home aging-friendly by modifying exits, kitchens, living rooms, stairs, bedrooms, and bathrooms thus making your home a better “fit”.

Engagement: How are you going to stay involved and contribute to your community? Working, volunteering, attending church? The contributions of older adults are essential to the health of any community.

Connection: How are you going to stay connected to combat the number one threat to your health and wellbeing: social isolation. The community centers for older adults in the Gorge are a great resource. They offer activities and can refer you to resources you may need.

By planning, making your home age-friendly, staying involved in your community, and staying socially connected, you can “Age Your Way” and enjoy the many years ahead.

This week’s Brain Tease may be too easy but try it on for size. 1) In the dead of winter, you are in a house with only one match. There is a gas lamp, a fireplace, and a wood stove. Which would you light first?

The name of the television series where Martin Milner and George Maharis traveled the back roads of America in their 1961 Corvette convertible was Route 66. I received correct answers from Jeannie Pesicka, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Diana Weston, Jess Birge, Keith and Marlene Clymer, Patty Burnett, and DeAnn Orand this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

In the1950s the nationally televised news programs were in their infancy – only fifteen minutes long until 1963 when the evening news expanded to thirty minutes every weeknight. The competition was tight between Walter Cronkite on CBS and the two newscasters on NBC. For this week’s “Remember When “question, what were the last names of the two anchors who hosted the nightly news program on NBC from 1956 through 1970 and signed off each night with “Good night, Chet. Good night, David. And good night, for NBC News.” Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with a recording of NBC’s coverage of the 1956 national political conventions.

Brain Tease answer: match

Well, it’s been another week, wondering why everything has to be so complicated! Until we meet again, even at our age it is good to heed the advice Christopher Robin gave Winnie-the-Pooh, “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” Will Rogers


Aging in the Gorge Aparil 27th 2022

 Last January I shared ideas about how to downsize including the different categories of items you might want to get rid of: the “just in case”, “maybe-someday”, “might-be-valuable” and “maybe-my-children-will-want” items.

While deciding what to clear out is difficult enough, I have found another challenge. Can you and your spouse agree? What is obvious to me to eliminate has sentimental value for her and the opposite is true. So, we have kicked the can down the hall and created another category “haven’t decided yet” which has allowed us to maintain our 47 years of marriage – at least so far.

My wife and I are making progress “decluttering” if you don’t count 80 banker boxes of stuff stored in the basement. The plan is to move into our small basement apartment which we’ve been painting, scraping, and installing countertops and sinks – and asking ourselves, “Why are we so tired?”

But all the remodeling has given me less time to write this column. so as I’ve done before when time is short or the well is dry, I looked for something I wrote in the past to revise.

So, here is an amusing test of your critical thinking skills I found on the Internet back in 2018 which you probably don’t remember, at least I don’t because I couldn’t answer a single question correctly – again!

There are only four questions with explanations, but you’ll have to put your logical thinking skills on the back burner and think outside the proverbial box.

1. The Giraffe Test – How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? Stop and think about it and decide on your answer before you move on.

The correct answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

2. The Elephant Test – How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Did you say, Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the refrigerator? Wrong Answer.

Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant, and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.

3. The Lion King Test – The Lion King is hosting an Animal Conference. All the animals attend … except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: The Elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there. This tests your memory.

Okay, this is your last chance before you have to pick up the phone to schedule your appointment. Think!

4. The Crocodile Test – There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it?

Correct Answer: You jump into the river and swim across. Haven’t you been lis-ten-ing? All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Conference. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

So how did you do? Are you still mentally on top of your game? If you couldn’t answer any of the questions correctly, don’t worry. According to Anderson Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals tested got all the questions wrong. But don’t feel too relieved. They also tested preschoolers and found most children answered at least one question correctly!

The name of the comedian who performed on stage and in several movies with his brothers, Chico, Harpo, Gummo, Zeppo, and hosted the comedy quiz series You Bet Your Life was Groucho Marx. I received correct answers from Steven Woolpert, Rhonda Spies, Dave Lutgens, Kim Birge, Margo Dameier, Keith and Marlene Clymer, and Donna Mollett this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. Did I miss anyone from last week?

Did you ever have the dream of finding adventure traveling across the back roads of America in a 1961 corvette convertible? For this week’s “Remember When “question, that was the basic plot of what television series starring Martin Milner and George Maharis that aired from 1960 through 1964 on Friday nights? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with a map of the Will Rogers Memorial Highway.

Well, it’s been another week pretending to know what I don’t. Until we meet again, as the Beatles once sang, “Let it be”, or as the philosopher farmer from Fossil would say, “Don’t interfere with something that ain’t bothering you none.”

“I intend to live forever or die trying.” Groucho Marx


Aging Well in the Gorge April 20th 2020

 Because many have been asking, I told my wife I was going to write about retirement, and she said, “You’ve been retired for only 7 weeks! What do you know?”

Well, actually, not much. But I have learned this transition hasn’t been easy. I have mixed emotions. My north star has vanished and I often feel directionless. And yet I have the freedom to do more of what I want to do – if I can figure out what that is!

I no longer have my familiar routine: waking up, taking my pills with breakfast, going to work, coming home, taking my pills with dinner, going to bed. Now I have time to read the newspaper instead of skimming through it; do the things I once thought were unimportant as learning how to use the remotes for the TV, and I don’t have to hurry to complete a project on the weekend. I can wait till Monday. But what more can I expect during my retirement years?

I found on the Wildpine retirement community website, the five common stages of retirement that many retirees encounter. Tell me if you’ve experienced any of these stages.

The first stage is Pre-Retirement or “I can’t wait!”. This stage is filled with excitement and anticipation, but often also with worry and doubt, as you imagine what your new life will be like both emotionally and financially. 

The second stage is “This is great! I can do anything I want!” During this honeymoon phase, you can rest and relax with time to travel, pursue your hobbies, and catch up with family, old friends, and even your spouse if both of you are now retired.

The third stage is “Now what?”. The retirement honeymoon is over, and you feel something is missing. You start searching to find what gives your life purpose and meaning.

The fourth stage is “Who am I?” This stage is often considered the most challenging: creating a new identity that provides a meaningful purpose in your life. You may pursue a new passion such as painting, or volunteering, or some older adults have even started a small business.

The last stage is what I call “Life is good”. It may be fifteen years after retirement, but you’ve settled into a stable, simpler, and relaxing lifestyle that is fun and rewarding. Only if your body would cooperate!

Everyone experiences retirement in their own way. For myself, I seemed to have skipped the honeymoon and immediately went to the “Now what?” stage. But whatever has been your experience, I hope you have found retirement to be the best of everything you imagined.

This week’s Brain Teaser spun my brain around so many times I couldn’t stand up. See how well you can do. “The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday. What day is it today?”

The name of game played on a large plastic mat with six rows of large colored circles that was a national phenomenon in the late 60s and is still sold today is Twister. I received correct answers from Steven Woolpert, Millie Baumgartner, Jeannie Pesicka, Rhonda Spies, Patty Burnet, Kim Birge, Marlene Clymer, and Lana Tepfer who believes we may be past playing Twister anymore (at least I am) and is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

Many young people may recognize Karl more than this entertainer considered to have been a master of quick wit. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the comedian who performed on stage and in several movies with his brothers and hosted the comedy quiz series You Bet Your Life? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with a portrait of Margaret Dumont.

Answer: Friday. The “day before tomorrow” is today; “the day before two days after” is really one day after. So, if “one day after today is Saturday,” then it must be Friday. Got that?

Well, it’s been another week, looking out for what I can’t see. Until we meet again, don’t live as if you’re eating soup with a fork – going through all the motions but getting little out of life.   

“I have the worst memory ever, so no matter who comes up to me – they’re just, like, ‘I can’t believe you don’t remember me!” I’m like, ‘Oh Dad I’m sorry!’ – Ellen DeGeneres

Aging Well in the Gorge April 13th 2020

We’re in a technological revolution from Smartphones to Roomba robot vacuum cleaners. But for us who have not grown up with all the advances in technology, it can be daunting. (My pocket calculator in high school was a slide rule.)

First, there’s all the unfamiliar terminology: touchpad, mouse, router, browsers, phishing. And then there are the different computer operating systems: Apple, Google, and Microsoft. And once you understand one thing, it is “improved” – and you must relearn it – again!

Because it’s so overwhelming many of you have decided not to dive in. But you have friends who are enjoying the swim and now you might want to learn more about how to purchase a computer; how to use Zoom to see and talk with your grandchildren; or how to protect your personal information so you can bank online safely.

But where do you begin?

To assist older adults in utilizing the benefits of technology and avoid the dangers, GOBHI’s Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative is partnering with Senior Planet powered by Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP to offer innovative classes designed for adults 60 and over. The lectures and courses will be led by trained instructors and held at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center.

The classes will begin with a series of five weekly lectures on Thursdays from 2:00 – 3:15: “Smartphones” on April 14th; “How to Choose a New Computer” on April 21st; “Protecting Your Personal Information Online” on April 28th; “All Things Zoom” on May 5th; and “How to Spot Fake News” on May 12th

The weekly lectures will be followed by a five-week Chromebook Essentials course from 2:00 – 3:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting Tuesday, May 17th.

This course will cover the essentials of how to use a Chromebook – a popular type of laptop that is great for beginners who just want to use the internet. (Thanks to Google in The Dalles for donating ten Chromebooks for the class.) If you’re interested in any of the lectures or the Chromebook Essentials course call (541) 296-4788 or email Britta Willson at

If you can’t attend the classes, you can go online to the Senior Planet website to register for many of their virtual classes. And for technology questions, Senior Planet offers a Tech Hotline at 888-713-3495 between 6am and 2pm.

By using the Internet and other technologies we can change the way we age. We can connect with friends, participate in art and movement classes, attend public meetings, and advocate for causes important to us. So dive on in. Just make sure you avoid the rocks!

This week’s brain tease is more of a brain challenge. When I swim laps, which I enjoy but can be reaaaaally boring, I play this mental game you can try anytime, anywhere. I start by memorizing the seven days of the week in alphabetical order, then the first ten digits in alphabetical order, and finally the twelve months of the year. I’m proud to say I can recite them all alphabetically – but unfortunately only when I’m swimming!

The name of the police drama that aired on NBC from 1968 through 1975 and followed Los Angeles Police Department officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed was Adam-12. I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Jess Birge, Rose Schulz, Lana Tepfer, Keith Clymer, and the winner of a quilt raffle ticket Gary Van Orman who in 1972 was an actor in an episode of Adam-12. And last week I missed Susan Ronning and Joyce Jennings.

This game of physical skill was a national phenomenon in the late 60s. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of “the game that ties you up in knots” played on a large plastic mat spread on the ground with six rows of large colored circles with a spinner telling you where to place your hand or foot? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with the May 3, 1966 episode of the Tonight Show when actress Eva Gabor played the game with Johnny Carson.

Well, it’s been another week, asking, “Now what?”. Until we meet again, as I tell my kids, there is a reason we have two ears and only one mouth.

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” Rabindranath Tagore 

Aging Well in the Gorge April 6th 2022

 In her book “Secrets of Becoming a Late Bloomer”, Connie Goldman discusses many secrets for living life to the fullest: attitude, risk-taking, humor, creativity, and forgiveness. But she also included one secret, you might not normally consider but appropriate at this time of the year: gardening. There are the external mechanics of gardening, but the value for late bloomers (and those of us who are still waiting to bloom) are the internal rewards: the opportunity for self-expression; a chance to see the beauty of the natural world; and experience the rhythms of birth, change, death and birth again. Gardening can provide a source of healing and renewal; a haven from the noise and clutter of the mechanical world and a place to contemplate our inner world; and for many a chance to be closer to God. Connie describes gardening as nourishment for the heart and soul.

Many have experienced those inner rewards. I have been tempted. I have looked inside that window and felt the attraction of gardening, but for many reasons, I haven’t walked around and gone in the front door or even the back door. Some have a green thumb. I have a brown thumb. I can hear the plants screaming when I come near. I have forgotten to water and have overwatered. I have allowed zucchini to grow three feet long and tomatoes, well, I never had much luck with tomatoes. But weeds I know well. They don’t need special efforts or even much rain to survive (during the dry summer if it weren’t for the green weeds my yard would look like a brown shag carpet). It may seem odd but maybe there is a reason for weeds: to remind us of nature’s ability to keep coming back; of nature’s resiliency – even though they are such a pain in the backside. And maybe that is what life is about.

In this month’s “Through the Eyes of an Elder”, Sheila Ford Richmond shares her love of gardening and the connection to the natural world.

This week’s Brain Tease to tickle your grey cells.

Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?

.dad dna mom sulp ,nerdlihc evif gnikam ,rehtorb eno ylno evah srethguad ruof ehT .neveS

Because of my past column about video games, I decided to try two video games: Sega’s Sonic Racing and NBA 2K22. And I found out, “They’re hard to learn!” (But then maybe I should read the instructions – if I could find them.) It reminded me that it takes time and persistence to learn a new skill – and I realized I may have the time but not the persistence.

I’m more comfortable, although not any better, with word games. I just started playing what is apparently the latest craze, or at least it was, the word game Wordle which I’ve enjoyed. So whatever suits your fancy, video games, word games, or just a new card game with friends, enjoy the rewards of learning something new.

Hot off the wire. The Gorge’s own Amy Mallett, director of the Hood River Valley Adult Center, was awarded the Local Service Provider Champion Award at the National Senior Nutrition Program 50-year Celebration. Congratulations to Amy for her dedication to improving the health and well-being of older adults in the Gorge.

The individualized reading kits composed of boxes filled with color-coded cardboard cards that included a reading exercise and questions were SRA Reading Labs. (Science Research Associates). Several answered the tough question: Kathy Gay, Rhonda Spies, Jim Lindell, Doug Nelson, and Carolyn Bondurant who all win a quilt raffle ticket.

I just learned this television show is a childhood favorite of Rob Garrett, the new director of the Mid-Columbia Senior Center. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what is the name of the police drama that aired on NBC from 1968 through 1975 and followed Los Angeles Police Department officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrolled the streets of Los Angeles. Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or drop it off while driving a 1968 Plymouth Belvedere.

Well, it’s been another week, feeling the optimism that comes with spring. Until we meet again, don’t let the wind blow you over.

“A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.” Doug Larson

Aging Well in the Gorge March 30th 2022

 Ah, sleep: nighttime bliss when you escape from your daily worries, refresh your body and mind, and star in a nonsensical dream – waking up wondering what did that dream mean?

But it’s only bliss if you can get a good night’s sleep.

As we age, many health issues can interfere with our sleep: anxiety, depression, pain such as arthritis, medication’s side effects, bathroom runs, insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome. It’s a wonder we ever get a good night’s sleep. It is estimated between 40% and 70% of older adults have chronic sleep issues which can significantly interfere with their daily activities and reduce their quality of life.


So what can you do to help get a good night’s sleep? Here are a few tips from the Sleep Foundation.

Exercise: older people who exercise regularly fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and report better quality of sleep.

Reduce bedroom distractions: televisions, cellphones, and bright lights.

Avoid substances that discourage sleep: alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and even large meals late in the day.

Develop a bedtime routine and follow it. Include relaxing activities before bed such as a warm bath or reading. (I can’t get past four pages before falling asleep.)

Avoid napping after 3:00 pm, although before 3:00 some experts suggest that a “short” daytime nap may be beneficial – thank goodness!

Keep your bedroom at a temperature comfortable for you, and hopefully comfortable for your spouse also.

And the last one I will add, find a partner who doesn’t toss and turn all night. Fortunately, my wife hasn’t asked me to sleep in a separate bed – yet.

While getting a good night’s sleep, you also want to be safe. You might want to try these suggestions.

Keep a telephone by the bed: It’s important to be able to call for help from your bed.

Make sure a light is within reach that is easy to turn on.

Reduce fall hazards in the bedroom: rugs, cords, and furniture.

It is also recommended to put a glass of water next to your bed in case you wake up thirsty. But I’d use a capped bottle of water. I’m not the most coordinated in the middle of the night and I would surely knock over the glass.

Most people should get between seven and eight hours of sleep a night for the health of their mind and body. And besides, you don’t want to wake up tired and irritable all because of a poor night’s sleep

This week’s Brain Tease. Name 6 or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter “S.”

Answers: .stlits ,sgnikcots ,seohswons ,setaks ,siks ,sreppils ,srekaens ,sladnas ,skcos

The actor who in his first leading role starred in the “Dollars Trilogy”, the low-budget spaghetti westerns, was Clint Eastwood. I received correct answers from Lucile Stephens, Billy Maxwell, Sam Bilyeu, Tina Castanares, Doug Nelson, Rose Schulz, Kim Birge, Lana Tepfer, Dave Lutgens, Julie Carter, Gene Uczen, Steven Woolpert, and Dan Williams this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.  Last week I missed Gene Uczen and probably a few others.

I have received a few comments from certain individuals that the weekly question is too easy. Well to show them, here is a question I remember vividly from my grade school that I’m not sure if anyone else will. (You need to know my dad was a grade school principal.)

In 1957, this publisher of educational materials created individualized reading labs for grades schools composed of boxes filled with color-coded folded cardboard cards and each card included a reading exercise and questions. If you were successful answering the comprehension questions, you would move to the next color in the box. For this week’s “Remember When” what was the name of these reading kits. (Hint: It is a three-letter acronym for the company that created the reading kits.) Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or mail your answer written on the back of a check made out to Scott McKay for $10. (I’m not greedy!)

Well, it’s been another week, and still upright. Until we meet again, instead of what woulda, coulda, and shoulda happened, dream about what will, can, and shall happen.

“My mother told me to follow my dreams, so I took a nap.” Unknown

And one more.

“The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won’t get much sleep.” Woody Allen

Aging Well in the Gorge March 23rd 2022

 Senior Living March 23rd,2022

“There are only four kinds of people in this world: Those who have been caregivers, those who currently are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” Rosalynn Carter

What has been your experience? Caring for a spouse 24/7? Caring for your mother living in another state? Taking care of your grandchild? It can be tremendously rewarding but also extremely challenging – especially emotionally: a mix of exhaustion, guilt, and resentment while balancing your caregiving with everything else in your life.

To maintain your health and well-being, the “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” class offers a variety of tools and ideas. The class is being offered virtually using ZOOM so you won’t have to leave your home which is difficult for many caregivers. The class meets from 1 pm – 2:30 pm every week for six weeks starting Tuesday, April 12th. Registration is required and the deadline is March 28th. To register, go online to; scroll down to “Find an Upcoming Caregiver Class” and follow the directions to where you can click on the April 12thclass. There is a $30 requested donation to pay for the book: Caregiver Helpbook: Powerful Tools for Caregivers. If you have any questions, call Britta Willson at (541) 256-4623 at Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (GOBHI).

In the class, you will find support and share ideas. But if the class doesn’t fit your schedule, you can go online to the same website and scroll down to the bottom where you can purchase the Caregiver Helpbook.

Whether you were, are, or will be a caregiver, here are a few of the many “how’s” you’ll learn so you can take care of yourself whenever you are caring for someone else.

1. Take responsibility for your own health and well-being and learn how to manage your self-care.

2. Have realistic expectations. Wanting to be a good caregiver can create unrealistic expectations which can lead to a feeling of failure resentment and guilt.

3. Focus on what you can do and cannot do. Seek solutions for what you can change.

4. Communicate effectively with others: family members, friends, healthcare professionals, and the person you are caring for.

5. Listen to your emotions. Don’t deny your feelings or strike out at others. You are in control.

6. Get help when you need it. Know when to ask for help and where to find it. Without waiting till the last moment.

7. Set goals and work towards them.

If you are caring for someone and trying to “do it all”, I would encourage you to register for the class or purchase the book. “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” offers ways to maintain your health by reducing stress, improving self-confidence, better communicating feelings, increasing your ability to make tough decisions, and locating helpful resources. To take care of someone special, you need to take care of yourself.

Since I wrote about brain health last week, I thought I would follow up with a brain tease that was past my IQ level. See if you can do any better. And this time I’m going to make you work a little harder by spelling the answer backward.

There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left in the basket?

.ti edisni llits gge tsal eht htiw teksab eht koot nosrep tsal ehT

The best-selling fiction writer of all time who wrote 66 detective novels between 1921 and 1973 and sold over two billion copies was Agatha Christie. I received answers from Doug Nelson, Donna Mollett, Jeannie Pesicka, Mike McFarlane, Katherine Schlick Noe, Rose Schulz, Julie Carter, Lana Tepfer, and Jayne Guidinger this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

Among the most popular spaghetti westerns of the 1960s was the “Dollars Trilogy” beginning with the low-budget A Fistful of Dollars directed by the Italian filmmaker Sergio Leone. For this week’s Remember When” question, who was the star in his first leading role and who was paid only $15000? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send it with “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” soundtrack which included the theme song by Hugo Montenegro which became a hit single in 1968.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to take it sloooooow. Until we meet again, don’t pick a fight with a grizzly bear holding a shotgun.


Living Well in the Gorge March 16th 2022

For some reason, the brain thinks it’s the most important organ in our body. No other organ must have a special week. There’s not a Kidney Awareness Week, or Liver Awareness Week. But there is Brain Awareness Week which this year is March 14ththrough March 18th.

Brain Awareness Week was founded by the Dana Foundation to better understand our brains through brain science research so as older adults we can continue to enjoy our later years. Another independent leader in understanding the brain is SharpBrains whose focus is tracking health and performance applications of brain research. As with the Dana Foundation, their website offers fascinating information about the brain including a list of ten lifestyle activities to help maintain and improve your brain health – which my brain is selfishly telling me to share with you. It is an abbreviated version – since we all have things to do and people to meet.

1. Better understand your brain. “It will serve you well to appreciate your brain’s beauty as a living and constantly-developing dense forest with billions of neurons and synapses”. If you want to imagine you’re back in school, Dana Foundation has lessons about the brain for grades K-12.  

2. Eat well. The “brain only weighs 2% of body mass but consumes over 20% of the oxygen and nutrients we intake.”

3. Exercise. “Things that exercise your body can also help sharpen your brain”. And anything is always better than nothing.

4. Be positive. “Stress and anxiety, no matter whether induced by external events or by your own thoughts, actually kills neurons and prevents the creation of new ones. You can think of chronic stress as the opposite of exercise: it prevents the creation of new neurons.” So now I can stress about being too stressed!

5. Engage in Mental Challenges. “The point of having a brain is precisely to learn and to adapt to challenging new environments. Challenge your brain often with fundamentally new activities”. 

6. Aim high. “The brain keeps developing, no matter your age, and it reflects what you do with it.”

7. Explore and travel. “Adapting to new locations forces you to pay more attention to your environment. Make new decisions, use your brain.” So getting lost is a good thing?

8. Think for yourself. “Make your own decisions, and mistakes. And learn from them. That way, you are training your brain, not your neighbor’s”.

9. Develop and maintain stimulating friendships. “We are social animals and need social interaction”. 

10. Laugh loud and often, “especially to cognitively complex humor, full of twists and surprises”. Did you hear about the man who put on a clean pair of socks every day of the week? By Friday he could hardly get his shoes on. Okay, that may not count as complex humor.

In a nutshell, to keep your brain happy, practice the four components of good brain health: physical exercise, a balanced diet, stress management, and brain exercise.

Did you remember to turn back your clocks on Sunday? Before phones and clocks that automatically change the time, you could tell who hadn’t adjusted their clocks by who arrived at church an hour late.

The name of the two-dimensional sports game that simulates table tennis introduced in 1972 (That’s fifty years ago or worse yet a half a century ago!) and became the first successful video arcade game was not Ping but Pong. I received answers from Dennis Morgan, Jeannie Pesicka, Rhonda Spies, Donna Mollett, Rebecca Abrams, Keith and Marlene Clymer, Gene Uczen, Rose Schulz, Dave Lutgens, Doug Nelson, and Lana Tepfer this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And those who I know I missed last week were Linda Frizzell and Maria Kollas.

During my grade school days, I enjoyed reading the Hardy Boys mysteries but never heard of this prolific mystery writer. For this week’s ”Remember When” question, who was the best-selling fiction writer of all time who wrote sixty-six detective novels between 1921 and 1973 and sold over two billion copies? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or send with two tickets on the Orient Express.

Well, it’s been another week, checking my pillbox to know what day it is. Until we meet again, just because you are wandering, doesn’t mean you are lost – as I often tell myself.

“If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.” Steven Wright