Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well in the Gorge May 8th 2018

Americans are living longer and healthier. And to celebrate this good news, the month of May has been designated Older American’s Month. This year’s theme is “Engage at Every Age” because you are never too old (or young) to find a new direction that can enrich your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. But which way do you want to go?
Well, you might go in the direction of a new career – maybe something part-time that allows time for trips and the grandkids. A good starting point is enrolling in a free Purpose Workshop to help you unwrap your unique gifts and talents. The next Blue Zones Project Purpose Workshop is on May 16th at the Riv Café (401 E. 10th St) from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. You can RSVP at
Or maybe you want to go in the direction of discovering or rediscovering your creative side: learn how to drum on a barbecue grill; enroll in a watercolor’s class at The Dalles Art Center; or take voice lessons – whatever fits your fancy. Also at the Center on Wednesday, May 23rd you can participate in a Theatre Play Table Reading of one act plays and skits facilitated by Kerry Cobb. No experience is necessary – just a desire to have fun. Call the Center to register because the class is limited to 12.
Or how about going on a quest to explore new and old ideas by taking free online classes such as those offered by Khan Academy or Coursera. Or take a class at CGCC such as the 11-week class, English 202 Shakespeare: The Later Plays starting on June 27th.  As with many classes, you can audit the class and discounts are available for Oregon Seniors. Email for more information.
Or follow the footsteps of many others and volunteer: using your years of experience to serve others.
“Engaging at Every Age” by exploring new directions can be fun and rewarding. No matter what direction you choose, pursuing a new interest will help keep you happy, healthy, and connected.
Older people have been the backbone for several local capital improvement projects: The John and Jean Thomas Children’s Wing for The Dalles/Wasco County Library, the Center’s Elevator Project and the Civic Auditorium. But one community need that remains is a Youth Center that will “provide a positive, affordable and safe place for youth and those organizations which seek to help young people develop into physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy adults”.
Joe Martin and others have been working faithfully to make this dream a reality. And this coming Saturday, May 12th at 11:00, everyone is invited to celebrate and dedicate the “Future Home of the Gorge Youth Center” – another step towards making The Dalles a friendlier community for all ages.
Last week I didn’t mention the speaker for the May 9th Wednesday Lecture and there’s a reason. There won’t be one. Instead from 10:00 – 12:30 the Oregon Alzheimer’s Association will present a two-part class: The Basics and Effective Communication Strategies.
Then on May 16th at 11:00, I will lead a discussion about what you would want to tell your federal, state and local elected officials about issues affecting older people. And on May 23rd as I mentioned last week, Dr. Reardon will be discussing Total Joint Replacements.
Roger Daltrey, Peter Townshend, John Entwistle and Keith Moon were members of the band Who – known for smashing guitars and recording the 1969 classic rock album Tommy. (I received correct answers from Don McAllister and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket, Dave Lutgens.)
This week’s “Remember When” question is an easy one, but I hope it brings back memories of that special car from back in the day. What was the name of the affordable sports coupe (advertised list price of $2,368) with a long hood and short deck; and was Ford’s fasting selling car since the Model A? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop if off with a photo of the car when it was introduced at the 1964 New York World’s Fair.
Well, it’s been another week, trying to keep my hat from being blown off. Until we meet again, no matter how far down the road you are, sometimes it’s best to turn around.
“Your power to choose your direction of your life allows you to reinvent yourself, to change your future, and to powerfully influence the rest of creation.” —Stephen Covey

Aging Well in the Gorge May 1st 2018

I can’t imagine anyone who hasn’t been affected by Cancer – whether themselves or through a friend of relative. But the American Cancer Society is working to change that. You can help by supporting Relay for Life which raises money for the American Cancer Society and brings communities together to remember lost loved ones, and honor survivors of all cancers.
This year the Relay for Life event will be held on Saturday, June 30th at the Hood River County Fairgrounds – and the Mid-Columbia goal is to raise $60,000 before then. (You can find more information online by googling Mid-Columbia Relay for Life.) In the meantime, there will be other fundraisers including an All Relay for Life Parking Lot Sale at the Center on Saturday, May 5th from 8:00 – 3:00.
At the Cherry Festival Breakfast, one of the Center’s beautiful quilts was raffled off. (And thanks again to everyone who made the breakfast possible: the volunteers, Boy Scout Troop #395, The Dalles Chamber of Commerce, and our sponsor Cherry Heights Living). But another quilt is willing and waiting, and you can see it on display at the A’s Sewing Shoppe at 422 E. 2nd, The Dalles. It was quilted by one of the Center’s Quilters, Diana Thomas, during the Cake Mix Quilting class (don’t ask me what that means.) So when you’re downtown, check out the quilt and A’s Sewing Shoppe which has provided dependable sewing machine services and vacuum repair for over 37 years.
And what always occurs on the first Saturday in May? The biggest Wasco County Family Reunion – which we know as The Wasco County Pioneers Annual Meeting. The 96thannual meeting will be held at the Readiness Center with registration beginning at 9:30 and lunch at 11:30. During the annual meeting which starts at 1:00, the 2018 Pioneer Man and Woman will be honored; and Cal McDermid, Fort Dalles Museum director, will be giving an update on the Surgeon’s Quarters and the Anderson House.
How can you increase public support for policies and practices that promote a robust, healthy, age-integrated society? One way identified through extensive research is to change the conversation about aging. For the 11:00 Wednesday Lecture on May 2nd, I will be discussing new ways to talk about aging that reduces stereotypes and increases the inclusion of older people in our communities.
You may have noticed, I haven’t mentioned the speaker for May 9th – because, well, I’m still trying to figure that one out. But a little further down the highway on May 23rd at 11:00, Dr. Reardon, one of MCMC’s Orthopedic Surgeons, will discuss total joint replacements: when to consider and what to expect.
As we live longer, total joint replacements are becoming more common. We see that at the Center where three to four times a week someone borrows a piece of medical equipment to help recover from hip or knee surgery. And for those who may not know, the Center’s loan closet includes walkers, wheelchairs, shower benches, toilet seat risers, canes and more. But the availability varies, so I would suggest calling to see if we have what you need. There is no cost for borrowing the equipment because we understand many folks are on limited incomes. But if you can afford to donate, the suggested donation is $10.00.
The name of the Rod Serling created series where “You’re traveling through another dimension” was The Twilight Zone. (I received correct answers from Dave Lutgens, Jesse Birge, Darlene Marick, Susan Ortega, Kathy Schwartz, Lana Tepfer, Ed Anghilante, Don McAllister, Virginia McClain and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket, Carol Earl.)
Since my mom grew up with the Mills Brothers, Harry James and Frank Sinatra, she couldn’t understand why the musical groups I listened to had such foolish names: The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, the Animals, Mamas and Papas and the band called just – The Band. So for this week’s “Remember When” question, what band, whose name is more appropriate for a basic journalism class, was known for smashing guitars on stage and writing the 1969 classic rock album Tommy?  Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop if off at the Center while singing with youthful rebellion “My Generation”.
Well, it’s been another week, trying to lower the bar to help others over. Until we meet again, don’t let the gravy drown the mashed potatoes. 
“He has achieved success who has worked well, laughed often, and loved much.” Elbert Hubbard

Aging Well in the Gorge April 24th 2018

They’re coming! They’re coming! No, not the Russians, but the new Medicare cards which are starting to be mailed out this month and will continue to be mailed on a rolling basis over the next year. To be prepared, there are several details about the new cards you should know according to the website.
First, what you probably already know. 1. Your new card will have a new Medicare Number that’s unique to you, instead of your Social Security Number. That will help protect your identity. 2. Your new card will not affect your Medicare coverage and benefits. They will stay the same. 3. Only give your new Medicare number to your health care providers, your insurers, or people you trust to work with Medicare on your behalf. (If you ever suspect identity theft, report it to the Office of the Inspector General at and visit the website
What you may not know. 1. People who are enrolling in Medicare for the first time will be among the first to receive new cards. 2. Your new card will automatically be sent to you. But if your address is not current, you will need to update it by visiting your Social Security account at 3. Once you receive your new Medicare card, destroy your old Medicare card and start using your new one right away. 4. If you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan, keep your Medicare Advantage Plan ID card. It is still your primary card for Medicare and is the card you will continue to use whenever you need care. However, you should also carry your new Medicare card since you may also be asked to show it.
If you are one who doesn’t like surprises and would like to know when to expect your new card, visit and sign up to receive an email when Medicare starts mailing the new cards to Oregon enrollees.
The good news is with all the stories about the fraudulent use of stolen Social Security numbers, the new Medicare cards are another step in protecting you from identity theft.
This Saturday The Dalles will be bustling with “out of this world” activities. And to start the day off right, why not stop by the Center and enjoy an Extraterrestrial Breakfast from 8:00 – 9:30 sponsored by the Center’s neighbor to the north – Cherry Heights Living. The menu includes French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage patty and fruit – as well as the regular beverages. The cost is $6.00 and $3.00 for children twelve and under. And make sure to stay for the coronation of the Cherry Festival Royalty – and the raffle drawing for a beautiful quilt hand stitched by the Center’s amazing quilters.  
The subject of the Center’s 11:00 Wednesday Lecture on April 25th will be the School District 21 Construction Bond that will be on the November ballot. The presentation will give you an opportunity to ask questions about this innovative funding approach to modernize D-21 school facilities. And for the Wednesday Lecture on May 1st, I will be discussing new positive ways to talk about aging that reduces stereotypes and increases the inclusion of older people in our communities.
The name of the actress who played Peter Pan in the first full-length Broadway production seen on color TV was Mary Martin. And the Australian born actor who portrayed Captain Hook was Cyril Ritchard. (I received correct answers from Dave Lutgens, Kim Birge, Lana Tepfer, Jim and Betsy Ayers and the winners of this week’s quilt raffle tickets, Don and Linda McAllister.)
Another classic from the Golden Age of Television was a television series created by Rod Serling that ran from 1959 to 1964 on CBS. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of this series where “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop off your answer with a copy of the episode “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street”.
Well, it’s been another week, looking both ways before taking a leap of faith. Until we meet again, one advantage of running around in circles, is you get your exercise.” 
“I have perceiv’d that to be with those I like is enough.” Walt Whitman

Aging Well in the Gorge April 17th 2018

It seems as if every national organization or cause has designated a week or day to recognize their efforts. For example, this week is “Spring Astronomy Week”, “National Pet ID Week”; and I just have to mention “Interstate Mullet Toss Weekend” which has become one of the biggest beach parties on the gulf coast; raising money for local youth charities by seeing who can toss a dead mullet (a fish, not a dead guy with an ugly hairstyle) the furthest across the Florida-Alabama state line. Who would have thought!
But I digress. This week is also “National Volunteer Week” – a time to recognize the invaluable role of volunteers, many over 60, who are the fuel for much of the good that is accomplished in our communities. People being engaged, whether volunteering at their church, a service club or non-profit, visiting friends at a care facility, or by keeping an eye on their neighbor – because one of these days, their neighbor may be keeping an eye on them – is what makes our communities strong and vibrant.
But you may feel volunteering is uncomfortable. Like me, you may be afraid of “messing up”, although I’m getting use to that. Or you might be worried about taking on too much responsibility. Or afraid of “volunteer creep” when a one-day a week commitment turns into three and you wonder, “How did that happen. I’m retired!”
But volunteering is a win-win. Besides helping your community, by volunteering you can make new friends; learn new skills; enjoy a new challenge, and of course, have fun!
If you currently aren’t volunteering or would like to volunteer more, I guarantee there is a place that can use your skills and abilities. And for all of you who are already volunteering in either large or small ways, you deserve a big THANK-YOU!  
Besides volunteers, every non-profit I know needs financial support – and Habitat for Humanity is no exception. Tomorrow, April 18th you can enjoy a delicious assortment of pizza, pasta, salad and bread at the annual Habitat Pizza Feed from 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM PDT at Spookys. Tickets are $14.00 for ages 14 and over, $ 9.00 for ages 7 to 13, and $ 4.00 for ages 6 & under. You can purchase tickets at Klindt’s Booksellers or the Habitat Restore on West Sixth. Proceeds will support Habitat’s good work building affordable housing in the Mid-Columbia.
These days if anyone asks for my opinion or advice I often respond with “It’s complicated … and I’m confused!” You may feel the same when reading about the D-21 School Construction Bond that will be on the November ballot.  
To help answer your questions and resolve any confusion, there will be a school construction bond presentation at the Center on Wednesday, April 25that 11:00. I encourage you to learn more, so however you finally decide to vote, it will be based on a clear understanding of the construction bond measure and not any misconceptions.
The name of the basketball player who was a 12-time NBA All-Star; the first player in NBA history to average a triple-double for a season; and was known as the Big “O” was Oscar Robertson. (Those who turned in correct answers by Friday were Don McAllister, Jess Birge, Dave Lutgens, Tiiu Vahtel, Bob Haechrel, Jerry Phillips, Lee Kaseberg and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket: Rhonda Austin.)
On March 7, 1955, during the first “Golden Age of Television”, NBC presented Peter Pan live. It was the first full-length Broadway production seen on color TV which attracted a then-record audience of 65-million viewers. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was the actress that played Peter Pan? And for bonus points, what Australian actor played Captain Hook? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop your answer off with a picture of J.R. Ewing and his mother.
Well, it’s been another week, trying to find my part in the next act. Until we meet again, as Ashleigh Brilliant once said, “It’s not easy to find yourself slowing down in a world that’s speeding up.”  
“A volunteer is a person who can see what others cannot see; who can feel what most do not feel. Often, such gifted persons do not think of themselves as volunteers, but as citizens – citizens in the fullest sense; partners in civilization.” President George H.W. Bush
Menu for The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels dinners served at noon in Betty’s Diner at the Center.

Aging Well in the Gorge April 10th 2018

When I was growing up, my family always played cards when we went camping. The four of us would play Hearts, Pinochle, and the family favorite Euchre – which we still play whenever the McKays get together. (And if you would like to play Euchre, call the Center and we’ll see if we can get a group started.)
But that was before the advent of video games. Now according to an AARP sponsored study, 38% of adults aged 50-plus are gamers and what might seem surprising, 40% of women are gamers – more than the 35% of men. There are a variety of games available from shoot ‘em up adventure and fantasy games to tamer but challenging logic and puzzle games which you can play on your computer or video game console such as an Xbox. Nowadays you can even team up with out-of-town family members or friends to compete against players around the world. Pretty amazing.
But if you aren’t into video games or you want to see and know who you are playing against, you can choose from a variety of non-video games at the Center. They include Mahjong (Fridays at 1:00), Bunco (third Tuesdays at 1:00), Dominoes (Tuesdays at 1:00), and the Center’s most popular game Pinochle (Thursdays at 1:00 and Fridays at 6:00). All these games are open to players of any age and to beginners – which we all were at one time. The cost varies. Most of the games are $1 per person, but Thursday Pinochle is $2 and Friday night Pinochle is $6 of which $5 goes into the pot which is paid back to the winners. Come by and check them out.
You know it really is spring when the grass is tall enough to mow and Bruce and Lori Harris from Today’s Rays stops by the Center to turn on the irrigation system. A big thank-you to Bruce and Lori for their continued support of the Center.
What would it be like to ride a motorcycle from Portland to Panama City, then ride from Bogota, Columbia south to Ushuaia, Argentina (which considers itself the southernmost city in the world) and back north to Buenos Aries? I have no idea – except I know my rear end would be sore! But you can find out at the Center’s next Wednesday lecture on April 18th starting at 11:00 when Ron Carpenter will show videos of his 17,000-mile motorcycle trip through South America. (If you want a glimpse of his trip beforehand, search BlackdogGS on YouTube.)
The name of the television comedy, first aired in 1952, that featured the real-life Nelson family was Ozzie and Harrietwith their children David and teen idol Ricky Nelson. (I received correct answers from Alice Mattox, Don McAllister, Lana Tepfer, Sandy Haechrel, Lucile Stephens, Jim Ayers, Sharon Hull and the winners of a quilt raffle ticket: Jeanne Pesicka who served Ricky Nelson when he performed at the Shamrock in 1985 and Darlene Merrick who owns an album autographed by Ricky Nelson. And once again I missed a couple folks, so a quilt raffle ticket goes to both Cheryl Green and Jim Ayers.
Now that the men’s and women’s NCAA basketball championships are over, it’s time to start down the road to the NBA championships. In Indiana, where I grew up, basketball was king (anyone see the movie Hoosiers?), and one of the all-time greatest NBA players attended high school in my hometown of Indianapolis. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who played in the NBA for fourteen years; was a 12-time All-Star; the first player in NBA history to average a triple-double for a season; and was known as the Big “O”. Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop your answer off with a 1956 Crispus Attucks High School yearbook. (And if you know the answer don’t procrastinate. Now that the Chronicle is mailed, I need to finish my column by the end of Friday.)
Well, it’s been another week, trying to remember what’s next on the to-do list in my head. Until we meet again, as Tom Graff reminded me, “Always make sure you put your socks on the right feet!”.  
“Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” Henry James

Aging Well in the Gorge April 3rd 2018

We all know walking is one of the best exercises, but why is walking with a group such a good idea when you can walk by yourself at any time you want?
On reason is that “any time” you want often becomes “no time” at all. I’ve been telling myself for the last two years I need to start lifting weights at home. But have I started. Nope! Having others to walk with gets you going when your “going” doesn’t want to go.
Another advantage is you develop closer relationships. When I use to run with my running buddies (before my knees stopped cooperating), there wasn’t anything to do when we ran but talk (and avoid the occasional skunk), so we filled the time sharing stories we wouldn’t think of sharing with anyone else.
So why don’t you join a walking group that fits your speed and schedule? You can call Taylor Smith at 541-705-5346 to join one of the local Blue Zones Project’s Walking Moais’. Or call North Central Public Health District at 541-506-2600 to learn about their “Step It Up” walking groups.
But if you are a cancer survivor or a friend or family member, consider attending the Kick-Off for “Step It Up! Survivors” walking groups which will meet at the Celilo Cancer Center’s Atrium (1800 E. 19th St) on Thursday, April 5th from 12:00-12:30. Sign up to walk, receive a welcome kit and learn how regular physical exercise can reduce cancer-related fatigue. Then on the following Wednesdays, you can join one of the 30-minute Wednesday Walks leaving the Celilo Cancer Center at 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 4:45 p.m. Or you can join the Second Saturday Hikes which will be longer and locations will vary. You can call 541-296-7585 for more information.
The Dalles Art Center will be hosting the opening reception for their April Art Exhibition “People, Places and Critters” featuring the work of Judy White, Adah Iverson, Diana McElheran and Dawn Elle on April 5th from 5:00 – 7:00. Come and be inspired by our local artists.
Several weeks ago, I wrote about the national effort to create Dementia Friendly communities. As part of that effort, the Dementia Friendly Gorge Initiative, GOBHI and Aging in the Gorge Alliance are bringing to the Gorge the educational program “The Challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease” on April 11 @ 1:30 PM in the GOBHI Training Room at 401 E 3rd Street, The Dalles. The event is open to anyone interested in learning more about Alzheimer’s and Dementia. To register contact Kris Boler 541.397.0548 or
Last week I mentioned the Center is starting its Wednesday Lecture Series on April 4thwhen the Mid-Columbia Community Action Program (CAP) will show you how to save energy and money in your home. And you can take home a free energy savings kit!
But I have also scheduled two more lectures – or what may be more aptly described as travelogues of places far, far away. On Wednesday, April 11 at 11:00, Sandy and Bob Haechrel will show slides of their fascinating trip to Vietnam and what has and hasn’t changed since the Vietnam War. And then at 11:00 on April 18th, Ron Carpenter will show his slides and explain what it was like to travel through South America by motorbike.
The name of the 1960’s television series that followed the adventures of four young men trying to make a name for themselves as a rock ‘n roll band was the Monkees. (Lucile Stephens’ (which she reminded me her name has only one “l”) was close with her answer, the Beatles – whose movie A Hard Day’s Night was the inspiration for the television series. But I received correct answers from Sandy Haechrel, Walter and Rosemarie Lutz, and the winner of a quilt raffle ticket: Lana Tepfer. And another quilt raffle ticket goes to Alice Mattox who I missed last week.)
For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the television comedy, first aired in 1952 and featured the real-life Nelson family at home dealing with everyday problems. Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a recording of the 1958 number one hit, “Poor Little Fool”.
Well, it’s been another week, watching the temperatures rise. Until we meet again, don’t let your first step be your last.
“Finally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am.” Thomas Merton

Aging Well in the Gorge March 27th 2018

Who do you call if you have questions about services and supports for older adults? One of the agencies you could have called was the Region Nine Area Agency on Aging (AAA) which served Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam and Wheeler counties and was administered by the Mid-Columbia Council of Governments (MCCOG).
But because of the dissolution of MCCOG, on February 1st the local office of the State Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) began temporarily administering many of the Region Nine AAA programs.
Area Agency on Aging (AAA’s) are essential in providing critically important supports for older adults such as in-home care through Oregon Project Independence, SHIBA’s Medicare counseling, caregiver supports such as “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” classes, and funding for community nutrition programs.
To continue to provide these services, it was announced last week that The Community Action Program of East Central Oregon (CAPECO) has been designated as the Area Agency on Aging to serve the Region Nine area. CAPECO is an I-84 neighbor, currently administering the AAA in Umatilla and Morrow counties and providing many other services to Gilliam and Wheeler Counties as the Community Action Program serving that area.
The local APD office will continue administering the AAA program during the transition to CAPECO which should be completed by September 1, 2018. These transitions can be difficult, but the good news is the local APD is learning more about AAA programs so in the future, there will be better coordination in supporting older adults in the region.
Although this may all seem confusing, (but, hey, you’ve learned five new acronyms to impress – or bore – your friends!), if you are interested in learning more about how the selection of CAPECO will affect AAA services in our region, I would encourage you to attend the public meeting APD will be holding at the Center on April 2nd starting at 1:00.
Its Spring! – and the activities at the Center are popping up faster than the daffodils in your garden.
On Wednesday, March 28th (which is tomorrow for those who don’t need to know what day of the week it is because every day is the weekend!), Kerry Cobb, Executive Director of Columbia Art Center, will lead a class on coloring for adults from 1:00 – 2:30 PM. Create, socialize, and enjoy the meditative relaxation of coloring pages from stunningly beautiful coloring books created by adults for adults.
At the Center on Wednesday, April 4th from 11:00 – 12:00, Mid-Columbia Community Action is offering a class on “Saving Energy (and Money) in Your Home”. Besides learning how to identify and reduce your home’s top energy wasters, you’ll receive a free energy savings device to take home.   
The Center has scheduled Nehemiah Brown to perform three times this year thanks to The Dalles Health and Rehabilitation Center’s financial support. Nehemiah’s first performance will be on Friday, April 6th before and after the noon lunch provided by Meals-on-Wheels. With a buttery smooth voice, Nehemiah sings pop, country, and gospel standards from the 50’s and 60’s. There is no cost, but you are welcome to enjoy lunch for a suggested donation of $3.75 for anyone 60 and over or $5.00 for anyone under 60.
The western themed American television series that was a Saturday morning staple in the 50’s and 60’s; and featured an Arizona rancher who flew a Cessna 310B named “Songbird” was Sky King. (No one sent me a Signalscope, but I did receive correct answers from Sandy Haechrel, Lucille Stephens, Don McAllister, Dave Lutgens and the winner of a free quilt raffle ticket, Ed Anghilante.)
I remember going down to my dorm’s rec room at Purdue University to watch this innovative comedy that aired from September 1966 to March 1968. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this series that followed the adventures of four young men trying to make a name for themselves as a rock ‘n roll band? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop it off with one of Michael’s wool hats.
Well, it’s been another week, enjoying the hints of warmer weather to come. Until we meet again, if you can, do.
“When you have grown still on purpose while everything around you is asking for chaos, you will find the doors between every room of the interior castle thrown open, the path home to your true love unobstructed after all.” St. Teresa of Avila
Menu for The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels dinners served at noon in Betty’s Diner at the Center.

Aging Well in the Gorge March 20th 2018

Yeah, it’s finally spring! I know I’m supposed to appreciate the special beauty of winter, but I just can’t help feeling relieved when spring finally returns. But there is one downside. With the arrival of spring, my wife has this Pavlovian response to clean the house. Usually I have resisted, but this year it’s going to be different. For some reason, I feel it is time to “declutter” my stuff while I still have the energy and mobility.
But maybe the real reason is I read a special report called “Want to declutter your life? Here’s How” on the Next Avenue website which has inspired me to think, “Maybe I can do this.”
In the report, Heidi Raschke describes her “decluttering boot camp” – reading four books about decluttering in four weeks and applying them to her own life. From each of the books, she discovered decluttering tips of which I have listed a few of them below. And if you want to learn more, check out the four books or go online to
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. 1. Tidying “in one go” doesn’t mean one weekend — it’s a six-month endeavor. 2. Once an object has done its job, it’s time to let it go. 3. There’s no one-size-fits-all perfect amount of stuff. 4. Surround yourself only with objects that spark joy and get rid of the rest (which scares me because I’m afraid my wife will look at me, won’t see any “joy” and then toss me like an old musty book!)
Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind and Soul by Ruth Soukup. 1. Say no to consumer culture. 2. Focus on making your home warm and welcoming rather than picture-perfect.
The Joy of Less by Francine Jay. 1. Getting rid of big items, such as furniture, is a great way to kick-start your decluttering. 2. Go room by room with bags and boxes, sorting everything into trash, treasure and transfer piles. 3. Create limits for everything you own. Then when something new comes in, something else goes out. 4. Clutter becomes invisible. Leave your house, and when you return look at it with fresh eyes. Note how you feel and decide if you like what you see.
The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own by Joshua Becker. 1. There is no right amount of stuff; “unneeded” is in the eye of the beholder. 2. Admit you own too many clothes. 3. Focus on quality, not quantity. 4. By reducing what you have, it can free you from acquiring and managing stuff, so you have more time to purse what you really care about.
But most importantly, which everyone overlooks, make sure you have a good friend who lives a cluttered life, so when you need that item you threw away, you know who to call!
I don’t think anyone in their right mind would say health insurance is simple. It’s not. So before you turn 65, you should learn the when’s, what’s and how’s of enrolling in Medicare. A good place to start is the Medicare 101 class which will be held on Tuesday, April 10th from 9:00 – 1:00 at The Dalles CGCC campus. To register call 541-308-8211 or go online at
Frank Sinatra recorded JFK’s presidential campaign song which was written to the tune of the 1959 hit single “High Hopes”. (I thought I would stump everyone, but I received correct answers from Jim Ayers, Dave Lutgens, Laura Albrecht and the winner of a quilt raffle ticket, Jody Cochenour.)
This western themed American television series ran from 1951 through 1954 with reruns continuing though 1966 on Saturday mornings. The lead character was an Arizona rancher and aircraft pilot who lived with his niece Penny on the Flying Crown Ranch, and assisted Sheriff Mitch. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of this pilot who would fly “out of the clear blue western skies” in his Cessna 310B? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a Signalscope which included a glow-in-the-dark signaling device, whistle, magnifying glass, and private code.
Well, it’s been another week, pulled in so many directions I often feel six inches taller and 3 inches wider. Until we meet again, don’t always take the easy way out.
“I make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes.” Sara Teasdale

Aging Well in the Gorge – March 13th 2018

Have you found you are just not interested in most of your parent’s stuff? And neither are your children.
Times change, and styles and tastes change accordingly. (I’m still waiting for my suede coat with the big lapels to come back into style.) For example, these days depression era furniture has little value, while quality mid-century modern furniture is popular.
Also our lifestyles have evolved. My wife and I are trying to downsize and we don’t need any more stuff. And my children? Because of the high cost of housing where they live, they have adapted to living in a small space – and shopping at Ikea is their new norm. (A visit to my daughter usually means at least an afternoon of “bonding” by assembling Ikea furniture.) And when was the last time you used your fine china or silverware?  Even for Thanksgiving dinner, the “good stuff” is seldom brought out.
Recently, I read “Sorry. No One Wants Your Parent’s Stuff” by Richard Eisenberg on the website Next Avenue. He offers the following tips on how to help “unfurnish” your parent’s place – and possibly yours as well.
1. Get started while your parents are around. Learn the stories behind their stuff. It can make a difference whether you want to keep it or not. 2. If you are trying to sell the items, give yourself plenty of time to find buyers. 3. Do an online search to see whether there’s a market for your parents’ furniture, china or crystal. 4. Get the jewelry appraised. There may be a treasure in your mother’s jewelry box. 5. Look for a nearby consignment shop or a person who liquidates estates. 6. See if someone locally could use what you inherited. 7. Download the free “Rightsizing and Relocation Guide” from the National Association of Senior Move Managers which can be found on their website. 8. And finally be prepared to be disappointed. That prized set of china your parents bought when they were newlyweds may not be worth much at all.
One of my frustrations is that children get to have all the fun. They can play with Legos, read comic books and color in coloring books. Well, I don’t have any Legos, but you can join Kerry Cobb, director of the Columbia Center for the Arts, for her class on coloring. This is your chance to create, socialize, and enjoy the meditative relaxation of coloring by coloring pages from stunningly beautiful coloring books created by adults for adults. The class will be held on Wednesday, March 28th from 1:00 – 2:30 at the Center.  
The next Blue Zones Purpose Workshop will be held Monday, March 19th at the Center from 5:30 – 7:30. The Purpose Workshop will help you identify your strengths and talents, so you can make a difference where you live and work – and by doing so, “add years to your life and life in your years”.
The Center was the location for this year’s MCMC Health Foundation’s Tradition of Compassion Awards. And seeing all the amazing individuals and businesses recognized for their good work, strengthens my pride in this community. But more importantly, their recognition can inspire us to continue doing what we can to make our communities a stronger and healthier place to live.
In 1962, Marilyn Monroe sang a sultry “Happy Birthday” to John F. Kennedy for his 45th birthday. (I’ve found one advantage of NOT being charismatic or good looking – there are fewer temptations!) I received correct answers from Susan Ortega, Kim Birge, Louise Wooderson, Ed Anghilante, Jim Ayers, Sharon Hull and this week’s winner of a free quilt raffle ticket, Sam Bilyeu.
But some thought last week’s JFK question was too easy, so for this week’s “Remember When” question I’m raising it a few notches.
Hubert Humphrey ran against John F. Kennedy in the 1960 Democratic presidential primary. But he found it frustrating because of Kennedy’s many glamorous friends including Frank Sinatra who recorded Kennedy’s presidential campaign song written to the tune of what 1959 hit single? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a DVD of the movie A Hole in the Head.
Well, it’s been another week hoping for the good to come and the bad to go. Until we meet again, take some time to decide what you really want.
“Confidence is the feeling you sometimes have before you fully understand the situation.” Anonymous

Aging Well in the Gorge March 6th 2018

What do most of us have in common? A pill box of assorted medications? We’re a little slower but smarter? A sense we’ve all been through this before? Well, yes. But what we also have in common is most of us have visited the Emergency Room at least once during the last ten years. In fact, nationally, the number of us “over 65’ers” account for more than 20 million ER visits annually.
But we all know returning home from ER doesn’t mean everything is hunky-dory. There can be serious consequences from an ER visit, and it is important to know how, as a family member or friend, we can provide support once they return home.
In the article “For Elder Health, Trips to the ER Are Often A Tipping Point” written by Judith Graham for the Kaiser Health News, Dr. Kevin Biese, chair of the American College of Emergency Physicians’ geriatric ER accreditation initiative, offers these suggestions.
Make sure your loved one’s medications are the same as in the hospital’s computer. And don’t leave without knowing if any medications have been stopped or changed and why.
Make sure your loved one is comfortable. The average time a patient spends in an emergency room in Oregon ranges from 88 to 238 minutes. Bring her eyeglasses or any hearing-aid devices that can help keep her engaged. If there are indications of pain, encourage her pain to be treated.
Know what happened in ER including what tests were done and what treatments were given. Before leaving know what diagnoses the staff reached and what kind of follow-up is being recommended.
Communicate effectively. When the nurse or doctor explains what to do when you return home, repeat back what you heard to make sure you understood correctly. And don’t be hesitant to ask any clarifying questions.
Follow through. Ask about the next steps. Who is going to communicate with her regular doctor about what happened in ER? And should a follow up appointment be scheduled, and who should make it and when?  
Finally, the days after visiting ER are critical. If you can’t stay with your loved one, continue to keep an eye on her. You may want to arrange for extra help even if it’s only for a few days. (You can have meals delivered by Meals-on-Wheels.) Check in frequently to make sure the plan of care from ER is working. Are her needs being met, is her pain being adequately controlled (without the risk of addiction) and is her mental condition normal?  
The skilled nurses and doctors in ER want to make sure your loved one is given excellent care. But the emergency room visit is not the end, but just the beginning. It is important that you are both the comforter and advocate, so your loved one receives the best possible care during and after the emergency room visit.
I am scheduling a series of art programs that would include activities offered by the Columbia Center for the Arts and as well as documentaries about artists and various art movements. If you want to be contacted about these future programs, send me your name, phone number and email address.
I have only four tickets left for the matinee performance of the brand-new production of The Sound of Music at the Keller Auditorium in Portland on March 11th. The ticket price is $75 including transportation. Call the Center to purchase your ticket.
I remember back during high school, before grading on the curve became the norm, I had to score 95% to earn and “A”, and 88% to earn a “B”. But this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket, Jim Ayers, (which will be raffled off at the Center’s Cherry Festival Breakfast) (Oops, I mean the quilt, not Jim!) remembers 92% would earn you an “A”.
For this week’s “Remember When” question, in 1962 Marilyn Monroe sang a sultry “Happy Birthday” to what world leader on his 45th birthday? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or drop it off with a Jean Louis designed dress made of sheer, flesh-colored marquisette fabric and embellished with over 2,500 hand-sewn crystals and 6,000 shimmering rhinestones.
Well, it’s been another week telling myself, “Focus! Focus!”. Until we meet again, even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while.
“We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.” Anaïs Nin