Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well in the Gorge July 26th 2016

Often I’m surfing the Internet and I start following one link after another with no idea where I’m going. Last week as I was following those rabbit trails, wasting too much time, I unexpectedly came upon the website Brevedy and a blog post by Mark Frankel called “Positive Psychology and Valuing Meaning over Happiness”.
That caught my interest because what I usually find are articles about how to find happiness: “Five Stages of Happiness”; “Researchers claim to have found the ‘Happiness’ gene”; and “Money actually did buy me happiness” for example.
But how does happiness relate to meaningfulness?
Each person has their own understanding of happiness, but a widely held view is that happiness is the same as pleasure or positive feelings. And if you maximize the positive feelings and reduce the number of negative feelings you are happier. Right?
But in the Brevedy blog post, Mark Frankel, points out that this view is challenged by Martin Seligman, the father of Positive Psychology. Seligman suggests there are several different routes to happiness: the Pleasant Life, consisting in having as many pleasures as possible; the Good Life, which consists in knowing what your strengths are, and then re-crafting your work, love, friendship, leisure and parenting to use those strengths; and the Meaningful Life, which consists of using your strengths in the service of something that you believe is larger than you are.
Although these routes may overlap, according to recent research published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, there are significant differences between a happy life and a meaningful life including the following predictors.  
1. Satisfying one’s needs and wants increased happiness but was largely irrelevant to meaningfulness. 2. Happiness was largely present-oriented, whereas meaningfulness involves integrating past, present, and future. For example, thinking about future and past was associated with high meaningfulness but low happiness. 3. Happiness was linked to being a taker rather than a giver, whereas meaningfulness went with being a giver rather than a taker. 4. Higher levels of worry, stress, and anxiety were linked to higher meaningfulness but lower happiness. 5. Concerns with personal identity and expressing the self, contributed to meaning but not happiness.
The search for meaning, doing something you believe in that addresses a higher goal than just your own enjoyment, is an important aspect of what makes us human.
But can you live a meaningful life and be happy? I believe so. But you’ll have to change your expectations that happiness is only pleasure driven and void of stress and conflict. It can be hard and challenging.
There are plenty of opportunities to give back – if you still have some gas in your tank. At the Volunteer Fair there were over thirty-seven organizations looking for volunteers.  Giving yourself for a higher calling, can bring great satisfaction and meaning. And a whole lot of happiness.
Thanks to the Center members who attended the Annual Membership Meeting last Tuesday. And a big thanks to Nelda and the crew from Cherry Heights Living for providing a delicious dinner everyone raved about.
My goodness, next week is August all ready – which means Andre, KC and Tom will be playing at the Center on Tuesday, August 2nd. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and donations are appreciated.
Also next week on Thursday, August 4th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM The Dalles Art Center’s reception will be held for the “Gorge Artists Create” Exhibition. This is the art center’s annual open juried show and this year’s theme is “Architecture”. The reception is sponsored by Carolyn Wood and The Mid-Columbia Senior Center.
The name of the voluptuous character who was hopelessly in love with Lil’ Abner was Daisy May Scragg (her maiden name before she married into the Yokum clan) who lived in Dogpatch, Kentucky. (The winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Bill Van Nice.)
This week’s “Remember When” question is about the 1958 novelty song “Beep, Beep” sung by the Playmates. It describes, in an increasingly faster tempo, a Cadillac being followed and then passed by what make of car? And for bonus points, as he passes the Cadillac going 120 MPH, what does the driver yell at the Cadillac? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a picture of the AMC’s assembly plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin from the 1950’s.
Well, it’s been another week waiting to see what comes my way. Until we meet again, don’t let the sun catch you yawning.

“May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears.” Nelson Mandela

Aging Well iin the Gorge July 19th 2016

Your current house is no longer working for you and you’ve decided to move. But you also know moving is no easy chore, and you would like this move to be your last. So what should you look for in a house that would be suitable for the rest of your life?
That is the question Sharon Johnson, associate professor emeritus at Oregon State University, and her husband asked themselves when they decided to move from their two story Victorian house in southern Oregon.
She knew from her work in the field of healthy aging, as well as personally, that most adults over fifty want to remain in their home for as long as possible. But she found it difficult to find a house that would accommodate the challenges they may experience as they grow older. So they decided to build.
But before they built, they wanted to know what to consider when building the house for the rest of their lives. To that end, Sharon assisted in the collaboration between the Rogue Valley Council of Governments and AARP Oregon to create a voluntary evaluation program called the “Lifelong Housing Certification Project”.
The certification program includes a comprehensive checklist of features as a way to assess the “age-friendliness” and accessibility of rental apartments, new construction and existing houses. It benefits the buyer by setting a standard to make it easier to identify lifelong homes; and it helps guide the builder on how to construct a house that will be livable for a lifetime.
To give you an idea of what should be included in a lifelong house, the following are some of the features on the checklist.
No step entrance from sidewalk, rear patio and garage; all doors (interior and exterior) are 36” wide (allowing wheelchair access); open, spacious floor plan; hallways 45-52” wide; ADA compliant appliances in kitchen; electrical outlets 22” from the floor; light switches 42-48” from the floor; rocker-style light switches; all doors and faucets are lever or hands free; raised washer and dryer in utility room; walk-in, roll-in, no door shower in master bath; easy-open windows; low maintenance yard; and raised flower beds. Most of these changes can occur without adding significantly to building costs.
If you want to learn more or view the complete Lifelong Housing Certification Checklist, go to the Rogue Valley Council of Governments’ website at and click on the link for Lifelong Housing.
Even though I can’t remember what I write from week to week, especially if there is a long holiday weekend in between, Pat Davenport can as she reminded me that last week I had forgotten the answers to the Brain Rattlers from the week before. So if you were wondering, (or maybe you’re one of those smarty pants who knew all the answers), here are the answers: 3 ducks, Mt. Everest, Melissa, the match, and triplets. Now if you can’t remember the questions, you can go back through your old Chronicles or go to the Center’s web site at and find the post for July 5th, 2016.
Next Tuesday, July 26th, at the Center, Country Road will be playing for your dancing and listening pleasure. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and donations are appreciated.
The name of the Walt Kelley comic strip that included various animal characters living in the Okefenokee Swamp was POGO. (The winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Bill Van Nice.)
I’m sticking with comic strips for another week, but I hope this question will be a little easier. Li’l Abner is a satirical American comic strip written and drawn by Al Capp that ran from 1934 to 1977. For this week’s “Remember When” question what was the name of the voluptuous character often wearing a polka-dot peasant blouse and cropped skirt who was hopelessly in love with Lil’ Abner? And for bonus points, what was the name of the town where they lived – described by Al Capp as “an average stone-age community nestled in a bleak valley, between two cheap and uninteresting hills somewhere”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a family portrait of the Yokum family.
Well, it’s been another week taking nothing for granted. Until we meet again, enjoying the good life isn’t about sitting back and resting, but getting up and doing what you can.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain.” Vivian Greene

Aging Well in the Gorge July 12th 2016

Your house is full of “stuff” you have accumulated since your children were born: family pictures, your children’s school work, and all their ribbons and trophies. And now you want to downsize before a time when it might just be too hard to sort through everything. But what should you save for your children that they would actually appreciate and keep? And what should you throw away or recycle?

It is something I have been thinking about since my children have left home, and recently I found an article on the Next Avenue website suggesting the following items that are often overlooked when considering what to give your children.

1. Your first passport with the country stamps from all the worldly places you visited during your more adventuress days.
2. Your military discharge papers which your children may need to help you get services, but also because it’s always fun looking at old papers from those days way back when.
3. One printed photo of your wedding – that you can actually hold in your hands. I wonder how our grandchildren will be sharing pictures with their children. On a thumb drive?
4. Something belonging to the oldest living relative they know and care about.
5. A sentimental piece of jewelry. Not necessarily something they would wear, but something meaningful to you such as the watch you received from your dad when you graduated from college. 6. An old receipt with a date on it to prove you aren’t lying when you talk about how much things use to cost. Yes, gas did cost twenty-nine cents a gallon (when there were four gas stations on every corner); and there was a time when we were afraid a loaf of bread would cost more than a dollar.
7. The photo of the first time you held them – because the first time is always special.
8. Highlights of their childhood. That does not mean all the little league pictures or the ceramic hand prints – which I still have. But report cards, especially with teacher comments; or their acceptance letter to college.
9. The dog tags worn by their childhood pets or pictures of their furry friends.
10. Your favorite music – in a format they can use such as an iTunes playlist. But no eight tracks or cassettes, although they may still have a CD player.

Not all of these suggestions I found useful, but they reminded me that it is often the little treasures your children will find special and appreciate. And they may even give you an opportunity to share some stories from the good-old-days.

The Center’s Annual Membership Meeting for 2016 will be on Tuesday, July 19th starting at 3:00. There will be an election of board members, a financial report and an update on the Elevator Project. After the membership meeting, you will want to stay because at 4:30, Cherry Heights Living, our neighbor to the north, will be literally giving you a taste of what it is like to live there by providing a Pot Roast dinner with all the fixins for members at no cost.

I thought the Center would be back on the regular music schedule, but no, I was wrong. I want to thank the band Shades of Country (although for some reason I keep wanting to say “shades of grey”), for filling in tonight for Martin and Friends. But next week, on the 19th, we will be back to the usual line-up with the Simcoe Boys playing for your dancing and listening pleasure. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and donations are appreciated.

The Baseball Hall of fame pitcher, who spent his entire 18-year career with the Yankees was Whitey Ford. (The winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Jess Birge.) I always enjoyed this comic strip because of its social and political satire. So for this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of the comic strip created by cartoonist Walt Kelley that included various animal characters: possums, alligators, owls, turtles and porcupines living in the Okefenokee Swamp? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it with a t-shirt with the quote “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Well, it’s been another week trying to take the long way around. Until we meet again, it may not always be the same, but it could be better.

“Don’t take life so serious. It ain’t nohow permanent.” Porky Pine

Aging Well in the Gorge July 5th 2016

Today there is tremendous interest in keeping your brain sharp, fit and tanned. And last week I shared several techniques to help remember what you are trying to learn. In addition, there are many brain activities being promoted to strengthen your brain. But which ones actually help? To help choose the best activities to work your brain, ask the following five questions.
1. Is the activity challenging? The activity should force you to concentrate and pay close attention. You may feel frustrated and discouraged. But don’t stop. If it doesn’t push you, it may not provide the necessary workout your brain needs. 2. Is it progressive? Now here is the second part. As you learn the skill, the difficulty needs to increase so you can continue challenging yourself. You can’t rest on your successes, but instead use them to motivate yourself to try the next level. 3. Does it engage several of your brain’s processing systems? You should try to use different parts of your brain in the same activity. For example as you dance – under dimmed lights to your favorite romantic song, following your partner’s firm lead and appreciating his masculine cologne, try eating a sloppy Big Mac. 4. Is it rewarding and surprising? If you don’t enjoy the activity and find it interesting, you probably won’t be doing it for long – unless you are a glutton for punishment. So make it fun and reward yourself – maybe with some brain healthy dark chocolate and a small glass of wine?

Okay now that you know the questions to ask, how about a few Brain Rattlers that are fun, challenging and get progressively harder – at least in my mind. I’ll provide the answers next week.
1.) If there are two ducks ahead of a duck, and two ducks behind a duck and one duck in the middle, how many ducks are there?
2.) Before Mount Everest was discovered what was the tallest mountain on earth?
3.) Melissa’s mother has seven kids. Their names are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. What is the seventh child’s name?
4.) In the dead of winter you are in a house with only one match. There is a gas lamp, a fireplace, and a wood stove. Which would you light first?
5.) Two boys are identical in appearance and have the same parents. One was born five minutes after the other. These two boys are not twins. How is this possible?
Whether you try memory techniques or challenging Brain Rattlers, the bottom line is to keep learning, keep moving and keep trying something new every day.
Paint parties are a great way to enjoy an evening out: having fun creating your own painting to take home. To make sure you aren’t missing the fun, Meals-on-Wheels has scheduled a braveART paint party fundraiser on Friday, July 8th at 6:30 PM at the Center. For $40 per person, all supplies are provided as well as light refreshments with all proceeds supporting the valuable work of Meals-on-Wheels. To purchase tickets, contact Jenny Loughmiller at
For the Center’s Tuesday Night Music last week, I almost had two bands show up. My apologies to Bob, Roger and rest of the Country Road band for my mess up. But the Center is back on the regular schedule, so on the 12th, Martin and Friends will be playing for your dancing and listening pleasure. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and donations are appreciated.
The name of the popular animated series of short films, first created in 1940, about a cat always trying to catch the same mouse (and also the name of a winter holiday drink) is Tom and Jerry.  
For many young baseball fans’ in the 50’s, like myself, the New York Yankees was the team you loved to hate – winning eight American League pennants and six World Series during the 1950’s. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was the Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher, who spent his entire 18-year career with the Yankees winning 236 games? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with a #16 Yankee jersey.
Well, it’s been another week slapping on the sun screen. Until we meet again, isn’t it true that as you grow older, you don’t have to worry about avoiding temptation. It will avoid you.

 “Never make predictions, especially about the future.” Casey Stengel

Aging Well in the Gorge June 21st

You may have heard that the Center’s UpLifting Elevator Project was awarded $50,000 by City of The Dalles and Wasco County as one of the Google Immediate Impact Projects. And now you may be asking what does that mean for the Elevator Project? It is definitely good news. And with the hundreds of donations from all of you plus the foundation and local grants, the Center has secured almost $360,000 for the project. Sadly, the $360,000 would have been enough four years ago, but with increasing costs, the Center is still short of funds. (It confirms a basic truism: the more time it takes, the more the project will cost.)
To bridge the funding gap, the Center has applied to the Meyer Memorial Trust (MMT), the largest foundation in Oregon, for the remaining funds to complete the project. We expected to hear in mid-July if the Center made the first cut, but because of the enormous number of applications MMT has received, they need additional time to review all of the requests. In the meantime, we are still accepting donations knowing there will always be unexpected costs. 
Since we are very close to acquiring the necessary funding, the Center has decided to initiate the planning process to install the elevator. The first step is to meet with construction firms to review the current design to see if there are any practical ways to reduce the total cost of the project. From those conversations, a final design will be decided with opportunities for Center members and the community to comment, before the final design is ultimately approved by the MCSC board. With approval of the final design, the building permits can be acquired so the Center will be ready to start construction once all the funding is secured.
It is exciting to know that with your help, and the local support of The City of The Dalles, Wasco County, Northern Wasco County PUD, MCMC and Northwest Farm Credit Services, we are close enough to start transitioning from a dream to reality. And soon those who have difficulty walking, will no longer need to take the exterior stairs to the Center’s activities downstairs.
Do you ever feel that different parts of your body are competing for your attention? I mean if I make an appointment with my cardiologist, my ears start bothering me so I have to see my ENT doctor. Of course my skin doesn’t want to be ignored, so I make my annual appointment with my dermatologist; and my eyes demand their annual check-up. And I won’t mention how jealous my knees and lungs can get. It’s to the point where every month I have an appointment to see a specialist for some part of my body. Can’t they just get along! Sorry about the distraction. I just had to vent.
The Center’s annual rummage sale is this Saturday, June 25th from 8:00 – 2:00 PM in the basement. This year we have a particularly good selection of items including home furnishings, furniture, kitchen items, knick-knacks as well as clothes.
Every Tuesday night at the Center there is live music for your dancing and listening enjoyment, and during the summer months you don’t have to worry about driving home in the dark. Next Tuesday on the 28th, Andre and Friends will be performing. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and donations are always appreciated.
The answer to last week’s question was Tab Hunter: one of the top romantic leads in the late fifties who costarred in the 1955’s World War II drama “Battle Cry”.
This week’s “Remember When” question is about a movie released in 1968 that became a landmark, science fiction classic – about exploration of the unknown. What was the name of this masterpiece that many considered (including myself when I first saw it) bewildering, boring, and slow-moving, and contained more spectacular imagery and special effects than verbal dialogue? And for bonus points what was the name of the computer that was the brains of the space journey to Jupiter? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with a recording of Richard Strauss’s Also Sprach Zarathustra.
Well, it’s been another week enjoying the cool mornings in June. Until we meet again, a smile is the best way to say hello.

“There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate.” Robert Brault

Aging Well in the Gorge June 14th

Most of you have probably heard the quote, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”. But for those of us who are curious about whether we are getting old, I found this list of “scientifically validated” indicators of old age. See how you compare with my answers below..
1.      You fall asleep watching TV or reading the paper. No, but at 3:00 I do start nodding off.
2.      You become forgetful. No, because I can’t recall the last time I forgot something.
3.      You groan when getting up from a chair or out of bed. No, but for some reason my wife thinks I do. 
4.     You say ‘back in my day’. No, I say “back in the good old days”.
5.     You have an afternoon nap. No, they are “power naps” – and millennials take them too!
6.     You don’t know the names of current celebrities. I do – if they are over 65.
7.     You have a low tolerance for teenagers. No. I find teenagers great. Maybe because it brings back fond memories of my youth without actually having to relive them.
8.     You only listen to music from your youth. No. I listen to contemporary music that sounds like music from my youth.
Half way through and looking good. I feel like doing fifty pushups!
9.      You choose places to eat because they play quiet music. Yes, because I want to hear who I am talking with – which isn’t easy with hearing aids.
10.     Choosing to meet friends for lunch or dinner rather than a night out for drinks. Yes. I need to be in bed by 9:00.
11.     Wear slippers all the time. No. I can’t ever remember to put them on.
12.     You spend weekends or holidays in garden centers. No. I try to stay out of the garden – that’s my wife’s domain – thankfully.
13.     Gardening is a hobby. No. See above
14.     You forget where your glasses are. No. I always find them on my head.
15.     You choose clothes for comfort rather than style. Yes, because who am I trying to impress.
16.     You get a haircut to ‘suit your age’. No, because I’m still figuring out what my age is.
So how did you do? Did you do better than my 13 out of 16 “no” answers? If so let’s go out and celebrate – but please, not too long.
If you have thought about taking classes at Columbia Gorge Community College and hanging with the twenty and thirtysomethings, are you aware that adults 65 or older are eligible for a 50 percent tuition discount on many credit and non-credit classes? To find out which classes are eligible and all the details call (541) 506-6057. Classes start June 20th.
When was the last time you actually looked at the Oregon Driver’s manual? It’s probably been a while. A way to understand the new “rules of the road” and to learn more about safe and smart driving is by attending an AARP Smart Driver class at the Center on Monday, June 20th and Tuesday, June 21st from 8:45 am to 12:05 pm both days. The cost is $20 or $15 for AARP members.  Call (541) 296-4788 to sign up. 
Every Tuesday night at the Center there is live music for your dancing and listening enjoyment, and on June 21st, the Simcoe Boys will be performing. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and donations are always appreciated.
Considered the most intimidating fighter of the time, Sonny Liston was the fighter Mohammad Ali (Cassius Clay at the time) defeated in 1964 for the boxing World Heavyweight Championship.
This week’s “Remember When” question is about one of the top romantic leads in the late fifties. Who was the top grossing actor for Warner Brothers from 1955 – 1959 co-starring as the young Marine Danny in the 1955’s World War II drama “Battle Cry”; and also co-starring in films with Natalie Wood, Sophia Loren, and Debbie Reynolds? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with a 45 record of the 1956 number one hit song “Young Love”.
Well, it’s been another week watching the sun slip away each night. Until we meet again, there is always an answer – some are just not meant for us to find.

“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.” Robert Brault

Aging Well in the Gorge June 7th 2016

Did you grow up where the summers were hot and humid: without air conditioning; sleeping uncovered and spread out as if you were going to be frisked by a city cop; where you emptied the dehumidifier every morning; and when you got out of the car, the back of your shirt was drenched with sweat? We may not have liked it, but we found ways to stay cool and lived to tell about it!

But we’re older now and summer heat can cause major health problems particularly dehydration. The Oregon Department of Human Services cautions, “Not getting enough fluids each day can take a tremendous toll on every aspect of bodily functions, including possible changes in memory, vision, and kidney and heart function.” This is especially true for older adults because the percentage of a person’s weight in water changes significantly as we age. Consequently, any decrease in fluid consumption can cause proportionately more dehydration.

But according to the American Red Cross, heat related problems can be prevented by “staying cool, hydrated and informed”.

Stay cool.
If you do need to go outside during extreme heat conditions, early morning or later evening are the best times. Avoid sun exposure between 11 am – 5 pm. Wear light-weight, light-colored and loose fitting clothes that cover your skin. Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat. Slow down – additional activity can put extra strain on the heart. And ice packs and cool showers are still a nice relief from the heat – just as they were when we were younger.
Stay hydrated.
Drink plenty of fluids regardless of your level of activity even if you are not thirsty – and enough to have to urinate every four hours. (I wish I could last four hours!) Remember not all fluids are beneficial – avoid sugary, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks.

Stay informed and connected with family, friends and neighbors.
During any heat advisory, it is a good idea to check in on your friends and have them check in on you. A broken air conditioner can be a life threatening situation.

Know the signs of heat stroke: high body temperature (104 F or higher); altered mental state or behavior; changes in sweating; nausea or vomiting; flushed skin, rapid breathing, racing heart rate, and headaches. If you notice any of these symptoms call 911.

The heat should be taken seriously. It is the number one weather related killer causing more deaths than hurricanes, tornadoes, lightening and floods combined. By staying cool, hydrated and informed, you can avoid serious heat related illnesses. And in six months we’ll be longing for the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.

Betty Harlan was manager of The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels until she retired, but she didn’t go far. These days you can still find her volunteering for Meals-on-Wheels. To celebrate the 30+ years she has contributed to Meals-on-Wheels, there will be a Birthday Party for Betty on June 14th during the noon meal. (I’m not sure whether she is turning 48 or 84.) There is a beach theme so you can dress appropriately if you wish, but please – no bikinis.

Every Tuesday night at the Center there is music for your dancing and listening enjoyment. But for June 14th, I have to juggle the line-up so at this time I am not sure who will be playing. But I promise there will be someone – so you can dance the night away. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and donations are always appreciated.

Bob Dylan’s first big hit that he recorded in the summer of 1965 was “Like a Rolling Stone”. (The winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Bill Van Nice.)

With the death of Mohammed Ali, it brought back memories of February, 1964 when the fast talking, quick footed Cassius Clay shocked the world of boxing by winning the World Heavyweight Championship. For this week’s “Remember When” question who was the fighter he beat – considered the most intimidating fighter of the time? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with picture of this boxer knocking out heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson in the first round.

Well, it’s been another week looking for the bread in the oven. Until we meet again, we don’t always say what we mean – or mean what we say.

“The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free.” ― Robert Brault

Aging Well in the Gorge May 31st

Senior Living May 31st 2016
“You don’t stop laughing because you grow older. You grow older because you stop laughing.” Michael Pritchard
At the Center we often talk about the importance of humor and laughter. Dr. Steve Allen, Jr., son of the talk show host and comedian, said “Laughing, especially at yourself is the most powerful stress-releaser we have.” It not only reduces the body’s negative reaction to stress, it helps prevent such stress from occurring in the first place.
Humor is particularly helpful as we age, because it acknowledges the incongruities and absurdities of life and reminds us that we are all in this together. We all deal with the struggles and challenges of aging and yet here we are still alive and kicking – or at least moving. As Bob Newhart said, “Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.”  
The best laugh is always on ourselves. Elsa Maxwell, 75, declared, “Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.” Or as Robert Fulton puts it “It is a matter of laughing with ourselves, not at ourselves.” Can you remember the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? And what makes you smile or laugh?
A sense of humor is very personal. You can be offended while others find a joke amusing. I have watched several standup comedians on Netflix, and for some I couldn’t make it past the first ten minutes because it was such poor taste and too embarrassing – especially watching it with my wife. Yet the audience thought it was hilarious. Am I getting old?  
But here is one of Elt Fadness’s “Ole and Lena” stories – for us who still remember drive-ins.
Ole and Lena were at the drive-in movie. Ole says, “Say Lena, you wanna get in the back seat?” Lena says, “Naw, Ole, I’d just as soon stay up here with you.”
Have you ever left a store and can’t remember where you parked your car? Many boomers have resorted to strapping bicycles or kayaks on their car roofs so their cars would be easy to spot. (And you were envious thinking they were just enjoying the great outdoors!) But since not all of us can afford a mountain bike or kayak, the Center will soon be selling large colorful plastic balls to attach to the end of your car’s antenna. Never again will you have waste time remembering where your car is – it will just be under the bright red plastic ball. But we will only be selling a few. We don’t want you to walk out of Fred Meyer and see a whole field of plastic balls and still not know which car is yours.
At the Center’s Tuesday Lecture at 11:00 on June 7th, Tria Bullard from Google will demonstrate how to use Google Apps on your computer – so you can connect with friends and family, organize your photos and files, and even make calls for free. You’ll explore Gmail, Google Docs, and Hangouts. And if you don’t have a Gmail account, Tria will walk you through the process of getting one. The class is open to anyone with basic computer skills.
Every Tuesday night at the Center there is live music for your dancing and listening enjoyment, and on June 7th, Andre, KC and Tom will be playing. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, and, donations are always appreciated.
The actor-singer who sang “Back Home Again in Indiana” at the Indy 500 from 1972 until 2014 was Jim Nabors. (The winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Jim Ayers – and Ruth Radcliff who I forgot to mention last week.) 
This week’s “Remember When” question is about the musical icon Bob Dylan who turned 75 last week. It doesn’t seem that long ago in the summer of 1965 when I was vacationing with my family in Los Angeles and on the radio heard this singer called Bob Dylan which I, from Middle America, had never heard of. But in September of that year he recorded his first hit song that was over six minutes long and reached #2? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with a small clump of green moss.
Well, it’s been another week trying to keep my hat from blowing off. Until we meet again, as Lord Byron once said, “Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.”

Aging Well in the Gorge May 24th 2016

During the last twelve months, the Center has hosted many presentations about either Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease: explaining how to discern the signs, what behaviors to expect and how to respond to the often difficult behaviors in order to provide caring and quality care with patience and sensitivity. From those presentations, one may have learned more about these debilitating conditions, but is there some way to feel what it is like to live with memory loss every day? Now there is.

Providence Senior Village & Hospice is inviting you to join over 200,000 individuals and caregivers who have completed the Virtual Dementia Tour® where you can experience what it is like to be in a world of memory loss.

During a twenty minute Virtual Dementia Tour, trained facilitators guide you through common everyday tasks and exercises while outfitted with devices that temporarily alter your physical, sensory, and cognitive abilities – giving you the ability to experience the physical and mental challenges facing those with dementia.

From the tour, you will have a better understanding of how certain common behaviors such as repetitive actions, refusal to follow directions, and rummaging are actually normal coping strategies to deal with their confusion.

This free event takes place on both Wednesday, June 1st from 10:30am-5:30pm and Thursday June 2nd from 9:30am-4:00pm at Providence Hospice of the Gorge, 751 Myrtle Street, The Dalles. The tour only takes twenty minutes but you must call or email to schedule an appointment time.

Providence Hospice of the Gorge is also sponsoring a free community screening of Inside Alive, an award winning 2014 documentary that follows social worker Dan Cohen as he demonstrates music’s ability to combat memory loss to those suffering from it by restoring a deep sense of self. Alive Inside also includes revealing interviews with renowned neurologist and best-selling author Oliver Sacks (Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain), and numerous visionaries in healthcare including geriatrician and healthcare disrupter, Dr. Bill Thomas.

After the film there will be an open discussion lead by Providence Hospice of the Gorge caregivers – Colleen Ballinger, Hospice Nurse and Emily Vawter, Music Therapist. But the screening is tomorrow (or today depending on when you read the paper), Wednesday, May 25th at 6:30 at Flagstone Senior Living, 3325 Columbia View Drive. If you would like more information, about the Virtual Dementia Tour or the showing of Alive Inside, you can call Providence Hospice at 541-387-6370 or email

In time for these warmer days, the Center’s NU-2-U Shop has a nice selection of used spring and summer clothes. But they are beginning to run low in inventory. If you are sorting through your spring and summer wardrobes, the Center would be glad to find a home for your unwanted clothes. Just bring them to the Center and leave them at the front desk.

This coming Monday, May 30th is Memorial Day: a day to honor the men and women who died while serving in the armed forces. In recognition of Memorial Day, the Center and Meals-on-Wheels will be closed for the weekend; and for the bingo players in the audience, there will not be bingo on either Thursday or Saturday nights.

Every Tuesday night at the Center there is live music and on May 31st, The Dufur Boys return to play for your dancing and listening enjoyment. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00, all ages are welcome, and donations are always appreciated.

The Swedish born film actress, who starred in the 1936 movie Camille and was famously averse to any publicity was Greta Garbo. (The winner of a quilt raffle ticket is Sandy Haechrel.)

With the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500 this Sunday in my home town, this week’s “Remember When” question is about the “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing”. The Indy 500 is filled with traditions: the starting command “Gentlemen start your engines”, releasing the multi-colored balloons, the winning driver drinking milk in Victory Lane, and from 1972 until 2014 the tradition of this actor-singer singing “Back Home Again in Indiana”. Who was he? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with a picture of the “addlebrained” gas station attendant on the Andy Griffith Show.`

Well, it’s been another week trying not to spill my milk. Until we meet again, if you fall flat on your face at least you’re moving forward.

“…treat people with understanding when you can, and fake it when you can’t until you do understand.” ― Kim Harrison

Aging Well in the Gorge May 17th 2016

Let’s jump to a subject no one really wants to talk about, but all of us will experience in our lifetime. No, I don’t mean sex. (I haven’t had the nerve to talk about the subject yet.) I mean, you know – pushing up daisies, six feet under, succumbed, resting in peace, passed away. Okay, I’ll say it, death – a subject most of us want to avoid. It’s just not your typical after dinner conversation when you want to get the party started.
But the topic of death, or more specifically Death with Dignity, is the focus for this month’s “Beginning Conversations about the End of Life” on Tuesday, May 24th at 6:30 at The Dalles/Wasco County Library and facilitated by Julie Reynolds and Colleen Ballinger.
I imagine most of you haven’t thought much about how to prepare for the ultimate leveler – or how you would want to die.
Would it be in the comfort and peace of your own home with loved ones surrounding you? That’s the wish of most people; and although the proportion of adults over 65 who die in their own homes is increasing, it was still only twenty-four percent in 2007.
Do you want the most accurate and clear information about the consequences of different possible treatments and the chances for recovery, so you can make the best decisions about your care?
Do you want your anxiety and fears, the emotional toll you would most likely be experiencing, to be acknowledged and not ignored? 
Do want any pain to be managed and controlled so you don’t die in unnecessary distress?
And do you want to have the control and autonomy to make your own life decisions; that your Advanced Directive and treatment decisions will be followed and respected by your family and your medical providers, particularly if you aren’t able to speak for yourself?
Death with Dignity and end of life decisions are complex, nuanced, constantly changing and emotionally difficult – although we may all fantasize of a gentle exit. Death is an unavoidable part of life; a subject that may be uncomfortable, but should be discussed. And I promise talking about dying won’t kill you.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the Center’s UpLifting Elevator Project. Through local grants and individual donations, the Center has raised over $156,000; and has been awarded $151,500 in foundation grants – totaling over $307,500. That is more than three-fourths of the estimated $400,000 needed to install the elevator which includes enclosing the exterior stairs. And two more opportunities are being pursued to complete the fundraising. It has been a long haul and the Center appreciates your continued support and patience as we hopefully get closer to construction.
This week’s Tuesday Night music announcement is for those who don’t know which direction they are going: forward or backwards. See if you can decipher it. .appreciated always are donations ,on lights the keep to and band the pay To .both or pants ,skirt a wear you whether welcome is everyone and ,00:7 at starts music ,00:6 at open Doors .playing be will Boys Simcoe the ,24th May on and ,enjoyment listening and dancing your for music live is there Center the at night Tuesday Every
The popular 50’s and 60’s destination drive-in for teens who were “cruising the gut” in The Dalles was the “Handout” owned by Tom Foley and later by Phil Hammond. (Although I didn’t receive one Hefty Henry with any of the entries, the winners of a quilt raffle ticket each are Maxine Parker, Pat Fowler and Bob Thouvenel.)
I fell in love with this actress after watching her in the 1936 movie Camille while I was in college. For this week’s “Remember When” question, who was the Swedish born film actress, who received three Academy Award nominations for Romance, Camille and Ninotchka and was famously averse to any publicity – best described by her line in the movie Grand Hotel “I want to be alone; I just want to be alone.”? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788 or mail it to the Center with a picture of John Gilbert, the popular leading man of the 20’s and 30’s.
Well, it’s been another week looking for the possibilities in every new day. Until we meet again, it is always harder to turn left than to turn right.

“How can I die? I’m booked.” George Burns