Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well August 20th 2013

When does old age begin? A Pew Research Center study found that it depends on who you ask. Those thirty years old and under believe old begins at 60; those between thirty and forty nine, believe 69 is the turning point; and for those who are sixty-five and older, old age begins at 74 (which may just prove Bernard Baruch wasn’t far off when he said “To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am”.)

 But although chronological age can be a predictor, in reality we all age differently, we all deal with life differently; and it doesn’t matter whether we are young old (65–74), middle old (75–84) or the oldest old (85+); chronological age really doesn’t mean squat.

 Old especially in the context of “I’m too old” is just a broad broom that sweeps away possibilities and opportunities: an attitude that can color everything we do and limit what we can still accomplish. There are many of us who thirty-something’s might consider too old to set tables for a Saturday Breakfast, maintain the church grounds or serve on administrative boards. Or too old to mentor young children, dance with a friend and lover, or play a mean guitar. (Or as some overly protective adult children might believe – too old to live alone or drive a car!)

 But “too old” is not a good reason to avoid doing something – or anything. If you are not interested or unable, that’s okay. Not everything is possible – and you are the boss. But we are never “too old” to do what is possible: to play, explore, connect with others and in many simple ways – still make a difference.

 The Center will be hosting a Community Parking Lot sale on September 28th from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Spaces are $25.00 each. This is the third year Sylvia Loewen and Barb Pashek have organized this fundraiser for the Center. The deadline for reserving a space is September 20th. If you have any questions you can call Sylvia at 541-298-4682 or stop by the Center to pick up an application.

And at the same time the Nu-2-U Shop we will be clearing house with a sidewalk sale while cleaning and reorganizing the Nu-2-U Shop. This may be the year’s last chance to buy or sale good used items on one of the busiest corners in The Dalles.

 Tickets are now available for the Baby Back Rib Dinner, the Meals-on-Wheels and Center’s big fall fundraiser on October 4th – the first Friday in October. Once again it is sponsored by our neighbors to the east: The Springs at Mill Creek; and once again the tickets are only $15 a person. In addition to the lip smacking, back slapping, finger licking baby back ribs, there will be an expanded silent auction. And I have heard there just may be two tickets to the OSU – University of Washington football game in Corvallis on November 23rd including a tail gate party and a gas card to help pay for the trip. You can pick up tickets at the Center or at Klindt’s.

 Tonight at the Center, Truman will be playing his Country Gold. And next Tuesday “For the Good Times” will show you how to have a “good time” dancing and listening to classic country western. The doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and suggested donations are $2.00 per person or $3.00 for a couple.

 You probably thought last week’s question was too easy, but ask any nineteen year old what an 8-track is and he would be probably just give you a blank “what are you talking about” look. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast on September 21st is Jerry Harris.)

But this week’s “Remember When” is a “double your pleasure, double your fun” test with two unrelated questions, but the answers have something in common. 1) Who was the prominent British teenage model, who in the mid-1960s epitomized the swinging sixties? 2) What was the name of the animal cartoon character that first appeared on television in 1957 and was known for his famous staccato laugh: “ha-ha-ha-HA-ha”? And “tree” is the common element. E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a pack of Wrigley’s “Doublemint” gum. Well, it has been another week trying to stay ahead of the curve on the twisting road of life.

Until we meet again, always question, but don’t let it keep you from acting.

 “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C. S. Lewis

Aging Well August 13th 2013

Downsizing sounds like one of those cold business terms used during tough financial times. But it has a whole different meaning when after the kids have left for greener pastures, you decide living in your house is like wearing a 48 inch pair of paints with a 32 inch waist – way too much room.

But it is tough trying to sort through all the personal possessions accumulated over the many years: the children’s fourth grade Christmas decorations; the worn picture books read before bedtime, and the thanksgiving paper turkeys made out of traced hand prints.

And so many memories: pencil marks on the walls recording the growing children, the kitchen table where stories were shared and disagreements solved, and the rug on which you danced your two-year old to sleep while holding him in your arms. Memories you are afraid will be forgotten and lost – never to be awakened again, once you leave these familiar walls.

But it is time to move. And after days or months of indecision you find a moment of weakness and finally decide to clean house – tossing memories and hoping that days or months later you won’t regret your actions.

So you are ready. Now what are your housing options? A small condominium, apartment, assisted living – or a Volkswagen van crisscrossing America?

These options (except the Volkswagen van) will be discussed at the next Passport to Happiness event on Wednesday August 21stfrom 3:00 – 4:30 at the Center.  Dave Peters, the manager of the local Housing Resource Center, has invited speakers representing different types of housing including independent living, affordable senior housing, assisted living, group and nursing home care. You can also contact Dave at 541-296-5462 ext. 18 or toll free (888) 536-8919.

This coming Saturday is the Center’s monthly breakfast from 8:00 – 9:30 AM. Come and enjoy a delicious meal, meet old friends and support the Center. The menu includes either Biscuits and Gravy or Huevos rancheros casserole, (or what the heck, you can have some of both!) sausage, fruit and a breakfast beverage,

It is now confirmed – the LINK will be providing transportation to the County Fair on Thursday (free admission day) for the free Senior Picnic sponsored by Flagstone Senior Living and the Area Agency on Aging. The bus will be leaving the Senior Center at 10:00 and then leave the fairgrounds at 1:30. The cost is just $3.00 each way which is cheaper than the cost of gas to drive down there on your own. There is still plenty of room. Call the Center (541-296-4788) or the LINK (541-296-7595) to reserve your place.

Every time my daughter returned from one of her overseas adventures to Korea or Japan, she would bring home a bag or a shirt decorated with English words that at first glance you wondered “What  were they trying to say!“ So using a “lost in translation” version, here is this week’s music announcement for the Center after being translated to Chinese, Korean, Japanese and back to English. 

Today, Martin and friends to play center. Next Tuesday 21 August Truman move on the dance floor with your legs to create 6:00 doors open and music starts to 7:00, or donating $ 2 or $ 3.00 per door, thank you always encourage music.
The automobile company that entered the auto business in 1902 but closed its South Bend, Indiana factory in 1963 – and was the proud builder of the classis Avanti was the Studebaker Automobile Company or as Joann Scott, this week’s winner of a Saturday breakfast, pointed out was originally called The Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company.

For this week’s “Remember When” question, it’s one more question from the scrap pile of past cutting edge technology.  The reel-to-reel tape was the original format for magnetic tape sound reproduction, and although it produced superior sound it was complicated and unwieldy. In response, Bill Lear, of Lear Jet fame, led a consortium of companies including Ford and GM to develop an alternative: a magnetic loop tape enclose in a plastic container that could also be played in automobiles. What was the common name of this type of tape recording that was popular in the late 60’s and 70’s until replaced by cassette recordings? Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or include it with Fleetwood Mac‘s Greatest Hits– the last major label recording in this format.  
Well, it has been another week trying to keep the chicken in the pot and the lid on top. Until we meet again, don’t let past imperfections taint your future choices.

Aging Well August 6th 2013

Because we live in a society that reflects the cultural values of independence, youthfulness, and productivity, often the elderly are either negatively portrayed as frail, descript and burdensome “old” folks – ignored, stored away and forgotten. Or on the opposite extreme “super seniors” accomplishing age defying feats of strength and daring.

In response, Orrin R. Onken, an Elder Law attorney practicing in Oregon, wrote “An Older American’s Pledge” which has recently been adapted into “An Elder’s Pledge”. A framed copy of the pledge, donated by Debra Lutje, the Center’s Yoga and Seniorcise instructor, can be found at the Center’s front desk.

This is pretty heady stuff. But it encourages us to stay strong and confident while we continue to write our own unfinished story as we face the many challenges ahead.

“An Elder’s Pledge”

  • We will not be judged by the values of youth.
  • We will not be expelled from work or play.
  • We will not equate aging with illness.
  • We will not be subject matter for experts.
  • We will not be the objects of condescension.
  • We will not be defined as a social or economic problem.
  • We will not be trivialized.
  • We will not be docile.
  • We will not be interned.

  • We will grow and learn.
  • We will maintain a sense of humor.
  • We will support one another.
  • We will cooperate across generations to create a better world.
  • We will nurture and guide the young.
  • We will contribute according to our abilities.
  • We will be proud.

Soon it will be Wasco County Fair time and once again at the fair there will be a free Senior Picnic sponsored by Flagstone Senior Living and the Area Agency on Aging. It will start at 11:30 during Thursday’s (August 15th) Free Admission Day made possible by Mel’s Sanitation.

And if you don’t have a ride to the Fair or would rather let someone else do the driving, LINK is willing to provide transportation. But there is a catch. They would like to have at least five riders. If you are interested in taking the LINK, reserve your place by calling LINK at 541-296-7595 or the Center at 541-296-4788.

And since I am talking transportation, you can now take the LINK to Portland on Tuesday as well as Thursday. The fixed route bus service leaves The Dalles at 7:30 AM and arrives at Clackamas Town Center at 10:30 AM with several stops in between. It then reverses course and returns back in The Dalles by 5:10. It costs only $8.00 one way, but there are no reservations, so it is first come, first served.

Playing at the Center tonight is the Strawberry Mountain Band.  And next Tuesday on August 14th Martin and Friends will keep the dance floor shaking. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and a suggested donation of $2.00 per person or $3.00 a couple is always appreciated.

The duplicating machine often found in schools, libraries and churches in the 50’, 60’s and 70’s was the mimeograph machine – although Francis Beers remembers an even earlier duplicating machine: the Hectograph – where you transfer the image to an inked gelatin surface. Anyone else remember that?  (And the randomly selected winner of a free August 17th Saturday Breakfast is Laura Comini.)

With Friday night’s “Neon Cruise” car show strutting their stuff through the “gut” of The Dalles; Saturday’s Cruise the Gorge “Show in the Shade” at Sorosis Park; and Sunday’s relaxing “Threshing Bee Car Show” in Dufur Park, for classic car enthusiasts this weekend is as big as the tailfins on a 1959 Cadillac.

So I thought a classic car question would be appropriate for this week’s “Remember When” question. What wagon and carriage company entered the automotive business in 1902 with electric vehicles and then in 1904 with gasoline vehicles, but after establishing a reputation for quality and reliability, closed its American plant in South Bend, Indiana on December 20, 1963? Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or drive your answer to the Center in the first privately owned Avanti which was presented to Roger Ward after winning the 1962 Indianapolis 500. 

Well, it has been another week trying to stay focused without losing my sight. Until we meet again, if you decide to put on a blindfold, don’t complain because you can’t see.

Calvin -“I wonder where we go when we die?” 
Hobbes: “…Pittsburgh?”
Calvin “You mean if we’re good or if we’re bad?” 
From Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Aging Well July 30th 2013

You see them advertised in magazines and on television: vitamin supplements, exercise contraptions or plastic surgery – products that will turn back the hands of time.

 These misleading claims about the benefits of anti-aging products or services have been described by Colin Milner, CEO of the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) as ‘graywashing” – reinforcing the idea that age-related changes in physical appearance are undesirable and should be removed.

 But besides being deceptive, “graywashing“ also strengthens the stereotypes that show older adults through a lens of decline and diminished value; and that old age is “bad” characterized by illness, decline and a strain on social services and economies worldwide.

 But on the other end of the stereotype continuum, you often hear reports about “Super Seniors” reflecting old age as “good” and who exhibit our cultural values of independence, youthfulness, and productivity. (Such as the late Jack LaLanne who was still doing his two hour workout at the age of 95.)

 But let’s get real. Neither is the whole picture. As much as some advertisers would like you to believe, there is no such thing as anti-aging. We start aging from the day we are born and although there are actions we can take to maintain a healthy lifestyle, there isn’t a Shangri-La or Fountain of Youth to hold back the forces of time forever.

 But we can avoid internalizing these self-limiting stereotypes while maintaining a balanced and realistic view of aging – reflecting the challenges and burdens of getting older, while also embracing the opportunities and blessings.

You don’t have to be eternally blonde, or skydive with George W.H. Bush at the age of 80 and 85! or be free of physical challenges – to be engaged in life, resilient and capable of living a life of meaning and purpose.

Every single day I meet people with real stories and life experiences; who possess diverse interests, talents, opinions and yes, physical challenges; that include a few saints, several curmudgeons, but no Jack LaLanne “Super Seniors”.

Just authentic people who are showing me how to age with grace, dignity and humility while facing their fair share of daily challenges. (And no matter what anyone says I still think grey is “hot”! But then it may just be my age.)

 When you turn 65, whether you are retired, still working or receiving Social Security, you need to understand your Medicare options. (You have only seven months to enroll: three months before the month you turn 65, the month you turn 65 and three months after you turn 65.) And now during anytime of the year, if you have questions, which most people do, you can call Shirley Ludlow, your local SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) coordinator at the Area Agency on Aging (541-298-4101), to set up an appointment with one of the trained SHIBA volunteers. Or you can call the Center directly and they will connect you with one of the volunteers that take appointments at the Center.

 Tonight playing at the Center is Truman who is filling in for the previously scheduled Sugar Daddies. (We will try to reschedule the Sugar Daddies for later in the year.) And next Tuesday on August 7th we start back at the top of the batting order with the Strawberry Mountain Band. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and everyone is invited. A suggested donation of $2.00 per person or $3.00 a couple is always appreciated. 

Patrick Macnee, the sophisticated English secret agent John Steed, and Diana Rigg, his talented assistant with “man appeal” starred in the British series “The Avengers”. (And the winner of a free August 16th Saturday Breakfast is Marcia Lacock.)

This week’s “Remember When” question is about a duplicating devise often found in schools, libraries and churches that printed multiple copies of images in a light purple ink, but fell victim to the Xerox copier in the 1970’s. (I particularly remember in grade school wanting to smell the sweet chemical aroma of the damp newly produced copies.) What was the name of this machine that was easy to use, inexpensive to purchase and produced many pop quizzes for young school children? Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a box of two ply spirit masters.

 Well, it has been another week trying to keep the right perspective in a three dimensional world. Until we meet again, keep your head up, your feet moving and your hands waving to the crowd.

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” George Burns

Aging Well July 23rd 2013

Did you hear the one about the three retirees, each with a hearing loss, who were playing golf one fine March day? One remarked to the other, “Windy, isn’t it?” “No,” the second man replied, “it’s Thursday…” And the third man chimed in, “So am I. Let’s have a beer.”

 I enjoy sharing jokes about the challenges we face as we get older (especially ones I can relate to) because humor can be a way to accept and adapt to what life throws our way so we can then move on. But do these jokes perpetuate the negative stereotypes of aging we often find in our society – reinforcing inaccurate perceptions about getting older: the loss of mobility and function – and eventually our independence? Or even worse perpetuating stereotypes we internalize so we fear and avoid preparing for old age believing it will inevitably be a time of decline, lost dreams and lack of purpose?

 To change the way we think about aging, the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) has introduced the “Changing the Way We Age Campaign”. They are working with professionals in the aging fields to reject the limiting negative views of aging while encouraging a more positive and realistic vision of aging – thus creating a society that “recognizes, respects and responds to the potential of older adults”.

 In future columns I will discuss several themes of the campaign. But one that resonated with me is how society tends to focus on chronological age – associating an age with a variety of problems, instead of focusing on the problem itself. As ICAA points out “the problem is the problem; not the age”. When I discuss with my wife the chronic health conditions we have encountered (specifically, how she is tired of having to repeat everything she says – but she just needs to E-N-U-N-C-I-A-T-E!), she reminds me that raising two kids was not a piece of cake either. And I won’t even mention the struggles of junior high school!

Every period of our lives has its problems and rewards – they are just different problems and granted now we have to sometimes look harder for the rewards. But no matter our chronological age, the goal is to live as well as possible with humor, strength, and grace through all the ages in our unique and wonderful lives.

 The Center offers several opportunities to learn more about new technologies: every Wednesday between 9:00 and 10:00, there is a computer help lab to answer your basic computer questions; and from 1:00 – 2:30 there is an iPad support group on the first Wednesdays of each month and a Kindle support group on the fourth Wednesdays. Both are informal – asking questions and learning from each other. But recently someone asked about the Android operating system (developed by Google) found on the majority of smart phones and many tablets. If you are interested in learning more about the Android operating system, email me or call the Center and I will work to set up a time for an Android Support Group.

 Next Tuesday (the fifth Tuesday in July) the “Sugar Daddies” will be handing out musical treats all night long. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and everyone is invited. A suggested donation of $2.00 per person or $3.00 a couple is appreciated to feed the musicians and keep the lights on.

 The espionage thriller that ran from 1965 to 1968 on NBC starring Robert Culp and the first African-American actor in a lead role, Bill Cosby, as globetrotting tennis bums/secret agents was “I Spy”. (And this week’s winner of a free Saturday Breakfast on August 17th is Sandy Goforth.) I promised one more “Remember When” question about secret agents, but this week we’ll trade in the tennis shoes for a Derby hat and an umbrella.

What was the name of the first British series to be aired on prime time U.S. television in 1965 starring Patrick Macnee as the sophisticated English secret agent John Steed and Diana Rigg as his talented assistant Emma Peel? (Her name evolved from the writers wanting a character with “man appeal” which was shortened to m appeal and evolved into Emma Peel.) Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with the June 10th 1967 issue of TV Guide featuring a four-page photospread on Diana Rigg’s new “Emmapeeler” outfits.

Well, it has been another week trying to stay on track without getting railroaded. Until we meet again, don’t hold a grudge while everyone else is out dancing.

 “Too many people, when they get old, think that they have to live by the calendar.” John Glenn

Aging Well July 16 2013

When you have misplaced your Tuesday Chronicle – or it is under the cat box, (hey, that’s one thing you can’t do with the digital edition!); and you have a question about the Center, you can always go to the Center’s website at The site is updated weekly and includes the Center’s activity calendar, weekly (and during the summer bi-weekly) newsletter, music and lecture schedules; and for your entertainment – a short video related to the week’s “Remember When” question. But to make the site more useful, you can also find the Wasco County Resource Guide for Older Adults (which you can also find in the back of your Passport to Happiness Calendar); a list of volunteer opportunities and links to the latest Scams Alerts that have come across my desk.
And recently I have included a list of events for active older adults that have been culled from the Chamber’s Community Calendar, press releases and media outlets, but arranged for your convenience by  category: history and culture; exercise and movement; arts and literature; theater, dance and film; and social dances and music. 
The website is the Center’s effort to be a resource for you that is easily accessible and relevant. But there is always room for improvement. If you have any suggestions for what should be added to the website or how to improve it, please email me. I would appreciate any thoughts you have.
If you want to go back in history to 1890 or 1921 and find out who arrived at the Umatilla House on December 20th, 1890; or how the fighters were preparing for the July 3rd 1921 Dempsey- Carpentier Heavyweight fight; or the price of a 1921 Studebaker from the Dalles Garage Co. (it was $1335), it is as easy as singing the University of Oregon fight song. Susan Buce, the marketing director of the Discovery Center, informed me that the University of Oregon has finally scanned The Dalles Chronicle archives from 1864-1921 and  has made them available online. You can view the archives at for The Dalles Daily Chronicle and for The Dalles Weekly Chronicle. But be careful. You can spend hours reliving the days of yesteryear.
It’s Fort Dalles Days Rodeo Weekend and the Center will be hosting its annual Cowboy Breakfast sponsored by Flagstone Senior Living where they offer a several levels of care: Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care. The menu includes traditional Hotcakes, scrambled eggs, your choice of sausage or bacon, fruit and your favorite morning beverage. And in order to give you plenty of time to prepare for the 10:00 parade, breakfast will be served from 7:30 until 9:30. The cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children – with a $1.00 off for Center members.
This will also be your last chance to purchase raffle tickets ($1.00 apiece) for the one-of-a-kind quilt that has stitched into it fifteen local historical pictures. The drawing will be held at 9:00 AM during the Cowboy Breakfast. 
Before you put the salmon on the grill and the yellow jackets come flying, playing tonight at the Center is “Truman”. And next week “The Good Times” will lay down some hot licks to keep you cool in the summer heat. Doors open at 6:00, music starts at 7:00 and you can be home before dark. Everyone is invited with a suggested donation of $2.00 per person and $3.00 a couple.
Dan Rowan and Dick Martin were the duo that hosted Laugh-in from 1968-1972 which also starred Ruth Buzzi playing the dowdy spinster who was often harrassed on the park bench by the lecherous Arte Johnson. (And this week’s winner is Jim Ayers.) But for the next two weeks let’s stick with television, but shifting to spy thrillers.
This espionage thriller ran from 1965 to 1968 on NBC and broke ground as the first American television drama starring an African-American actor in a lead role. What was the name of the television series that starred two tennis bums/secret agents – Robert Culp as the international tennis player Kelly Robinson, and Bill Crosby as his trainer Alexander Scott?  Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with sweatshirts from Temple University and the University of Washington.
Well, it has been another week trying to swing from branch to branch without slipping. Until we meet again, as Jim Holston reminded me “It doesn’t get any better than this”.
“Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you’ve lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.”

Aging Well July 9 2013

One of my favorite quotes is from comedian Emo Phillips who said “I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.”

 That wonderful organ is the focus for this month’s Passport to Happiness event at the Center on Wednesday July 17th from 3:00 – 4:30 PM where you are invited to learn more about maintaining and improving your Cognitive Health.

 Because as we age, we all want to stay physically fit. But over the last decade with new brain research and a greater awareness of the debilitating effects of cognitive decline, we are increasing becoming more aware and concerned about our cognitive health – particularly our memory.

 We all experience those memory blips: the name forgotten, the word lost; the keys left in the parked car – with the motor running! – little missteps that we wouldn’t even think about before, but now in our twilight years become a greater concern.

 But there is good news. Research is showing that as we grow older, we may not be as mentally quick, but because of life experiences and the continued growth of the executive functions in the brain, older brains make more accurate decisions than younger brains. For example our nation is led by thirty-two US Senators and ninety-five US Representatives over the age of 65. Okay, that may not be the best example of cognitive functioning. But you get the point.

 Over the last five years I have written about memory and brain functioning. So how about a pop quiz? Can you remember the six components of achieving a healthy brain? (While you are writing down your answers, do you remember when you were younger using “thingamajig” or “whatchamacallit” – as place holders for objects you couldn’t remember? Looking back, I realize “tip of the tongue” memory lapses are nothing new with age.)

 Okay time is up. The six components of a healthy brain lifestyle are: physical exercise – 25% of blood flow from each heartbeat goes to your brain; mental stimulation – participating in activities that are novel and complex; socialization – enjoying the company of friends; nutrition – eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and filling your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables; stress reduction through meditation or prayer; and a good night’s sleep.

 Did you know all six? In which areas do you do well? And which ones do you need to work on?

 Because of brain plasticity, your brain is continually changing. And at any age you can make intentional choices to keep your brain healthy and wise – which is as important as keeping yourself physically fit.

 If you are looking for a way to securely shred your documents, you now have one more option. Besides calling Gorge Security Shred at 541-490-7078 to make an appointment, or meeting them at the Center every Friday between noon and 1:00, the Center now has a secure container provided by Gorge Security Shred so you can conveniently drop off at the Center any documents (under twenty pounds) you want shredded. The cost is a suggested donation of forty cents per pound.

 Since this month’s focus is Cognitive Health, I’m again mixing up the music announcement to challenge your grey matter (with apologies to the political satire assemble “Capital Steps” and their “Lirty Dies”). Before you swick the flitch and the lights go out, taying plonight at the Center is “Martin and Friends”. And “Truman” will be terforming on Puesday the 16thth starting at 7:00 PM. Duggested sonations are two pollars per derson and three collars per douple to keep the fusicians med and the swoors flept.

 The live variety show that aired on television during the fifties featuring Imogene Coca and Sid Caesar is “The Show of Shows”. (And the winner is Pat Davenport.)

Sticking with television for another week, this fast paced comedy series aired from 1968 through 1972 and featured such recurring sketches as “The Mod, Mod World” and “The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award”. And made famous such catchphrases as “Sock it to me” and “Here come da judge” Who were the comedy team that hosted this series? And if that is too easy, who was the actress that appeared in every season and portrayed her most famous character – the dowdy spinster Gladys Ormphby? Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with Edith Ann’s oversized rocking chair.

 Well, it has been another week throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks. Until we meet again, you can’t really appreciate the silence without the noise.

Aging Well July 2nd 2013

As I am trying to stay cool in my air conditioned bedroom like a kangaroo rat in its desert burrow; with my laptop computer sitting appropriately on my lap, I am wondering what to write about this week.  And then like a sweaty palm slapping me across my face, it hits me – the dangers of overexposure to summer heat!
Because as we age, our bodies change (which I am reminded everyday) becoming less sensitive to heat and the feeling of thirst, making us older adults more vulnerable to summer’s heat and humidity. In addition, certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, and medications commonly taken by older adults —water pills, allergy and sinus medications, and antidepressants—further increase the risk.
But according to The American Geriatrics Society’s Foundation for Health in Aging (FHIA), there are precautions we can take to prevent the harmful effects of dehydration and heat illness – particularly when the temperatures reach ninety degrees. There are the obvious: turn on the air conditioner or go somewhere with air conditioning; when outdoors wear a hat and lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing; use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen; avoid strenuous activity; and my favorite – take a cool shower or bath.  
But what you may not know is avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages; and frequent drinking of smaller quantities is better than less frequent drinking of larger quantities. (If you aren’t sure if you are drinking enough fluids – how should I say this politely? – check your urine: light yellow urine is usually a sign you are drinking enough, while darker urine may signal that more liquid is needed.) And in many situations, it is a good idea during these heat waves to have someone check in on you twice a day.
It may not be 128 degrees as it was in Death Valley, but the heat can still be unbearable and dangerous. Stay cool, slow down and drink plenty of water. In six months, we can start complaining about how cold it is.
We are already half way through 2013, and since a Center membership is for the calendar year, the Center is offering “a once in a life time opportunity” for new members to join the Center at half the regular price. During the month of July, individual memberships are $20 instead of $35 and a membership for a couple is only $30 instead of $60. If you have never been a member, this is your chance to join and help support the Center. Memberships provide almost 15% of the Center’s revenue.
Meals-on-Wheels will be closed on the 4th and 5th, but extra meals will be delivered for the long weekend. The Center will be closed on Thursday but will be open on Friday although many of the classes and activities will be cancelled. But there will be Bingo on Saturday the 6th starting at 6:00 PM. And if there are over sixty folks playing that night, someone in the crowd is guaranteed to win $1000.
And if that is not enough to get you out of the heat, on July 11th Meals-on-Wheels will have their big Bingo Bash starting at 6:00 with free hamburgers between 4:30 and 6:30. There will be a guaranteed $1000 give-a-way plus several other special prizes including free one night stays at Wildhorse and Spirit Mountain. For this special event minimum buy-in is $20.00.
And before the toast is buttered and the coffee’s made, playing tonight at the Center is “Strawberry Mountain Band”. And “Martin and Friends” will be performing next Tuesday on the 9th starting at 7:00 PM. All ages are welcome and suggested donations are $2 per person and $3 per couple to keep the musicians fed and the lights on.
Robert Young and Jane Wyatt, as his wife, starred in the hit comedy “Father Knows Best”. (And this week’s winner is Sandy Haechrel.) But that was a little too easy, so this week’s “Remember When” question should be a little more challenging. What was the name of the 90 minute live variety show ranked #30 on TV Guide’s 50 Greatest TV Shows; starred Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Carl Reiner and Howard Morris and aired from February 25, 1950 to June 5, 1954? Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a kinescope copy of the comedy sketch “From Here to Obscurity”.

Well, it has been another week looking for shade in all the cool places. Until we meet again, here’s a quote to share with your grandkids, “Listen to your elder’s advice not because they are always right, but because they have more experiences of being wrong.”

Aging Well June 25th 2013

Do you ever miss the “good ole days” when the Lone Ranger could dispense justice without fanfare or press conferences – and the local citizens had to ask “Who was that mask man? And when he could tell his trusted companion Tonto “I’ll shoot if I have too, but I will shoot to wound not to kill. If a man must die it is up to the law to decide that” and the viewing audience wouldn’t smirk.
Those times were not perfect. Beneath the wholesome exterior portrayed on television, there were vigilante hangings, unequal opportunities for women, (remember when girls could only play half-court basketball?), rivers on fire, organized crime alive and influential; and tobacco companies were still testifying that cigarettes didn’t kill.
I wouldn’t want to go back to those days, (although if I was eight again and knew what I know now – it would be tempting). But in our current cynical and distrustful times, there is something wishful and innocent, like a fresh breeze from a land faraway, about the beliefs the Lone Ranger held as a role model for the young children of the time – including myself. And I wonder do these values have any relevance today?
So just for a moment, let’s go back to a time sixty years ago and remember the ideals of the Lone Ranger.
“I believe: that to have a friend, a man must be one; that all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world; that God put the firewood there, but that every man must gather and light it himself; in being prepared physically, mentally, and morally to fight when necessary for that which is right; that a man should make the most of what equipment he has; that ‘this government of the people, by the people, and for the people’ shall live always; that men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatest number; that sooner or later…somewhere…somehow…we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken; that all things change but truth, and that truth alone, lives on forever; in my Creator, my country, my fellow man.”
Last reminder. The Center’s annual summer rummage sale is this Thursday (June 27th) and Friday from 9:00 – 4:00; and ending on Saturday with the traditional bag sale from 9:00 until noon. As the saying goes “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
The one-of-a-kind Quilt, stitched together with fifteen historic cloth pictures, will be raffled off at the Cowboy Breakfast on July 20th – less than a month away. So time is running out to purchase your winning ticket. Raffle tickets are available at the Center for $1.00 apiece.
I’ve heard from Tim, the manager of The Dalles ReStore, that they are busier than ever this summer selling quality new or slightly used building materials and furniture at a fraction of retail prices.And to accommodate all the activity, they are open from 9:00- 6:00 during the summer months. But with longer hours Tim is also looking for more volunteers. If you want to help (all the income goes to support local Habitat projects) give him a call at 541-296-4486. Or better yet drop in at 1001 W 6th.
And before the commercial break ends and the show returns, playing tonight at the Center is “For the Good Times”. And on Tuesday, July 2nd starting at 7:00 PM the Strawberry Mountain Band will keep you busy till the sun fades into the evening skies. All ages are welcome and donations are always appreciated.
Tonto called the Lone Ranger Kemo Sahbee (also spelled Kemo Sabe or Kemosabe) meaning “trusted friend” or “trusted scout”. (And the winner this week is Betty Richmond.) But this week’s “Remember When” question is about another series that transitioned from radio to television. It portrayed a middle class family living in the Midwest and starred Robert Young (on both radio and television) as the father and a General Insurance agent. What was the name of this comedy that aired on television from 1954 until 1960? Mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a copy of a “Good Driver Agreement” from the Robert Young Good Driver Club.
Well, it has been another week trying to keep the “body busy and the mind delighted”. Until we meet again, consider this Swedish proverb: “Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; love more, and all good things will be yours.” 

Aging Well June 18th 2013

Automobiles have changed over the years – from push button transmissions, metal dash boards, and cigarette lighters to computerized engines, backup cameras and remote car keys (so you can lock your car from your living room – and accidently set off the car alarm as you fumble with your car keys!)
And so have traffic rules, driving conditions, and although I hate to admit it – so have we. But by taking a AARP Driver Safety course you’ll learn the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques, and how to manage and accommodate common age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time.
In addition, you’ll learn how to minimize the effects of dangerous blind spots; how to maintain the proper following distance behind another car; the safest ways to change lanes and make turns at busy intersections; ways to monitor your own and others’ driving skills and capabilities; the effects of medications on driving; and the importance of eliminating distractions, such as eating, smoking, and cell-phone use. No wonder many insurance companies will reduce your insurance rates if you successfully complete the class.
Dennis Davis teaches the AARP Driver Safety Class at the Center from 9:00 – 12:00 on the third Monday and Tuesday of every month. The cost is $14.00 and $12.00 for AARP members and you can sign up by calling the Center.
After completing the course, you will have a greater knowledge of how to avoid collisions and injuries to yourself and others. And maybe, just maybe, it will help you convince your kids not to take your car keys – at least not yet!
During the summer several of the Center’s activities enjoy a break including the Young-at-Heart Serenaders, Strong Women, Tuesday Lectures and Creative Arts. But there are plenty of other opportunities during the summer months to keep you active. Here are a few highlights.
If you are interested in local history The Dalles School District Archive Museum at the Wahtonka Campus is open every Saturday from 10:00 – 3:00 PM during the summer (whether you went to school in The Dalles or not, it is a fascinating collection of school memorabilia.) The Rorick House at 300 W. 13th Street is now open on Saturdays and Sundays through August with several Summer History Programs including Carolyn Wood discussing the restoration and preservations of the Historic Columbia River Highway at 1:30 on Saturday June 22nd. And you can “take a walk on the rural side” and visit the Sherman County Historical Museum in Moro including the 30thAnniversary Celebration on Saturday June 22nd.
If you are interested in art and music you can enjoy the work of local based artists at The Dalles Art Center; bring your picnic dinner and lawn chair to the Fort Dalles Fourth Sunday at the Fort Music Concerts; and at The Dalles/Wasco County Library on June 19th starting at 7:00 PM ,you can listen to 87 year old author Ralph Salisbury  who just published his memoir “So Far, So Good” – and award winning poet Ingrid Wendt
For more information about these and many more summer treats, you can go online to The Dalles Chamber of Commerce Community Calendar.
And before the bow bends and the arrow flies, playing tonight at the Center is “Truman” And on Tuesday, June 25th “For the Good Times” will play till your heart’s content or your knees are sore. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
The R&B group that formed in 1953 and successfully recorded several old standards including the My Prayer” and “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes is the Platters. (And the winner this week is Ed Anghilante.)
But let’s move away from music to an icon of American culture. “The Lone Ranger” will be coming back to the movie theaters on July 3rd. But  Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels starred in the popular ABC series from 1949  – 1957 about the ex-Texas Ranger who left behind silver bullets, wore a mask made from his dead brothers’ vest and rode his trusty steed, Silver. And who along with his Indian companion Tonto, fought injustice in the Old West. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what did Tonto call the Lone Ranger? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a recording of the William Tell Overture.
Well, it has been another week trying to lick the frosting off the cake without gaining any weight. Until we meet again, as George Carlin once said, “I’m in favor of personal growth as long as it doesn’t include malignant tumors”.

 “Life is understood looking backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” Soren Kierkegaard