Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well September 21st

If you can talk, you can sing. If you can walk, you can dance. –African Proverb

Over thirty folks made it to the Center on a wet rainy Friday evening to enjoy an “Oldies Night”: listening to the hits from the 50’s and the 60’s – triggering memories of past youthful adventures. But that Friday night I made one mistake. One big mistake. I invited my wife. Because when she goes to a dance, she expects to dance and for some unexplainable reason she wants to dance with me.

And that’s a problem.

I didn’t dance in high school. My dad would often bribe me to go to dances. And when I did, I would stand terrified next to the door, thinking of excuses and avoiding all eye contact during the breaks when the girls would scan the crowd looking for their next partner. (But after watching Neva Reid dance the mash potatoe Friday night, if I known her in ‘62 it might have been a whole different story!) But fortunately for me, dancing evolved – or devolved – to when you no longer needed to know any dance steps or the latest dance craze. You just needed to “express yourself” which meant you could bounce, you could shake, you could roll on the floor. And even I could do that!

So Friday night was high school all over again – still thinking of excuses, avoiding eye contact and watching couples who really knew how to dance. But then it came to me. I didn’t need to know how to dance. I just needed a GPS system to direct my feet from A to B without stepping on C. A system where a feminine voice – sounding suspiciously like my wife’s – would announce, “Take two steps to the next corner, turn left, take six steps back, make a u-turn, now four more steps. Not three steps! Ouch! Rerouting! Rerouting! What kind of clumsy ox are you?” Or maybe that wouldn’t be a good idea.

But I guess I just need to find the courage to follow the polish proverb, “If you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance.” And at our age, aren’t we all on thin ice? So join the fun and enjoy the gentle thrill of dancing whether at the Center; the Civic or Cherry Park Grange. And one of these days you might even see me on the dance floor. (I wonder – is too late to learn the Mash Potato?)

And if you want to dance or just listen, Tuesday night is your night at the Center. From 7:00 – 9:00 PM there is always live music – open to everyone no matter your age or if you are rhythmically challenged or not. Next Tuesday the Jazz Generations will be playing the big band sounds. And tonight Truman will be crooning his country gold. It is all free but donations are warmly appreciated.

Duane Francis, President and CEO of MCMC, will be the speaker for the Center’s Tuesday Lecture next week on the 28th starting at 11:00. You will hear the latest news from MCMC, the challenges they face in the ever changing field of health care plus an opportunity to ask any questions. We appreciate Duane coming to the Center to share his thoughts and hope you can find time to take advantage of this opportunity.

Once again in partnership with the Occupational Health at MCMC, the Center is offering Flu Shots from 2:00 – 4:00 on Monday September 27th and from 12:00 to 2:00 on Tuesday September 28th. The shots will be given on the main floor which will make it quick, easy and convenient. And for folks on Medicare you will only need to sign in. If you have any questions you can call Occupational Health at 541-296-7811.

It was the one and only Chuck Berry who sang the 1958 hit “Johnny B. Good”. This week’s “Remember When” question – for a free Saturday breakfast – celebrates the nation’s fall obsession; football. What national #1 team did University of Oregon almost defeat in the 1958 Rose Bowl? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on a football signed by Dan Fouts or Ahmad Rashad – take your pick.

Looks like I have dodged enough random cream pies for another week. Until we meet again, look before you step, think before you speak but whatever you do always keep moving.

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age. — Robert Frost

Aging Well September 14th

If you enjoy exploring challenging new ideas – whether you agree with them or not – you will want to have “Lunch with TED” at the Center starting next Wednesday the 22nd at noon. TED isn’t actually a person but a website providing 20 minute videos of “riveting talks by remarkable people”. Every Wednesday during the lunch hour you can enjoy a nice meal while watching and discussing a presentation by a world renowned speaker that will make you think if not change your life.

At the Center’s Third Saturday breakfast you will find many fine folks including regulars Dennis and Mary Davis and Tom Bailey at their own The Dalles High Class of 1963 table. So this Saturday if you want to catch up with old classmates or just want to enjoy a nice breakfast, the doors will be open from 8:00 – 9:30. This month’s menu includes scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes, fruit and a muffin plus all your morning beverages. And as Jack always said “Breakfast tastes better when someone else cooks it” – as long as you don’t ask me.

This Friday the 17th the Center will be “hoppin” and “groovin” to the sounds of the 50’s and 60’s. Bob Jones from Milton-Freewater will be the DJ for this Oldies Night sponsored by The Dalles Wasco County Library District and the Libraries of Eastern Oregon. Bob is the Library Director in Milton-Freewater and has been presenting the Oldies Night in his community since 2006. And it has been such a success he has taken it on the road. The music starts at 6:30 and lasts until 8:30 so you can still take your girl – or guy – out for a soda after the dance. Come and enjoy the hits from the 50’s and 60’s, imagine yourself on American Bandstand and remember those days of innocence – or not so innocence? And who knows, maybe Sheila and Phil will be there and show us a few dance steps.

If you are more into country than 50’s and 60’s pop, you will enjoy the sounds of Truman’s Country Gold at the Center on Tuesday the 21st. And tonight you can start off with the sweet sounds of the Notecrackers for your listening and dancing pleasure. Everybody is welcome – young and old and in between. The music starts at 7:00 and doesn’t cost one iota although donations are appreciated.

The Tuesday Lecture on the 21st will feature Anya Kawka, activities coordinator for Northern Wasco County Parks and Recreation District. She will be describing the many opportunities provided by the Parks and Recreation district for older adults as well as her vision for future activities.

We had several different answers to last week’s “Remember When” question including Moon River, Pink Panther and Baby Elephant Walk. (Henry Mancini was quite a prolific composer during that time!) But the song he composed with lyricist Johnny Mercer for the movie of the same name was “The Days of Wine and Roses” starring Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick. And of the six correct answers, Pat Davenport is the winner of the bottle of wine. (And again thanks to Joann Scott for the wine donation.)

And to get into the mood for Oldies Night on Friday, this week’s “Remember When” question is “What “rock and roll” pioneer wrote and recorded the 1958 hit, Johnny B. Goode, considered by many the greatest guitar song of all time?” E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or put the answer inside a Gibson ES-335 electric guitar and leave it next to my desk.
You probably figured out most of the answers to last week’s brain teasers but don’t flog yourself if you missed a few. They always seem obvious – after you know the answers. So here goes. 1) The cars he passed were going in the opposite direction. 2) Seven. The four daughters have only one brother, making five children, plus mom and dad.3) Just one – after that the piggy bank won’t be empty. 4) Every month has 28 days. 5) Just once, because after you subtract anything from 25, it’s not 25 anymore. 6) Yes, he is a justice of the peace. 7) The surgeon is his mother. 8) The last person took the basket with the last egg still inside it.

Well, have I caused enough damage for one week? Until we meet again, a Danish proverb says “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man be perfected without trials” but I have to admit – there are days I would gladly trade a little less perfection for a few less trials.

Aging Well September 7th

The brain – sometimes described as your thinking muscle – is an incredible organ. But as Emo Phillips stated, “I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this”. But no matter what your brain is saying, it is clear that you need to “use it or lose it”. So this week I am again sharing several brain tantalizing riddles to challenge your preconceptions and test your creative problem solving. The answers will be in next week’s column or if you can’t wait, will be posted on the Center’s website at .

1) Why was the man able to pass three cars going 70 miles-per-hour, while he was going only 60 miles-per-hour? 2) Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family? 3) If it has a quart capacity, how many pennies can you put into a empty piggy bank? 4) While some months have just 30 days, others have 31 days. How many months have 28 days? 5) How many times can you subtract 5 from 25? 6) Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister in the state of California? 7) A man and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed and the child is taken to hospital gravely injured. When he gets there, the surgeon says, ‘I can’t operate on this boy – for he is my son!!!’ How can this possibly be? 8) There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left in the basket?

Those may have been too easy – or maybe not. But how about your attention and working memory: the ability to keep information cur¬rent for a short period while using the information. These may be a little harder – so put on your mental gym clothes, get down on all fours and practice these drills provided by Harriet Vines Ph.D. from the SharpBrains web site.

1) Say the days of the week back¬wards, then in alpha¬bet¬i¬cal order. 2) Say the months of the year in alpha¬bet¬i¬cal order. And if you think that was easy (which it wasn’t for me), try doing so in reverse alpha¬bet¬i¬cal order. 3) Find the sum of your date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy. Now be obnoxious while impressing your friends and relatives by doing the same with their birth dates. 4) Name two objects for every letter in your complete name. Work up to five objects, trying to use different items each time. 5) And finally the two minute drill. Wherever you are, look around and within two minutes; try to find 5 red things that will fit in your pocket, and 5 blue objects that are too big to fit.

If you would like a weekly workout, while learning more about the brain, join the Center’s Brain Fitness class which returns on Monday September 20th from 1:00 – 2:00 PM. It will get your brain “cogitating”.

The Center’s Tuesday Lecture Series is back. On September 14th at 11:00 Cory Aldridge will discuss “LINK” the city’s public transportation system. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this vital service and to offer any suggestions.

Also on September 14th, The Notecrackers will be playing their sweet sounds for your dancing and listening pleasure. And tonight the Andre and the Strawberry Mountain Band will rock the house. The music starts at 7:00 and it is free – although donations are appreciated.

The answer was the Boswell Sisters – the 1930’s sister act, famous for their intricate harmonies and the inspiration for the “Stolen Sweets”. And the winner of a free breakfast was Marcia Lacock. But I know the Center’s monthly Saturday breakfast is not everyone’s cup of coffee. So to spice things up a bit, Joann Scott – who regularly enters the “Remember When” weekly challenge – has donated a bottle of 2003 Merlot as the prize for this week’s quiz. And if she supplies the wine, she should also provide the question – right? So Joann’s “Remember When” question for this week is “What 1962 film, directed by Blake Edwards, had a song by the same name written by Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a bottle of “1998 Petrus Pomerol” and leave it in my office.

Well, it is time to enjoy the transition of seasons – when summer gradually fades into fall and the pigskin becomes a national obsession. Until we meet again, keep challenging yourself, but if at first you don’t succeed, skydiving may not be for you.

Aging Well August 31st

Sometimes you run into a brick wall – not of your own choosing; not because of anything you did. It just happens. And you have the option to stop, turn back or as Michael Jordan said “Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it”.

Just over two years ago, with the help of many community partners, the Center began an ambitious campaign to expand the Senior Center – to complete the dream of the founders of the Center and to prepare the Center for the next quarter century.
The economy was good and the Center expected to raise the estimated $1.5 million dollars from foundations and local donations. But then life happens! And we ran into a wall called the “Great Recession”. Although we raised $40,000 local dollars from folks who believed in the dream, we didn’t receive the very large donations we had hoped. And the private foundations lost millions in their endowments and reduced what funds they could grant.

It was necessary to reevaluate the expansion plans.
Over the last year the board and the expansion committee have discussed this new reality and decided to “climb it, go through it or work around” this wall by scaling back the project and focusing on three main priorities – all in the original plan for the Center twenty five years ago: an elevator, additional office space and an exercise room.

But the Center board wants to know the community whether we are moving in the right direction and if so, how best to design the Center expansion. For that purpose there will be an information gathering meeting on Tuesday September 7th at 11:00 where you will have an opportunity to express your ideas about the Center’s expansion. To help focus the ideas there are three questions for you to think about: 1) how do you currently use the building, 2) what do you feel are the current challenges and successes of the building, and 3) what are your “wants and desires” on how to make the building work better for you in the future. Whether you use the Center every day or have never stepped inside the building, I hope you take this opportunity to share your ideas about how the Center should be designed to support older adults and the community for another twenty-five years. And if it’s easier to get to a computer than the Tuesday meeting, you can email your thoughts to

Besides offering the Sunup Walking Club at 8:00 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Parks and Recreation is also offering you an opportunity to see two operas, Pagliacci and Carmina Burana, on Sunday, September 26th at a great price of $33. The seats are limited to the first twelve folks to register. For more information call 541-296-9533.

The final touch to an excellent Music in the Park series sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce will be 6:00 PM this Wednesday night at the City Park. The “Stolen Sweets” (including The Dalles’ own Erin Sutherland on vocal harmonies) are the headliner and will be performing vintage music from the 1920s-1940s. The show has been described as “high energy” featuring “seamless harmonies, top-notch players and infectious dance songs from yesteryear”.

And every Tuesday night at the Center there is music for your dancing and listening pleasure. And performing tonight are the Dufur Boys from Dufur. The “pickin’ and grinnin’” starts at 7:00 and everyone is invited. It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg nor even a finger or toe. It’s all free but donations are appreciated.

It wasn’t Roy Rogers or Gene Autry but the singing cowboy Tex Ritter who recorded “Deck of Cards”. Of the four correct entries, Jim Ayers was the winner of a free Saturday breakfast at the Center on September 18th. And using my special supernatural powers, Jim Sargeant also receives a free breakfast for being the first to call in and knowing that T. Texas Tyler wrote and first recorded “Deck of Cards” in 1948.

This week’s “Remember When” question goes way back – in relative terms. The “Stolen Sweets” formed after rehearsing for a tribute show to this sister act that performed between 1925 and 1935 and were known for their close, intricate harmonies. They chalked up 20 hits during the 1930s including the number one record “The Object of My Affection” in 1935 and were later imitated by many vocal groups including the Andrew Sisters. What is the name of this sister act? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of this week’s winning Powerball ticket.

Well it’s time to stop, take a deep breath and recall what my father always said – “tomorrow is another day”. Until we meet again, question the obvious, but never ask a barber if you need a haircut!

A wise man adapts himself to circumstances – as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it. Chinese Proverb

Aging Well August 24th

“Exercise the body you have, not the one you used to have or the one you wish you had.” This quote, which I recently saw at The Dalles Fitness and Court Club, reminded me how often our unrealistic expectations get in the way of what we think we can physically do or can’t do.

But with creaky knees, garbled hearing and weak bladders – okay maybe I am just speaking of my own condition – you would think we wouldn’t need to be reminded. We would know there just isn’t as much snap in the old rubber band anymore. But no! There are many – particularly Boomers – who still pursue that grand ideal of “mind over matter” – while many others have accepted reality and understand that “if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”.

Even as our bodies are no longer what they were, we do know that it is important to keep moving and exercising because research has shown, over and over again, that an active lifestyle is good for the mind, body, and spirit.

But what kind of exercise is best for you? There are many professional opinions but the simple answer is: whatever you will do that will get you up and moving. And it doesn’t need to be the sweaty exercises you remember from high school.

You can dance. Bill and Neva Reid are again offering a variety of dance classes Monday nights at the Civic from 7:00 – 9:00 starting with an Intro to the Waltz on September 20th. On Thursdays September 16, 23, and 30 they will also be offering free Modern Square Dancing lessons – plus free Ice Cream Cones. Call them at 541-296-1570 for more information. And at the Center there is Tap and Clogging taught by Ardyce Edling every Thursday starting at 10:00. (And I heard they are looking for a few brave men to add some excitement to this all women’s group.)

You can walk. The Sunup Walking Club offers groups walks every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 AM along the riverfront. Call 541-296-9533 for more info. And you can join a variety of exercise and movement classes at TDFCC, MCMC and here at the Center.

Our bodies aren’t the same as they were fifty, forty or even ten years ago, but we can keep moving. As Popeye said “I am what I am and that’s all that I am”. And that is a good place to start.

Russell Baker once said “Children rarely want to know who their parents were before they were parents, and when age finally stirs their curiosity, there is no parent left to tell them”. But the Center is trying to prevent this sad truth by providing an opportunity for folks to record, preserve and share your experiences growing up, life lessons learned or just personal stories. Bring a friend, parent or child and we will record your conversations and transfer them to a CD for you to keep. We are still testing the process, but if you are interested call the Center at 541-296-4788.

Dancing is not all that difficult. It is just the “art of getting your feet out of the way faster than your partner can step on them.” On Tuesday the 31st you will have a chance to practice this art form to the sounds of the Dufur Boys and tonight to the Jazz Generations. The music starts at 7:00 and it is free although donations are appreciated. .

Last week’s answer was the “Platters” the Doo-Wop group that recorded the #1 hit “The Great Pretender”. There were nine entries including Karl “Trivial Minds” Vercouteren and the winner of a free Saturday breakfast on September 18th was Bob Earls.

This week it is time for a country music “Remember When” question and since during my clumsy pimpled face youth, I listened mostly to Motown, I went to someone who knows her country music upside down: Sharyl Doty. With her help, this week’s “Remember When” question is “What early pioneer of country music starred in over 40 “singing cowboy” movies and recorded many top ten country hits including “You Two-Timed Me One Time Too Often” and one of Sharyl’s favorites, “Deck of Cards”? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write the answer on the front of a Federal Reserve Note next to the picture of James Madison and slip it under my door.

Well that is the end of another box of cereal – and I still didn’t find the prize. Until we meet again before you start making a big fuss think about what Vic Gold said “The squeaking wheel doesn’t always get the grease. Sometimes it gets replaced!”

Aging Well August 17th

Curiosity had been described as “… the wick in the candle of learning “… the lust of the mind”, “…one of the great secrets of happiness”. And because it keeps our minds active, creates an excitement and appreciation for all of life’s wonders and opens new windows to fresh ideas that will challenge and engage us, it is a trait we should continue to nourish and strengthen.

Unfortunately, many of us stop questioning the world around us. We have seen it all, what more is there? But at any age we need to keep asking questions, wondering what if, and keeping our minds open – but not so open our brains fall out. And make it fun! Imagine you are like that curious cat Ralph Waldo Emerson described “lying in wait for every secret”. And then you spring, and in your paws you have a savory new discovery.

But you don’t need gourmet food to feed your curiosity. You can read a book, discuss a new idea with friends, explore your own backyard: the Discovery Center, the Library, The Dalles Art Center, and the many historical sites. And you can attend the new opportunities offered by the Center starting this fall including Wii Fun – learning the Wii games such as tennis, boxing, golf and skiing; Tech Talk – a monthly series discussing various topics such as Facebook; Lunch with TED – discussing a thought provoking video from the website TED; Life’s Lessons – stimulating group discussion of lessons learned; StoryCorp – recording of life memories and experiences; iPhone users group – or support group depending if you think your iPhone is an addiction or not; and Mastery of Aging – a video presentation created and distributed by OSU extension. If you are interested in any of these activities and classes, or if you have any ideas for additional activities, call the Center at 541-296-4788.

As the summer starts winding down so do the free local concerts. This coming Sunday August 22 at 4:00 PM the Dufur Boys will be playing the last “4th at the Fort” Sunday Concert; and on the first of September, “Music in the Park” will conclude with the “Stolen Sweets” – including The Dalles own Erin Sutherland – performing vintage swing jazz vocals. And there is always music at the Center every Tuesday night starting at 7:00 PM. On the 24th The Jazz Generations will be performing their big band sounds. And tonight Andre will be leading the Strawberry Mountain Band. The music is free but the evening is priceless. Snacks are provided and everyone but the dog is welcome.

On the menu for the Center’s monthly breakfast this coming Saturday the 21st is the southern favorite of Biscuits and Gravy, Sausage, Scramble Eggs, fruit and your favorite beverage, all for $5.00 (and $4.00 for Center members). Breakfast is served at 8:00 and continues until everyone is satisfied – usually around 9:30. The breakfast is open to all ages, the old–old, young-old, old-young and for the young-young the Center has added a children’s price of $3.00 for those under twelve. As Jack always said, “Breakfast tastes better when someone else cooks it”.

The answer to last week’s “Remember When” question was Peyton Place (of the four entries three were men – and you can take that anyway you want) and the winner was Don McAllister who remembers the book being passed around during freshman science class when one of the girls brought it to school. As a reminder this month’s winners of a free Saturday Breakfast were Terry Emmons, Diana Weston, Sharon Pincock, Sandy Stillings, Donzella Schlager and Jim Ayers; and Sandy Lutgens, but only if she brings her autographed picture of Richard Chamberlain.

This week’s question is back to my favorite category: music. What Doo-Wop group recorded the #1 hit “the Great Pretender” in 1956? Email, call 541-296-4788 or write the answer on the side of a Troy-Bilt Storm 24” Two Stage Snow Thrower – hey, it won’t be too long before we will be trading our sandals for warm gloves.

Well, my stomach’s full and it’s time to take a nap. Until we meet again, keep your eyes open for what can’t be seen.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

Aging Well August 10

In Wasco, Hood River and Sherman counties, over nine-hundred folks are residing in state licensed long term care facilities such as nursing facilities, assisted living facilities and adult foster care homes – and many are without close family or friends. Even in the best facilities stuff happens and in many states these residents would have no one nearby to help. But in most of Oregon that is not the case. Oregon’s Long Term Care Ombudsman program works to “enhance the quality of life and improve the quality of care for residents of Oregon’s long-term care facilities” by responding to a wide variety of resident concerns – from personal preferences (I don’t like green Jello) to financial abuse – my kids are trying to steal my life savings – and in between: billing, medications, lost property, and guardianship issues.

These concerns are investigated and resolved by a small Long Term Care Ombudsman staff and over 150 trained and certified volunteer ombudsmen assigned to facilities throughout the state who become the resident’s advocates and their “eyes and ears”.

But I said “most of Oregon” because currently there are no trained volunteers in Wasco, Hood River and Sherman Counties. Two volunteers have just stepped forward in Hood River County and Gretchen Jordan, the state coordinator of volunteers for the program, is looking for several more. This is important and serious work requiring five days of training over three weeks (starting August 24th in Hood River) and a commitment of approximately 15 -16 hours a month.

If you have the passion and the commitment to protecting the rights of older adults who live in long term care facilities and would like to become a Long Term Care Ombudsman, call Gretchen at 1-800-522-2602 or email her at And you can always call the Center.

To celebrate these dog days of summer, Meals-on-Wheels’ is having a special Swim Suit contest – with prizes – at their monthly birthday dinner on Tuesday August 17th. But before you get too excited or too fraught with terror (wearing a Speedo doesn’t quite make the same impression as it did 40 years ago. Ask my wife!) the swim suit contest is only for plastic dolls. Here is a chance to imagine yourself as a Jantzen swim suit designer and create your own one-of-a-kind bathing suit for your favorite doll. But if you want to try something a little tamer, there will also be Hawaiian shirt and best Beach Hat contests. All brought to you by the wild and crazy folks at Meals-in-Wheals (sounds like a Betty Harlan idea to me). Join the fun on Tuesday August 17th starting at noon at the Center.

The Senior Center Quilters are looking for a few extra fingers that are itching to stitch. Because several regular quilters no longer can continue because of family obligations, they are now down to four active members and they need to restock the cupboards. They usually stitch two quilts a year to raffle for the Center (you can see their latest work hanging in the Center’s lobby) and they also do custom repairs and quilting jobs for hire. They meet every Monday from 10:00 – 3:00 in the Center’s basemen. For more information you can call Linda Heath at 541-296-6415. As it has been said, “A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars.”

I hear country sounds “coming around the mountain when she comes” because next Tuesday August 17th the Strawberry Mountain Band will be cranking it out for your dancing and listening pleasure. And tonight you can enjoy the sweet sounds of that tantalizing trio – the Notecrackers. The carpet is rolled up at 7:00 so you can “show your stuff”. It is all free although donations are appreciated. And everybody’s welcome.

Last week’s answer was “I Spy” starring Robert Culp and Bill Crosby. And the randomly selected winner of a free breakfast was Terry Emmons. (Sorry Ron – maybe next time!) But this week I want to tack in a different direction for this week’s “Remember When” question. Before there was “Desperate Housewives” there was a novel written in 1956 that was on the New York Times best seller list for 59 weeks. It followed the lives of three women in a small New England village and became a popular expression describing a place where the residents hold seamy sordid secrets. Email, call 541-296-4788 or leave the answer on my desk – engraved on the back of a new iPhone4.

Well it is time to lie down and watch the clouds whisper by as they dance the slow dances. Until we meet again, remember to “always ride a horse in the direction it is going.”

Aging Well August 2nd

These are difficult times. As we gradually pull out of the worst economic meltdown since the great depression, many folks are still struggling. And even though older adults are covered by Social Security and Medicare, for many this publicly supported safety net is not enough as the costly demands of aging increase.

In the past Oregon has been a leader in offering supports for the elderly allowing them to remain independent longer – providing nursing home care (though necessary in many cases) as the last resort instead of the first as was the case in many other states. But the system has over the years unraveled due to budget restrictions. And with the “Great Recession” has come even further reductions and uncertainty. The LIfeSpan Respite program which operated out of the Community Action Program (CAP) and provided relief for families who are caring for someone with special needs such as a disability or a chronic or terminal illness closed on July 1st. But fortunately, although temporarily, Oregon Project Independence (OPI) – a small but valuable program, providing some 2,000 Oregon seniors with housekeeping, shopping and other assistance needed to keep them out of nursing homes and living independently was given a six month reprieve by the Legislature’s Emergency Board.

These are difficult times. And State Representative Bill Garrard from Klamath Falls described the situation the best by comparing it to a shipwreck “We’re throwing survivors a life preserver but leaving them in the water.” Until the economy picks up, or we find different structures for delivering necessary services, or the federal government sends a tugboat to the rescue, this may be the best we can afford.

The challenge is we’re also living in different times. The frail and elderly are living longer in a continuing complex society with less support from the tattered safety net of distant family or neighbors who live next door but we don’t know. As government steps back, we as a community will need to step forward – again: more volunteers to help deliver meals, to help folks manage their money or understand the complexity of Medicare and the Health insurance system, or just to visit and chat. We have done it before, we are doing it now and we will need to do it more in the future to help those who are struggling and in need. As the “Happy Warrior” Hubert Humphrey once said “A society will be judged on how it treats those in the dawn of life, those in the twilight of life, and those in the shadow of life”. I you are interested in volunteering you can call the Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101 or the Center at 541-296-4788.

Tuesday Night Music at the Center offers a variety of music from Country to bluegrass; from a bit of “adult contemporary” to the big band sounds with a touch of jazz. But the common denominator every Tuesday night is good music you can dance to. And to make the point, next Tuesday on the 10th the Notecrackers will be performing their classic sweet sounds while tonight Truman will be playing his Country Gold. It is all good. And it all starts at 7:00 PM. The admittance is just a pair of shoes and a little bit of rhythm, although donations are appreciated.

Of the ten entries this last week, Diana Weston was the winner of a free Saturday breakfast by remembering the TV series “Man from U.N.C.L.E.” But several folks had their eyes wide open – including Herm Neuberger who was the first to catch my error – and saw I had mistakenly identified Robert Wagner as the actor playing Napolean Solo instead of Robert Vaughn.

But last week’s “Remember When” question brought to mind another Robert. Under the category of TV secret agents – for one last week – in what ground breaking TV series did Robert Culp and Bill Cosby star as Pentagon secret agents – chasing villains, spies, and beautiful women? Email or call 541-296-4788 or write the answer on the back of a “42” LED flat screen TV and leave it in the dining room at the Center.

Well, it is time to shoot the breeze and see what falls from the sky. Until we meet again, another piece of advice from the Cowboy from Condon, “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back into your pocket.”

Aging Well July 27th

Senior Living July 27th

“Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine” observed Robert C. Gallagher. But change creates challenges that as we get older we need be prepared for.

During these modern times, more often than not, our children are scattered like seeds in the wind – living who knows where. But by being separated by distance and time, our children may not know our specific needs or desires, our fears and hopes. And with the generations more isolated, they probably also lack a general understanding or empathy for the struggles and joys that we travel with us as we age.

With this lack of awareness are you prepared for the time when there are decisions to be made because of a life-changing situation: the unexpected fall, a debilitating illness or the slow progression of dementia? And the child parent relationship reasserts itself, but surprise! -you are now considered the child. Who is going to decide – for you?

And have you considered the affect of not making your wishes known – the anguish and conflict as your children try to determine what you would want them to do. Will they make the right decision – the decision you would want them to make?

There may not be the right time, but there needs to be a time to initiate these tough discussions: these discussions we all – and particularly our children – try to avoid or deny. Our children may be talented and caring – and we love them – but very few are mind readers. We can’t expect them to know what we want unless we tell them. And we need to be prepared by telling them our wishes and desires now.

Meals-on-Wheels delivers eighty plus meals a day as well as serving a fine dinner every week day at noon at the Center, but like most community based programs, the Meals-on-Wheels program operates on a shoe string – a thin shoe string. Consequently they depend on the many volunteers to deliver the meals; without them the program could not exist. But they need your help. If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer or can squeeze in one more activity in your busy day, consider driving for Meals-on-Wheels. The commitment is small – as little as one hour a week, but the reward is great.

The Center’s NU-2-U Shop is in the midst of a two week half-price sale continuing through Friday August 6th. There is a nice selection of good quality women’s clothes and a few men’s clothes to boot. But Martha says they gotta move – we don’t have the room. Stop in and check out the selection of clothes at prices that should be illegal. The NU-2-U Shop is open every Monday through Friday from 10:00 – 1:30.

I don’t know yet who is playing next Tuesday night at the Center, but I do know the Jazz Generations will be playing some hot licks and cool sounds tonight for your listening and dancing enjoyment. The “cats” start howling at 7:00 and it won’t cost you any “bread” although donations are appreciated. (Late bulletin: Truman will be back performing next Tuesday August 3rd. Smooth country music for you dancing and listening pleasure.)

The women clearly outnumbered the men – nineteen to five – in answering last week’s “Remember When” question. Richard Chamberlain played the lead character in the hospital drama Dr. Kildare. Those winning a free breakfast are Sharon Pincock and Sandy Stillings (#1 dishwasher for the Saturday Breakfast). But a special free breakfast goes to Sandy Lutgens – if and only if – she brings her autographed picture of Richard Chamberlain to breakfast on August 21st.

But although Richard Chamberlain was a handsome fellow, Jenny Garner thought he couldn’t compare to Illya Kuyakin. In the TV series that ran from 1946 thought early 1968, Iilya (David McCullum) teamed up with Napoleon Solo (Robert Wagner) as secret agents fighting the evil international organization THRUST. What was the name of this hit TV show? Email or call 541-296-4788 or place the answer on the front seat of a mint condition 1963 Buick Skylark convertible parked at the Center.

It is time to jump in the shower and cool off – for the third time. Until we meet again, “If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there with ya”.

Aging Well July 20th

There a reason I’m married. Saturday morning I wanted to open up the Center by 5:30 so the volunteers would be ready to serve the Cowboy breakfast by 7:30 – for those who like their breakfast bright and early. But when I woke up that morning, it was 5:25. (The alarm did go off at 5:30 but I won’t embarrass myself by mentioning who set the alarm.) After rushing out of bed – trying not to wake my wife, with a quick splash through the bathroom – no time for my regular shower, and getting dressed, I managed to get to the Center by 5:37. Not bad, eh?

After opening up, and starting the coffee, I made a quick stop in the bathroom to tuck in my shirt – at least I had my shirt on. And looking in the mirror for the first time, I noticed my hair disheveled with strands sticking straight out – like Alfalfa in The Little Rascals. And this is when I realized the benefits of marriage. Friends are far too kind to comment, but my wife, if she had been awake, would have immediately noticed, and before I had left the house would have corrected my appearance with the gentle reminder “You aren’t going out looking like that are you?”

That is why we men are so beholden to our wives. Without them, what would we look like, how would we dress, and who would remind us of the food stains on our pants or the mismatched socks? As we get older, more distracted and forgetful, this “quality assurance” role wives play becomes even more significant. Thank goodness I’m married – I need all the help I can get and I know it’s not going to get any better.

Before I embark on this week’s “Remember When” question, I need to apologize to the ladies for stating last week’s question was for the guys. As said by the cowboy from Condon, “The easiest way to eat crow is while it’s still warm. The colder it gets, the harder it is to swaller”. In my wisdom I thought a question about baseball and cowboys would naturally appeal more to the male side of the audience – not imagining that eleven of the eighteen respondents would be women. I guess Gene Autry made quite an impression. And since there were so many entries, there are two winners: Donzella Schlager and Jim Ayers, both winning a free Saturday breakfast on August 21st.

So this week I’ll try again with a question for the gals. (I’ll see what trouble I get into this time.) Richard Chamberlain was the leading TV heartthrob of the early 60’s while playing the lead character in what TV series that ran on NBC from 1961 through 1966? Email or call 541-296-4788 or write the answer on the back of a c-note and discreetly place it in my back pocket.

I am starting to schedule the Center’s fall classes and activities and I would like to present several new offerings this fall. I still want to provide several specific technology classes such as social networking since the over 60 crowd is the fasting growing population using social media. And an iphone user’s group – there must be more folks out there who are looking for the latest iphone app besides Virgil Choate and myself. I know what appeals to me – and have found many times it is only me. But what are your interests? If you have any ideas for a weekly, monthly or just a onetime only class or activity, or if you know someone who is interested in facilitating a class, email me or call the Center with your suggestions.

As there is always room for home-made ice cream on a hot summer day, there is always a place for good live music with fine company. Next Tuesday the 27th the Jazz Generations will be presenting the big band sounds for your dancing and listening enjoyment. And tonight the Sugar Daddies will be playing your favorites standards and their own original compositions. The beat goes on from 7:00 till 9:00 and it’s all free although donations are appreciated.

Well it’s time to put the top down and follow the open highway. Until we meet again, if you think you are pretty darn smart remember, “It don’t take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep”.