Author Archives: mcseniorcenter

Aging in the Gorge February 16th 2022

We all experience aches and pains, right? It just goes with living a long life. But there are times when the pain should not be ignored, and you should seek medical attention.  

In her 2020 article for AARP “10 Pain Symptoms You Should Never Ignore, Michelle Crouch shares the advice of several doctors about which pains you should seek immediate care. I’m not including the reasons why but let’s just say theyre not good. If you want to read the whole article you can visit 


The first thing to keep in mind is any new or unexplained pain should be checked out by a doctor even if it’s not severe. But some pains are more serious and should be evaluated immediately. 


1. Pain with loss of function such as when you injure your leg and can’t move it.  


2. Eye pain that comes out of nowhere 


3. Any type of chest pain because a heart attack isn’t always a sudden, crushing pain. It can be more like a dull pressure or a heaviness. Other signs of a heart attack are vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, or shortness of breath while doing ordinary activities.  


4. Pain in one or both arms, your jaw, or between your shoulder blades are lesser-known symptoms of a heart attack and are more likely to affect women. 


5. The worst headache of your life. A headache is particularly worrisome if accompanied by neck stiffness, weakness, vision change, or occurs after hitting your head if you are taking a blood thinner. 


6. Severe abdominal pain particularly a new pain that doesn’t go away or keeps getting worse or is associated with vomiting, swelling, or a fever.  


7. Increasing calf or thigh pain, especially if in just one leg, after a prolonged period of inactivity, even if it’s not severe. It may feel like a muscle cramp and is often accompanied by leg swelling or redness.  


8. Pain from a minor wound (especially one that is red and swollen) that keeps getting worse over a few days can be a sign of a serious infection. 


9. Pain after a procedure or injection can occasionally cause infection or bleeding. If you experience persistent pain or loss of function, call your provider right away. 


10. Pain with a high fever can be your body fighting a dangerous infection. It’s especially important to seek treatment quickly if the pain is in your mouth, throat, or neck; in your lower or upper back; associated with an area of tender, inflamed skin; or is at or around a surgical site.  


You know your body and which pains are normal. But for those new and unexplained ones, don’t ignore them thinking you are tough and want to show your independence, or you don’t want to bother your doctor or worry your children. You don’t want to spend time in a hospital bed wondering “I should of ”. 


The name of the ghost who unintentionally scared almost everyone he met was Casper the Friendly Ghost. I received correct answers from Chuck Rice, Lucile Stephens, Doug Nelson, Barbara Cadwell, Keith and Marlene Clymer, Pat Evenson-Brady, Margo Dameier, Gene Uczen, Linda Frizzell, Tammara Tippel, Donna Mollett, Julie Carter, Rose Schulz, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket Rebecca Abrams whose last name I misspelled last week but hopefully not this time! 


The Beatles have been back in the news with the 2021 release of the nearly eight-hour-long docuseries Get Back. It features in-studio footage shot in early 1969 that covers the making of the Beatles’ twelfth and final studio album. For this week’s “Remember When Question”, what was the name of this album released on May 8th, 1970 almost a month after the Beatles broke up? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or mail it with a picture of Yoko Ono and John Lennon in bed on their wedding day.  


Well, it’s been another week, trying to play the long game which isn’t so long anymore. 

Until we meet again, I’ve found I don’t forget things, I just remember them at the wrong times.  


Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before. The “Come up and see me some time Mae West 


Aging Well in the Gorge February 9th 2022

 Taking my advice, I’ve started the long-neglected task of “decluttering” and while doing so I’ve found old pictures in closets, drawers, and banker boxes stored in a basement corner – photos I haven’t looked at for years! What do I do with all of them? How do I downsize my photo collection? For those of you who may find yourself in a similar situation, here are a few ideas I’ve discovered.

Pace yourself. It’s a big job. Spend one to two hours at a time – and I’ve found it takes longer than I thought as I recall stories with each photo.

Get started. Gather all your photos and find a comfortable place to sit where you have room to sort photos and can leave them out for a few weeks. The dining room table? Or the floor in a seldom-used room if you don’t mind getting up off the floor – which I do mind!.

Now the hard part. How do you organize your photos? You can sort in chronological order: a timeline of your family history; by theme: all your family Christmas photos; or sort by person: a particular family member. Use whatever method makes sense to you.

That was the hard part. But here is the really hard part: deciding what to keep.

It is suggested you sort your photos into three subcategories.

1.) Discard pile. All the duplicates and multiple pictures of the same scene. (How many pictures of the garden do you really need?)

2.) The top 10%: These are the photos you’d frame or put in an album. A special memory, a special place, or just a photo artistically well done.

3.) Everything Else: They’re photos you don’t feel strongly about but don’t want to throw away either. Box them up, label them, and don’t give them another thought. Most likely over time, as happens with many stored items hidden in the basement, you’ll lose any real attachment to them.

You’ve finished the hard parts, now how do you want to store them? There are several options.

1.) Shoebox-size boxes for 4×6 photos and manila folders for larger pictures.

2.) Acid-Free” or “Archival Quality” photo albums of similar height that can fit nicely on a shelf.

3.) Digitize your photos. You can use a high-quality printer to scan your “10%” photos or use one of the many online companies that digitize photos for a price such as ScanMyPhotos and Legacybox.

One advantage is they are easier to share including those embarrassing photos of your siblings – or yourself. (The photo of my six-year-old self sitting on the bathroom toilet pretending to read the newspaper – which my sister gleefully shared with her high school girlfriends. No wonder I didn’t date much!)

Another advantage of digital photos is you can create one-of-a-kind photo products. The online company Shutterfly will use your digitized photos to produce personalized gifts such as mugs, framed prints, T-shirts, and even jigsaw puzzles.

Organizing your decades-old photos can be as overwhelming as decluttering your house, but it’s worth it. When I can no longer hold their hands, my children and grandchildren can sort through old photos and share stories of friends, family, and Papa Scott.

The United States president who first replaced Vice President Spiro Agnew and nine months later became President when Richard Nixon resigned was President Gerald Ford from the University of Michigan. I received correct answers from Sam Bilyeu, Barbara Cadwell, Gene Uczen, Rhonda Spies, Donna Mollett, Mike McFarlane, Rebecca Adams, Ruth Radcliffe, Margo Dameier, Pat Evenson-Brady, and Stephen Woolpert, whom I almost forgot, and is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.

First published in comics form in 1949, this popular comic character would unintentionally scare everyone while trying to find a friend. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what was the name of this friendly ghost? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or mail it with a picture of the ghostly trio: Fatso, Fusso, and Lazo.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to keep an open mind without losing it. Until we meet again, take time each day to enjoy the pleasure of dreaming.

“The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.” Will Rogers

Aging in the Gorge February 2nd 2022

 Taxes. What can you say? People have been complaining about them since they were first established in Egypt around 3000 B.C. But without the income tax, we wouldn’t have critical services for millions of older adults: meal programs, senior housing, transportation, and particularly longterm and inhome care services (which can be expensive!) all of which help older adults live with dignity and as independently as possible. As Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said, “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society. 

But paying your income taxes can be complicated. Albert Einstein felt the hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. And that was in the 1940s! 


But there is help. 


Many of you may use an accountant, but if your returns are not complicated there are several other options. 


1) Software programs. There are several programs such as TurboTax, H&R Block, and TaxSlayer which will guide you step by step and then file your tax return electronically. But they do cost. 


2) Free help from the IRS. If your adjusted gross income is $73,000 or less, you can log on to the website and click on “File Your Taxes for Free”. There you’ll find “Free File” where you can complete and file your income tax return using many of the brand-name tax-preparation-and-filing software.   


3) AARP Gorge TaxAide. Another free option. If you don’t feel comfortable going online, Gorge TaxAide, primarily for lowincome and elderly, will complete and file your tax return electronically.  


They will have five sites open beginning February 14: Hood River Public Library, Mondays 2 – 5 PM; Hood River Valley Adult Center, Thursdays 2 – 5 PM; Tygh Valley, Thursdays 9 – 12 PM; The Mid-Columbia Senior Center, Fridays 3 – 6 PM; White Salmon, Senior Services, Tuesdays 9 – 12 AM. Potentially additional times will be added. 


All tax preparation will be by appointment onlyno dropins. To request an appointment, email including your name and contact information and your preferred tax preparation site. Requests for specific times will be considered but are not guaranteed 


At your appointment, you will drop off your tax information and meet briefly with a certified tax preparer When your tax return is completed, you will be contacted to schedule a brief meeting to pick up a copy of your tax return and sign your consent form to allow Gorge TaxAide to file your return electronically.  


As F. J. Raymond said, “Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is really quite as satisfying as an income tax refund.” So, this year try to file your taxes early and electronically to receive your tax refund as soon as possible. 


During our lives weve all learned many and sometimes many painful lessons. In this month’s “Through the Eyes of An Elder” Bruce Bolme shares his life research and the lessons he has learned.  


The 1958 novelty song “Beep, Beep” sung by the Playmates describes a Cadillac being passed at 120 mph by a Nash Rambler as the driver yells out, “Hey, buddy, how can I get this car out of second gear”. I received correct answers from Sam Bilyeu, Barbara Cadwell, Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Doug Nelson, Rebecca Adams, Barbara Miller, Gene Uczen, Rose Schulz, Donna Mollett, Diana Weston, Dave Lutgens, Keith and Marlene Clymer, and Linda Frizzell who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket.  

Polarization and conflict are not new to American politics as was demonstrated during the 1960s and ’70s. This week’s “Remember When” question takes us back to those days. For two years the United States’ president and vice president were not elected by the people in a general election. Who was this U.S. President that served from August of 1974 through January of 1977? And for bonus points, who were the two politicians he replaced? Email your answer to, call 541-296-4788, or mail it with a No. 48 football Jersey from the University of Michigan. 

Well, it’s been another week, trying to find the energy to do what I want to do. Until we meet again, find the bright side in what you “need to do. 


“People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.” — Unknown 

Aging in the Gorge January 26th, 2022

Did you know children laugh an average of four hundred times a day compared to adults who laugh only an average of twenty-five? Okay, that may just be a myth, but we can all admit we laugh much less than children. (Of course, it’s hard to compete when young children giggle every time they hear the word “poop”!) 

We should laugh more because it’s been shown that laughing is good for us. According to the Mayo Clinic website, it can stimulate your heart, lungs, and muscles and improve your immune system.  

In addition, laughter can also help us both socially and emotionally: strengthening our relationships with others, improving our mood, reducing tension and stress, and helping us endure difficult situations. Bob Hope once said, “I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful.” 

But I’ve found there is a fine line between funny and offensive – and that line is different for all of us. What’s particularly tricky is a comment can be funny or offensive depending on the content, context, and who is telling the joke to whom. I often poke fun at myself for my memory slips, but if a young person makes fun of their grandmother’s spotty memory (who could be younger than I am) it bothers me. Those types of comments reinforce an offensive stereotype of all “old” people by someone who probably doesn’t know many older folks with all their talents.  

So have you found your inner child and laughed today? If not see if any of these jokes tickle your funny bone. 

“I went grocery shopping hungry yesterday. I’m now the proud owner of aisle 9.” Ruth Buzzi 

“Some people have a way with words, and other people…oh, uh, not have way.” Steve Martin 

“Yesterday I told a chicken to cross the road. It said, “what for?” Steve Wright 

And finally, one more – just between us. 

Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other,” Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?” “Outstanding,” Fred replied. “They taught us all the latest psychological techniques: visualization, association, etc. It was great.” “That’s great! And what was the name of the clinic?” Fred went blank. He thought and thought but couldn’t remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, “What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?” 

“You mean a rose?” 

“Yes, that’s it!” He turned to his wife, “Rose, what was the name of that memory clinic?” 

This week find time to be with folks who laugh, to tell a few jokes, and watch your favorite comedies. But if you find it difficult to keep a sense of humor, consider what Art Linkletter suggests you do. “If you can’t think of anything else when you’re my age, take off your clothes and walk in front of a mirror. I guarantee you’ll get a laugh.” 

The 1952 musical romantic comedy film about the transition from silent film to talkies starring Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, Jean Hagen, and 19-year-old Debbie Reynolds was Singing in the Rain. I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Lana Tepfer, Linda Frizzell, Barbara Cadwell, Doug Nelson, Gene Uczen, Dave Lutgens, Rebecca Abrams, and Cindy Winfield who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Jess Birge 

Remember the novelty songs from the 50s and 60s:  “The Purple People Eater”, “Witch Doctor”, Monster Mash”, and ”Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor On The Bedpost Over Night?” Let’s see if you can answer this week’s “Remember When” question about the 1958 novelty song “Beep, Beep” sung by the Playmates. The song describes, in an increasingly faster tempo, a Cadillac being followed and then passed by what make of car? Email your answer to, leave a message at 541-296-4788, or mail it with a picture from the 1950s of the AMC’s assembly plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  

Well, it’s been another week, trying to find more yeses than nos. Until we meet again, I know I’m getting older when in the morning I spend more time taking my medications and vitamins than eating breakfast! 


Aging Well in the Gorge January 19th 2022

What can I do on a cold and snowy winter day? I’m not a skier or snowboarder as some of you are, I’d rather stay someplace warm, so my wife and I decided to finally start sorting through all our stuff stored in our 3500 square foot house and donating, recycling, or tossing what we no longer need – like an early spring cleaning!

But what should I get rid of? Recently on the AARP website, I found “13 Things to Throw Away Right Now“ by Nicole Pajer explaining how to adopt a minimalistic lifestyle. Now, you may be thinking, “Doesn’t minimalism mean those sterile white houses with empty walls and uncomfortable furniture?” It doesn’t have to be. As Nicole points out, a minimalistic lifestyle is about keeping what enhances your life by serving a purpose or bringing joy – and getting rid of what doesn’t. In other words, does the item add value to your life?

She mentions the more obvious things to discard that we often don’t: damaged items – may be that chipped favorite mug should finally go; clothes that don’t fit anymore – donate them to a non-profit thrift store; extras or duplicates – how many coffee cups do you really need?; items from a past phase of your life such as an abandoned hobby or business clothes – am I ever going to wear a tie again?; and photos which I’ll write about in the future.

But she also pointed out one category of items I’ve always found difficult discarding: “just-in-case” items. How much stuff in my kitchen junk drawer and my basement will I ever use that can’t be replaced for less than $20 if needed? Not much.

As I look around the house there are three other categories of items I would quickly add to her list starting with the “maybe-someday” items. That includes all my books and magazines that I might make time to read, someday, maybe? Then there are the “might-be-valuable” items. In that group are all my record albums from the 60s. Maybe I can sell them on E-bay! (Does anyone want to buy a 45 rpm record of the “House of a Rising Sun” by the Animals?) And the last category, things “maybe-my-children-will-want”. You don’t need to worry. They don’t!

Here is one last tip: avoid just organizing all your stuff – which is my first go-to answer to all the clutter. As pointed out in the article, organizing is just well-planned hoarding

I have found it is not easy sorting through all my stuff because of the memories that come flooding back. But it’s also difficult because I am asking myself what is important in my life, now. What adds value to the rest of my life? By adopting a minimalist lifestyle there will be less things to take care of and more time to spend on what you want to do in the many years ahead. As my mother-in-law said, “After those items are gone, you don’t really miss them.”

I received a variety of correct answers for last week’s question about the name of the common antiseptic from the ’50s that some called “Monkey Blood”. Those answers included mercurochrome which most people answered; Merthiolate which I remember using; and Betadine and tincture of iodine. I received correct answers from Lucile Stephens, Louise Wooderson, Billie Maxwell, Doug Nelson, Douglas Earnst, Barbara Cadwell, Cindy Wambach, Lana Tepfer, Donna Mollett, Rebecca Abrams, Gene Uczen, Rhonda Spies, Shirley Cox, and Michelle Himes whose favorite memory was of her and her sister adding Mercurochrome to baby oil to get a tan, and who is this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And last week I missed Rebecca Abrams.

Regarded by many as the greatest musical film ever made, and one of my favorites, what was the name of this romantic comedy about the transition from silent film to talkies starring Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, Debbie Reynolds, and Jean Hagen? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of Cyd Charisse in a green sequined dress.

Well, it’s been another week, trying to hear what is meaningful through all the noise. Until we meet again, you don’t know your limits until you exceed them.

 “If you are sure you understand everything that is going on around you, you are hopelessly confused.” Walter Mondale

Aging Well in the Gorge January 12th 2022

 What don’t you want to talk to your children about? I mean besides sex. How about money.

This was pointed out by Rodney A. Brooks in his article “Family and Finances: Avoiding ‘The Talk’?”. He shares the advice of financial planners who believe older adults need to discuss their finances with their children. And children also need to review how their parents are doing with their finances.

(Whoa! Now wait a minute. Do I really want my children knowing about my finances with the certain lectures about how they should be handled? It was bad enough when my children said we had to stay home during the first year of the pandemic. We had to lie to go to the store!)

But the unexpected does happen: dementia, incapacitation, or death. Then your children will have no idea about your financial situation leaving your children in a mad scramble to figure things out without your help.

So why do many of us avoid family discussions about finances?

As I mentioned, we may feel the more people who know our financial situation, particularly our children, the greater chance of losing control and being told what we should do.

Also, it’s often hard to know how to begin the conversation. We don’t have much experience discussing money matters. It’s something we just don’t talk about. 

Finally, we don’t want our children to act differently knowing of their potential inheritance. Do my children care about me or their inheritance? (I don’t have to worry. My children know there won’t be an inheritance. They’re just relieved knowing they won’t be responsible for any of my debts!)

What are some ways to avoid difficulties when having “the talk” about your finances? According to several financial advisors, there are three actions you should consider.

Create one family financial organizer you can share with your children that includes key contacts, bank accounts, investment accounts, insurance policies, wills/trusts, and passwords. You can find different organizers on Amazon.

Identify a trusted advisor: someone who does NOT have power of attorney or authority to act on your behalf. Share their name with your financial advisor, if you have one, in case they feel things don’t seem right.

And as with most uncomfortable topics, it helps to have honest and direct communication – which is always easier said than done.

Your children are not the only ones to talk with. Does your spouse understand your financial situation? Often there is one in the marriage who is responsible for the financial decisions. You might feel more comfortable discussing finances with your children by first having a discussion with your spouse.

Think about having “the talk”. You don’t want to leave your children, and your spouse, the difficult, complex, and usually expensive responsibility of cleaning up your estate.

To read “Family and Finances: Avoiding ‘The Talk’” click here where you’ll find more financial resources and virtual classes.

The 1961 television sitcom featuring a talking palomino horse and Wilbur Post his hapless owner was Mister Ed. (I apologize if you now hear the theme song “a horse is a horse, of course, of course” constantly echoing through your brain!) I received correct answers from Rhonda Spies, Barbara Cadwell, Doug Nelson, Emmett Sampson, Gene Uczen, Dave Lutgens. Kim Birge, Lana Tepfer, Steven Woolpert, Julie Carter, Jack Bisset, Keith Clymer, Jim and Betsy Ayres, Tina Castanares, Kathy Vawter, and this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket: Margo Dameier who received a Mr. Ed talking hand puppet for Christmas when she was in 4th grade! And last week I missed Lana Tepfer.

This week’s question is about a common antiseptic from the ’50s. When I had a cut or scrape, my mom would paint it with this orange liquid that always stung. (But if I blew on it, the stinging would go away!)  What was the trade name of this antiseptic that some called “Monkey Blood”? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with your favorite memory of this antiseptic.

Well, it’s been another week and another quarter in the parking meter of life. Until we meet again, I know I should appreciate each season, and I do, but is it too early to start wishing it was spring?

 “A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.” Carl Reiner


Aging Well in the Gorge January 5th 2022

 Wow. It’s a new year and I’m still writing this column!  

I know some of you have heard Im retiring as Director of the Mid-Columbia Senior CenterBut retirement can be seen not as a time to withdraw, but a time to reprioritize what is important. In my case, working is still a priorityalthough part-timebut has moved down the list behind enjoying more time with my wife, reading more – especially the three books my children recently gave metraveling, (Although when working I had the money to travel, but didn’t have much time. And now retired I’ll have more time but less money!) and volunteeringI’ll also continue writing this column until I run out of ideas or the words to express them. We’ll see how long that lasts.    

As we enter a new year, I hope to continue sharing useful and practical information about agingoffering encouragement because as we all know getting older is not a piece of cakeanof course, having some fun along the way, because life can be WAY too serious! And you’ll continue finding that this column is not very sophisticated. I’m just not that smartSo if you‘re looking for writing that’s more polished and refined, it ain’t gonna be here.


Writing this column has been a gift for which I will always be thankful. In our lives, all of us have been blessed with gifts from loved ones, friends, and possibly even from strangers. After reading this month’s Through the Eyes of an Elder where local older adults share the most memorable gifts they have receivedtake time to appreciate the special gifts you have been given. 

I know this is a little late, but its still only January, right! And I know there is still plenty of ice and snow to come. But if you must go outside on these wintry days, don’t forget to “walk like a penguin”! What does that mean? So you don’t have to watch a National Geographic special about penguins, it means pointing your feet out slightly, bending your knees and keeping them loose, extending your arms out to your side and hands out of your pockets, and taking short steps or waddling. I also suggest you dress in a more formal black and white attire to really get into the mood. 

In addition, since we haven’t evolved webbed feet yet, wear shoes or boots with traction. And try some defensive walking: assume all wet and dark areas on the pavement are icy – especially around snowbanks where the meltoff freezes overnight. And if it’s still too treacherous, stay home. A quick trip to the store isn’t worth a broken hip. 

Whether it’s icy or not, this is a good time to remember that falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. So, don’t rush, stay focused, and “walk like a penguin”! 

Okay, let’s see if I can correctly list all of you who have sent in answers for the last two week’s questions.  

The popular snack strung together to decorate a Christmas tree was popcorn. I received correct answers from Lana Tepfer, Dave Lutgens, Gene Uczen, Keith and Marlene Clymer, Carol Earl, Susan Ellis, and Chuck Rice. 

And the comedian/actor whose theme song was “Thanks for the Memory” was Bob Hope. For that question, I received correct answers from Rose SchulzBarbara Cadwell, Doug Nelson, Rhonda Spies, Dave Lutgens, and Rebecca AbramsThe winners of quilt raffle tickets for the last two weeks are Chuck Rice and Dave Lutgens.


First, there was the movie Francis which premiered in 1950 and starring Francis the talking mule and Donald O’Connor. Then in 1961, television sitcom featured a talking palomino horse and Wilbur Post his hapless owner. For this week’s Remember When question what was the name of this television series? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788, or mail it with the episode when Mae West was a guest star. 

Well, it’s been another week, tangled up in all my loose ends. Until we meet again, as anonymous once said, “As you slide down the banisters of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way”. 

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” Hal Borland 

Aging Well in the Gorge December 29th 2022

 As 2021 comes to a close, I am reminded this journey of ours is not about living longer. It is about taking care of ourselves and others so we can gracefully live the rest of our lives with courage, compassion, and meaning.

With that in mind, I would like to share again this year, the lessons I have learned from writing this column for fourteen years and most importantly from the many older adults I have had the pleasure of meeting. You may remember these lessons from last year – or you may be like me and can’t remember what was written last week! And I have no excuse!

See if any of these speak to you and send me any lessons you have learned that you would like to share.

1. What is good for your heart is good for your brain.
2. Learn a new skill without worrying about how good you’ll be.
3. First steps to improve your memory: pay attention and focus.
4. Most things don’t matter, but a few really do.
5. The goal is not to get faster but to keep from slowing down.
6. Getting older beats the alternative, but it is hard work.
7. Accept what you can’t control – and then adapt.
8. Live in the “now”.
9. Know what you want and let others know – particularly your adult children!
10. “Dream as if you will live forever and live as if you will die tomorrow.” James Dean
11. Age is in your attitude.
12. Adeline’s five “S” to avoid: Sugar, Salt, Seconds, Soda, and Shortening.
13. Add color to your meals – meaning eat your vegetables!
14. Isolation kills. Stay connected.
15. Keep moving – at least 30 minutes a day.
16. Breathe from your belly.
17. See the world with virgin eyes and you’ll find the extraordinary in the ordinary.
18. Relationships are more important than things (although I still have an unhealthy relationship with my iPhone).
19. Grey hair is cool.
20. Life is too short not to be involved in something silly.

To finish, I thought I would include a few quotes appropriate for the end of the year that might bring a smile or two.

“You know how I always dread the whole year? Well, this time I’m only going to dread one day at a time.” —Charlie Brown

“If you want an interesting party, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.” —Robert Fulghum

“I was going to quit all my bad habits for the new year, but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter.” —Unknown

“Last year’s resolution was to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. Only 30 pounds to go.“ —Anonymous

“Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to.” —Bill Vaughan

The popular snack (without the butter and salt) that was strung together with a needle and string (dental floss also works well) to decorate a Christmas tree is popcorn. I’ve received correct answers from, well, I don’t know. You see as you are reading this, I’m hopefully in the warm sunny climate of San Diego visiting my daughter and checking my weather app to see if it is snowing again in the Gorge. We won’t be returning to the Gorge until New Year’s Day, so I’ll list those who sent correct answers for this and next week’s “Remember When” questions on the 12th. And yes, I’ll be continuing to write this column for a while longer – hoping the well doesn’t run dry.

The song “Thanks for the Memory” was introduced in the 1938 film The Big Broadcast of 1938 and won the Academy Award for Best Original Song. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what comedian/actor adopted it as his theme song for his career? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788, or mail it with a copy of the Road to Bali in which he starred with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour.

Well, it’s been another week, looking forward to seeing what surprises come my way. Until we meet again, an Irish toast to the new year, “May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten”.

“It’s good to have an end to journey toward; but it’s the journey that matters, in the end.” Ursula LeGuin.

Aging Well in the Gorge December 22nd 2021

There are many excellent centers and meal sites for older adults on both sides of the river, but I’ve heard many folks avoid places for older peopleBut why? Is it a fear of catching some kind of “old age” contagion causing you to lose your cognitive abilities, balance, or sense of humor?  

It’s just the oppositeCenters and meal sites offer opportunities to socialize, exercise, and share stories both funny and sadOkay, there are canes and walkers, but they are just tools to stay active and engaged.  

But what is “old”? 

You may have heard the common quote by Bernard Baruch who stated, “Old age is ten years older than I am”. And according to the 2009 Pew Research Study “Growing Old in America: Expectations vs. Reality,” he isn’t far off the mark. The study found that as people grew older, they felt relatively younger. Among adults 65 and older, 60% felt younger than their age. And for those between 65 and 74, a half said they felt 10 to 20 years younger. 

In terms of chronological age, academics have categorized old age into three subgroups: the Young Old 65-74, the Old 75-84, and the Oldest Old 85 plus. But chronological age doesn’t really help either because it doesn’t correlate with biological age. In fact, there is no reliable measurement for determining our biological age; and appearances alone don’t determine how old we are. (My lungs could be 45 but my knees are telling me, “Take it easy. I’m 101!) 

The reality is we all start aging the moment were born; we cannot stop it or reverse it – contrary to what you may hear. Arriving at the point of being “old” is an individual experience that resists any absolute definition.   

But for me, I’ve found some signs that maybe, just maybe I am no longer that young whippersnapper(Well, that’s a clue. Who uses the word whippersnapper anymore!) 


Here are several clues I’ve found. 


1.) I don’t know the names of current celebrities unless they are over 65.  

2.) When I fly, TSA no longer considers me a highsecurity risk. 

3.) An elderly woman in Portland was reported hurt and was 10 years younger than I am. 

4.) When someone asks for help moving furniture, they look right past me. (But I’m not complaining!) 

5.)  I’m bundled up in a winter coat and scarf and high school kids are walking around in T-shirts. 

6.) I fall asleep in the evening while watching television and my wife must explain what just happened.  

7.) You turn to the classic rock station and it’s playing 80’s music. (What’s that about!) 

8.) I prefer to stay in rather than go out. 

9.) Items from my youth are now considered “vintage”. 

10.) When telling a story, begin with the disclaimer, “I may have told you this before.” 


As Helen Hayes once said, Age doesn’t matter unless you are a cheese – or unless you are applying for Social Security and Medicare! 


The cap Fess Parker made famous in the Disney miniseries Davy Crockett was a coonskin cap and the talking doll popular in the 60s that could speak when you pulled the string from her back was a Chatty Cathy doll. I received correct answers from John McEwen, Emmett Sampson, Susan Ellis, Stephen Woolpert, Tina Castanares, Pat Cadwell, Margo DameierGene Uczen, Jess Birge, Nancy Higgins, Lana Tepfer, Rhonda Spies, Jim Tindall, Keith Clymerand Rebecca Abrams, this week’s winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And in the last two weeks, I missed Susan EllisMaureen Wells, and Keith Clymer. 


There are many Christmas traditions I remember as a child and I continued with my children. For this week’s “Remember When” question, what popular snack (without the butter and salt) was strung together with a needle and string to decorate a Christmas tree? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788, or mail it with a bag of cranberries which was common addition to add to the string. 


Well, that’s another week – spinning my wheels on the icy road of life. Until we meet again, let the sleigh bells ring; the treetops glisten, and your heart be light – as I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. 


“Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it ‘white’.” Bing Crosby 

Aging Well in the Gorge December 15th 2021

How many times have I been told what is good for me, but I still don’t do it? For example, I know I shouldn’t eat that second bowl of ice cream. (I probably shouldn’t eat the first bowl, but you can only do so much!) Or eat that candy bar because its high in sugar. Or that piece of pizza that is low in sugar, but high in sodium. So what can eat? I know – vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil – basically Mediterranean diet. But I grew up in the Midwest, meat and potato country, where a good meal was plenty of it.  So, I am not predisposed to eating right and it can be hard to change.  

BJ Gallagher, contributor to HuffPost an online news source, knows its not easy to change habits but has some ideas on how to stay motivated to do what you know is good for you 


Drop “should” and “ought” from your vocabulary 

These are negative words driven by a sense of guilt. Instead, try using “want” which is positive“I want to eat less sodium”“I should eat less sodium.” See the difference? 


Keep It Small and Simple.  

Set yourself up to succeed by setting small, achievable goals. To start walking, try walking around the block once; then gradually increase the distance. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. 


No one can do it for you, but you can’t do it alone.  

When you go walking ask a friend to join you. Or if you want to exercisejoin a Strong Women’s or water aerobics classKnowing friends are expecting you is a great motivator – plus you can catch up on the latest news.  


Success is about progress, not perfection.  

As you’re moving in the direction you wantpat yourself on the back. Or reward yourself. Buy that pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Oops, bad example! But give yourself credit for successes even if they are small ones.  


Re-train yourself with love.  

We want the best for our children because we love them. The same can be said for ourselvesIf we care about ourselves, what we should do becomes what we want to do, and we can start changing old habits 


We’ll soon start a new yeara new beginning to do for ourselves what we want” to do. It’s possible but it won’t be easy. As Mark Twain wisely pointed out: “A habit cannot be tossed out the window. It must be coaxed down the stairs one step at a time.”  


Now, anyone for more fruits and vegetables? 


Let’s see if I can get this right. From two weeks agothe state laws that prohibited certain types of retail operations on Sundays particularly liquor stores were called Blue Laws.  I received correct answers from Emmett Sampson, Steven Woolpert, Susan EllisDoug Nelson, Pat Cadwell, Janet Hinkley, Lana Tepfer, Rose Schulz, Gene Uczen, Dave Lutgens, Pat Kelly, Mike McFarlane, Carol Hayes, and Leo Walton winner of a quilt raffle ticket. And I missed Tiiu Vahtel 


For last week’s question, the voice of the mean old Grinch (and the narrator) in the 1961 animated television special How the Grinch Stole Christmas was Boris Karloff who also starred in the 1931 horror film Frankenstein. I received correct answers from only Gene Uczen, Emmett Sampson, and Keith Clymer all of whom are winners of a quilt raffle ticket.  


This week’s “Remember When” questions are about gifts you may have received during Christmas pasts. For the boys, what kind of cap did Fess Parker make famous in the Disney miniseries Davy Crockett? And a tough one for the girls. What was the name of the talking doll popular in the 60s that could speak different phrases including “I love you” when you pulled the string from her back? E-mail your answers to, call 541-296-4788, or mail it with a book of S&H Green Stamps. 


Well, it has been another week waiting anxiously for the first snowUntil we meet again, even with two strikes against you, youre still in the game. 


“Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me! I want people to know ‘why’ I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way and some of the roads weren’t paved.” Will Rogers