Author Archives: mcseniorcenter

Aging Well September 8

Sometimes you just make it work. Because Monday was Labor Day, I had to submit this column last Thursday four days ago and only three days after I wrote last week’s column. And three days isn’t enough time to recharge my creative juices which is always tough because I am lucky to think of one good idea a month. (A big thank-you to all who have sent me suggestions for this column: Jean, Joann, Alex, Lyn and many others.)

So I thought I would fall back and punt (it is the season for football metaphors) by starting a new Labor Day tradition: listing all the activities offered at the Center for this coming year. So roll the tape and let the show begin.

Wii Bowling – Mondays 6:30; Tuesday Night Music – Tuesdays 7:00; Pool – Wednesdays 1:00; Movie Night – Wednesdays 6:00; Meals-on-Wheels Bingo – Thursdays 6:00; Learn the Wii – Fridays 10:00; Line Dancing – Fridays 6:00 (starting in October); Senior Center Bingo – Saturdays 6:00; Saturday Breakfast – 3rd Saturdays 8:00 – 9:30; Jam and Pie Social – 4th Sundays 2:00 – 5;00

Seniorcise – Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9:15 – 10:00; Yoga – Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 – 10:30; Tai Chi – Tuesdays 1:00 – 1:45 (Starting 9/22); Tap and Clogging – Thursdays 10:00 – 12:00; Bike Rides Thursdays 11:00 (Starting 9/17); Strong Woman – TBA;

Brain Fitness – Mondays 1:00 – 2:00 (starting 9/14); Next Chapter Lecture Series – Tuesdays 11:00 AM (starting 9/15); Great Decisions – (starting in March ’10); AARP Drive Safety – 3rd Mondays and Tuesdays 9:00 – 1:00;

Creative and Performing Arts
Quilters – Mondays 10:00 – 3:00; Yes, You can Draw! – Thursdays for four weeks 2:00 – 4:00 (call for starting date); Serenaders – Wednesdays 10:30 – 12:00 (starting ?);

Computer Class (4 week classes) – Wednesday 10:00 or Thursday 1:00; Computer Help Lab – Tuesdays 1:45 – 3:00; Computer “How To” Fridays 11:00

Pinochle – Thursdays 1:00 – 3:30 and Fridays 6:00 – 9:00; Bridge – Fridays 1:00-4:00; Cribbage and Coffee – Saturdays 9:00 – 12:00

Blood Pressure Checks (Public Health) – 4th Mondays 10:30- 12:00; Health Info (Planetree) – 2nd Mondays 10:30- 12:00; Foot Care – 1st Fridays (By appointment)

Noon meal – every Monday through Friday provided by Meals-on-Wheels

Now tape this list to your refrigerator door. And then stop in and take advantage of these many activities. It will do you good.

Quick Reminders: Tonight for Tuesday Night music at 7 PM, the Sugar Daddies are playing and next Tuesday it will be Truman Boler bringing his one-man band to the Center. And Skip Tschanz will be our first speaker for the lecture series resuming on Tuesday September 15th at 11:00 AM.

Last week’s question was a tough one with only one correct answer called in by Katie Wonder. The names of the horses were: Gene Autry – Champion, Roy Rogers – Trigger, Dale Evans – Buttermilk, Lone Ranger – Silver, Tonto – Scout, and Tom Mix – Tony. And now one for the guys. Since the college football season has just started, what was the year of Oregon State’s most recent trip to the Rose Bowl and who was the coach? First correct answer wins a free breakfast at the Center on September 19th. Call 296-4788 or email

I know I cheated this week, but I hope you will let me slide this one time. Until we meet again, here is a quote sent my way by Jean Hockman.

“Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

Aging We1ll September

How many times have I joked about forgetting things? More than you can remember, right? But sometimes it hits a little too close to home.

Last month I needed to open up the Center at 6 AM to prepare for the Saturday Breakfast. Knowing that there would be breakfast, but not right away, I brought a banana to tide me over. I got busy and around 8:00 AM when I realized I wasn’t going to eat till later, I looked but couldn’t find my banana. How many times have we all done that? Where did I put the keys, my sun glasses, my pants?? I looked everywhere – I knew I hadn’t eaten it. I would have remembered that – and again I looked everywhere. Knowing the banana would eventually wonder back, I went back to my desk to finish some work. Then for some reason, I inadvertently looked in the waste basket, and behold, there was the banana peel. I had eaten it after all! And I had no recollection. Somebody needs help!

I figure and hope – misery loves company- I am not the only one afflicted (too many balls juggling in my head?). So for those of you concerned about your memory and brain health, the Center has an answer: a Brain Fitness class starting September 14th at 1:00 PM – right after lunch and before the afternoon power nap – which will last about an hour or until our synapses stop snapping.

We will discuss a holistic approach to maintaining brain fitness including exercise (what is good for your heart is good for your brain), stress reduction, good nutrition, volunteering and novelty. But the primary focus is to have fun doing challenging activities and puzzles while giving the many parts of your grey matter a little work out. To register for the class call 296-4788 or email the Center at Don’t forget.

Meals-on-Wheels does more than just serve meals for folks 60+ (and anyone else who would like a delicious, healthy meal). They were also on duty last Friday night at the Center preparing over 250 individual meals in their kitchen for the Red Cross to serve the Mosier residents displaced by the Microwave fire. It was inspiring seeing the Meals-on-Wheels volunteers pull together within an hour’s notice to respond to the emergency. They deserve a big warm thank-you as do all the other volunteers and firemen who helped protect the community of Mosier.

Boyd Jacobsen has scheduled another great line-up of musicians in September for the Center’s Tuesday Night Music. The Cherry Park Band will be playing tonight, Sugar Daddies on the 8th, Truman Boler on the 15th, Jazz Generations on the 22nd and the Dufur Boys on the fifth Tuesday of the month. The dancing starts at 7:00 and the cost is zip, but donations are appreciated. And everyone – from “purple people eaters” to seventh graders who often act like they’re from another planet – is welcome.

Dobie Gillis’s partner-in-crime was Maynard G. Krebs (befitting the character, the G stood for Walter), and the winner was Sandy “Stitch Niche” Haechrel (who is donating the free breakfast to one of the regulars). This week’s “Remember When” question is a little different. What were the names of the horses rode by the following movie cowboys: Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Lone Ranger, Tonto, and Tom Mix? Any person who calls in or emails all the correct answers by midnight tonight (Tuesday) will receive a free Center breakfast on Saturday September 19th.

Enjoy the Labor Day weekend – no Bingo on Saturday and the Center will be closed Monday. Until we meet again, keep your eye on the prize and don’t forget the banana!

“Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” Robert J. Sawyer
Or as the old farmer from Fossil once said “Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.”

Aging Well August 25

Most activities you can do by yourself: running or walking, playing a game of solitaire, reading a book or singing in the shower. I imagine you could even dance by yourself – no broken toes – although you may look a little strange.

But to age well (like a fine wine!) it is best to participate in activities with others, particularly at an age when isolation can be a real concern. The benefits are many: the sharing of ideas and thoughts, stories and experiences, and jokes and anecdotes. And there is also that darn peer pressure to show up – even when you’re too tired or lack the motivation.

The Center is all about doing things together. You can join one of the Center’s exercise classes: Seniorcise, Yoga, Tai Chi, Tap and Clogging. Or take advantage of the entertainment opportunities with music, movies and trips. And if you want more cerebral stimulation how about pinochle, bridge and cribbage or the Next Chapter Lecture series. All are opportunities to join with others to share and enjoy life. The new and returning classes are starting soon, so call the Center for more information or check the Center’s Blog at

For Wednesday Night Movies we are switching genres from screwball comedies to the grand American tradition: the Western. On the bill this Wednesday is the 1956 classic “The Searchers” starring John Wayne and directed by John Ford. It is the story of Ethan Edwards, a middle-aged Civil War veteran portrayed by John Wayne, who spends years looking for his abducted niece. It is considered by many as the best western ever filmed and hopefully that means entertaining too. The show starts at 6:00 pm and there will be free popcorn.

Tonight at the Center the Jazz Generations, a four piece combo composed of Hank and Ann Krum, Bob Fiske and David Fretz will be playing the big band sounds of the thirties through sixties starting at 7:00 PM. And this weekend there will be a “Music in the Park” Jam in Klickitat on Saturday the 29th starting at 7 pm. It may be a little drive from The Dalles but I hear it is a nice outdoor venue to enjoy fine music.

It has been a while since I put in a plug for Bingo, but now that summer is about over why don’t you come down to the Center Saturday night (early birds start at 6:00) and enjoy this great American pastime – there is no better thrill than yelling BINGO!. If you haven’t played since grade school come a little early to find out how the modern game is played. And if Saturday doesn’t fit your weekend schedule, there is Thursday Night bingo which supports Meals-on-Wheels and the good work they do.

The answer to last week’s question was the Hindenburg disaster that occurred on Thursday May 6th 1937 at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station and Don McAllister was the week’s winner of a free Saturday Breakfast at the Center on September 19th. But since it is not as much fun reminiscing about disasters as it is the radio and TV shows we use to enjoy, this week’s category is “TV shows of the 50’s -60’s”. What was the full name of Dobie Gillis’s side kick and American television first beatnik? Call the Center 296-4788 or email your answer to

The other day I saw Bob Koch, noted local photographer, and he mentioned how he attended his fifty-year high school reunion to see his high school classmates, but was disappointed because only their parents showed up. Has anyone else had that experience? And should I expect the same at my next high school reunion?

Well that’s another day. Until we meet again, make sure you play well together.

“I would never belong to a group that would accept someone like me as a member.” Groucho Marx

Aging Well August 18

Am I nuts or do I feel “autumn” is in the air? Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

But soon it will be autumn and because either I use to teach or was a student too long, autumn always reminds me of starting anew: new clothes, new classes, and meeting new and old friends.

Although we no longer need to go to school – we no longer need a piece of paper for our career advancement – we can continue learning. And it is such a kick to learn something new: a new language (Japanese anyone?), creative writing or how about another try at algebra? But it can also be a simpler task we learn: using chop sticks, creating formulas on an excel spreadsheet or learning to play the Wii. The educator Mortimer Adler once said “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

There are so many avenues to discover new information and gain new insights: from the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and The Dalles Art Center to the History Channel on cable TV; from Columbia Gorge Community College and the Planetree Health Resource Center to your church’s bible study or reading the Economist – or just opening your eyes as if you were a new born child.

The Center can be another source for your life exploration. You can choose from the “tried and true” classes including the Seniorcise, Yoga, Tap and Clogging and the AARP Driver Safety Class, and activities such as Pinochle, Bridge, and the Quilters. In September, the Center will resume the Next Chapter Lecture series, the Computer Basics Class and the popular Computer Help Lab; plus Tai Chi with Corliss Marsh as well as “Yes, You can Draw!” with Nancy Russell. And this is just a sample of the many classes and activities the Center offers.

But every year we want to add new opportunities. We will start offering a weekly “Computer How-To” discussion group to share our knowledge about various topics – from how to download pictures to how to use social networks such as Facebook. We will also start a Brain Fitness class to help keep our brains stimulated while replacing those cobwebs upstairs with snappy neurons.

And if there is any knowledge, skill or hobby you would like to share with others – and you don’t have to have a degree – give the Center a call. We can make something happen.

A couple of quick reminders. Meals on Wheels will be assisting the local firemen’s MDA Sunday Brunch fundraiser at the Center this coming Sunday, August 23rd from 10:00 – 1:00. Enjoy fine food for a good cause. And then stay a little longer and listen and dance to the Jammers at the Center’s Pie and Jam Social from 2 – 5pm.

Tonight at the Center, the Hardshell Harmony will be performing there jaw-dropping, toe-tapping bluegrass sounds. And next week the Jazz Generations will be back to play their big band sounds. Everybody is welcome and the music is free, but since nothing else is, donations are greatly appreciated.

The winner of last week’s “Remember When” question was Alex Currie, with a little help from his son, who called in the correct answer, WC Fields. We now switch to a new category “Current Events – from the Past” for one free breakfast on Saturday September 19th. The question is “What famous disaster occurred at Lakehurst Naval Air Station on Thursday, May 6th, 1937”? Call 296-4788 or email to

Until we meet again, remember what your teacher always use to tell you, “Pay attention!”

“No matter how one may think himself accomplished, when he sets out to learn a new language, science, or the bicycle, he has entered a new realm as truly as if he were a child newly born into the world.” Francis Willard author of “How I learned to Ride the Bicycle”

Aging Well August 11

Many of you who read this column probably have never and will never access the Internet – there are too many better things to do: gardening, reading and visiting the grandkids. But there are a growing number of folks over and under 70 who are finding the benefits of this connectivity to a larger world: 24/7 news access, reliable medical information through sites such as MedlinePlus, and reconnecting with long lost friends. But there is also plenty of misinformation circulating on the Internet particularly from forwarded emails. Before you forward emails of such rumors as the postcard virus warning – true and false; listing guns on your tax return – false; euthanasia counseling – false, check their validity at, the #1 source for checking out various internet rumors and email forwards..

If you want to learn more about Medicare; its benefits and complexities and how to help others become better informed about Medicare, attend the free “Learn the Medicare ABC & Ds” on Wednesday August 19th from 2 – 4 pm at the Senior Center. To register call the Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101, ext. 218. Seating is limited! This two hour workshop is presented by SHIBA – Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance.

This Saturday Bonnie has cooked up something special for the Center’s monthly breakfast: delicious Quiche. (But if you are not a “real man” there will be scrambled eggs as an alternative.) The menu will also include bacon, muffin and fruit besides the usual suspects for drinks. We are proud that the sponsor this month is Columbia Gorge Community College where “building dreams and transforming lives” is alive and well. And you are never too old to dream.

The Center’s Nu-2-U Shop is having a half price sale for one whole week starting tomorrow and continuing through Wednesday the 19th. Because there isn’t much space in the NU-2-U shop, Betty and Martha need to move the clothes out. So this is your chance to add some fine clothes to your wardrobe at give-away prices.

Congratulations to The Dalles’ own P-51 gal, Anna Monkiewicz, who was named the recipient of a Congressional Gold Medal. Last Sunday, she was warmly honored by Senator Ron Wyden for serving our nation during WW II as a Women Airforce Service Pilot (WASP). As Senator Wyden acknowledged, she was a trailblazer and a patriot.

It has been said that “Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance”. So tonight let’s dance! Truman Boler will be playing his country favorites and next Tuesday the Hardshell Harmony will get your toes tapping with their high energy bluegrass music. You just can’t sit still when they play. And each week I have to keep moving the tables back to provide more room to dance – last Tuesday there were twelve couples on the dance floor at the same time. Folks just like to dance.

If you would like to share your passion for a hobby or activity give me a call. We are always looking for folks to teach classes this fall during the day or evening. And for you budding artists, Nancy Russell will be back again teaching her “Yes, You can Draw” art class starting Thursday September 17th. .

The answer to last week’s question was the “Schnozzola” Jimmy Durante and the winner of the free breakfast was Jim Goff, King Bing of a couple years back. This week’s question is who said “All things considered, I’d rather be in Philadelphia.” Email me your answer to or call and leave a message at 296-4788.

Until we meet again, remember the words of the venerable philosopher W.C Fields “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it.”

“We’ve put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it.” ~Frank A. Clark

Aging Well August 4th

The weather looks like it is going to be a little gentler by the end of the week. I know I should appreciate the variety each season brings because as Pepper Giardino said “Weather is a great metaphor for life – sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and there’s nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella”. But rain I can deal with. It’s the excessive heat I don’t particularly like.

But there has been one benefit. Because of the heat advisory we stayed open every night this last week. And since we didn’t have anything scheduled for Wednesday night, we showed the movie “Singing in the Rain” on the big plasma screen in the dining room – we moved in the stuffed chairs from the lounge to provide some comfortable seating. Only a few joined us, but we have decided to continue the Wednesday Night Movies for the rest of August or longer. But I need some help. I have my favorites – comedies with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant, but I am interested in knowing what movies would bring folks out on a Wednesday evening. Email me your favorite movie classic from the 60’s, 50’s 40’s or 30’s or just call. This Wednesday we will show the 1940 movie “His Girl Friday” with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell and next Wednesday “Some Like it Hot” with Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe – ranked as the #1 comedy by the American Film Institute. Showtime is 6:00 PM.

During the vacation season, it is sometimes hard to get the band together. So tonight Truman Boler and his one-man “Country Gold” will be playing as well as next Tuesday when he was originally scheduled. Admission is free but donations are always appreciated to keep the music flowing and the dancers dancing.

And when it comes to dancing, I think the older generations had it easier, because when I dance with my wife, she forgets who the boss is and always wants to lead. (Or does she know more than I know?) But then it all works out in the end, because I wouldn’t know what to do if I did lead.

But there is an answer to my woes. Neva and Bill’s Reid’s Social Dance lessons begin again this fall with an Intro to the Waltz, starting September 21 followed by an Intro to the Two-Step starting November 9th. Then next year they have schedule the Tango and the Slo 2-Step. The lessons are held at the Civic Auditorium on Mondays from 7 – 9 PM. There is a charge but it is worth it, because dancing provides four of the ingredients of successful aging: movement, social connections, touch and if you watch me, laughter. For more information you can call 541-296-1570 or email

Several weeks ago, I forgot to mention the results of the public health department’s recent inspection of local restaurants. On the last inspection, Meals-on-Wheels and the Pioneer Potlatch meal sites in Dufur and Mosier all earned perfect scores of 100% and the meal site in Tygh Valley was almost perfect scoring 99%. You can’t get much better than that. Congratulations to all the staff and volunteers who work hard to provide nutritious meals and also to ensure that your food is safely prepared in a clean environment.

Can you name the person that signed off his radio show with “Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are”? First correct answer receives a free breakfast at the Center’s Saturday Breakfast on August 15th sponsored by Columbia Gorge Community College. Email your answer to Last week’s winner was Sandy Haechrel who was the first one to identify Jim Backus as the voice of Mr. Magoo.

That is it, another day, another possibility. Until we meet again, “Don’t worry about avoiding temptation – as you grow older, it starts avoiding you”.

Aging Well July 28th

Could someone turn on the air conditioner outside? Sweating is no longer my favorite kind of exercise and even though the heat is still better than my humid memories of Indiana, my cooling system ain’t what it used to be.

But for us more mature folks, summer heat can cause major health problems particularly dehydration. The Oregon Department of Human Services cautions, “Not getting enough fluids each day can take a tremendous toll on every aspect of bodily functions, including possible changes in memory, vision, and kidney and heart function.” This is especially true for seniors because the percentage of a person’s weight in water changes as we age from about 80% for children to only 43% for women and 50% for men between the ages of 61 and 74. Consequently, any decrease in fluid consumption can cause proportionately more dehydration.

To prevent dehydration, you should drink at least six cups of liquids many times throughout the day and avoid drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas which act as diuretics. Instead, try drinking flavored carbonated water, or decaffeinated ice teas or just add a slice of lemon to a glass of water.

It doesn’t take an OSU graduate to know to stay cool, but not everyone has air conditioning and with a prolonged heat wave homes can get pretty warm. So take time to check on neighbors and relatives to make sure they are able to handle the heat.

But if you still need a little mental interlude, imagine a cool, late autumn Sunday afternoon; you and twenty others are traveling through the fall colors of the Gorge on your way to Portland to see the matinee performance of the Singing Christmas Tree; the 105 degree summer heat is long past and a lovely holiday performance is ahead.

For the second year, the Center has reserved seats for the holiday tradition, Portland’s Singing Christmas Tree on November 29th at 1:30 pm. The cost will again be around $65 including transportation. If interested, call the Center at 296-4788 or drop in and sign up.. Before long, we will be listening to Christmas music and wishing for the warm days of summer, but maybe not this warm.

If you want a more immediate respite from the heat, come to the Center tonight and enjoy the cool sounds of the Jazz Generations. They are a great dance band and you don’t often have the opportunity to dance to the big band sound. Next week the Cherry Park Band will be playing and though several of the regulars will be vacationing, there is plenty of talent in that bunch to fill in. Admission is free but donations are always appreciated.

The Center offers a weekly opportunity to sing with the Young-at-Heart Seranders from 10:00 to 11:30 every Wednesday. But before they start back this September, Shirley Martin is looking for someone to take over as musical director. If you are interested in taking the baton, call the Center at 296-4788 or Shirley at 296-8715.

The only correct response to last week’s question was Steve Bungum who listened to the Breakfast Hour when Don McNeil would call the kids “to march around the table”.
This week’s question is a bit easier. Who was the voice of Mr. Magoo? Since Steve said he is no longer a breakfast type of guy, the first correct answer this week will win two tickets to next month’s Saturday Breakfast on August 15th.

Until we meet again, stay cool and think on the bright side, it’s too hot to do yard work.

“I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.” Kurt Vonnegut

Aging Well July 21

We all know the importance of food as nourishment to the body and soul, and fortunately, in Wasco County there are several meal sites providing that nourishment by serving noon time meals primarily for folks 60 and over.

One such program is Meals-on-Wheels which leases space from the Senior Center. Five days a week, they prepare around 200 nutritious meals – a healthy alternative to frozen prepackaged dinners high in sodium – that are delivered by volunteers or served in the dining room at the Center. (71% of the folks surveyed at the Center said they eat better because of Meals-on-Wheels.)

But Meals-on-Wheels is more than a meal.

Margaret Mead once said “One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night.” But for many older folks no one would notice if they didn’t come home. They live alone and do not have relatives or children who keep in daily contact. But the Meals-on-Wheels driver will wonder if you don’t come to the door and will find out if all is well. (Several times a Meals-on-Wheels driver has found someone on the floor unable to call for help.)

Meals-on-Wheels also reaches out. Last winter, when drivers found the sidewalks nearly impassable, Meals-on-Wheels contacted Boy Scout Troop #395 who went out that same day to shovel sidewalks and walkways. And for Christmas, Meals-on-Wheels, through generous donations, purchased gifts for the folks on the home delivered routes causing one older gentleman to cry because it was the first Christmas gift he had received in years.

But besides the home delivered meals, Meals-on-Wheels offers a daily meal at the Center which brings folks together to meet and connect with old and new friends. You can join in the fellowship; learn about new activities and find out you are not alone.

The Center supports Meals-on-Wheels because we share a common building, common friends and a common mission – promoting healthy aging – but most importantly because every day we see Meals-on-Wheels and their volunteers doing great work.

And if you want to meet more fine folks and enjoy more good food, visit the Pioneer Potlatch meal sites in Wasco County: Dufur – serving every Tuesday, Tygh Valley – serving every Thursday, and Mosier -serving every Monday and Wednesday.

Tonight the Sugar Daddies are playing for your listening and dancing pleasure and next week the big band sounds return with the Jazz Generations. Admission is always free but to keep the music flowing donations are appreciated. And this Sunday, the Center will be hosting the Sunday Pie and Jam Social from 2 – 5 pm.

The answer to last week’s question was House Party, the television show hosted by Art Linkletter that included the segment “Kids Say the Darndest Things”. You can see highlights from the show on the Center’s blog at

This week’s question suggested by Joanne Scott is a tough one. What radio host on his morning show called the kids “to march around the breakfast table”?” As a child Joanne use to listen to the show and as she said “was just dumb enough to do it”.

And finally my Monday morning editor, Zelta Wasson, is taking a short vacation at MCMC. I can think of less expensive vacation locations, but the service is good. So Zelta, we are thinking of you and expect to see you back real soon. I need all your help I can get.

Until we meet again, in anger, as in chewing, it is best to keep your mouth shut.

“Older people shouldn`t eat health food, they need all the preservatives they can get.” Robert Orben

Aging Well July 14

Remember when Art Linkletter on his daily TV show would interview kids and they would say the “darndest things”. Kids still do, well at least one still does, albeit not as young. While my wife and I were setting around the kitchen table my daughter at the ripe old age of 19 asked if we ever felt we were getting old. After we laughed, I answered, “How about every day!”

She was thinking about the sign she saw at the grocery store identifying the birth date after which one could buy alcohol and realized in a year and a half she would be 21: the age of independence, responsibility and adulthood; no longer poppa’s child and soooo old.

There are always events that remind us we are getting older whether it is the store sign, your children’s first day at school, their first swim lessons (and the first time you realized they can swim faster than you) or when they graduate from high school and then land their first job. (But as it has been said, you aren’t really old until your kids are on Medicare.) So “old” is all a matter of perspective and unavoidable. At every age whether we are 19 or 91 we experience the blessings and accept the burdens; discover the hidden treasures and the fool’s gold. And the encouragement I use to give my kids when sending them off to school is probably good for any age: “give it your best”.

“If youth but knew; If age but could.” French painter Henri Estienne II

The Center will be hosting its monthly breakfast this Saturday before the Fort Dalles Pro Rodeo Parade. The breakfast is starting at 7:30 a half hour earlier so everyone can enjoy a nice delicious breakfast (and meet the rodeo royalty) and still have time to watch the parade. It will be a busy morning so why don’t you let someone else do the cooking. The breakfast is sponsored by Patti Blagg the Center’s Friday afternoon volunteer receptionist and also a promotional products consultant who can find the right item to promote any business.

Tonight Boyd Jacobsen has lined up the Hardshell Harmony to play again because you can never get too much of a good thing. Everyone is welcome whether friend or foe, young or old, blue or green. It doesn’t matter as long you love good music and the high energy sounds of bluegrass. Admission is free but donations are gladly accepted.

A big thanks to all the folks who have responded to the Center’s request for donations to help support the expansion project. Every dollar will help make the dream come true. You can learn the latest news about the expansion and the activities for this fall at the Center’s Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday, July 21st at 1:30 pm. We have just sent out the meeting notices to current members and reminders to those who may have forgotten to renew their membership. It is never too late to join.

Eight folks correctly identified the Shadow as the answer for last week’s question including Jim Heitkemper who also identified Lamont Cranston as the Shadow’s alter ego. But the first correct answer was from Ron Sutherland. And this week’s question (and the last chance to win a free breakfast) is, “What was the name of the CBS show hosted by Art Linkletter that featured the segment “Kids Say the Darndest Things”? Email your answer to

That’s it and I’m just a little older. Until we meet again, whether we are young or old or hot or cold “to everything there is a season”.

The best thing about getting old is that all those things you couldn’t have when you were young you no longer want. ~L.S. McCandless

And as an added bonus here are some highlights of “Kids Say the Darndest Things”

Aging Well July 7

As we age, we enjoy joking about the challenges and foibles associated with becoming more mature? or is it more experienced? – or as we hate to admit it, just plain older: the nightly bathroom trips, the hearing aids, the stiffness and the all too common “senior moments”. But although there is undoubtedly some truth in all of these common perceptions, many of us accept these conditions or limitations as inevitable and unalterable and become our own worst enemies to enjoying our later years to the fullest.

Did you hear about the 83 year old woman who talked herself out of a speeding ticket by telling the young officer that she had to get there before she forgot where she was going?

As we grow older, there are many things we just no longer want to do or have to do. I no longer want to climb up on the roof. You may no longer have to punch the daily time clock. But that is different from avoiding a new experience because we feel we are not capable. It is not healthy to pass up opportunities to explore and contribute because we have accepted the common perceptions and limitations of our own aging.

A man was telling his neighbor, ‘I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it’s state of the art. It’s perfect.’ ‘Really,’ answered the neighbor. ‘What kind is it?’ ‘Twelve thirty.’

Sometimes, when learning a new skill that takes too much time or seems too hard, we think it is because we our too old. But learning anything new is hard and always has been hard whether it was learning to read, ride a bicycle or play the piano. Maybe it is because we have forgotten how long it has taken to us learn all that we know in our 50, 60, or 80+ years, we somehow feel we should be able to learn to use a computer or a new dance step or any new skill in a few short days or weeks or heaven forbid if it takes us several months.

“I don’t do alcohol anymore – I get the same effect just standing up fast.” ~Author Unknown

No doubt, there are changes. We don’t rush around as fast, we see more in grays instead of blacks and whites and hopefully we make better decisions based on experience which are all good. But the difficulties in learning we attribute to aging are overstated. At every age and stage in our lives, we are capable of doing more than we think if we allow ourselves to take the risk, take the time and make the effort.

Few quick reminders:
At the Center, The Hardshell Harmony will be performing next Tuesday and tonight Truman Boler will be playing his country classics. The music starts at 7:00 and is over by 9:00, in time to get home before dark. The show is free but generous donations are generously accepted.

The Center will also be holding a rummage sale in the basement on Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th from 9 – 3 pm.

We had two correct answers last week from Joanne Scott and Tom Sofie identifying Gunsmoke, which ran from 1955 to 1975, as the longest running western TV series. To win a free Ft. Dalles Days Breakfast at the Center on Saturday July 18th, be the first to email me at the answer to the following question: What radio drama started with this question: ‘Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men’?

Until we meet again, keep moving, keep laughing and keep dreaming.