Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge
Aging Well October 7th 2014
Lily Tomlin said, “Reality is the leading cause of stress – among those in touch with it.” And for those of us who have stayed in touch, we have experienced the various stresses in all chapters of our lives: in school worrying about exams and first dates, during mid-life while encountering family and work decisions; and now in this, our third chapter, worrying about personal health issues, caring for loved ones and facing the ultimate reality of death.
Doctor Mike Evans, who produced the popular short video on the importance of 30 minutes of daily physical activity called “23 ½ Hours”, has also produced a short ten minute video on stress: “The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Stress”. (You can find both videos on YouTube.)
According to Doctor Mike Evans, the causes of stress are complex, with significant harmful consequences. But the current research suggests the most effective treatment to manage stress is changing your thinking style. He explains that stress doesn’t just happen to us, it passes through our brain. And our brain – that space between the action we experience and our response to what happens – is where we create the stress. In other words, it is our thinking that brings the stress.
This idea is embodied in the 90/10 rule. Ten percent of how we do in life is based on what happens to us, but ninety percent is how we respond. And we have the ability to manage that ninety percent. In the video, Dr. Evans explains in more detail how stress management can be learned through different techniques such as problem solving, avoiding thinking traps and reframing automatic thinking to healthier thinking patterns.
In particular, he points out the effectiveness of mindfulness training which combines an increased self-awareness, breathing techniques, meditation and letting go of distractions – being in the moment.
We don’t live in a make believe Shangri-La. Consequently, reality will always offer us many challenges. But how we experience and respond to those challenges are the key to managing our stress. As the famous American psychologist William James pointed out, the greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
Thanks to everyone who attended the 4th Annual Baby Back Rib dinner that raised close to $7,000 for The Dalles Meals-on-Wheels and the Senior Center. And to everyone who made it possible: Donna Cooper and her staff at The Springs of Mill Creek – sponsors of the dinner, Meals-on-Wheels director Nise Patton and crew for preparing the delicious ribs, Ashley Lauterbach for organizing the Silent Auction and Raffle, Hardshell Harmony for providing the perfect music for a perfect evening and all the wonderful volunteer ticket-takers, waitresses and table-clearers (busboys just doesn’t sound right!) including two of our Wasco County Commissioners – Steve Kramer and Rod Runyon. And now, let me be the first to invite you to the 5th Annual Baby Back Rib Dinner on the first Friday in October, 2015.
I know many of you have already received your Flu shots, but if you haven’t yet, and you know you should, Flu shots will be conveniently available at the center on Wednesday, October 8th, from 10:00 – 2:00. The shots will be provided by Rite-Aid and they will have the regular strength, as well as the extra strength flu vaccine that is recommended for adults over 65.
For the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on October 14th, I will show the video “The Mechanics of Aging” produced for the PBS television series “Life part 2”, followed by a discussion about how our bodies are not as cooperative as they once were and what we can do about it.
For the Center’s Tuesday Night Music starting at 7:00 on October 14th, Martin and Friends will be performing. All ages are welcome and donations are appreciated.
Andy Warhol was the American artist who said “In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast is Don McAllister.)
For this week’s “Remember When” question, I’m just going to give a quote with no other hints or clues – to make it a little more challenging. When asked what she wore to bed, what movie star (okay, one hint) answered “Why, Chanel No.5, of course”? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a recording of “Happy Birthday, Mr. President”.
Well, it’s been another week jumping from the frying pan to the skillet. Until we meet again, keep singing your song – even if no one listens.
“When you stumble, make it part of the dance.” – Author unknown
Aging Well September 30th 2014
Aging Well September 23rd 2014
Aging Well September 16th 2014
Although the Senior Center is a key focal point for older adult activities, I try to avoid being too Center focused in this weekly column. But because of the variety of opportunities available this week at the Center, I am going to make an exception. But I will also include the answers to the brainteasers which I forgot last week – apparently the mental stimulation isn’t always that effective.
WEDNESDAY (17th) The Center will host another Passport to Happiness event from 1:00 – 2:30. Lauren Kraemer, OSU Extension Family and Community Health specialist will demonstrate how to prepare several dishes that are easy, delicious and healthy. And I will discuss six behaviors, besides good nutrition, that support brain health: physical activity, mental stimulation, stress management, sleep and rest, and social engagement.
FRIDAY (19th) Nehemiah Brown returns to the Center – sponsored by Columbia Basin Care Facility. He’ll be singing hits from the 50’s and 60’s in the style of Nat King Cole and Tony Bennett. The theme is a Hawaiian “Luau” so you can wear your Hawaiian shirt one more time before fall officially arrives on the 23rd. The music starts at 7:00, ends by 9:00 and costs only $3.00 per person.
SATURDAY (20TH) Saturday Breakfast is back. This month the breakfast is sponsored on behalf of the AARP Smart Driver Program and during the breakfast, Dennis Davis, Oregon’s AARP Smart Driver Instructor of the Year will be recognized. The menu will feature pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage with fruit and coffee for $5.00 and $4.00 for Center members. Breakfast starts at 8:00 and we start cleaning up at 9:30 am.
SUNDAY (21ST) The third Sunday is the monthly stop for the Pie and Jam express. From 2:00 – 5:00 local musicians of all stripes and feathers come and “jam” – playing country favorites for everyone’s listening and dancing pleasure. And for that mid-afternoon snack, there is pie and ice cream for sale during intermission.
MONDAY (22ND), The Dalles Toastmasters Club has started a new meeting at the Center on Monday nights from 6:00 – 7:00 to accommodate folks whose work schedule doesn’t allow them to attend the regular Tuesday noon meeting at CGCC. Whether you are working or retired, Toastmasters is an opportunity to enhance your leadership and communication skills in a supportive and pressure free environment. Everyone is invited and if you have any questions, contact Mary Linebarger at 541-298-2829.
TUESDAY (23RD) Do you want to know where you can find accurate and reliable health information you can trust? At the Tuesday Lecture starting at 11:00, Molly Hamlin, from the Planetree Health Resource Library, will explain and demonstrate how you can search for reliable health information using MedlinePlus – the website for the National Library of Medicine.
And on the 23rd there will not be Tuesday Night music at the Center, but The Dufur Boys are scheduled to play on the 30th, and Andre and Friends on October 7th.
And now with a drum roll, here are the answers to the Brainteasers from two weeks ago. And if you can’t remember the questions, you’ll find both the questions and answers at
) Meat. 2) There is no dirt in a hole. 3) Incorrectly (except when it is spelled incorrecktly). 4) Mt. Everest. It just wasn’t discovered yet. 5) Johnny. 6) You would be in 2nd place. You passed the person in second place, not first. 7) The river was frozen. 8) Both boxers are female. 9) Take the first letter of each word and place it at the end. It will spell the same word backwards. 10) It contains each number, zero through nine, in alphabetical order.
The name of the 1964 British – American black comedy starring Peter Sellers in three different roles and included “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the War Room!” was Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast is Dennis Wygal.)
This week’s “Remember When” quote is not from a movie but from its second cousin – television. Who was the comedian that hosted a television variety show first telecast in the 50’s and would end his opening monologue by saying “And awaaay we go!” E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of Crazy Guggenheim – one of Joe the Bartender’s regulars.
Well, it’s been another week trying to jumpstart at ’48 body. Until we meet again, if you ever forget your lines, make up a new story.
“A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” Andre Maurois
Aging Well September 9th 2014
Aging Well September 2nd 2014
Aging Well August 26th 2014
Aging Well August 19th 2014
Well, it’s been another week trying to stay in the game without losing my shirt. Until we meet again, as my ninety-nine year old Aunt Mo told me, “You have to work at getting old”.
“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.” Maya Angelou