Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well June 11th 2013

How many push-ups can you do? Or are you like me: the bigger challenge is just getting back up off the floor with some kind of grace and dignity!  
Many of you are already active and can testify that you don’t have to relive your junior high P.E. class to enjoy the benefits of exercise and movement. It can be as simple as walking around the block or throwing away the TV remote – or even the TV. It can include water aerobics, gardening, dancing, or movement classes at the Center. By staying active thirty minutes a day you can improve or maintain your strength, balance, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.
But try to avoid the excuses. Even with physical limitations, doing something is always better than doing nothing. If it becomes boring, mix it up and be creative. And even though you haven’t lost any weight or that extra inch around the waste, keep moving. It is still good for you.
There are also plenty of inexpensive ways to keep moving: a few plants here and a walking stick there or classes at the Center. And if you just don’t have the get up and go – to get out and move, reward yourself. Buy yourself a large chocolate milkshake. (Just kidding!)
Exercise with friends. The social connections will make it fun, more interesting and a little peer pressure can be the motivation that keeps you going. And start small. You’re not getting any younger. Just because you were able to do it twenty years ago, doesn’t mean you can expect to start off at that same level today.
But the point is that it is never too late to start being more active. But start small, make it fun and be creative. At our age we may no longer be the youthful hare of Aesop’s Fables. But we can still follow the tortoise’s example where slow and steady wins the race.
Physical health is June’s theme in your Passport to Happiness Calendar. And this month’s event will again take place at the Center from 3:00 – 4:30 on Wednesday June 19th. Don’t forget to bring your passport! And I promise there will be no push-ups or sit-ups. But maybe a few jumping jacks? 
It is already approaching June 15th – the third Saturday of the month which means SATURDAY BREAKFAST at the Center – this month sponsored by Ron Sutherland in honor of the 1947 The Dalles High School State Football Championship Team.  The menu includes Texas style French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, fruit and your choice of a morning beverage. Breakfast is served from 8:00 – 9:30 and the cost is only $5.00.  And before you move on, does anyone remember who the 1947 TDHS football coach was?
The Center’s annual summer rummage sale starts Thursday June 27th at 9:00 AM and runs through Saturday the 30th. We are now accepting used items you may have around the house or garage that need a new home. Give the Center a call or leave the items outside the basement door.
To sweep a few cobwebs from your noggin, try this little activity. For two weeks switch your watch to your other wrist and see how long it takes you to learn the new arrangement. (And count how many stares you get as you glance from one wrist to the other to find the time.)  
But if that doesn’t work for you, see if you can read the Center’s music announcement. rofeB eht neercsnus sehsaw ffo, gniyalp thginot ta eht retneC si “nitraM dna sdneirF”. dnA no yadseuT, enuJ ht81, “namurT” lliw eb gnimrofrep. cisuM strats ta 00:7, enoyreve si emoclew dna snoitanod era detaicerppa.
The name of the second-best-selling band in the United States: a four person English rock band formed in 1968 that recorded the Classic Rock radio staple “Stairway to Heaven” is Led Zeppelin. (And the winner is Anne Hutson.) But one last music question. There were plenty of R&B or Doo Wop groups in the 50’s. But what was the name of the group that formed in 1953 and hit upon a successful formula of updating old standards, such as My Prayer“, “Twilight Time“, and “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes scoring four number one hits between 1955 and 1958? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or have it delivered by the Great Pretender.

Well, it has been another week trying to finish off the ice cream cone before it melts. Until we meet again, it is never too late to wish upon a star. 

Aging Well June 4th 2013

Several weeks ago I highlighted the public transportation options available in the Mid-Columbia area. (For a reminder you can go to But even the best system can’t meet every transportation need. That is when friends, neighbors and the community are asked to step up to fill the gaps.
An example is Don and Gae Wimberly who recently spoke at the Center about Relay for Life – scheduled for June 22nd at the Wahtonka campus track. Afterwards during lunch, they had a chance encounter with a person recently diagnosis with cancer who was searching for a ride to Portland for his cancer treatment.  
The good news – Don found a person willing to drive the individual to Portland. But knowing there were probably many more folks needing rides to their cancer treatments, Don also contacted Gretchen at the American Cancer Society office in Portland who – through the American Cancer Society’s “Road to Recovery” Program – is willing to coordinate local volunteers who have the time to provide rides with the individuals who need rides. If you have the time to drive a patient to their cancer treatment or if you can’t find a ride, give Gretchen a call at 1-800-227-2345 or go on line at As they say on their website, “Road to Recovery is the very essence of the American Cancer Society mission – people helping people overcome cancer. Won’t you help a patient get on the road to recovery?”
It would take too much space to include every new phone scam, but I’ll mention this one because a friend has just recently been receiving the following recorded calls. According to the Oregon Department of Justice, older Oregonians are receiving pre-recorded messages from medical alert imposters claiming to be from Life Alert, a home medical alert system company familiar to many older adults. The recordings sound like a real person claiming “someone has purchased a Life Alert system for you,” or that “you qualify for a free Life Alert.”

If you receive a recorded call like this, simply hang up the phone and DO NOT press a button to talk to a sales person. And once again, never give personal information or credit card numbers over the phone unless you have initiated the contact or you are sure you know who you are dealing with. If you think you have fallen victim to this “medical alert” scam or any others, contact the Oregon Department of Justice online at or call 1-877-877-9392. And I will post all the scam alerts that come across my desk on the Center’s web page at
Have you noticed how rapidly technology is changing? You now have constant access to the world using your smartphone, can vacuum your floors with a flying saucer shaped robot; and you can buy a bracelet that monitors how far you walk and how well you sleep. On Tuesday at 11:00, Tim McLoughlin will discuss how this rapidly changing technology is shaping education including the classroom use of tablets, video conferencing, Google Earth and 3-D printers.
Mel Omeg caught a mistake in my last column. The “Pocketful of Feelings” workshop IS free and from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. BUT it is at The Dalles Wahtonka High School Auditorium, is open to the whole community and no registration is required. This special one-of-a-kind training will give you ways to help your grandchildren better understand their emotions and feelings.
And before the colors fade and the threads run bare, playing tonight at the Center is “The Strawberry Mountain Band” And on Tuesday, June 11th, “Martin and Friends” will be performing. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
The three young men who and helped launch the pop-folk boom in 1958 were the Kingston Trio. (And theis week’s winner is Alex Currie.) And for this week’s “Remember When” question, it is time revisit one of the great hard rock bands of the 60’s and 70’s. What is the name of the four person English rock band formed in London in 1968 by Jimmy Page; is considered one of the most innovative and influential rock groups ever and the second-best-selling band in the United States; and disbanded in 1980 after the death of their drummer John Bonham? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with the stairway bought by “a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold”.

Well, it has been another week trying to face the music without losing the beat. Until we meet again, enjoy the present because as Dan Williams reminded me “Today is the oldest you’ve ever been. And the youngest you’ll ever be.” 

Aging Well May 28th

“If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first.” Lois Wyse
Ah, grandchildren. For many, grandchildren have been the joy of their lives. For my parents, who retired between Florida and the mountains of North Carolina, they never visited me after my wife and I moved to Oregon. (I guess eighteen plus years raising me was enough!) But once my son Andrew was born, it didn’t take them long to say goodbye Ashville, North Carolina and hello The Dalles – living in our small basement apartment and inviting Andrew down stairs every afternoon for Sesame Street. You could tell who they were interest in seeing!
In Oregon, 6% of children under 18 are living in the homes of their grandparents and in a third of those homes, the grandparents are responsible for raising the children. And there are many more grandparents who everyday provide trusted, caring and affordable childcare while the parents work.
“The best baby-sitters, of course, are the baby’s grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida.” Dave Barry
Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. And if you would like to learn “Why grandchildren do the things they do!” you are invited to the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on June 4th. Valerie Kendrick, Director of Great-n-Small (MCMC’s Child Development Center), will discuss what to expect as children grow through the different stages of childhood. And as a bonus, you will learn several proven tricks of the trade to help children develop to their full potential.
“I don’t intentionally spoil my grandkids. It’s just that correcting them often takes more energy than I have left.” Gene Perret
And if you are still baffled by your grandchildren’s behavior, there is a FREE three-hour workshop on June 11th from 6:00-9:00 PM at CGCC.  You will learn how the revolutionary process known as “Pocket Full of Feelings” will give you everything you need to know to help improve your grandchildren’s behaviors. Space is limited, so please register early to reserve your spot. Call 541-506-6130 or email
“What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies.” Rudolph Giuliani
It is not easy to maintain the grounds around the Center, but thanks to David Zopf, Gary Conley and the Union Pacific Retirees it gets done. And thanks Barb Pashek, who is following a line of volunteers (Mary Barrett, Betty Richmond, Prudence Amick) for giving her time planting flowers in the raised flower beds in front of the Center. But Barb and I have a special connection: both of us have lost a parent to Alzheimer’s. And consequently when we meet, we often check to see if either one of us has picked up the gene. So Barb, I just have to say “We will be friends until we are old and senile – and then we will be new friends!”
“The Cruise ships are coming! The Cruise ships are coming!” You can hear the cries coming from The Dalles Chamber of Commerce office. In order to prepare for the cruise ships, the chamber is stuffing tourist information packets, so the visitors can learn more about The Dalles and tell their neighbors and friends. That is a lot of work and they could use some help. If you are interested in volunteering during the tourist season give them a call at 541-296-2231.
And before the lights fade and the curtain opens, playing tonight at the Center is “The Dufur Boys” And on Tuesday, June 4th, The Strawberry Mountain Band” will knock your socks off. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
The answer to last week’s “Remember When” question was Country Hall of Fame piano player Floyd Cramer. So you know your jazz and country music stars? How about folk musicians of the 50’s and 60’s? These three young men started performing in the San Francisco Bay area and in 1958 helped launch the pop-folk boom with their first album and its hit recording which sold over three million copies as a single. What was the name of this trio?  E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with the lyrics of the Appalachian “sweetheart murder ballad” named Tom Dooley.

Well, it has been another week trying to slip out the back door while they’re knocking at the front.  Until we meet again, keep your shoes tied and never leave the playground.  

Aging Well May 21st

“Unleash the Power of Age” is the theme for Older American’s Month – celebrated every year in May to honor the remarkable work of older adults in our communities. Imagine what it would be like without older adults investing their wealth of life experience, knowledge and skills; improving the lives of others as church members, volunteers for non-profits and members of public commissions and boards. Projects would not be completed, less money would be raised and important decisions would be left undecided. And our communities would definitely not be as strong or healthy as they are today.
There are more ways to pick your pocket than the door-to-door scams and high pressure schemes I mentioned last week. And some are pretty convincing. I heard a recent example from Annie Lane who showed me the USPS envelope she received containing a letter and a Postal Money Order for $985.55 (which looked authentic to me). The letter told her to cash the Money Order immediately and keep $200 as a payment for being a Mystery Shopper (which she doesn’t remember ever applying for!). She was then told to secretly evaluate the customer service at a local Western Union store – and here’s the catch – by purchasing a Western Union Money Order with the remaining balance and sending the money order to a given name and address. Annie knew something was fishy: no letterhead, faulty grammar. The Post Office confirmed her suspicions by pointing out that the Money Order lacked a serial number. If she had cashed the Postal Money Order, she probably would have had to eventually pay back the $985.
There were several clues, but it is not that hard to convince yourself the offer is real. (Like I said, the Postal Money Order looked authentic.) If you ever receive such a give-away offer, talk to a friend first and then if appropriate, report it to the Oregon Department of Justice. Remember, “If it is too good to be true, it ….” – well, I think you know the rest.
If you want to be notified of scams, fraud and other consumer threats operating in Oregon, you can join the Oregon Scam Alert Network. It keeps you updated by email or tweets about important consumer information to protect yourself and share with friends. You can join the Scam Alert Network at
As the weather warms up and the days get longer, there is a powerful urge for many folks to go out and get down and dirty. If you are one of those folks – who are already pulling weeds, planting seeds, and cleaning out flower beds, you will want to read Master Gardener Mary Miller’s May/June issue of Garden Highlights. To start receiving this remarkable little electronic newsletter, email him at And if you don’t have access to a computer or email, stop by many of the local gardening stores – or come by the Center to pick up a copy.
Meals-on-Wheels and the Area Agency on Aging are inviting all of you who are “young at heart” to a Senior Prom on Friday May 31st from 5:30 – 8:00 PM at the Center. There will be beverages, food and music provided by the Sugar Daddies. You don’t have to dance, or wear a formal outfit, or awkwardly ask someone to go with you, but your ID will be checked at the door.
And before the cat stalks and the birds scatter, playing tonight at the Center is “Truman”. And on the 28thThe Dufur Boys” from Dufur are back to make you sit up and take notice. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
“A-Tisket, A-Tasket” was sung by the Queen of Jazz: Ella Fitzgerald (And the winner is William VanNice.) For this week’s “Remember When” let’s move to another genre of American music – country. What was the name of the piano player born in 1933; inducted in the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2003; was one of the architects of the “Nashville sound; toured with Elvis Presley (and played piano on Elvis’s first national hit “Heartbreak Hotel”); and recorded several hits including “Last Date”? (And there is not a Lewis in his name!) E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of the Million Dollar Band that often performed on Hee-Haw in the 1980’s.

Well, it has been another week trying to make my life legible. Until we meet again, as I was reminded before yoga class by Debra Lutje “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood”. 

Aging Well May 14th 2013

As we move closer to summer and the temperatures rise, it’s the time when door-to-door salespeople start hitting the sidewalks. And because of recent complaints, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum is warning Oregonians that “Although most of the activity conducted by door-to-door salespeople is legal, there are some solicitors who do not follow the law, and even more who use aggressive tactics”.
For more information about door-to-door sales and what to do, not do and to avoid, you can go to the Oregon Department of Justice’s website at
But for you busy people, here is the short and sweet version. (1) Don’t open the door; (2) Don’t let them in; (3) Don’t sign on the spot; (4) Be aware of scams; and (5) If you do sign a contract, you have only THREE days to cancel.
But I have another suggestion. Why not open the door wearing a “Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” (or Michael Phelps Speedo brief) with a glass of red wine in one hand and an open umbrella twirling in the other. That should be enough to frighten any salespeople so they won’t ever come knocking again. (Just make sure you have a good explanation when the police arrive!)
Last week I mentioned the public transportation options in Wasco County provided by the Transportation Network (LINK). But for our neighbors to the east, the Sherman County Community Transit also provides dial-a –ride services plus weekly trips to The Dalles on Mondays and Thursdays for $5.00 round trip. For more information call 541-565-3553, Monday through Thursday from 9:30 – 3:30.
The last of this spring’s Creative Arts Classes led by Debra Jones will be held at the Center on Tuesday May 28th at 1:00. The theme is Memorial Day Memories where participants will cut strips of fabric on which everyone writes the name of someone they want to remember. The collected strips will be strung together and hung for everyone to see. And for next fall, Debra is already preparing for the classes starting in September.
But if your creative itch needs scratching before then, The Dalles Art Center is offering two classes. The first is Mosiacs with Toms Royal: a series of five classes where you will create your own stunning original mosaic piece of art. The class will be held on five consecutive Thursdays starting May 23rd from 5:00 – 9:00 PM at the Art Center. The cost is $150 plus $20 supply fee – payable at signup.
And Gayle Weisfield will be teaching a Beginning Watercolor Workshop – touching the basics of watercolor, brushes, paints, paper, washes and terminology. That class will be held on June 22 & 23 from 10:00 to 4:00 PM. The fee is $110. For more information about either class call The Dalles Art Center at 541-296-4759.
It is again time to light up the gas stove for another Saturday Breakfast on the 18th from 8:00 – 9:30 PM sponsored by Leann Curtis and her team at The Dalles Health and Rehabilitation Center. Why cook when you can enjoy a delicious breakfast, gather with friends and support the Center at the same time. And all for only $5.00.
No Tuesday Lectures on May 21st and 28th but will return on June 4th when Valerie Kendrick, Director of Great and Small Child Development Center, discusses “Why Children Act the Way They Do”. And on June 11th Tim McGlothlin, School District #21’s Technology Coordinator, will discuss how technology is used to enhance education.  
And before bugles blow and the foxhounds take off, playing tonight at the Center is “Martin and Friends”. And on the 23rd “Truman” will be playing his “Country Gold”. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
The first name of Mr. Ed’s eccentric owner was Wilbur. (And this week’s winner is Dee Holt.) And for this week, the “Remember When” question came from a recent donation to the Center of fifty plus CDs featuring music from the 40’s and 50’s including several from this American Jazz Vocalist known as the “Queen of Jazz”. She performed from 1934 until 1993 and had such hits as the 1938 song “A-Tisket, A-Tasket” as well as the influential “Song Book Series” on Verve Records between 1956 and 1964. What is her name? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a copy of the 1972 “Is it live or is it Memorex? television commercial.
Well, it has been another week trying to walk the tightrope without falling. Until we meet again, don’t let the fear of flying keep you from taking off.  

Living Well May 7th 2013

How do you travel to the store, your church or to visit friends? Do you ride a bike, or a four wheel electric scooter? Or do you careen around town on a Vespa like Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in the movie “Roman Holiday”? According to a national study those of us over 65 years of age make roughly 90% of our trips by car – demonstrating how dependent we are on the automobile for our transportation needs. But for an increasing number of older folks, driving is no longer a possibility. Fortunately, there are several public transportation alternatives.

 In Wasco County, the Mid-Columbia Council of Government’s Transportation Network (The LINK) provides both dial-a-ride services throughout Wasco County, and fixed route services within the City of The Dalles and even to Hood River and Portland. The Dial-A-Ride services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM but you need to call in advance to schedule them. The busses are lift-equipped to assist riders who require the use of a wheelchair. The fare is $1.50 one way.

The Transportation Network also offers in The Dalles a “Shop Till You Drop” fixed route loop every Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 AM till 2:00 PM going between Bi-Mart and downtown – and hitting the major shopping areas in between. Fare is $3.00 for unlimited stops.

There is also a fixed route between Hood River and The Dalles that operates three times every weekday with stops at Wal-Mart, Providence Hospital and CGCC (HR) along the way. Fare is $3.00 one way. And if you want to explore Portland, the Transportation Network offers bus service to Portland every Thursday leaving The Dalles at 7:30 and returning by 5:10 with stops at the Gateway Max Station, Art Museum, OHSU and the Clackamas Town Center. Fare is $8.00 each way.

For more information, call the Transportation Network at 541-296-7595, 1-877-875-4657 or go online at Or you can attend the next Passport to Happiness event at the Center on Wednesday May 15th from 3:00 – 4:30 where speakers from the Transportation Network will discuss public transportation options in the Mid-Columbia area.

May is Older Americans Month – but more about that next week, because May is also Community Action Month. And to celebrate, the Community Action Program (CAP) is hosting their annual Open House at 312 E 4th Street (the house with the red door across from the Civic) from 11:30 till whenever the hotdogs and hamburgers run out. Besides providing low income energy assistance for seniors and administering the AARP Tax Aide Program, CAP also operates the Community Food Facility that provides food to many local food agencies. And to help stock the local food banks, this coming Saturday is the Letter Carrier’s Food Drive. So don’t forget to leave a bag of canned food next to your mailbox.

The Mid-Columbia Housing Resource Center is now taking a limited number of pre-applications for a potential Regional Home Repair Program for residents of Wasco and Hood River Counties. This program will provide grants up to $15,000 for low to moderate income homeowners to make needed health and safety repairs to their homes. Call David Peters 541-296-3397 x18 for more info or go online at

 Unfortunately, I have to reschedule Valerie Kendrick’s May 14th presentation on how to better understand your grandchildren (and learn a few tricks too) to June 4th. Instead, the next 11:00 Tuesday Lectures will continue the discussion about how to fund the growing need for long term care. And before the water boils and the teapot whistles, playing tonight at the Center is “The Strawberry Mountain Band”. And on the 14th Martin and Friends will be back strumming for your dancing and listening enjoyment. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.

The name of the talking mule in the 1950’s movie series was Francis. (And this week’s winner is Alex Currie.) Following the same theme, this week’s “Remember When” question is about a television series that began in 1961 on CBS starring a talking horse named Mr. Ed. But he would only talk to his eccentric and klutzy owner played by Alan Young. What was the owner’s first name? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a picture of Bamboo Harvester – the horse that portrayed Mr. Ed from 1961-1966.

Well, it has been another week looking life in the eye and trying not to blink. Until we meet again, most things are never as easy as you first thought, nor as hard as you now believe.

Aging Well April 30th 2013

Do you expect you will ever need long term care services? And knowing that Medicare does not cover long term care, are you prepared to pay for it, i.e. long term care insurance or personal assets?
The reality is 70% of Americans over 65 will need some kind of long term care for an average of three years. But the ability to provide long term care for everyone who will need it in the future is in doubt because of several conflicting national dynamics.
Ever since Medicare and the Older Americans Act were passed in 1965, there has been a national effort to care for and protect vulnerable seniors so they can live with dignity and independence. But an escalating number of adults over 65 will not be prepared financially to afford the high costs of long term care and will eventually spend down their limited assets qualifying for Medicaid assistance. While at the same time, there is currently a significant national movement to reduce the size and cost of government including Medicaid.
Long term care is expensive. The average annual cost for a semi private room in a nursing home is $73,000. (In 2009, Medicaid paid for 40 percent of all nursing home spending in the US.)  And a Licensed Home Health Aide costs $43,472. Already the elderly account for 25 percent of annual Medicaid spending while being only 10 percent of Medicaid enrollees
You can learn more about this complex and critical national issue at the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on May 8th. We will watch and discuss a March 20, 2013 panel discussion, convened by The SCAN Foundation, “on practical options from various perspectives for increasing access to affordable long-term care services for the millions of Americans needing this support”.  
The SCAN Foundation’s is an independent, non-profit public charity devoted to transforming health care for seniors in ways that encourage independence and preserve dignity. You can learn more about the challenges of providing long term care at their website .
The Wasco County Pioneers’ Annual Meeting has been held on the first Saturday in May since 1921 – which this year is Saturday May 4th at Calvary Baptist Church. And if you haven’t heard, after lunch Bill Johnson will speak about “Our Oregon Trail” with pictures of segments of the trail most people will never have a chance to see since they are located on private land. It should be a fascinating presentation.
Hopefully you will be attending the Friday Night Out Library Benefit and Auction at the Center on Friday May 3rd to support the children’s library expansion. And besides the live music, pizza and drinks, you will have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to bid on a variety of auction items including  (now listen carefully OSU fans!) a Vintage Benny the Beaver hat from Oregon State University circa 1947 and an Oregon State Rookie lid (a freshman beanie with a green top and an orange bill). There is also a paperback copy of “Sometimes a Great Notion” autographed by the late Merry Prankster himself – Ken Kesey, and a hardbound copy with dust jacket of Arthur C. Clarke’s “Childhood End” autographed by the author at Willamette University in 1968. Tickets are $20, doors open at 5:30 and it is a 21 and over event – so sorry no grandchildren this time.
And before the hair line recedes and what’s left turns grey, playing tonight at the Center is “For the Good Times”. Then starting at the top of the batting order for a new month, on May 7th“The Strawberry Mountain Band” will play for your dancing and listening enjoyment. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated.
The terrible tasting oil many mothers used was Castor Oil, but other responses I received which may also bring back memories were Cod Liver Oil and Fletcher’s Castoria. (And the randomly selected winner is – drum roll please – Talie Kingsbury.)
But back to pop culture during the 1950’s – and thanks to Annie Lane for suggesting this week’s Remember When” question. What was the name of the talking mule, star of seven popular movies in the 50’s, who befriends a hapless young soldier named Peter Stirling? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or mail it with a picture of the Army’s 123rd Mule Detachment.
Well, it has been another week enjoying the ride while keeping an eye out for the potholes. Until we meet again, do you ever have one of those days, when listening to folks debate whether the glass is half full or half empty, you’ll just glad there’s still water in it?

Aging Well April 23rd 2013

I’m trying to hold back the slow, methodical footsteps of time. I do all the right things. I wear a pedometer so I know when I reach my 10,000 steps a day; I keep mentally stimulated playing brain games and learning new languages; I now eat whole grains and a variety of fruits and vegetables; and I try to stay socially active by dating numerous women. (No Rita, I am just kidding!). But then I realize I am no longer the young whipper-snapper I use to be.

 And how do I know? Friends start giving me Kleenexes when my nose, without informing me, starts dripping like an old pipe; I mention Ma Bell to my adult children and they want to know who she is; among my younger friends I realize I am the only one who knows how to spell Alzheimers! And I now empathize with the woman who was looking for someone with younger legs to mow her yard, because at 87 she had finally reached the age when she couldn’t “cut the mustard, let alone the grass!”

 But then there isn’t much I can do about the quickening passage of time. I will just have to accept it and adapt with humor and grace and enjoy this precious life adventure.

 The Dalles will soon be under the spell of this year’s Cherry Festival – when the city puts its best foot forward for all to see and enjoy. You won’t want to miss The Dalles Floozies at the Columbia State Bank Lipsync Contest on Thursday night. (If it is anything like how they great the unsuspecting tour boat travelers, it should be a kick!) And at the Center before the parade you can enjoy a delicious breakfast of French Toast, scrambled eggs, a choice of bacon or sausage plus fruit and your favorite beverage (that is your favorite morning beverage.) The breakfast starting at 7:30 AM is sponsored by the Center’s neighbor to the north: Cherry Heights Retirement Community. Also at the breakfast you can purchase raffle tickets for the one-of-a-kind quilt that has fifteen historical pictures of The Dalles hand stitched into it. And then you can end the evening with Bingo at the Center starting at 6:00 PM.

For those wondering who will be the speaker at the 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on April 30th, I don’t know since I haven’t gotten around to lining anyone up yet. You will have to be surprised. But on May 15th I do know that Valerie Kendrick, director of Great-n-Small, will be discussing “Ages and Stages” of child development for all the grandmothers and grandfathers in the audience. It will help you understand why kids act the way they do and most importantly what you can do about it.

 There is still room on the bus for the Center’s day trip to the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens, a national historic site located in Woodland, Washington and the subject of Jean Kirkpatrick’s 2012 historical novel “Where Lilacs Still Bloom”. The trip is only $25 for admission and transportation, and you don’t have to be a member of the Center or live in Wasco County to participate in the trips. For more information call the Center at 541-296-4788.

 And before the snow recedes and the rivers rise, playing tonight at the Center is Mark Womble and the Sugar Daddies. And then on the fifth Tuesday “For the Good Times” will be playing for your dancing and listening enjoyment. Music starts at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are appreciated to feed the animals and to keep the lights on.

 It was the best response ever for a “Remember When” question and I never would have guessed it would be for “Bag Balm” the ointment originally used to soothe irritation on cows’ udders but found to also be good for the treatment of chapped and irritated skin. (And the winner from the 20 entries was Lucy Rice.) But let’s go with one last question from the Home Remedy Department – thanks to Jess Birge. What was the oil many mothers used for anything that ailed you: from constipation to diarrhea and headaches, muscle pain, skin conditions in between. E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a potted Ricinus communis plant from the Mediterranean region.

Well, it has been another week sneaking around the corner to see what lies ahead. Until we meet again, you know it’s not going to be one of your better days when you mistakenly pour your cereal into your juice cup instead of your cereal bowl.

Aging Well April 16th 2013

Now that the Center has completed its Spring Membership Drive, I would like to thank everyone who either renewed their membership or became a member for the first time. We surpassed three hundred members, the largest number in the last several years, and it is all because of you! The 2013 Membership Campaign will conclude in July, before the Center’s Annual Membership Meeting, and the goal is still four hundred members.

And a special thanks to all the Center’s Super Duper members ($50 per member instead of the regular $35 membership fee). But many have asked, “What are the benefits of a Super-Duper Membership?” I am afraid I am not allowed to say, since the Super-Duper benefits are just too Super-Duper for anyone to know. But what I can say is when that special something happens to you during the year, you will be reaping the rewards of your Super-Duper membership! Just ask the Center’s first Super-Duper Member – Patti Blagg. 

By being a member, you help support the many activities at the Center including the free 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on April 23rd featuring Dr. Mark Cullen, MCMC’s new orthopedic specialist. Dr. Cullen will speak on a topic near and dear to many of us: Arthritis and its medical and surgical care. He recently joined the MCMC/OHSU Orthopedic Clinic located at Water’s Edge having moved from Georgia where he practiced for fifteen years. Dr. Cullen is a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon who has completed fellowship training in sports medicine. He cares for patients of all ages and specializes in treatment of knee and shoulder injuries and pediatric fractures.

Many times it is a treat just taking a trip out of town when you don’t have to drive and can enjoy the journey is as well as the destination. Last Saturday we enjoyed both as the Center took its first spring outing – meandering our way over the Rowena Loops to the Western Antique Areoplane and Automobile Museum (WAAAM) in Hood River – and then through the Hood River Port District on the way back. Thanks to Jodi Chastain for driving and entertaining us with stories of the history of Wasco County.

 But we have two more day trips planned in May. The first is on Wednesday, May 1st and offers you a chance to step back in time to discover the 1880’s Victorian farmhouse and country garden that comprise the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens, a national historic site located in Woodland Washington. The second trip is to see the Northwest Senior Theater perform “Broadway Highlights” on Wednesday May 15th at the Alpenrose Dairy Opera House in Portland. The NW Senior Theater is a group of experienced (55 and older) performers including singers, dancers, actors, musicians and production folks who still enjoy the “smell of the greasepaint and the roar of the crowd”. Each trip costs $25.00 which includes transportation and admission (food is on your own), but each is limited to the first twenty riders. For more information call the Center at 541-296-4788.

 I can’t remember when I last tried to mess with your mind by scrambling the Center’s Tuesday Night Music announcement, but it feels like it’s that time again. So see if you can read the next paragraph – backwards. Detataicerppa syawla era snoitanod dna emoclew si enoyreve, 00:7 ta snigeb cisuM. slanigiro nwo rieht fo lareves sulp senut rapupop gnignis eb lliw “sieddaD raguS” keew txen dnA .”namurT” si retneC eht ta thginot gniyalp ,ria thgin eht sevael llihc eht erofeb dnA

 The answer to last week’s “Remember When” question was Merthiolate: the orange antiseptic for scratches and cuts. Well, that’s what I remembered. But everyone else seems to remember either Mercurochrome or Iodine.(And now I’m beginning to have doubts about my long term memory!) (Out of all the responses, the winner of five quilt raffle tickets or a free Cherry Festival breakfast on the 27th is Jean Vercouteren.)

And sticking with common remedies from the past, this week’s question was suggested by several folks at the Center. What was the name of the ointment originally used to soothe irritation on cows’ udders after milking, but farmers’ wives noticed the softness of their husbands’ hands, and started using the product for the treatment of chapped and irritated skin? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with a 10 ounce green square tin featuring a cow’s head and red clovers on the lid. 

Well, it has been another week wondering whether it is spring or fall or something in between. Until we meet again, when you want to hear the truth – listen to what is not said.

Aging Well April 9th 2013

How are you doing financially? Are you able to live comfortably; able to take vacations to faraway places? Or are you just getting by – barely able meet your basic needs: housing, food, clothing, transportation and medical?
Because economic security is an important aspect of health and well-being, Financial Health is the focus for the month of April in your Passport to Happiness Calendar – and the topic for the next Passport to Happiness event at the Center on April 17th from 3:00 – 4:30. Carol Mauser, from the Aging and People with Disabilities office, and Marvin Pohl from the Area Agency on Aging will explain and clarify different services available to support older adults including Qualified Medicare Benefits, SHIBA, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Oregon Project Independence. If you haven’t attended any of the events, it is never too late to start. And don’t forget to bring your passport – the tear off section at the bottom of your calendar.
April is also National Financial Literacy Month and on the website, there are suggestions about how to manage your finances and save money. A few examples include evaluating your health insurance annually – which means for us “mature” folks to always review our current medical plans during Medicare Open Enrollment in October; borrow instead of buy (The Dalles Wasco County Library has a large selection of popular videos to lend) and to start hand washing instead of dry cleaning one shirt a month (I’ve never heard of anyone dry-cleaning their shirts! But then, I never knew you didn’t ask for Thousand Island dressing in an Italian restaurant.)
The Center‘s first spring day-trip is to WAAAM (Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum) in Hood River on April 13th. That is the second Saturday of the month when WAAAM fires up their aeroplanes and autos so you can experience what it was like in the “good-old-days”. The cost is $10.00 for admission, (but I have four two-for- the-price-of-one coupons, so for the first eight folks to sign up admission is only $5.00) plus $7.50 for the round trip transportation. But hurry – there is only room for twelve. We will leave the Center at 9:00 AM and return by 4:00 PM.
OSU Extension, in cooperation with CGCC, is offering the Mastery of Aging Well course in a five session series on Thursdays from 10:00 – noon at The Dalles CGCC campus starting April 18th. Each session will include a 45 minute video presentation, plus an expert speaker to continue the discussion and answer any questions. The first session is on Memory Difficulties – followed byDepression in Later Life, Medication Jeopardy, Food as Medicine, and Physical Exercise in Later Life. Register by calling CGCC Student Services at 541-506-6011or online at And the cost is $10.00 for each session.
At the Center’s 11:00 Tuesday Lecture on April 16th, Corliss Marsh will discuss the proposed new addition to The Dalles Wasco County Library. And write on your Passport to Happiness Calendar the Friday Night Out Library Benefit and Auction on May 3rd at the Center.  Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Klindt’s Bookstore, or at the door.
And before the shallow water passes away to let the deep sea roll, playing tonight at the Center is “Martin and Friends”. And next week Truman will be serenading you with his Country Gold. Music begins at 7:00, everyone is welcome and donations are always appreciated.
The answer to last week’s “Remember When” question was General Douglas MacArthur who at his farewell speech before Congress spoke the famous lines “old soldiers never die; they just fade away”. (And this week’s winner is Sandy Goforth.)
This week’s question is about a common antiseptic from the 50’s which is seldom used anymore. Before my mother would paint my cuts or scrapes with this orange liquid, I can still remember grimacing, because I knew it was going to sting like the devil. (But she would tell me to blow on it – which amazingly did seem to help!)  What was the trade name of this antiseptic that some called “Monkey Blood”? E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or send it with any memories of this antiseptic.

Well, it has been another week enjoying spring but just wishing the grass wouldn’t grow so fast. Until we meet again, at the end of the day don’t forget to take a deep breath – and count your blessings.

“I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar”