Category Archives: Aging Well in the Gorge

Welcome to Aging Well in the Gorge, the Mid-Columbia Senior Center’s article series by former director Scott McKay.

Aging Well November 30th

The brain works in incredible ways and we are just beginning to understand it. Ninety five percent of what is known about the brain has been learned in the last thirty years. But we only wish we knew more. Because as Dave Barry pointed out in his “Book of Bad Songs” we still don’t know why we can forget the important stuff: our ATM number, location of our car keys and the name of people we have known for years – but permanently stuck in the inner reaches of our brain are songs that we really, really don’t like. If you are of the boomer generation you can probably still hum the tune to “Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I got love in my tummy”. Or can recite the lyrics to MacArthur Park – “Someone left the cake out in the rain/ I don’t think I can take it!/ ‘cause it took so long to bake it/ And I’ll never have that recipe again/ Oh no!” What in the heck did that mean? And why do I still remember it?

Roger Annunsen, a self described translator of the latest brain research, spoke at the Center two weeks ago and shared the six components – that by working together – promote good brain health.

The first is physical exercise – aerobic exercise is the best, but at the very least just keep moving. And what exercise is the best? Whatever you will do!. The second is mental exercise – besides the word puzzles and games, surprise yourself, take the wrong turn, get lost (as long as you find your way back home). Third, be socially active – meet with friends, share stories, ask someone out on a date or eat dinner provided by Meals-on-Wheels at the Center.

And there are three more components of brain health, but I want to “work you brain” by asking you to identify the other behaviors that help promote brain health. Think about it. I will include them in next week’s column or if you can’t wait, you can find all six components on the Center’s web site at

If you are fortunate to be covered by Medicare you have until December 31st to change your Prescription Drug plan or your Medicare Advantage insurance carrier. If you have questions and need assistance, you can call the Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101 and ask for Jean Hockman.

But there are three general rules SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) recommends when making Medicare decisions. First, ask your doctor’s office if they accept the insurance plan you want to use. Second, do a drug benefits check-up every year to determine which plan is best for you. If you are Internet comfortable, you can use the Drug Plan Finder at And third, save all your correspondence (letters, statements and envelopes) and document any phone calls. SHIBA’s excellent user friendly guide to the Medicare system is now available and you can pick one up at the Center or at the Area Agency on Aging on the corner of 11th and Kelly.

If the weather holds, tonight’s Tuesday Night music at the Center will be provided by John Martin and Friends singing good old country western music. The music starts at 7:00 and everybody is welcome. And you don’t have to spend a cent – but donations are appreciated.

Last week, I couldn’t mention it, but I wanted to thank Myrna Kinner for helping me think of the “Remember When’ question when she told me she was named after Myrna Loy – the actress who played Nora Charles in the Thin Man movie series. (And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast was Sandy Goforth.)

And now that we are officially in the Christmas season with the sounds of carols and Christmas standards coaxing us into the Christmas spirit, we will certainly hear our favorite Christmas songs. Mine is “White Christmas” first sung by Bing Crosby in the 1942 movie “Holiday Inn”. But what is your favorite Christmas song? “Silent Night”, “I’ll be Home for Christmas” or the “Chipmunk Song”? E-mail it to me at, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a $100 Fred Meyer gift card and leave it on my desk.

The Center is back in action after a week in a winter wonderland. And whose idea was it to have snow this early? It certainly wasn’t mine! So until we meet again, I am beginning to realize I am getting to that age when I no longer need studs for my car – because if the weather is that bad, I’m better off staying home.

“Men’s minds are raised to the level of the women with whom they associate” – Alexandre Dumas Père

Aging Well November 16th

When a person falls and breaks a hip – doctors can mend the broken hip, but the individual may still suffer from the emotional side effects: the fear of falling again, the sense of vulnerability, the loss of control. The break has been cured, but the person has not been made whole.

As humans, we are complex beings: unique physical bodies each with our own fears, dreams, understandings, and perceptions. Doctors have done well focusing on curing our physical ailments -whether an injury or disease, but have generally not done as well healing: affecting the emotional, mental and spiritual conditions associated with the physical ailment.

As a new practicing geriatrician hired by MCMC, Dr. Maria Tomas understands the difference between healing and curing. She knows there are times when the condition may not be cured but the individual can be supported and healed. As a trained geriatrician, she also knows how to promote wellness and preventive care through an interdisciplinary and holistic approach so older adults can maintain their functional independence. Dr. Tomas brings energy, experience and knowledge to the Columbia Gorge and you will be able to meet her and discuss the many health challenges facing older adults at the Center’s Tuesday Lecture on November 23rd at 11:00. .

It is time for breakfast at the Center, this Saturday November 20th sponsored by Cherry Heights Retirement Community. This month’s menu includes Biscuits and Gravy, Bacon, Scrambled Eggs, Fruit with the regular beverages all for $5.00. But last month after my gentle encouragement, I was surprised no one from the class of TDHS ’62 or ’64 showed up. But the class of ’63 explained the reason you won’t see anyone from the class of ’62 is because they are still in deep, deep denial and can’t accept the fact they are some distance past 40! (For the guys, you would think their waistline would give them a clue!) So to help the TDHS class of ’62 on their path to emotional enlightenment, the first two ’62 graduates who arrive for breakfast this Saturday (we are open from 8:00 – 9:30) will receive a free complimentary breakfast – plus some much needed counseling from the class of ’63. You hear that Mel, Ken and Gary?

The Center still has ten tickets left for the Sunday, November 28th performance of the “Singing Christmas Tree” at the Keller Auditorium in Portland. Every year I hear the performance is better than the year before and I don’t expect this year to be any different. The cost is only $65 including transportation in a comfortable 24 passenger bus. Stop by the Center to purchase your tickets or call 541-296-4788.

Next Tuesday the 23rd before Thanksgiving, there will not be no Tuesday Night music. But have no fear, the Center will still offer plenty of music during the rest of November. Tonight the Cherry Park Band will be picking and strumming, and on Tuesday November 30th, John Martin and Friends will return. Then in between,from 2:00 – 5:00 on Sunday the 28th, the Jammers will gather at the Center for a Sunday Pie and Jam Social. On Tuesday nights the music always starts bouncing across the dance floor at 7:00. And it doesn’t cost a thing although donations are appreciated.

A quick reminder: the Brain Health Roundtable is tomorrow Wednesday the 17th from 9:30 – 11:00 at the Center. Roger Anunsen who has spoken nationally on matters of Brain Health will be the speaker, and it should be an excellent presentation. The event is made possible by the local chapter of the Oregon Retired Educator’s Association.

It was Walden Robert Perciville Cassotto, better known as Bobby Darin, who wrote the song “Splish Splash” along with radio DJ “Murray the K” Kaufman, “who bet Darin that he could not write a song that started out with the words “Splish Splash, I was takin’ a bath”..And lucky winner of a Saturday Breakfast is Ed Anghilante. This week’s “Remember When” question is from the category: “Crimes of the Century”. As I was discussing with my mother-in-law the dangers facing children today, she mentioned as a young child she was afraid of being kidnapped because of the famous 1930’s kidnapping and subsequent trial described by newspaper writer H.L. Mencken as “the biggest story since the Resurrection”. Who was the American hero whose child was kidnapped and tragically murdered? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on back of an air mail letter from 1926.

Well that’s another wet leaf on the slippery slope of life. Until we meet again, chew before you swallow and look before you leap.

“Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow.”

Aging Well November 23rd

With the air filled with a sense of discontent, this is a good time to slow down, take a deep breath, and just offer that simple prayer – “thank-you”. Thank-you for the many blessings – visible, but often out of focus as we are distracted by our daily activities. Thank-you for the many friends and family who are still with us or the gentle memories of those we have lost. Because during even the most difficult times, this season reminds us there is much to the thankful for.
While we are blessed in multiple ways, there are still many who are also struggling financially and are finding it difficult to make ends meet – if they can find the ends. And with the cost of the basic necessities increasing, it continues to get harder to live on a fixed income. Almost one out of every ten adults over the age of 65 live below the poverty level and even more (31.4 percent) are considered economically insecure according to the National Council on Aging.
To lessen these financial challenges, the Center is starting a new initiative to assist low income older adults find and access benefits from the many government programs available to them – from food assistance programs to Medicare prescription drug assistance. Every Tuesday at the Center between 1:00 and 3:00, Sandy Sargeant has volunteered to help folks identify what benefits they may be eligible for, so they can then decide which benefits to apply for. Navigating the benefit process may not be as bad as driving through Boston, but it is not your Sunday drive. And with Sandy’s help, you may be able to stretch your limited dollars even further.
There is Oregon vs. Oregon State, Hatfields vs. McCoys, Debbie Reynolds vs. Eddie Fisher, and light vs. dark. But now you can add Edna Chandler vs. Betty Harlan. Edna and Betty are competing to see who can sell the most 2011 Center memberships by the end of the year. And if you join by December 18th, the Center has added a little thank-you gift of two free raffle tickets for a beautiful quilt – hand stitched by the Senior Center Quilters. The drawing for the quilt will be on the 18th during the Center’s December Saturday Breakfast. Join and become a member of the Center family for the first or the twenty-fourth time!

The Center will be closed Thursday and Friday so folks can enjoy family and friends – and maybe partake in a little early morning shopping? But by the weekend, the Center will be right back at it. Saturday night the Bingo balls will be dropping as usual – starting at 6:00 PM; Sunday morning at 11:15 AM, the bus will be leaving to enjoy the “Singing Christmas Tree” in Portland (I still have six tickets – call me at 541-980-4645. It gets bigger and better each year!) And from 2:00 – 5:00 PM on Sunday the Jammers will be playing with a little pie and ice cream sprinkled on top.
The last Tuesday Lecture for the month on November 30th at 11:00 AM will feature Corliss Marsh explaining the benefits of the Oregon Cultural Trust. According to its website, The Oregon Cultural Trust was first authorized in 1999 to increase public and private support for Oregon’s arts, heritage and humanities. And since 2002, Oregonians have contributed over $17 million to the Trust. Learn more about how to support the Cultural Trust and local non-profits while receiving an Oregon tax credit.

The sounds of feet tapping and the sight of bodies dancing are absent from the Center tonight, but not next Tuesday when the Center will be back waltzing and two stepping to the sounds of John Martin and Friends starting at 7:00 PM. If the roads are clear and engine starts, come on down – it doesn’t cost a thing and everyone is welcome. But friendly smiles and donations are appreciated.

Charles Lindbergh was the American hero whose child was kidnapped and tragically murdered. And of the six entries, Mary Davis (class of ’62) was the winner of a free Saturday breakfast. This week’s “Remember When” question is on a more cheerful note. What movie star played mostly vamps and femme fatales in silent films until she got her big break when cast as Nora Charles opposite Dick Powell in the six Thin Man movies? E-mail, call 541-296-4788 or write you answer on the inside cover of a first edition Dashiell Hammett detective novel.

And a final quick reminder as the winter weather falls upon us, to call the Center or listen to the radio if you are unsure if the Center or Meals-on-Wheels will be open.
Well that’s another twist and turn on the ice rink of life. Until we meet again, for every problem there is an answer – we just may not find it in our lifetime.

“A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running.” Groucho Marx

Aging Well November 9th

Times are tough. But if you want some free cash, just follow me though the U-scan check out at Fred Meyer and inspect the change dispenser after I leave. More times than I care to admit, I have provided $20 jackpot to an unsuspecting soul who happened to be following this forgetful mind.

But if you have similar experiences or just have a curious mind, you will want to attend the “Jump Start Aging Brains” presentation at Hawks Ridge Retirement Community in Hood River from 1:30 – 3:00 on November 17. The featured speaker will be Roger Anunsen, who has spoken nationally including several Aging in America conferences and the 1st Global Conference on Aging at the University of Oxford in 2009. He also has been a Brain Wellness program consultant for AARP, GenCare and Oregon Retired Educators. Roger will discuss the latest research and findings about memory and aging brains and how you can maintain your brain health so you can continue to live an active and vibrant life. You can find more information about Roger Anunsen at

And as a preview and for those who may not be able to travel to Hood River, Roger will also be speaking at a “Brain Health Roundtable” at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center on the same day, November 17th, from 9:30 – 11:00. These two presentations in the Gorge are made possible by the Oregon Retired Educators’ Association.

Meals-on-Wheels lost one of its regulars: Charlene Morrison. Most every day the taxi would drop her off at the Center around 11:00, so she could visit with friends before lunch and help fill the ice pitchers. And after lunch when most everyone else had left, the taxi would come by to take her home. Charlene lived independently but was supported by the whole community. And since she did not have any family in Oregon, Denise Patton, director of Meals-on-Wheels, has arranged a memorial service for Charlene on Thursday the 11th at 1:30 PM with Jim Hazlet officiating. My wife and I have decided make a donation in Charlene’s name to Meals-on-Wheels which was such an important part of Charlene’s life. And The Dalles Taxi, which Charlene often used, has generously paid for a head stone, Charlene did not have the advantages many of us take for granted, but she was a good person and will be missed.

Starting November 15th – and continuing through December 31st – you may add, drop or switch your prescription drug coverage. During that same period, if your current Medicare Advantage plan is leaving the area, you may change to a new Medicare Advantage plan or return to Original Medicare. (In 2011, there will be three Medicare Advantage plans available in Wasco County: Clear One, ODS and Regence.)To help answer any remaining Medicare questions, the Center has invited back Jeff Eagan for the 11:00 lecture on Tuesday November 16th. Jeff has worked in the Medicare Insurance business for years and will help you better understand your Medicare options.

Music is alive and well at the Center. Next Tuesday on the 16th the Cherry Park Band will be playing and tonight Truman will croon a few tunes for your listening and dancing enjoyment. The music starts at 7:00 and there is no charge but donations are appreciated. And whether you are in pajamas and flip flops or a tuxedo and spats, everybody is welcome.

Don’t forget to attend the Veteran’s Day Parade to honor the “Past, Present and Future Members of the Military” this Thursday the 11th. It will begin at 11:00 starting at 6th and Weber and continue through downtown. And following the parade will be a Community Potluck Lunch at The Dalles Armory. And Meals-on-Wheels will be open on Veteran’s Day to recognize the Veteran’s during lunch, but will be closed on Friday the 12th. But the Center will be open on both Thursday and Friday.

The U.S. Senator – and at the time “I Like Ike” Eisenhower’s vice-presidential running mate – who gave the famous Checkers speech was Richard Nixon. And of the four entries, the winner of a free breakfast was Jerry Taylor. But enough politics and scandal, let’s escape back to show business. This week’s “Remember When” question is “What Grammy award winning artist, also nominated for an Academy Award for Best supporting Actor, co-wrote and performed the hit song “Splish Splash?” E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on back of a poster for the 1961 movie “Come September”.

Well that was another busy signal on the switchboard of life. Until we meet again, as you ask yourself, “What the heck was he thinking?” remember, what makes us different, also makes us human.

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” Douglas Adams

Aging Well November 2nd

I confess. I am a procrastinator. I know Mae West said “He who hesitates is last.” And American writer, Don Marquis wrote “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.”, but didn’t Mark Twain say “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow”?

But there comes a time when you realize there may not be many more “days after tomorrows”. And you decide it is time to take charge; grab the bull by its horns – if only you could find your misplaced glasses to see the bull. (Some of you may have the urge to add a comment here, but I will hold my pen.)

To take control you need to decide what you want – what are your goals? It may be losing weight, visiting family, moving more, sending emails or just climbing 20 steps without stopping. You decide. But “someday isn’t another day of the week”. How do you move from “want it” to “done that”?

By creating an action plan: dividing your long term goal into doable weekly short term action steps. Remember the adage? “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The book “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions” lists the following characteristics of a successful action plan. Is it something YOU want to do; are the steps reasonable (something that can be accomplished in a week; are they specific behaviors (losing weight is not a behavior; not eating after dinner is; does the plan answer the questions: What? How much? When? How often? And are you confident you can fulfill the entire plan.
Now that you have sliced your goal into smaller doable bites, start eating. Along the way you may need to make some adjustments – a little more salt here, another vegetable there. And finally, as you accomplish each step reward yourself: a pat on the back or maybe an after dinner glass of wine?

Two musical favorites are returning to the Center this month. Truman’s Country Gold, Silver and Bronze – he plays them all – will be the headliner for next Tuesday night on the 9th. And tonight the Strawberry Mountain band will be playing for your dancing and listening pleasure. The price is right – if your pockets are bare, but donations are appreciated. Music starts at 7:00 pm and everybody is welcome – whether you have two left “foots” or one.

You may have noticed the new look on the Center’s corner at 10th and Cherry Heights. Thanks to Jack and Alvena Smith who generously coordinated and paid for the landscaping, replacing my feeble attempt from last year, the corner now looks as nice as the Center’s neighbors

The Center’s November 9th Tuesday Lecture at 11:00 will feature Lynette Black, 4-H Extension Faculty, discussing the exciting opportunities 4-H and its many volunteers offer our youth so they can “learn, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change”.

Last week I forgot to mention the Center’s second Tech Talk scheduled for this Wednesday the 3rd at 1:00 pm. Josh Price will demonstrate how to set up and use Skype – the most popular free software program that allows you to make phone and video calls over the Internet. It is a great way to see and talk to family and friends – and all you need is a computer and a webcam for the video calls.

The Center still has seats available for what has become an annual trip to Portland for the 1:30 matinee performance of the “Singing Christmas Tree” on Sunday November 28th. Call or stop by the Center to pay (only $65 including transportation) and select your seats.

I heard several touching stories of how families reacted to the Cuban Missile Crisis that almost brought the United States and Russia to a nuclear showdown in October of 1962. Fortunately for all, cooler heads prevailed. And of the seven correct entries the winner of a free breakfast was Jo Ann von Borstel. Since it is Election Day, let’s go with one more political history question. What person, at the time a U.S. Senator, gave a half hour television address defending himself against alleged improprieties and stating, regardless of what anyone said, he was going to keep one gift: his children’s dog named Checkers? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on back of a 1952 Presidential campaign poster.

Well, that is another night looking for the silver lining in all the wrong jackets. Until we meet again, in life there are always ups and downs or as John Lampe reminded me “sometimes you’re the windshield and sometimes you’re the bug”.

Aging Well October 26th

You probably know the melody to this standard from Bye, Bye Birdie, “Gray skies are gonna clear up, Put on a happy face; Brush off the clouds and cheer up, Put on a happy face.” How often are we offered that advice: buck up; think positive – and by the way, stop the whining! As we grow older we are urged – and you have heard it here many times – to focus on the bright side, appreciating the blessings we experience every day. And that is good advice – to a point.

Because if this “positive attitude” mask is used to avoid recognizing and addressing your deep and personal feelings, it can have a detrimental effect on your emotional health. Michael Learner, PhD, co-founder of the Commonweal Cancer Help Program says “It is much more healthy and healing to allow yourself to feel whatever it is that is coming up in you and allow yourself to express it and to work with the anxiety, the depression, and the grief. Then you can learn a positive way to live with all of those feelings.”

Many days it is a struggle and you feel -shall we say – like “dirty diapers”. You may be scared, anxious, depressed – and you wonder “is it worth getting out of bed?” You know it is and you will, but it is tough. And when someone tells you it is not as bad as it seems, you just want to slap them across the back of their head and scream “You have no idea how terrible I feel!”

While you do the hard work that you must: recognizing and dealing with these feelings and emotions, it is easy to get stuck and forget to also let go of those things causing stress and tension, to spend more time doing what makes you happy, and to take care of yourself by eating well, sleeping enough and exercising often. Not every day has to be or will be a “good day” – but there will be many times when “grey skies will clear up” and you can honestly “put on a happy face”.

Diabetes Discovery Day is a free event and will be held from 11:0 – 3:00 at the new Water’s Edge Facility, at 551 Lone Pine Blvd. in The Dalles. It is an opportunity for those with diabetes and their families to receive the latest information on diabetes. Come hear experts from various fields discuss the latest advances in research and treatment.

On Tuesday nights, the Center is “alive with the sound of music”. And although tonight you won’t find Julie Andrews or Christopher Plummer, you will find the Jazz Generations playing the sounds you use to dance to when you were just a young buck. And next week on November 2nd, Andre Lamoreaux and the Strawberry Mountain Band will be pulling the fire alarm because the dance floor will be ablaze. It’s all free although donations are appreciated to keep the lights on and the musician’s fed.

It isn’t that I have forgotten the speaker for next Tuesday’s Lecture, I just haven’t confirmed it yet. But stop by the Center at 11:00 and be surprised.

I heard several folks enjoyed the “vocabulary test” last week. But I should have disclosed that I didn’t create the test (It was too clever for my pea brain) but I stole it from a website or errant email that I can’t seem to remember.

But for last week’s “Remember When” question I received several more expressions I hadn’t heard for quite some time. Sandy Goforth remembers “Jeez Louise” and “Jumpin Jehosafats”, Marilyn Sarsfield offered “stuffed to your eyelashes” and Bob Haerchral’s answer was “You’re Welcome” since it is now often replaced by “No Problem”. But the winning entry and one that stumped me was from Sandy Haechrel who remembers “How’s Tricks” meaning “How’s things?” Does anyone else remember it?

This week’s question goes back to October of 1962. I remember my parents stocking up canned goods for reasons they didn’t explain and I didn’t ask (It was October – I was more interested in football) which was their response to what international confrontation occurring over several days and brought the cold war close to a nuclear conflict? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on back of a box of Habanos S.A cigars.

Well, that is another mile down the dusty road on these bald and worn tires. Until we meet again, as my wife often reminds me “when you find barking dogs at the door, step over them.”

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours” Swedish Proverb quotes

Aging Well October 19th

Its one of those days – several good ideas cooking but nothing ready to pull out of the oven. And that is a problem, because writing this column is not like writing an essay for only your English teacher. No, this is real pressure. I need to satisfy an audience of thousands – or maybe a few hundred? Okay, I know four people who at least skip down and read the “Remember When” question.

But I usually try to include a few thoughts about aging, provide an encouraging word or two, and offer a few bad jokes while not trying to confuse everyone with the wrong dates. (Barb Pashek has learned to always check every date and time I mention. I suggest you follow her example.)

But since the guests are waiting and nothing is ready, how about a little dessert instead – something more sugar than substance. A trip down memory lane of words we once used but seldom hear anymore. (I once thought it would be fun to start using the expression “groovy” but only after five minutes of questioning stares as in “What DeLorean time machine did you step out of?” did I realize even in the sixties “groovy” sounded pretty lame.

So get out your paper and pencil – time for a “pop quiz”. See how many of these ten words from “days gone by” you still remember. I suspect you will recall most of them, but words, like certain smells and tastes, may bring back hidden memories – memories of those pre-teens years when the opposite sex was just a distraction, of conversations on the playground during recess or just silly adolescent pranks. So give it a shot. And if you get stuck, I will post the answers on the Center’s website.

1. What were “cooties”? a) Tiny cookies, b) Ear rings, c) Prizes in cereal boxes, d) Imaginary infestations. 2. If a woman was “stacked”, what did she have? a) Too much eye makeup, b) Beehive hairdo, c) Large breasts, d) Tall stature. 3. What was a “flattop”? a) Skateboard, b) Hair cut, c) Table, d) Stupid person. 4. If a girl had a reputation as “fast”, what was she? a) Skinny, b) Goodie two shoes, c) Sexually active, d) Reckless driver. 5. What were “dibs”? a) Nerds, b) Candy, c) Claims, d) Hair styles. 6. What was a “spaz”? a) Cold cut, b) Russian astronaut, c) Uncoordinated person, d) Candy mint. 7. What was a “blast”? a) A dance, b) A Coca-cola and Seven-Up mixture, c) A television commercial, d) A good time. 8. What were you if you had a lot of “bread”? a) Uncool, b) Fat, c) Rich, d) Smart. 9. If a person were to “go ape”, what would they do? a) Dance funny, b) Become angry, c) Dress sloppily, d) Date an ugly person. 10. What was a “pad”? a) Residence, b) Notebook, c) Article of clothing, d) Paid advertisement. (Full discloser: These questions were forwarded to me by someone at some time from some website.)

Tonight at the Center, you won’t find any rich men offering gifts to younger girls but you will find the “Sugar Daddies” playing good music for your dancing and listening pleasure. And next Tuesday you can enjoy the talents of Hank and Ann Krum plus Bob Fiske of the Jazz Generations playing sounds from the big band era to the present. The music starts at 7:00 and continues to the wee hours of 9:00 (it’s wee for some of us). And there is never a cover charge although donations are warmly accepted.

It has been almost two years since Tracy Dugick last visited the Center but she will be back next Tuesday the 26th at 11:00 discussing how diet affects your health – plus she will share information about Diabetes Day on November 11 from 11 AM to 3:30 PM at the Water’s Edge. Tracy is a certified Dietitian at MCMC and from her last presentation I have personally changed my diet particularly reducing my salt intake – eating less prepackaged foods – and eating my larger meal in the morning: “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”.

The first person enrolled in Medicare was Harry Truman. But since this one stumped everyone except Joann Scott and Bob Haechrel, they both win a free Saturday breakfast. But for this week’s “Remember When” question there are no wrong answers. What word or expression do you remember always using that is seldom heard today? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a store circular for the “Gay Blade”.

Well it’s time to toss another dime in the tin cup. Until we meet again, don’t get too wrapped up in yourself – it usually makes a very small package.

Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the airplane, the pessimist invents the parachute. — George Bernard Shaw

Aging Well October 12th

Fall is the time when evenings get longer, leaves start turning and folks start asking questions about their Medicare coverage. “How do I know my prescription drug plan is still the best one for me?” “The rates for my Medicare supplement plan have gone up – can I change plans?” Or you may be one of the 400 plus folks in Wasco County whose Medicare Advantage plan will be leaving the area after December 31st and are asking, “What do I do now?”

Don’t panic. The Center has scheduled two informational sessions to help you through the jungle of Medicare questions. The first is the “A, B, C and D’s of Medicare” on Wednesday October 20th from 1:00- 3:00 in the basement of the Center. Carol Barnard from Oregon’s SHIBA program (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) will explain the Medicare basics and answer any of your questions about the changes that are taking place. And on November 16th, as one of the Tuesday lectures, Jeff Eagan, who helped clarify the Medicare changes last year, will return and explain what your “Medicare Options” are this year.

But it is important to realize each year the Medicare private insurance plans change – what they cost and what they cover – or whether they are even available. And since the general open enrollment period – when you can change your prescription drug coverage – is between November 15 and December 31st, now is a good time to evaluate your Medicare coverage. For more information contact your insurance carrier (Regence, Clear One and Sterling Health plans have scheduled meetings at the Center for their members), attend one of the information sessions at the Center, or call Jean Hockman at the Area Agency on Aging 541-298-4101.

If you are interested in issues affecting older adults (except the really important issues: how to stay awake after lunch (or stay asleep at night), how to avoid the middle of the night stroll – or run, or how to remember your best friend what’s-his-name’s name) there is a Town Hall meeting starting at 6:00 PM this coming Thursday, the 14th, at the Civic Auditorium. On hand to discuss senior issues will be State Representative John Huffman, State of Oregon Senior and Peoples with Disabilities Assistant Director James Toews, The Area Agency on Aging Interim Director Bill Larsen and Medicare specialist extraordinaire Jean Hockman. These are some heavy hitters. Don’t miss this chance to talk directly to folks who can make a difference improving the lives of older adults.

This Saturday the 17th breakfast will be served at the Center from from 8:00 – 9:30. For only $5.00, this month’s menu includes hotcakes with a special fruit topping, scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit plus the regular beverages – all sponsored by our friends at Columbia Bank. But I have one request. There must be someone out there who can tell me the truth about the class of “63. They show up for every Saturday breakfast, and talk as if they were the “baddest” TDHS class of the 60’s! And if you know them, that is hard to believe. So is there anyone out there – from the class of “62 or “64 – who has the guts to give me the real scoop? I want to talk.
It is time to turn off the TV and bring your dancing (or toe-tapping) shoes to the Center for night of music and dancing. Tonight it’s the Dufur Boys and next Tuesday on the 19th it is the Sugar Daddies playing the standbys and original compositions. You won’t need to bring an IOU, it is all free – but Betty and Janice appreciate any donations. The music starts at 7:00 and don’t be late – it is all over by 9:00.

Creating jobs is a prime focus of this year’s election and one organization in the Gorge that is working with the entrepreneurial community to foster business growth and employment opportunities the Gorge chapter of the Oregon Entrepreneur’s Network. You can learn more about this organization from Robin Cope coordinator of the Gorge chapter at the Center’s Tuesday Lecture on the 19th at 11:00.

The cultural icon of the 60’s was Bob Dylan who at the age of 69 is still touring. And the winner of a free Saturday Breakfast is Jess Birge. This week’s “Remember When” question is from the category “Not So Current Events”. At the bill-signing for Medicare, who did President Johnson enroll as the first Medicare beneficiary and presented him with the first Medicare card? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the front page of the November 3rd 1948 edition of the Chicago Tribune.

That’s another day – trying to figure out why there are more questions than answers. Until we meet again, during this political season let us all take a deep breath – before we exhale what we think we know.

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a man to create an artificial shortage of fish and he will eat steak.” Jay Leno

Aging Well October 5th

Where can you learn about a kaleidoscope of subjects – from local history to Medicare; from your health and well-being to local civic affairs; and from recreational activities to fall prevention? At the Center’s every Tuesday from 11:00 to noon. From every lecture I have personally learn something new and I truly believe these Tuesday lectures are the real reason my wife compliments me so often by calling me a “know-it-all”.

Did you know that even though several doctors in The Dalles have retired, there are plenty of doctors accepting new patients? And MCMC has fulfilled its goal of recruiting a board certified doctor in Geriatrics by hiring Dr. Tomas. She has already started practicing with Nicole Pashek who is an Adult Nurse Practitioner with an emphasis in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics.

Did you know that Northern Wasco County Parks and Recreation if offering several activities for adults including an Acrylics Basics Workshop, Decorative Books Workshop, Hand Drumming Fun and Creative Movement? Plus they have scheduled three “Theatre Enrichment Outings” for all of you theater buffs for $27 or less including transportation. Anya Kawka, who is a theater major, will be your host for the plays including Oregon Children’s Theater’s “Alice in Wonderland: A Rock Opera” and two plays performed by Portland Center Stage: Moliere’s hilarious “Imaginary Invalid” and “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. For more information call 541-296-9533.

And did you know that The Dalles Transportation Network or LINK offers a fixed route bus service in The Dalles between 10:00 and 2:00 every Monday and Wednesday so you can “Shop ‘til You Drop”. There is no limit on the number of shopping bags and the driver will help you load and unload your bags. The fixed route includes stops at Bi-Mart, K-Mart, Grocery Outlet, St.Vincent DePaul, the Downtown Transportation Center, Safeway, Fred Meyer and then back to Bi-Mart. And the fare is only $3.00 fare for unlimited stops. Space is limited so call 541-296-7595 for more information (and to test their new customer friendly phone system that improves their ability to schedule rides.)

And why take my word for it. Stop by the Center next Tuesday, October 12th at 11:00 and learn more about the three ballot measures Wasco County has referred to the ballot: designating the offices of County Commissioner as non-partisan offices; 1% Transient Lodging Tax; and three year local option tax for Animal Control and Shelter services. I know – so much to discover, and so little time!

And speaking of elections, it is time to attend that election year tradition: the Candidates Forum sponsored by the Wasco County Farm Bureau and The Dalles Chamber of Commerce. The event takes place this Thursday October 7th at the Civic Auditorium starting at 5:30 to meet and chat with the candidates. The Candidates Forum itself will start at 7:00 PM. For questions call the Chamber of Commerce at 541-296-2231.

Are you living with diabetes, arthritis, asthma, heart disease or any other chronic disease and it feels like the disease is controlling your life – making it difficult to enjoy your golden years. The Area Agency in Aging is offering “Living Well with Chronic Conditions” a six-week workshop that offers the resources, skills and supports for living a healthy life while dealing with the emotions those chronic conditions may bring about. The class starts on Wednesday October 13th from 1:00 – 3:30 at the Center. To register call the Area Agency on Aging at 541-298-4101.

Andre Lemoureax heard that good country music is just “three chords and the truth”. You will have a chance to find out when Andre‘s group “The Strawberry Mountain Band” plays tonight and the “Dufur Boys’ play next week. The fun starts at 7:00 and its all free but donations are appreciated.

It was “As the World Turns” that ran from April 2nd 1956 until September 17th, 2010. And is there anyone else out there besides Gertrude Peppers (who was the winner of a free Saturday breakfast) who saw both the first and last shows? This week’s “Remember When” question is little more contemporary – only from 45 years ago! His last name was Zimmerman; several of his songs became anthems for the civil rights and anti-war movements during the sixties and he will turn 70 in May of next year. (I remember my grandmother complaining when she heard his records.) E-mail your answer to, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of a perfect condition 45 record of “Like a Rolling Stone”.

Well it’s another day in the life of a wondering soul. Until we meet again, as you peer into your crystal ball, remember the words of Niles Bohr, the famous Danish Physicist: “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.”

“We live for the nights we’ll never forget with the friends we’ll always remember.” – Author unknown

Aging Well September 28th

You have spent years together – the good, the bad, and the ugly – (who else sees you when you first wake up – it’s not always a pretty sight.) with shared stories and unspoken understandings. And you have made a promise – said or unsaid – that you will take care of each other; neither of you will abandon the other, no matter what. No matter the challenges, the difficulties, the emotional, physical and spiritual toll. But life happens – circumstances change. And the unforeseen, but not unexpected, arrives and you need to care for your partner of so many years.

You knew it would not be easy, this silent commitment you made, but the daily struggle, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, twelve months a year, may be more than you can endure. There are feelings of anger, resentment – and then guilt for having those feelings, all the while your loved one is slipping away while you know there is little you can do – but to be there. You don’t complain. You made a promise. But how long can you continue before your own body and spirit breaks when there is nothing left to give?

But there may be a way to transform this suffering – to bring light into this darkness. On Tuesday October 5th, Dr. Richard Groves, co-founder of Sacred Art of Living, will share his journey through the desert of grief and loss with two presentations hosted by MCMC. The first is “The Art of ‘Exquisite Empathy’ – Transforming Compassion Fatigue” focusing on healing the healer – whether you are a professional caregiver or one of the unpaid thousands who care for a loved one. It will be held from 2:00 to 3:00 in the Medical Office Building’s conference room adjacent to the hospital. The second presentation, open to the general public, is “Grief & Loss: Transforming the Suffering of Loss”. In this comforting and inspirational presentation, Dr. Groves will share how people move from grief to a place of healing and new possibilities. It is one of the Planetree Health lectures and will be held from 7:00 – 8:30 at Water’s Edge.

Tonight the Jazz Generations will be playing for your listening and dancing enjoyment. The horns start swinging at 7:00 and in my best Haiku “Everyone’s welcome/Doesn’t cost you anything/to Dance the night away!” (Okay, I know some smarty pants out there – maybe you? – will notice the last phrase has one extra syllable. But close counts, doesn’t it?)

We all have habits: some good – brushing your teeth before bed and others not-so-good – eating ice cream before bed (but its non-fat!). But one simple habit you can add is attending the weekly Tuesday Lecture at the Center from 11:00 – 12:00 – because you never know what you may learn. Next Tuesday, the 5th, Gretchen Jordan will travel all the way from Salem to discuss Oregon’s Long Term Care Ombudsman program which uses volunteer ombudsmen to enhance the quality of life and improve the quality of care for residents of Oregon’s long-term care facilities. This is not a recruiting meeting but a chance for you to learn more about this important program.

You have all heard of Facebook and many of you may use it. But would like to learn more? (What does it mean to be poked?) For the Center’s first monthly “Tech Talk” on Wednesday October 6th from 1:30 – 2:30, Josh Price will explain the ins and outs of Facebook. And looking ahead, November’s topic on the 3rd will be “Video Conferencing with Skype” and December’ topic on the 1st will be “How to Organize and Edit Photos using Picassa”.

It was the 1958 Rose Bowl when the University of Oregon almost upset Ohio State, the #1 football team, before losing 10-7. And the winner of the free Saturday Breakfast was Sandy Gosforth, who was born in the Buckeye state. This week’s “Remember When” question is for hardcore soap opera fans. What American Television soap opera first aired on CBS, April 2, 1956 and continuing for fifty four seasons was the most watched daytime drama from 1958 to 1978 with ten million viewers each day? E- mail, call 541-296-4788 or write it on the back of an autographed picture of Helen Wagner.

Well, my shoes are tied, my zipper is zipped, I’m ready for another day. Until we meet again, as you care for others, don’t dismiss or ignore the importance of caring for yourself.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” — Mary Oliver